Fort Worth Scuba

Fort Worth Scuba

Local dive shop focusing on Scuba Diving training and dive trip charters.


Scuba diving is a great activity for kids, as there are many classes available for children under 14 years. It’s an experience they will carry with them throughout their whole life.


"Scuba" was originally an acronym that stands for "Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus." Scuba diving was the first method to bring an air supply under the surface of the water. Previous methods included holding one’s breath or pumping air from the surface with a hose.


Picking out a wetsuit is not too difficult. For warmer climates, divers usually prefer a thinner suit that will make maneuvering easier. However, for colder climates, divers need a thicker suit that will keep them from feeling cold and extend their diving experience.


Divers should fill their buoyancy compensator enough that they float at the surface before descending on a dive. This will allow them to make last-minute adjustments to their gear and synchronize their entry with other divers.


In most cases, many of the animals you dive with are harmless and amazing to get to see firsthand. Usually, if you are leaving them alone, taking pictures, or simply just swimming by, most marine life will go on its own way.


It’s important to remember that you often get what you pay for when it comes to your diving equipment. While you can spend next to nothing to get your mask and fins, you may find that they don’t perform as well as you’d like at your optimal dive depth.


Since there can be dangers involved with different types of scuba diving, it’s a good idea to take lessons before heading out into the open water on your own. This can help you ensure that you know what to do in the event of an emergency.


One of the toughest things about diving is equalizing your body to the greater pressure as you go deeper. You will definitely feel it in your sinus cavities as you get deeper, compressing as you go. To help your body deal with the pressure change, try to pop your ears once every few feet.


When you’re not exactly in the best shape of your life, you may be worried that scuba diving will be too intense for you. Let’s talk about the state of your health and fitness so that we can help you evaluate whether you’re healthy enough to dive.


When it comes to scuba equipment, a properly functioning dive watch is critical. These devices track your time and depth during your dive, helping you to keep your nitrogen within acceptable limits.


Richard Presley spent 69 days and 19 minutes in an underwater module in a lagoon off Key Largo, Florida, in 1992, setting the record for the longest deep dive. His endurance test was carried out as part of Project Atlantis, which aimed to explore human tolerance to life in an underwater environment.


A wetsuit usually has no covering for the feet or head. Divers wanting these areas covered must wear separate booties and a hood. Booties and hoods are usually made out of neoprene, the same material used in most wetsuits.


A person’s ability to scuba dive does not depend on his or her age. As long as a senior citizen can pass the basic health examination, he or she will be allowed to scuba dive when certified. What a wonderful new lease on life.


The vast mysteries of the sea have always been a curiosity to people, even before the invention of scuba equipment. Some early divers still used special equipment, as evidenced by the thinly sliced and polished tortoise shells early Persian divers used as goggles.


Did you know that scuba diving is actually safer than it has ever been in the past? This is likely a result of today’s thorough scuba training that focuses on rescue skills and diving in buddy pairs.


Does it ever feel like you just can’t seem to maintain the appropriate depth during your dives? Since the body can float or sink like a stone at the worst possible times, you may want to add a buoyancy compensator to your next dive.


The first step in becoming a diver who is prepared to help others is to become proficient in CPR and rescue-diving skills. It is recommended to take multiple emergency first-response-and-rescue diving classes.


So what should you look for when choosing a scuba dive suit? Features important to your comfort and safety include a watertight zipper, tight wrist and neck seals, and good functioning valves to accommodate the ever-changing pressure as you dive and ascend.


Scuba diving is the safest it has ever been. We have up to date equipment, thorough training and we dive in buddy pairs, so that you can go ahead and focus on having the most positive diving experience possible.


So how exactly do dive computer downloads work? After a dive, your device can be interfaced with your PC so that you can download your dive data, allowing you to log and review details to make future dives more safe and efficient.


When light hits the surface of water, it actually bends and magnifies. What this does is make an object under water appear to be 25 percent closer to you and about 33 percent larger than what it really is.


Buying the right pair of fins is especially critical for scuba diving (versus snorkeling). With the extra drag created by the scuba equipment and the necessity to precisely control movement, having the right set of fins is paramount.


The Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus as we know it today was developed by the famous french explorer Jacques Cousteau, in 1943. He was also a naval officer, conservationist, and made 120 TV documentaries about marine life.


Keep in mind that your snorkel should not be longer than 17 inches, as snorkels any longer make it more difficult to move air against existing water pressure. Snorkels that are curved to fit the side of your head allow for less drag and make for a better experience.


Does it ever seem like there are no activities on dry land that allow you to totally relax and unwind? Being well below the surface of the water while scuba diving can provide an unparalleled sense of peace and tranquility.


Since an air tank's inside can corrode due to moisture from the compressed air, better tanks have a nontoxic coating to prevent rust. Buoyant tanks that float when empty are best because they are easier to handle and easier for swimming.


Imagine coming across a logger head turtle on your dive? These large sea turtles can grow in excess of a meter and weigh over 300 KG - this is a once in a lifetime experience.


In 1772 French inventor Sieur Freminet invented a re-breathing device that recycled exhaled air from inside a diving barrel. This was the first self-contained device, but it had its problems. Freminet died from lack of oxygen after 20 minutes inside it.


It’s important to remember that you don’t have to have the body of a professional athlete to enjoy scuba diving. As an added benefit, you may be able to get your body into shape faster when you dive regularly.


The BC is a jacket that can be inflated with air to control the diver's buoyancy underwater and on the surface of the water. This jacket also serves as the harness for other equipment. The tank is usually attached to the BC.
