Ananda Marga Cambodia / Yoga & Meditation Center
Ananda Marga Cambodia is a community of people dedicated to self-realization and service to humanity.
A peaceful and safe space for everyone for meditation and yoga practices located at the heart of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Ananda Marga Cambodia is a community of people dedicated to self-realization and service to humanity. A peaceful and safe space for everyone for meditation and yoga practices located at the heart of the capital city Phnom Penh.
We teach the time-tested method of Ta**ra meditation to anyone who is interested free of charge. We also offer actual or online yoga courses for individuals or group, and provide seminars, vegan/vegetarian awareness, public talks, and discussion groups relating to self-development and society building.
We are waiting for your message and inquiry. π
Ananda Marga Cambodia ααΊααΆαα αααααααααααΆαααααα§αααα·ααααααΆααααααα
ααααααα½αα―α αα·αααΆααααααΎαααααα»αααααΆαα·α αααααααααααααααΆαα αα·ααα»ααααα·ααΆααααααΆααα’αααααΆααααααΆαααααΆααααΆαααααΎαααΆαα· αα·αα αΆααααΌα αααΆ αααααΆαααΈααΆαααα
ααΎααααααααα·ααΈααΆαααααααΆααααααααααααΆααααΆαααααΎαααΆαα· Ta**ra αααααααΆααααΆαααααα
αΆααα’αΆααααααααααα·ααα·αααααα ααΎααααααααααΌαααΌααααααα·ααααΆααΌα αααΆαα·αααααΆαα α¬ααΆαα’ααΈαααΊαα·ααααααΆαααα»αααα α¬αααα»α αα·αααααααα·ααααΆααΆααΆ ααΆααααααΉαα’αααΈααααα/αα½α ααΆααα·ααΆααααΆααΆααΆααΆααα αα·ααααα»ααα·ααΆααααΆααΆααααααΉαααΆαα’αα·αααααααααα½αα―α αα·αααΆααααΆααααααα
αΆαααΆα αα·αααΆαααΆααα½αααααα’αααα π