Valentina Freghetti Fitness & Nutrition

Valentina Freghetti Fitness & Nutrition

I help women lose weight and get stronger while enjoying life!


Dear's a wrap!
Time to get back on the grind 🤨

If you're looking to get back into your regular routine and need some guidance with your fitness and nutrition...

Virtual and in person consultation is FREE and if you become a client you'll also get 4 weeks Nutrition Coaching at no cost 😎
Send me a private message today!


It's been a week since my clients started the program and they are already getting great results!❤️

I absolutely love going through the weekly check in forms and see the numbers going down, or reading that their energy level has already improved!🤩

bring it on Week 2, we are ready!!!


Seriously though, if you are doing any of these you’re only making it harder!

1️⃣SKIPPING MEALS: skipping meals is going to increase hunger, and when we are hungry we make poor food choices
2️⃣LABELLING FOOD AS GOOD OR BAD: do not avoid your favorite foods completely, the chances of bingeing on them at some point is increased if you do so. A bit of chocolate can definitely fit into a calorie deficit.
3️⃣DOING CARDIO ONLY: Yes cardio will definitely help you stay in a calorie deficit, but don’t forget that while you lose weight you want to retain as much muscle as possible. Make sure to add strength training to your routine.
4️⃣TRAINING EVERYDAY: this is not “the more the better” kind of situation, rest and recovery are just as important as sticking to your calories and training.
5️⃣ CUTTING CARBS: carbs do not make you gain weight any more than any other macronutrient would, if eaten in a calorie surplus. So as long as you stay in a deficit, go on and enjoy your carbs, your body and your brain need them!


Coming soon for all the moms and moms to be ❤️❤️❤️


Pretty happy with my 4 weeks progress!🥳🥳

If you want the same results and lose up to 20lbs in 12 weeks and are ready to start on August 12 just send me a message and I will give you all the info!

Only 3 days left to register ⏳


In 2020 I lost 30lbs and kept it off. 💪🏼
Now I can’t stop taking selfies in my underwear lol 🤣

All I did was:
1️⃣Switching to a high-protein, whole food diet
2️⃣Exercising (in any form) 4x week
3️⃣Walking 10k steps a day

I based my Weight Loss Program entirely on these 3 pillars!!

Do you feel the pain of being overweight? Would you like to experience the same life-changing transformation?

If so comment “Transformation” or send me a DM.

You can lose up to 20lbs in 12 weeks following my Weight Loss Program.

💖And I have one last spot at 50% OFF!!💖



Don't miss your chance to transform your body and your life for 50% OFF! I still have 2 spots available!

Take your first step today and send me a message! 💌


How many times have you lost weight, sworn it would be the last time and then regained it all??

You know all the good things that come with losing weight:

⚡️Being able to fit into smaller clothes.
⚡️Being able to wear certain clothes (aka sexier) that you wouldn't dare wearing in your current shape
⚡️Liking what you see in pictures and in the mirror
⚡️Having more energy and being more productive
⚡️Playing with your kids/grandkids more

...your weight is in the way of all that!

This time however, you found me, and I promise it will be different!🙌🏻

Look at my client Silvia's results in just 8 weeks👇🏼

Results like these are possible with a shift in your mindset!

And that is exactly what you will be working on with me following my 12 WEEKS WEIGHT LOSS program.

💥💥💥I have 3 more spots at 50% OFF for the group starting on August 12th.💥💥💥
They won't last long!

If you want to know more and secure your spot just drop a ❤️ in the comments or send me a direct message!


If you start today on August 12

⚡️ August 26 you will have more energy than you’ve ever had

⚡️ September 9 you will be significantly less bloated and you clothes will fit better

⚡️..2 weeks later everyone will be asking you what you’ve been doing to look so good

⚡️ Thanksgiving you will need a whole new wardrobe

If you want to experience all this….
…Drop a ♥️ in the comments or send me a DM!

I have 3 more spots at 50% OFF!!


I am looking for 5 WOMEN who are looking to get their $hit together and lose up to 20 lbs in 12 weeks and do it without :

❌taking pills or supplements
❌cutting carbs
❌spending hours on the treadmill
❌cutting their favorite food

What I need from you is:

✅Be committed
✅Show up for yourself every day for 12 weeks
✅Stop with the excuses
✅Be ready to get your $hit together

💥The first 5 women to sign up to start on AUGUST 12 will receive a whopping 50% DISCOUNT!💰

Are you one of them? If so, send me a DM today to secure your spot! 💪🏼


Let me say this once more 📢

If you aren't consuming excess calories, weight stays the same regardless of the amount of carbs you enjoy 🍪🍩🍝🍕🧇🥧

Eating carbs instead of fat makes no difference to body fat, as long as total calories remains the same🤓

So, 100 calories are 100 calories whether they come from fats or carbs.

From a fat loss standpoint there is absolutely no difference, as long as you are in a calorie deficit.

If you want to lose body fat and/or gain muscles but don’t know how hit me up!💌

I have 1:1 coaching and online programs available



I am looking for 5 busy women who want to lose 20 lbs in 12 weeks!!!

👉🏼tired of yo-yo dieting?
👉🏼love your carbs?
👉🏼not feeling confident?


What you need is a simple and sustainable plan that can fit into your already busy life!

So if you are tired of losing and gaining back and you are committed to a long lasting transformation this is your chance to finally make it happen!

10 spots are opening Mid August, the first 5 women to sign up will get the whole 12 weeks at 50% OFF!!


PS. This is what a 20lb difference looks like 👇🏼


👉🏼💥You don’t have to change your entire life at once to improve your health or see results!

Here are 6 small things you can start doing that could compound to great results!:

1️⃣10/15 minutes walk
2️⃣extra 30’ of sleep
3️⃣1 scoop of protein in your smoothie
4️⃣15 minutes bodyweight circuit
5️⃣ 10 minutes meditation or breathing exercises
6️⃣extra 10 oz of water

If starting a new diet or fitness routine feels overwhelming right now, start with small daily actions, I promise it all adds up!

If you feel like you could use more guidance to reach your health goals DM today and let’s chat!💌


Sorry for being the bearer of bad news BUT, they’re selling you lies out there!

Eating a high protein diet is crucial to your fat loss goal, so let’s go over 3 foods that you think are high in protein but are actually not:

🥜NUT BUTTERS: sorry, I know this one hurts and although nuts do have protein in them they have to be considered as a source of fat. In order to get 30 grams of protein from nuts or nut butters you would need to eat 90 grams of fat and over 1,000 calories.
That does not mean you have to completely avoid them, consume in small quantities and look to get your protein from better sources.

🌾QUINOA: Quinoa is mostly carbs and the protein it does have (about 7g per cup), is fairly insignificant to your nutrition. It’s certainly not significant enough to select quinoa when you are looking for protein!
To get 25 g of protein from quinoa you’d have to eat 677 calories of quinoa.

Most brands of hummus have about 2 grams of protein per serving (2 tablespoons), which is a drop in the bucket if you consider your daily target.
To hit a goal of, say, 30 grams, you'd need 15 servings (or 30 tablespoons) of hummus. Clearly, you wouldn't want to do this because you'd go seriously overboard on your carb and fat intake for the day.
That's not to say hummus isn't a nutritious food, but is it a good source of protein? No.

As a rule of thumb, if you are trying to lose weight, I’d consider a food a good source of protein if it provides 10g of protein for 100 calories.

Send this to someone who needs more protein in their diet 💪🏼


The life and body you want are far away from the choices you make in the name of comfort. 🛋📺

What’s worth having requires work and effort.

You can wake up on tomorrow and keep living your life as it is😵‍💫

OR.. you could have a new purpose and determination to get to the goals you’ve had for so long!🤨

You have 6 more months to make this the year of your transformation!

You need me, to strategize it for you, to push you through the struggles and to celebrate with you along the way.

If you are ready for the next chapter, send me a DM today, we can turn that page together 📖💖


🙋🏽‍♀️Raise your hand if you grew up thinking you had to:

❌Constantly check your weight
❌Avoid eating “too much”
❌Dress for your body shape and size
❌Strive to be thin
❌Earn your food
❌Conform to beauty standards
❌Obsess over cellulite and stretch marks.

I can think of a 1000 things that I’d rather do.
But here are a few:

💖Enjoying food
💖Loving my body for what it can do
💖Going for a walk in the park
💖Treating myself to my favorite food for no reason
💖Taking a nap
💖Playing with my nieces
💖Going to Trader’s Joe
💖Air frying literally anything
💖Reading on the couch
💖Having a dirty chai at my favorite coffee shop
💖Being in the sun

Do more with your life, stop worrying about the way you look!👌🏼👌🏼

Tag a friend who needs to see this today!


Weight Loss Tip #1

I know some of you might want to lose weight and that’s okay.
But let’s get real for a minute - why do you really want to lose weight? No one puts “lose weight” on their resolution list every January just for the heck of it.
Let’s find the real reason this goal is important to you with the “5 Why Game.” For example...
Q: What is your goal?
A: To lose weight.
Q: But why?
A: Maybe it’s because you don’t have a roadmap that helps you create a plan of action
Q: Ok, but why is that important?
Then ask why again. And again. And AGAIN. Usually when you have answered “why” for the fifth time, you’ll get to the real reason why you’re here. And that’s the answer we really need to know because it’s the root of the mission. You can use the “5 Why Game to help you dig deeper.
No one's going to put in the work that’s required to lose weight and keep it off just for the sake of losing weight. They're going to do it because they miss going out with friends and family; they hate that they feel uncomfortable when they see their friends or family they haven’t seen in awhile; they hate feeling embarrassed when they can’t do things with family of friends at the beach or pool, cause they don’t look the same in the bathing suit.
Keep your why at the forefront of your mind when you’re pursuing weight loss. It’ll be the driving force that keeps you going when you get frustrated, tired, and ticked off at the process. And then every time the apathy monster rears its ugly head, remind yourself WHY you’re doing it in the first place.
Why is weight loss and fat loss worth it to you?


What fitness enthusiasts hate hearing:
You look so fit. Your genetics and metabolism must be good.

Genetics absolutely play a role in the way we look.

But -

Your lifestyle will be the bigger factor by far about how you look and feel.

Achieving a certain look (6 pack abs, big butt, etc) comes with consistent work - no matter your genetics.

Some do have to work harder than others. Absolutely.

You can’t control your genetics. Focus on what you can control and find a way to enjoy the process.

Don’t let “genetics” be a reason why you don’t try to achieve your goals.


Alright, let me 100% straightforward with you.
I took this picture this morning, after a workout, while endorphins were at their peak performance.
I’m smiling and genuinely happy for everything that is happening with me lately (pandemic aside).
I liked this picture, I was like “yeah, I’m posting this later”.
Truth is, creating content for social media is the absolute hardest part of my job, I’d rather train clients 18 hours a day!
As I was talking with my older sister and explaining my frustration to her, she said something that stuck with me, that this too, requires training, and it’s going to be easier with time and experience.
As much as I hate to admit it, she might actually be right!


I claimed my little corner in the neighborhood.
You will see this white wall and tree shadow a lot in the future 😁

Does anybody else venture outside in the freezing cold for their workout?
I really don’t mind it, as long as I keep it under 30 minutes.
What’s your favorite winter gear/ brand? Right now I keep myself warm with a hundred layers 😜


I realized that many people think that, when it comes to good sleep it’s just a matter of luck, but it is only partially true.
I had years of my life where going to sleep before 2 am or wake up before noon was not an option and for the longest time I thought it was genetic.
When the whole covid mess started I set some priorities and non negotiables , and while my goal at the time was to lose weight and look better, good sleep came as a side effect and I was very happy about it.
For most of us, good sleep is not a given.
But you can work for it, just like I did.


☀️No matter the temperature, whenever it’s possible I try to get some sunlight.

🍪I can’t really get a full night of good sleep if I’m hungry or too full when I get to bed, so I usually try to have dinner at least 2 hours before, and maybe have a small snack one hour before bed.

💡Light, as well as temperature, can be very disruptive, so I invested in light blocking blinds and I make sure my room is on the cool side when I go to sleep (I never sleep with the windows completely shut, I keep one of them at least 1 inch open)

☕️I’m very sensitive to caffeine, so for me coffee after 4pm is a big NO, but everyone’s tolerance for coffee is different, so test what works best for you

🚽I don’t drink a lot of water (or fluids in general). You want to avoid waking up to go the bathroom in the middle of the night, uninterrupted sleep is the best sleep

⏰Alright, this one is probably the most important for me. Set your own sleep schedule, make sure you go to sleep and wake up at about the same time, EVERY SINGLE DAY!

📺Turn off the tv and put away your smartphone at least 30 minutes before bed, the light from digital screens signals the brain that it’s “wake time” and you don’t want that. This is the hardest for most of us I guess.

🤸🏽‍♂️Last, but still very important, is exercising. Light to moderate activity especially, can improve the quality of sleep pretty much right away

Do you do all or any of these?
What’s your sleep secret? Please don’t say alcohol 😅🍷


I have a soft spot for banana bread.
I mean, who doesn’t right?

I made it for the first time yesterday and it came out so good that I have to share the recipe with you.

(I went grocery shopping for some baking items and totally forgot forgot to buy eggs so I opted for a vegan version of it)

So here it is👇🏼

🍌245 g flour (1 3/4 cup)
🍌75 g cane sugar
🍌2 tsp baking powder
🍌1/2 tsp baking soda
🍌3/4 ripe bananas
🍌1/3 cup neutral flavored oil (I used Canola)
🍌1/3 cup almond milk
🍌1 tsp Vanilla extract

👉🏼Mash the bananas in a bowl, add oil and vanilla extract and mix. 👉🏼Add flour, sugar, milk, baking soda, baking powder and salt, and mix well. Batter will be slightly thick and a few lumps is ok. If mixture seems too thick, add more milk.
👉🏼Pour batter into a greased loaf pan. Bake for about 50 min – 1 hour. You can also do the toothpick test in the center of the loaf, if it comes out clean it should be ready. 🙌🏼🍞🍌

If I did it you can do it!


10 random facts about me

⚡️I have 3 names, Valentina, Gemma, Anna
⚡️I believe papaya tastes like vomit
⚡️I have recurrent dreams about whales
⚡️I’m a blood and bone marrow donor
⚡️I’m 38 and still in school
⚡️I don’t like feet, mine or other people’s
⚡️I eat a ridiculous amount of yogurt
⚡️I’m the middle child
⚡️my sleep routine is sacred
⚡️I’m constantly made aware of my “resting bitch face”, but wearing a mask is definitely helping 😷👍🏼😅

It takes only few little details to make a person unique, have you ever thought about it?

What makes you, YOU?
Please share something curious about yourself in the comments 👇🏼🤗


Let me be real, I’m not good in the kitchen.
I’ve never shared my cooking on social media. (If you are an Italian woman and can’t cook you might have your Italian passport revoked and I didn't want to risk that😅)
Though, my goal for this year is to “get better” at cooking and enjoy it too.
Whenever I look up recipes online and try them I always make the same mistakes: I change the recipe along the way, following it very loosely, skipping steps or making substitutions etc etc. No good!
This time I followed the recipe very meticulously and that must be why these PROTEIN RICE CRISPIES TREATS came out amazing, and didn't even require any cooking!!
A 30 g square packs 7g of protein!

Looks like this cooking thing is fun after all 😎


This was one of the happiest moment of 2020
I mean, you can see that right? The fact is, not only was I camping near a beautiful lake surrounded by the people I love, I was also on a path, and I knew where I was going.
Today I’m still walking the same path, and I secretly hope it will never end.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself.
My name is Valentina, I’m 38, born and raised in Italy, now living in NYC.
I have a thick Italian accent that I’ve learned to embrace, I'm very sarcastic and my personality definitely reflects the characteristics of my astrological sign, the Aries.
I share an apartment with two cats and spend good part of the day keeping them out of trouble.
I don’t like strawberries and have a big birthmark on my belly that I sometimes forget about.

Many times throughout my life I thought “ this is it, this is what I want to do in my life”, but never really stuck to it. Just don’t tell my parents, they paid a lot of money for photography school because “ mom, dad, listen to me, I really know I want to be a photographer!!”. And don’t get me wrong I still love photography the same, but I never wake up in the morning thinking about it, never fall asleep thinking about it.
2020 was all about myself and it was a big transformational year. Physically and mentally.
I discovered how powerful a mindset can be. I lost weight. I practiced discipline. Both mind and body became stronger.
A new, bigger purpose started to knock at the back of my mind and that’s when I decided to became a Personal Trainer. But looking at my journey I knew that that wasn’t it and that food, or better, nutrition also played a huge role in my transformation, so I thought “why not become a Health Coach too?”.

So here I am, in 2021, both a personal trainer and a health coach, eager to help people starting their own journey, to a better body, a better mind and a better health!!🤩🥰😎


Teach 'em young! I'm taking Nora on our first Peloton ride of the year 😎🥰🧚‍♀️

Photos from Valentina Freghetti Fitness & Nutrition's post 29/12/2020

This is how fitness changed my life.
I’ve always loved working out, but I struggled with weight most of my life.
I was always looking for quick fixes or the latest fad diet, which, of course never worked.

Despite desperately wanting to change, being overweight caused me to always compare myself to other people, leaving me discouraged and insecure every single time I was at the gym.

Because I compared myself to other people for so long, I needed something that could help me change my body and most of all, shift my mindset, and for the first time in my life, I was in for the long run.

Fitness helped me look and feel my best.
It was hard at first, I was working harder than ever but results were not fast enough, not big enough, but I persevered and showed up every single day. Fast forward to today and I’m 30 lbs lighter, feeling like a million dollar. 

So I decided to become an online trainer and nutrition coach because I love feeling confident and strong, which fuels me to help many people completely change their lives as well.

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE helping people transform their lives through fitness and nutrition, if you can relate to any of this story drop your favorite emoji below and support me on my new journey!!😊

Videos (show all)

Weight Loss Tip #1I know some of you might want to lose weight and that’s okay.But let’s get real for a minute - why do ...
