Homeopathy Doctor

Homeopathy Doctor

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হোমিওপ্যাথিক চিকিৎসা সহজে পেতে যোগাযোগ করুন


Tongues don't lie 👅

Save it , it will be helpful for confirmation of your prescription ✒️

Natrum Phos
Canker sores of lip and cheeks. Blisters on tip of tongue, with stinging in evening. Thin, moist coating on the tongue. Yellow, creamy coating at the back part of the roof of the mouth. Dysphagia. Thick, creamy membrane over tonsils and soft palate.

Fluoric acid
Cracked & fissured tongue in all directions.

Mapped tongue. Tongue covered with a white film; feels raw; comes off in patches, leaving red, sensitive spots. Loss of appetite. Bitter taste and eructations. Salivation.

Merc sol
Tongue heavy, thick; moist coating; yellow, flabby, teeth-intended, feels as if burnt, with ulcers, Fetid odor from mouth, can smell it all over room. Alveolar abscess, worse at night. Great thirst, with moist mouth.

Tongue large, flabby, burning; must protrude it to keep cool. Ringworm on tongue.

Tongue feels burned; yellowish-brown; edges red and shining. Dry and brown in center, with dry and glistening edges; surface cracked and sore. Can swallow liquids only; least solid food gags.

Recently I've realised the importance of tongue when a patient came with the complaint of aphthous and she had typical "Merc Sol" tongue and also when the case was taken in detail it turns out to be a similar picture of merc sol.

Thank you for reading ! Hope it helps..