Stronger with Samm

Stronger with Samm

With thousands of hrs of training, Samm has created workouts & challenges that help you see results.


You will achieve better results in your workout routine by tuning into your body and choosing to modify exercises rather then pushing through pain.

When you push through pain, you risk overloading and injuring your muscles and joints. In contrast, modifying exercises allows you to stay within your body's limits, fostering a safer and more sustainable approach to fitness. This evidence-based method not only reduces the risk of injury but also ensures more effective engagement of targeted muscles.

By adjusting exercises to match your body's capabilities, you optimize muscle engagement, decrease the chances of overuse injuries, and provide room for proper recovery. This approach sets the stage for consistent and long-lasting progress in your fitness journey.

Simultaneously, it's crucial to distinguish pain from personal challenges. Listening to your body and making modifications doesn't mean giving up when exercises become challenging or avoiding intimidating ones. There's strength in pushing yourself and conquering discomfort. It's all about giving YOUR absolute best, safest and greatest.

And remember, it's perfectly okay if you don't find that sweet spot today, but what truly matters is that you're starting to think about it.


I'm so proud of and her amazing effort and dedication over the past 60 days!

As a member of the Stronger with Samm community, she completed my 60-day program on the Stronger with Samm Mobile App and is excited to join the 30-Day Fall Challenge starting on September 11th.

Two things I love about Jill’s progress:

1. She feels proud, strong, and confident after 60 days of training.

2. She wants to continue training and building healthy habits for the long term, which is why she's seeing incredible and sustainable results from her hard work.

The goal of every program and challenge I create is to help you build healthy habits for the long term and create a fitness routine that can last a lifetime. The physical changes are an amazing byproduct of a healthy lifestyle.

Keep shining, Jill! 🤍


If you're anything like me, you may have fallen into the trap of believing that cardio is the key to achieving your fitness goals.

For years, I was a dedicated cardio bunny, taking every class available and working out seven days a week. But instead of feeling energized and empowered, I was exhausted, in pain, and burnt out.

I was so fixated on staying fit that I neglected to think about what I was putting into my body. I ate to stay thin, not to fuel my body. And as a result, my hormones were all over the place, causing additional stress and making it even harder to maintain my fitness routine.

But then I discovered heavy weight lifting, and everything changed.

Suddenly, I wasn't just working out to stay fit, I was working out to feel strong and powerful. And let me tell you, there is no greater feeling than realizing just how strong you are.

I may only work out three or four days a week now, but each session is purposeful and focused. I no longer stress about missing a day, because I know that rest is just as important as exercise. And I am always mindful of what I'm putting into my body, making sure that I'm fueling myself with nutritious foods that support my fitness goals.

The benefits of weight lifting have been numerous. Not only do I feel confident and empowered, but my hormones have started to balance out, making it easier for me to maintain my fitness routine.

I no longer experience the hip, knee, and neck pain that used to plague me after a workout. And most importantly, I'm no longer burnt out or dreading my workout routine. Instead, I look forward to each session, eager to see just how much stronger I can become.

So if you're feeling stuck in your fitness routine, I encourage you to give heavy weight lifting a try. You might be surprised at just how much it can change your life.

Strength training is one of the fundamental pillars on the Stronger with Samm Mobile App. If you're ready to feel confident not only in your body, but with your workouts and nutrition, join the platform now.


padded butt shorts for the win

movement outdoors > everything

One of the things I love most about the Stronger with Samm App is that it focuses on training you to enjoy your life not to enjoy living in the gym 🏞️ it is all about embracing the outdoors and letting it be your ultimate gym. Our app's on-the-go workouts empower you to stay connected to your strength and conditioning goals wherever you are. Are you ready to take your fitness journey on an adventure? Let's explore movement in the great outdoors!



We are less than a week away from the 30-Day Challenge and seeing how many incredible people are committing to themselves for the next month is truly inspiring!

I create these challenges to make it easy and effective for people to enjoy their workout routine and see real results.

Whether you're a beginner or a fitness enthusiast, my challenges are designed to meet you where you're at and help you take your fitness journey to the next level.

But it's not just about looking good. It's about feeling good inside and out. That's why my challenges prioritize strength training, conditioning, and mobility. These three elements are the foundation of any effective and sustainable fitness routine.

When you feel physically strong and capable, you also feel more confident and empowered in other areas of your life. You become more resilient, more focused, and more motivated. And that's what true fitness is all about – not just looking good, but feeling good too.

So if you're ready to take your fitness journey to the next level, join my 30-Day Summer Challenge. You'll get access to 5 weekly workouts, daily accountability, and a supportive community to help you stay on track and achieve your goals. Click the link in my bio to join!


If you're anything like me, you may have fallen into the trap of believing that cardio is the key to achieving your fitness goals.

For years, I was a dedicated cardio bunny, taking every class available and working out seven days a week. But instead of feeling energized and empowered, I was exhausted, in pain, and burnt out.

I was so fixated on staying fit that I neglected to think about what I was putting into my body. I ate to stay thin, not to fuel my body. And as a result, my hormones were all over the place, causing additional stress and making it even harder to maintain my fitness routine.

But then I discovered heavy weight lifting, and everything changed.

Suddenly, I wasn't just working out to stay fit, I was working out to feel strong and powerful. And let me tell you, there is no greater feeling than realizing just how strong you are.

I may only work out four or five days a week now, but each session is purposeful and focused. I no longer stress about missing a day, because I know that rest is just as important as exercise. And I am always mindful of what I'm putting into my body, making sure that I'm fueling myself with nutritious foods that support my fitness goals.

The benefits of weight lifting have been numerous. Not only do I feel confident and empowered, but my hormones have started to balance out, making it easier for me to maintain my fitness routine.

I no longer experience the hip, knee, and neck pain that used to plague me after a workout. And most importantly, I'm no longer burnt out or dreading my workout routine. Instead, I look forward to each session, eager to see just how much stronger I can become.

So if you're feeling stuck in your fitness routine, I encourage you to give heavy weight lifting a try. You might be surprised at just how much it can change your life.

Strength training is one of the fundamental pillars in my upcoming 30-Day Summer Challenge. If you're ready to feel confident not only in your body, but with your workouts and nutrition, join the challenge by clicking the link in my bio!

Photos from Stronger with Samm's post 19/04/2023

Have you ever rewarded yourself with food after an intense workout?

Or maybe the opposite...You limit the amount of food you eat because you haven't 'earned it'

Too often I hear people who punish themselves in the gym for 'messing up' over the weekend with endless hours of cardio

Can you see how dysfunctional this is?

When you treat your health and fitness in this manner, you will always be in a cycle of shame, guilt and resentment.

This really boils down to your relationship with yourself.

I want you to be honest, when you look in the mirror, do you love who you see?

Not your external frame, but the person on the inside. Do you have your own back? Do you honor your needs and treat yourself with respect and kindness?

If you answered no to those questions, you don't have a 'weight' issue. You have a worthiness issue

When you can truly love all parts of you, the darkness and the light, you will start to make decisions that honor your needs and respect your body.

❤️ You will choose to workout because you know your body deserves it
❤️ You will eat healthier and fuel your body with nutritious foods because you know that gives you energy and makes you feel good
❤️ You'll look in the mirror and feel overwhelming gratitude for who you see, despite what you look like

In my upcoming 30-Day Challenge, we not only focus on getting strong in the gym, we focus on getting strong in the mind. To learn how to create healthy habits that are sustainable. We will help you create a lifestyle routine that supports your fitness goals, instead of restrictive diets and painful workouts.

I'm going LIVE this Friday at 9am to give you all the juicy details about the challenge and answer any questions you may have!


Summer is right around the corner and I know you want to feel confident, full of energy, and excited to be outside in the sunshine hanging out with your family and friends.

But, let’s be honest…sometimes you feel like piling on the layers and Netflix and chillin’ instead of packing up the umbrella and beach towels for a day at the pool

That’s why I wanted to share my 5 favorite ways to generate more energy, feel freaking good in your body, and embody the confidence you’ve always wanted this summer!

1️⃣ Strength training, conditioning, and mobility. These three powerhouses form the foundation of ALL of my training programs. By building muscle, conditioning our heart and lungs, and keeping our bodies mobile and flexibile, we can feel strong and capable in our bodies, and carry confidence and empowerment into literally all areas of our lives.

2️⃣ - It's important to fuel our bodies with nutritious foods that will give us energy and make us feel good. Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, veggies, lean protein, and healthy fats will not only help us look our best but also feel our best!

3️⃣ - Don't forget about the importance of rest and recovery. Rest days and good sleep are crucial for our bodies to recover and perform at their best. It's okay to take a break and allow our bodies to recharge.

4️⃣ - Try incorporating positive affirmations and mindset work into your daily routine. Focus on the things you love about yourself and your body, and practice self-love and acceptance. Remember that confidence comes from within, and how we feel about ourselves is reflected in our outward appearance.

5️⃣ - Find a workout community that supports and motivates you. Whether it's a gym, fitness class, or online community, having a group of like-minded individuals can make a huge difference in our motivation and confidence.

Remember, feeling confident is not just about how we look, but also how we feel mentally and physically.

If you're ready to prioritize your health and well-being, feel freaking amazing in your own skin, and walk into summer feeling strong and confident, sign up for my 30-day Summer Challenge by clicking the link in my bio. We start May 1st!


Feeling anxious or nervous in the gym is a natural response to being in a new environment or trying out new exercises. However, it's important to remember that everyone has been in your shoes before and has had to start somewhere. Don't let fear hold you back from trying something new and taking up space in the gym. You deserve to be there just as much as anyone else, and you have the right to pursue your fitness goals without judgment or intimidation.

Taking your time to get comfortable with the equipment is a smart move and will help you avoid injury or frustration down the road. So, take a deep breath, remind yourself that you've got this, and focus on your own progress and goals. With consistency and dedication, you'll soon become a regular in the gym and feel more confident. Keep pushing yourself and don't give up, because every small step you take towards your fitness journey is worth celebrating


We've all been there. Feeling frustrated and overwhelmed with our fitness routine. We spend hours on the treadmill, hoping that the endless cardio will finally give us the toned body we desire.

But the truth is, cardio alone won't get us there.

If you're like most people, you're probably confused about what "toning up" really means. We hear the phrase all the time, but it's not as simple as just shedding fat or losing weight. In reality, toning means building muscle.

Yes, building muscle! But don't let the word intimidate you. Building muscle is essential for achieving that toned look you desire. It's not about bulking up like a bodybuilder, it's about building lean muscle mass that will shape and define your body.

So, how do we build muscle?

Strength training!

It's time to ditch those long cardio sessions and shift your energy toward strength. It's the most effective way to build lean muscle mass and transform your body.

I see so many clients who are dedicated to their cardio routines but struggle to see results. They come to me hoping for a solution, and the answer is always the same: strength.

When we focus on strength training, we're not only building muscle, but we're also boosting our metabolism, improving our overall health, and reducing the risk of injury.

But not all strength training routines are created equal. That's where a coach comes in. Working with a coach who can provide you with a specific strength training routine tailored to your goals and abilities is key.

They'll help you strengthen and tone the, in a way that's sustainable and enjoyable for you.

So, if you're ready to finally achieve that toned and sculpted body, it's time to ditch the endless cardio and embrace strength training.

Shoot me a DM with 'STRENGTH' if you're interested in working with a coach that will help you achieve your goals.

Photos from Stronger with Samm's post 04/04/2023

Swipe through to learn my personal favorite easy and effective tips for starting my day off right and generating massive amounts of energy!! (Number 5 is my favorite tbh)


Are you ready to take your fitness journey to the next level?

Stronger with Samm is the perfect fitness community for badass women who are ready to crush their workout routines and take on new challenges to get stronger and more confident in and out of the gym!

Our community offers over 10 fitness challenges and hundreds of workouts to help you achieve your goals. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, our program is simple, effective, and customizable to fit your unique needs and fitness goals.

But we're more than just a workout program – we're a supportive community of women who are all on this journey together. With weekly workout schedules and 24/7 email communication, we're here to keep you motivated and accountable every step of the way.

And don't worry, we know gyms can be intimidating – especially if you're new. But with Stronger with Samm, you don't have to do it alone. Our community is filled with like-minded women who are all working towards a common goal – to feel strong, empowered, and accomplished.

So, what are you waiting for? Join us today and start crushing your fitness goals with Stronger with Samm!


Are you afraid of lifting heavier weights because you're scared of bulking up or putting on too much muscle mass?

Don't worry, you're not alone. Many of my clients express the same concern, but I'm here to tell you that the reality is quite different from what you may think.

Putting on significant amounts of muscle mass takes an incredible amount of work and dedication.

So, if you think that lifting heavier weights a few times a week will make you bulky, think again. Instead, you'll see toned and defined muscles that will make you feel more confident and stronger than ever before.

In addition to aesthetics, lifting weights also has numerous health benefits. It can improve your movement quality and increase bone density, which is particularly important as we age.

So, let's hit the weight room together and start building the body and strength you've always wanted. Don't let fear hold you back from achieving your fitness goals. With the right guidance and support, you'll be amazed at what your body is capable of.

Remember, progress takes time and consistency, but I promise it will be worth it. Together, we'll work towards a sustainable and effective weightlifting routine that will help you achieve the body and strength you desire.

So, are you ready to take the first step towards a stronger, more confident you? Let's do this together!


Are you tired of hopping from diet to diet, workout routine to workout routine, without seeing the results you want?

Do you feel frustrated, stuck, and like you're not making progress towards your health and fitness goals?

I get it. It can be tough to know what works best for your body and your lifestyle. But let me tell you, there's a better way. And that's through consistency and sustainability.

Rather than switching from program to program, it's time to work with a coach who has your back. Someone who understands the unique challenges you're facing and can create a program that's tailored specifically to you.

But not just any program. One that's both sustainable and effective. One that will help you make progress towards your goals and keep you on track for the long haul.

That's why I'm here. To help you find that program. To work with you one on one to create a plan that's going to set you up for success. And to hold you accountable every step of the way.

Because here's the thing - you don't have to do this alone. You don't have to keep struggling and feeling stuck. You have the power to make a change, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.

So if you're ready to stop the cycle of frustration and start making real progress towards your health and fitness goals, then send me a DM right now with the word "accountability". Together, we'll come up with a plan that works for you and sets you up for success.

It's time to take control of your health and fitness journey. It's time to work with a coach who has your back. It's time to make progress and see the results you've been dreaming of. Let's do this together.


One of the most important things you can do to get the most out of your workouts is to work on your mobility.

This basically means making sure your joints can move freely and easily. When you have good mobility, you can move better, avoid injury, and get stronger.

Here's why: when your joints can't move like they should, your muscles have to work extra hard to compensate.

That can lead to imbalances, pain, and even injury. By focusing on your mobility, you can keep everything moving smoothly and avoid those issues.

Plus, when you have good mobility, you can do all kinds of cool exercises that might be too difficult otherwise.

For example, if your hips are nice and mobile, you can squat deep and get a better b***y workout. Or if your shoulders are mobile, you can do overhead presses without feeling any pain.

But don't worry if you're not super flexible right now. Mobility is something you can work on and improve over time.

Some simple exercises you can do include foam rolling, stretching, and dynamic movements. And don't forget to warm up before each workout to get everything moving nicely.

In addition to helping you in the gym, improving your mobility can make everyday life easier too. You'll be able to move around without pain or discomfort, and you'll feel stronger and more confident.

Don't underestimate the power of mobility! It might not be as flashy as lifting heavy weights, but it's an important part of any fitness journey. Keep working on it, and you'll be amazed at how much better you feel.

If you want a customized mobility plan to help you move better and finally wake up every day WITHOUT PAIN, send me dm with 'MOBILITY' for more information! Let's get you pain-free!

# strengthtraining


Grief can be one of the most challenging experiences we go through in life.

It can feel like everything is heavy, like every task is insurmountable. But for one of my favorite clients, fitness became the key to unlocking a life full of joy and possibility.

When she came to me, she was struggling to find a wellness routine that felt sustainable. She had lost a parent a few years prior and was still grappling with the grief.

It can be hard to do even the most basic things in those moments of pain, and so we worked together to create a routine that felt achievable.

We focused on creating simple, timely routines that she could maintain on her own. But we also talked about incorporating small shifts in her day-to-day life, like drinking more water or having breakfast every morning. And in the gym, I showed her how to be efficient with her time, so she didn't feel like she needed to spend hours working out.

Over time, her progress was incredible. When we started, we were doing basic bodyweight exercises, but now she's back squatting 150 pounds and pressing 40 pounds overhead like it's no big deal. But beyond the physical progress, what I love most is seeing the joy she has for life. She's now in an amazing relationship and just moved to a new city.

This story isn't uncommon. I receive emails from clients all the time telling me how small changes in their fitness routines have completely transformed their lives.

Fitness isn't just about looking good; it's about feeling good, building healthy habits, and having energy for life.

So if you're looking for support in creating a fitness routine that can transform your life, send me a DM. I would love to work with you one-on-one and help you create your dream life. Remember, it's never too late to find hope and joy in fitness!

Photos from Stronger with Samm's post 04/03/2023

2 days left to join the 14-Day Core Challenge!

We start March 6th. Sign up now!

Check out these sweet testimonials 🥹 thank you so much for sharing and writing app reviews. It means so much!


another challenge in the books ✔️

Fresh Start to Fall was my 15th challenge and damn do I love what I do.

A big thank you to my sweet 🤍 I absolutely loved partnering with you and am so proud of us and your beautiful recipe book. And a HUGE THANK YOU to my community 🤍 your continued support means more to me then I could ever put into words and I truly couldn’t do this without all of you.

Keep an eye out for a lot of exciting stuff coming in the next couple of months. I can’t wait to share it with all of you 😊


Photos from Stronger with Samm's post 05/10/2022

fresh start to fall 🍁sign up now fam

we start October 17th
14 days to kickstart your routine
workout & nutrition coaching
3 days left to get the early bird special

early bird special: additional 6 recipes + a month of unlimited access to all 500+ workouts in my library

📸 : you crushed it!

Photos from Stronger with Samm's post 19/09/2022

this dress deserves a moment we love a rental


thank you kauai

Photos from Stronger with Samm's post 18/08/2022

let’s dance 🪩


today is the last day to sign up for the summer 30X30 challenge 💪🏻

sign up now and let me make the next 30 days of workouts simple, fun and effective. we start Monday and I can’t freaking wait!

Photos from Stronger with Samm's post 03/08/2022

Absolute bliss

Photos from Stronger with Samm's post 29/07/2022


For both the classic and personalized options. Reminder we start august 8th. Sign up now through the link in my bio.

Photos from Stronger with Samm's post 28/07/2022

6+ years and of loving and learning with

Photos from Stronger with Samm's post 26/07/2022

travel samm back at it again 🇬🇷

reminder that travel is freaking amazing + I’m about to sleep on the floor of a ferry for three hours with my 10,000 lb backpack I’ve been traveling with for 10+ hours. 100% grateful, 100% worth it and keeping it 100% real.


SIGN UPS ARE OPEN. Link in bio

The Summer 30X30 Fitness Challenge starts August 8th.

You can expect -

30 days of movement
30 minutes per day
Daily accountability and support
Mobility, Strength and Conditioning
Emphasis on lifting heavier weight
All levels welcome
Need dumbbells and a b***y band
Modifications and additional coaching Recipes by

2 packages available for purchase:

Personal: 30X30 challenge + One 1:1 Personal Training Session

Classic: 30X30 challenge

I gotchuuu.

Photos from Stronger with Samm's post 16/07/2022

I head to Greece & Croatia next week to coach some kick ass workouts for and I can’t freaking wait! 🎉

So excited to travel but especially excited to travel with my favorite company

The addition of fitness and yoga classes to the route these past couple of years has been such a game changer for me. It is the same yacht week party but while still prioritizing your health and making *a couple* of healthier choices along the way 😉

I loved watching hostess cook such delicious healthy meals for her guests last week. Another great example of how you can have the most epic vacation of your life and still make choices that make you feel great in *small* but helpful ways.

See ya in a couple of weeks!

Photos from Stronger with Samm's post 09/07/2022

my new favorite bikini ya crushed it🫶🏻

Videos (show all)

Sign Up Now for 30-Day Fall Challenge. We start September 11th 🎉 🎊
30X30FALL PODCASTING X @sarahbcoaching ▫️Click the link in my bio to listen. Sarah teaches us how to build out our heali...
2 days left to sign up for 30X30SUMMER! We start on Monday!▫️30X30SUMMER X ▫️Every week you’ll have the oppo...
30X30SUMMER Challenge X @moderngoddesslifestyle ▫️30 days of movement for 30 minutes per day starting on August 2nd. Thi...
4 days left to sign up for 30X30SUMMER fam 🤍 sign up through the link in my bio ⚡️▫️30X30SUMMER X @alexagiacinto ▫️so ex...
30X30SUMMER X @laceyfema ▫️30 days of movement for 30 day. For all level and all you need are dumbbells and a booty band...
30X30SUMMER X @andreasomer ▫️I challenge you to 30 minutes of movement for 30 days. This is for all levels and all you n...
30X30SUMMER CHALLENGE SIGN UPS ARE OPEN 🎉 I challenge you to 30 days of movement for 30 minutes per day. ▫️⚡️30 day of e...
my happy place
love my home town  @thepeopleofsacramento ▫️▫️▫️🎥 @mischablock
2 Days Left to Sign Up for THE 30X30SPRING CHALLENGE! Click the link in my bio to join. ◽️◽️◽️We will all start together...
The 30X30SPRING Challenge is LIVE! Click here to sign up:◽️◽️◽️3...