

Supporting you while you learn to trust your inner ability to heal and transform.

Radical Self Acceptance Advocate ~ EFT Practioner ~ Working with you to safely unpack old pain, patterns, limiting beliefs, resistance, and aspects of self-loathing.

Photos from becomingboundlesseft's post 24/06/2023

As my 34th birthday is just around the corner, I find myself reflecting on the incredibly life altering, vulnerable, enlightening, painful journey
I stepped into almost 4 years ago.

The internal transformation of this time has been so profound I find it challenging to put words to it.

I do know that the White Winds of
Communication, Purpose and Unification
are beginning to lift me up and back out into the world.

Carrying me up and out of my shell, that has been such a sanctuary for me through this time of death and rebirth.

I made this vision board on New Years Eve 2020.
I have come so far.
I honor myself for allowing space for soul gestation.

I am here, to see with new sight.
To speak with a voice of resonant Love.

I trust myself to step forward into more community connections now.

I will share my truth.
I will offer support to those who are open to receive and evolve.
I will dance in the dark waters of dissolving identity.
I hold the hands of the warriors of light.

Welcome back home, into your self.
Summer solstice has come.
My cycle around the sun approaches.

Thank you beloved for my life.

Photos from becomingboundlesseft's post 23/06/2023

Remember how to lead⁠
Fear is birthed to be freed⁠

Weight is not built to burden. ⁠
Show me who you are again.⁠

This timeline is a birthright.⁠
Lifelines and ancient cries.⁠

So it goes.⁠
Can you feel my flow?⁠

My need has been released,⁠
You are always free.⁠

Mine for my diamond.⁠
Forging Internal fire.⁠
Love is fuel.⁠

Twinkling sparks between time. ⁠

Slow to feel the frequency unknown by most. ⁠
Come with me. ⁠

To the border of the portal. ⁠

Photos from becomingboundlesseft's post 26/04/2023

I remember when I had a
Spiritual Awakening & a Psychotic Break
as a global pandemic shifted the collective field of safety
on a global level?

Times were Hard.
Times Change.
Now some things are different.

I am different.

It's a gift to look back at my process with pride.

I love my crazy, zany, peacefully f$%*ed, and cozy in the unknown self.

All of me is welcome here.


Nov. 11.2020

I am grateful for Boundaries.

I am grateful I get to keep learning how to be Trustworthy to myself.

I am grateful for Forgiveness & new days to try again.

I am grateful that I am listening & doing my Best.

I am grateful for opportunities to be of Service.

I see by acknowledge all of the Love & Support I have in my life.

I have an Abundant loving network that is Supporting me on this path.

I am am grateful to Ground.

I am grateful to learn more about who I AM & what I choose.

I Deeply & Completely Love & Accept Myself!


Photos from becomingboundlesseft's post 24/04/2023

Will you slow to lower an ear to the earth?
Rustling whispers of voices
Have never stopped singing wisdom.

Incessant repression has never truly stifled
this endless wave of love.

Violet Flame of creation.
Cycles of death, crest upon bold shores of mother's shoulder.

Each precious being.
Taking up sacred space.

Digging toes playfully into ancestral grains of stone.
Gently softening the calloused skin of your soul.

Each breath builds a space of protection, as you speak to me of peace.

Fluid Prowess is essential to her Navigation.


Aug 23, 2020

Here I am.

Discovering I can be found.
Gaining momentum, mysteries of self abound.
Amazing lessons unfold with eyes closed.

Wise Woman Blooms, vibrant and shining.
Ancestral wisdom of divine timing.

Observing thoughts with mindful presence.
Clarity of compassion is my resonance.

Orbiting torroidal force.
Evolving each breath, with the power of choice.

Unity expanded……



ALL that IS

Glimmering memories, dazzle and shimmer.
No need to hold on, this is mine to Remember.

Birthed into unwavering love.
Nourished deeply by earth & the stardust above.

Movement is Constant in this Spiraling life.
Trusting my flame, inner sight as my light.

With patient practice, I come into focus.

Directed Home.


Feeling lost?

Fear not little one,
Reach into your pocket & see what I have for you.

An internal Compass, calibrated to True North.

Polarities of magnetism, crafted in clarity.
Navigation with ease & graceful dexterity.

Your breath is the current, wind at your back.
Check in with your Compass, there is nothing you lack.

Compassionate Kindness for this wandering traveler.
Inner Child adventure, when's the last time you held her?

You were born on this path.
With a spirit-made map.

Remember to reach for the Compass in your pocket.


Photos from becomingboundlesseft's post 21/04/2023

Will you choose to open your heart to love today?

Each moment is a new opportunity to choose to receive love.

Remember the power of acceptance & your heart will open naturally.


Photos from becomingboundlesseft's post 20/04/2023

Feeling so blessed with water at this moment.

As I splash, play, and pray in this water, I am reminded again of the awesomeness of flow.

The rain came with lighting & thunder for weeks. As the sky clears, I can hear the rushing of water. Surging with power, flowing across the land. Only here for a moment, before moving purposely downstream.

Such abundance will eventually move through, these creeks will likely be dry by mid-summer.

I practice embodying the teachings of Water.

The rains will come.
Sometimes I may be in a draught and my prayers will be answered. Other times the rains will come for days without respite and I will flood.

Discarded or forgotten garbage floating to the surface. While I search & rescue aspects of self that have sought high ground to escape being swept away.

Water will flow the path.
The path of allowance.
The path of acceptance.
The path of surrender.

Sunny days come again. Joy is exalted with water's presence.
The land is surging with life. I feel safe and nourished again.

All is inflow. I cannot hold on to any moment.
No matter how blissful or overwhelming.

All is inflow.

I allow myself the grace of water.
Powerful, nourishing, destructive, rushing, & calm, absent,

I release resistance to my storms.

I release attachment to my serene lakes.

I release my fear of future droughts.

When dry days come again, I pray to stay present.
Cherishing tiny drops of dew in the early morning.
Knowing the thirst-quenching power of my gratitude.

I embody a full range of waters expression.
Nothing is constant.
All is inflow.

Today I am soaking it in.

Thank you,

Photos from becomingboundlesseft's post 20/04/2023

Nov, 2019

Feeling so blessed with water at this moment.

As I splash, play, and pray in this water, I am reminded again of the awesomeness of flow.

The rain came with lighting & thunder for weeks. As the sky clears, I can hear the rushing of water. Surging with power, flowing across the land. Only here for a moment, before moving purposely downstream.

Such abundance will eventually move through, these creeks will likely be dry by mid-summer.

I practice embodying the teachings of Water.

The rains will come.
Sometimes I may be in a draught and my prayers will be answered. Other times the rains will come for days without respite and I will flood.

Discarded or forgotten garbage floating to the surface. While I search & rescue aspects of self that have sought high ground to escape being swept away.

Water will flow the path.
The path of allowance.
The path of acceptance.
The path of surrender.

Sunny days come again. Joy is exalted with water's presence.
The land is surging with life. I feel safe and nourished again.

All is inflow. I cannot hold on to any moment.
No matter how blissful or overwhelming.

All is inflow.

I allow myself the grace of water.
Powerful, nourishing, destructive, rushing, & calm, absent,

I release resistance to my storms.

I release attachment to my serene lakes.

I release my fear of future droughts.

When dry days come again, I pray to stay present.
Cherishing tiny drops of dew in the early morning.
Knowing the thirst-quenching power of my gratitude.

I embody a full range of waters expression.
Nothing is constant.
All is inflow.

Today I am soaking it in.

Thank you,

Photos from becomingboundlesseft's post 20/04/2023

I find myself doing a lot of reflecting right now.

Gathering my consciousness around this massive journey of transformation I have been traversing for the past three and a half years.

Discovering my vibrant history well documented through many profound moments of my evolution.

I am so honored to be in this spiral.✨🙏🏻
As old patterns cycle through again to heal at new levels.
I am always learning.

So proud of the choice I make consistently. To direct my thoughts to love, emotional responsibility, creative expression, and internal liberation.

I will be sharing some gems from the past three years. This supports my new practice of sharing authentically on social platforms.

I have done much adventuring into embodying dynamic aspects of self and welcoming them all home inside of me. It's time to release these prayers, thoughts, practices, and my special flavor of beauty into the world!

Just for fun, for connection, to continue to cultivate my voice.

I am here.
By honoring the past, I allow myself to cross a new threshold of my own becoming.


We have the capacity to learn from the ancient knowledge held by WATER.

Where are you drawn, when you crave connection with LIFE?

May we take time to honor these sacred spaces of WISDOM.

Remember, we are made of WATER.

We hold the information we seek in each cell of bodies.

Tap into your Boundless flow....

Timeline photos 08/06/2021

* Connecting with Souls Compass *

I Allow myself to be Held by Great Mystery.
A little lonesomeness is often the price of deepening within Self.

Fidelity to the Path..... Accepting Experience
Shedding weight of old stories & traumas through the Breath of my Skin.

I do the best I can as I move through this Lifetime.
This will be Work, there will be Joy all throughout the Journey.

I Honor Myself Fully.... As I step into this Becoming

Blessed Be

Timeline photos 07/06/2021

We evolved in this space.
Our souls need to reconnect with the water.

The water holds ancient information.

Allow yourself to tap into it, see what you remember.

Timeline photos 07/06/2021

Wild & Free,

Rushing power of infinite cycles.

My blood is made from waterfalls.

I am connected,

All is inflow.

Timeline photos 07/06/2021

Feeling so blessed with WATER at this moment.

As I splash, play and pray in this water, I am reminded again of the awesomeness of flow.

The rain came with lighting & thunder for weeks. As the sky clears, I can hear the rushing of water. Surging with power, flowing across the land. Only here for a moment, before moving purposely downstream.

Such abundance will eventually move through, these creeks will likely be dry by mid-summer.

I practice embodying the teachings of Water.

The rains will come.
Sometimes I may be in a draught and my prayers will be answered. Other times the rains will come for days without respite and I will flood. Discarded or forgotten garbage floating to the surface. While I search & rescue aspects of self that have sought high ground to escape being swept away.

Water will flow the path.
The path of allowance. The path of acceptance. The path of surrender.

Sunny days come again. Joy is exalted with water's presence.
The land is surging with life. I feel safe and nourished again.

All is inflow. I cannot hold on to any moment. No matter how blissful or overwhelming. All is inflow.

I allow myself the grace of water.
Powerful, nourishing, destructive, rushing, & calm, absent, life-giving.

I release resistance to my storms.

I release attachment to my sunny creek.

I release my fear of future droughts.

When dry days come again, I pray to stay present. Cherishing tiny drops of dew in the early morning, knowing there is magic to be seen in the desert.

I embody a full range of waters expression. Nothing is constant.
All is inflow.

Today I am soaking it in.

Thank you,

Photos from becomingboundlesseft's post 29/04/2021

How ever you are feeling this morning, please remember.....


*Self Observation ~ Noticing my Inner Critic ~ Transforming myself into the muse

Embrace the power of how we observe the self, learn to become an inter-personal muse.
How we relate to self observation can be a slight shift in attention, that can yield transformational results.
Here are some things to ponder around noting and redirecting the inner observer. - I Observe My Inner Critic. I am now paying attention to the voice that shuts me down. The voice that sows seeds of doubtful destruction. When observing my inner critic, I note how I am judging, shaming, and blaming myself. I gently re-direct my thoughts back toward the truth of my higher self. This critic is showing me where I can pay more attention to how I am choosing to show up in this moment. How can I see what I am challenged by without attacking myself?
I allow this to be an ongoing process, and I am willing to continue to pay attention.

We are all built with an inner critic. Attempts to remove this voice are often met with little success. Developing a watchful empathetic ear for this critic can be much more helpful. What is it that needs to shift? We can actually thank the critic for highlighting something, without indulging is the toxic self sabotaging thoughts.
It can be helpful to think about the way you would speak to a child who is learning something. We can alert a child to how something is not working, while showing them with a supportive hand the direction they can explore for more success.

Place a hand on your heart and take a deep breath. Connecting with your internal voice. Say aloud~

“I invite my inner Wisdom to come through without attachment or judgement. Once my Critic, now my Muse! I don’t have to attack myself in order to evolve. I have the ability to End my internal abuse pattern. Im so grateful for my keen self observation. I am paying attention”

This is a practice I use regularly. No need to force our minds into anything. Instead we get to be creative about how to work with our thoughts. ✨


Have y’all ever seen this! I highly recommend checking it out. A tale of self discovery through being the odd one out!!


Learning and re-learning to see my life as the altar where I come to pray. Living with a conscious intention of creating ceremony throughout my day. Honoring the perfectly timed divine intelligence that is showing its self to me In any moment. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨. I get to remember how to slow down. I get to remember how to open my eyes to beauty. The practice of self empowerment though choice, is a powerful one. Nothing has to be or look a certain way for you to find the sacred space within yourself. * How do you pray at the altar of your soul? * How do you care for it? I love all of the different ways this can manifest itself in our lives. Building sacred spaces in our external environment helps symbolize our internal temple. 💫I encourage you to take time to create a space that reminds you that NOW is the time to speak your prayers aloud. Speak them in devoted love to your alter within!


I claim this space as a place of healing and transmutation. For all the bright, colorful weirdos that have tired to dim their light because they were told it was too much for those around them. Living life while trying to stay small is So PAINFUL! We are building a new network of support for each-other. Space to develop our skills in all of our multi faceted natural states of being. 🌈🌈🌈🌈✨✨✨✨💗💗💚💚🔥If your curious about what offering I bring to the table, reach out to me. I adore talking about emotional resiliency and composting pain into that which feeds your highest truth. None of are alone in this. There is no right or wrong way to do this. You already have what you need, and you have support when you need it!!


Feeing so grateful this morning for my life. For my choice to move forward through this world. I have been on a journey to get where I am today. I can tell you things are changing. The power to heal, release crippling fear, & transform into the true version of ourselves is possible for each of us. I believe this because I am experiencing it. I have had so many angels help me along my way. Teachers and friends who have shown me so much love and compassion when I was not able to give it to myself. I am honored and excited to offer my love and compassion to you, as a way to feed the cycle of support.


Recently I have found on of the most important places for me to focus my energy. Finding the orientation of my internal compass. Using meditation, color, and words to tune in to my internal direction. Finding my center of my compass and re-claiming it as my own space. What are the guides of your directions? How to they show up and support who you truly are. I found writing it out was so helpful. Because it’s okay to need a map back home when you are lost, eventually we will learn the way by heart.


Simple powerful truths will pour onto the page if you take a moment to let it happen.


Ready? To ask to see, to feel, to take action?
We practice until we begin to see, until the patterns become clear.
Know what is working. Appreciate the discovered knowledge of what no longer Serves.
Thank it.
Remember how it has taught so many lessons, write them down.
Then sit.
Prepare with breath to surrender. Grounding into the center of the Earth.
She can hold & compost it all.
Focus on the pattern, how you have identified with it.
Honoring the memories, thank them again.
With your next deep breath, gather the thought pattern.
Breathing out, send what no longer serves you into Mother Earth.
She will transmute the energy into new life, new experiences, new opportunities.
This is possible, this can be joyous.
Find the spaciousness you have just created within.
Ending the practice by speaking out loud.
“I am grateful for my ability to Change”

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We have the capacity to learn from the ancient knowledge held by WATER.Where are you drawn, when you crave connection wi...


Opening Hours

Tuesday 10:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 19:00
Thursday 10:00 - 19:00