The Eclectic Green Witchery

The Eclectic Green Witchery

Eclectic Green Witch: Is the practice of nature-based and earth oriented witchcraft.

Reminder! 08/12/2023

Mystic Market News

Reminder! We're Open December 9th from 9AM -1PM


Feeling frazzled? Anxious? Or just a bit under the weather?😩😢😑

Pay a visit to our mystical oasis in Milford, NH, located at 188 Elm Street, and let us soothe your soul. We have a range of services to help you find your inner peace and quiet those busy thoughts. Come and experience the serenity of Mystic Market. 🥰😴

Oh! And we have a magical little shop inside as well! Do some Christmas shopping - and you can pick up your Jolly Holiday Bingo card with us from the -- with over $500 in Gift Cards to win! 🤯


Mystic Market Open December 6th 1PM - 5:30PM - Stop by and shop local for the holidays or just stop in and learn what we have to offer - we also have E-Gift cards available - which can also be purchased on our website -- Taking sound lounge appointments today - few openings left.

If you can not find a time/date that works for you - please contact me directly. Thank you.

Open House 05/12/2023

Good morning friends, please share. Help my small business out? 💜 Lots of events lined up -

Open House December 9th from 9AM -1PM


Earth Spirit Coven - Agenda for our Winter Solstice Gathering has been posted - be sure to mark your calendars' and visit the private group for details on how to join.

Why Practicing Gratitude is Important 01/12/2023

Why Practicing Gratitude is Important? Learn more here and join the free challenge...

Why Practicing Gratitude is Important Gratitude is a thanking attitude. It is being thankful for the good things in life. As we age, it seems that we have more to be grateful for. Good health, loyal friends, loving family, and meaningful work. Gratitude has been shown to have many benefits. Some of these benefits are physical, while oth...

Events & Workshops | Mystic Market NH 28/11/2023

If you are local to Milford, NH - we have some amazing event happening if you are looking to grow your spiritual and wellness practice -

Events & Workshops | Mystic Market NH Events and Workshops Hosted at Mystic Market in Milford, NH.


Hekate's night is a blessing. It is a time to connect with our dark goddess and to embrace our own shadows. This is a night to celebrate our wildness, our power, and our mystery.

On Hekate's night, we honor the Crone aspect of the Divine Feminine. We remember our ancestors and give thanks for their wisdom. We connect with the dark energy of the universe, and we cultivate our own power.

This is a night for self-reflection and introspection. We take time to connect with our own darkness, and we learn to embrace it. We understand that our shadows are not something to be afraid of, but rather a part of our power.

On Hekate's night, we celebrate our inner goddess. We let go of our inhibitions and we connect with our deepest desires. We express our sexuality with wild abandon. We are free to be who we are, and we are loved and accepted for who we are.

This is a night of magick and mystery. We open ourselves up to the unknown, and we allow the mystery to unfold. We trust in the power of the dark goddess, and we know that she will guide us on our journey.


Meditation and visualization are two practices that can help bring more peace, clarity, and joy into your life. When you meditate, you focus your attention inward, letting go of the distractions of the outside world. This allows you to connect with your true nature, which is pure, peaceful, and blissful. When you visualize, you use your imagination to create mental pictures of what you desire. This can help you manifest your dreams and goals, and bring more positive energy into your life.

Both meditation and visualization are powerful tools for personal growth and transformation. They can help you let go of negative thoughts and patterns, and connect with your highest self. If you’re looking to make some changes in your life, or just want to feel more peaceful and content, these practices can definitely help.

Mystic Market -- offers morning meditations every Monday and Friday at 9 am 188 Elm Street if you want to join me, you are more than welcomed!


Begin the weekend in the correct frame of mind! Join us today (and every Monday and Friday at 9 a.m.) for a new 'theme' each session. To avoid disturbing the meditation, the doors will be secured at 9 a.m. when the program begins.

188 Elm Street Milford NH!


Local folks! Join me every Monday and Friday at 9 AM
188 Elm Street Milford, NH only $10. Can't beat that!! 🥰

Take a moment for yourself with our meditation sessions at Mystic Market. Our guided meditations are perfect for anyone looking to take a break from their busy lives and connect with their inner selves.

Whether you’re seasoned or a beginner, our sessions are open to all. Join us up to 2 times weekly for a guided meditation to help you relax, focus, and find balance in your life. Feel free to bring a yoga mat, journal or other props you may have.💜

Morning Meditation only $10! Won't you join us? -
November 6 from 9-10AM. Register here

Photo By:


Stop by November 4th from 8 am to 1 pm at 188 Elm street Milford, NH! --> Mystic Market


Good morning! If you haven't heard, I will be opening a physical location in Milford, NH under the name Mystic Market - Have a look at the newsletter and be sure to follow us on instagram/facebook under the name Mystic Market ❤

Check out our Newsletter! So much stuff to tell you!! 🥰

Meeting Macha 29/10/2023

An older video but still a great meditation -

Meeting Macha Celtic Lore & Spellcraft of the Dark Goddess - by Stephanie Woodfield Created with her blessing. Permission was given for us to do a reading from a part of ...



The Full Hunter's Moon, sometimes referred to as a Blood Moon, will see the Earth's shadow pass across its face this weekend, creating a partial lunar eclipse. This is a great time to make peace with yourself and your past and embrace your shadow self. Celebrate your life - all of it, the "good" and the "bad". By balancing these energies you will enhance the magic that is within you. 🌝 🙂


My new business adventure awaits - The Eclectic Green Witchery will now have a physical location - named be sure to follow along over on that page and check out the NEW services being offered -- yoga nidra, slow flow vinyasa, reiki, tarot readings, psychic services, VAT and a little metaphysical boutique -- everything you need to begin your path with a higher vibe! 💜Opening November 1! Open house Nov 4th - see web for details.


There's a great quote by Robert Louis Stevenson...
It goes like this: "Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant"
Let me break down why I love this so much...
So many people are too focused on the harvest and not the seed planting.
You see, we all want results (the harvest).
It's natural to want that.
But here's what most people do...
They judge their progress solely on the harvest.
And, in life, especially when you are trying to do big things, results might not always come as fast as you'd hoped.
That's part of the game.
But if you focus solely on the harvest, it's easy to lose motivation.
"When are things going to start happening?".
Self doubt can creep in.
"Am I cut out for this? Am I dreamer?"
Focusing on the harvest, the result you want, is where so many go wrong.
Instead they should focus on planting seeds.
On taking small actions every single day towards where they want to be.
It's those actions, those seeds, that end in a harvest.
Not all seeds will sprout and flourish...
Not all seeds will last...
But the consistent planting of them creates habits and a mental fortitude that results in a harvest eventually.
Let me give you an example of this to make it clear...
Imagine someone who wants to add some muscle.
They go to the gym a few times and then look at themselves in the mirror.
"Nothings happening. I still look the same. Is this even working?"
They're focused on the harvest.
The result and body they want.
This type of person will often chop and change from one workout program to the next, or just give up entirely.
But there's another person in the gym...
This person, sure, wants to look good.
But instead of constantly evaluating they're focused on seed planting.
They're consistently going to the gym, 4 times a week, week in, week out.
Even when they don't feel like it - they plant those seeds.
Even when they can't see much difference in the way they look - they plant those seeds.
And in six months, or a year, or even two years...
Because they planted those seeds, consistently, they get to where they want to be.
Whilst the person who was focused more on the harvest, never does.
Really think about this in your own life.
Enjoy your planting and have a great weekend !
David Key

Coping With Panic Attacks & Anxiety 26/10/2023

Good morning - here is a ritual and some pointers when dealing with anxiety and panic disorder -

Coping With Panic Attacks & Anxiety Anyone who has suffered from a panic attack knows how debilitating they can be. The thought of having another one can be overwhelming and trigger a full-blown panic attack. I've been a long time sufferer of Panic Disorder and have learned coping skills through the years. I've developed a ritual over...


On Saturday, October 14, the "Ring of Fire" solar eclipse will cross the US. October 2023 annular solar eclipse (aka a “ring of fire” eclipse) will be all about balancing the scales in your relationships. This special occurrence will bring fresh opportunities for collaboration, restored balance, and justice, but it may also necessitate some letting go.

Eclipses are associated with beginnings and endings, and because this will usher in a new lunar cycle, it will provide an opportunity to create the framework for more supportive, healthy, and harmonious interactions. If you've been involved in relationships that have seemed depleting or disproportionate, now is the time to rebalance the scales.

As this eclipse unfolds, it's going to become clear that both individuals must be willing to devote their energies to the relationship, and the burden cannot fall solely on you. Though this may result in some relationships ending, eclipses are meant to sweep away what is no longer serving you in order to align you with what your true purpose is.

Someone may need to be removed from your life from time to time in order to restore balance in your own world.

Because the annular solar eclipse never fully blocks sunlight, experts warn people that they must wear specialized eye protection when viewing this phenomenon. The use of binoculars, a camera lens, or a telescope that does not have a “special-purpose” solar filter will cause serious eye damage, NASA warns.


Has anyone heard of Soul Skin Color?

Soul color is defined as a color that strongly resonates with our soul. Each soul on this planet has a color associated or linked with it. Just as we develop taste or preference for certain foods, styles, & activities, our soul also develops a preference for certain colors. 🥰 💖

Colors have different vibrations, and we can perceive the vibration of cosmic energy moving through the body through meditation. When we concentrate on our breathing, we activate the Prana or Chi energy in our minds and bodies, which is also a type of vibration. Because the energy that flows within is linked to the soul energy, if a soul develops a strong affinity for a specific color, it simply means that it matches itself to the frequency of that color's vibration.

Pretty fascinating stuff! Feel free to comment and share your insight or experiences.


The butterfly is a symbol of hope and rebirth.

It reminds us that even in the darkest of times, there is always light.

The butterfly is also a reminder that change can be beautiful.

If you identify with the butterfly, it means that you are a hopeful and resilient person.

You are someone who sees the beauty in change.

When you look at the world, you see the potential for growth and transformation.

You are a natural optimist.

Do you connect with Butterfly energy? :butterfly:


I became fascinated with witchcraft long ago mostly because there are many different ways to practice and to be connected to that energy source without "rules and regulations".

Yes, there are certain rituals, beliefs, and shared ideas that connect us, but the sheer fact remains, in witchcraft, you can take what empowers you and leave behind what doesn't resonate with you.

You will not be smited down for this, trust me...I've been practicing this way for over a decade and I'm still here to tell the tale. 😁

So when you are conversing online or in person with your fellow not pass judgment on what other witches choose to do.

Don't start your sentence with "Witches don't do that...they do XYZ..." Maybe SOME witches do XYZ...maybe SOME witches don't...either is GREAT! 🥰

Having the freedom to practice what you want and how you want is a large part of what I find to be so beautiful, essential and practical about witchcraft.💚

Does any of this resonate with you?

Magickal Self Care - Bath Salt Recipe 02/10/2023

I love making my own bath salts! I can customize it to any intention I want! They also make lovely gifts for Yule, or birthdays!

Magickal Self Care - Bath Salt Recipe 💚Visit our website -💚All the things in one place →💚Join our Private Faceb...


The Full Harvest Moon on September 29th is the final super moon of 2023, and it is the 4th full super moon we've had in a row.

What does this mean for us? This means that we will be able to see the Moon in all its glory, as it will be at its brightest and biggest. For many, this will be a time of awakenings and new beginnings.

The Moon has always been a powerful symbol, and this Super Full Moon will be especially potent. It will be a time to reflect on our lives and see where we need to make changes. It will be a time to start new projects and ventures, and to set our sights on new goals.

This Super Full Moon will be visible tonight Sept 29, 2023 and we can all benefit from its energy. Whether we are consciously aware of it or not, the Moon affects us all. By aligning your energy with the energy of the moon, you can tap into the universal power.

Since this is the final moon cycle before the beginning of the approaching Eclipse season in October, the energy shifts we are currently experiencing are setting the stage for the eclipse season and preparing us for significant soul lessons, profound healing, and spiritual awakening next month.

Start preparing for a large karmic cleansing that will concentrate on abuse of power and disempowerment.

There is no need to be afraid of this event, as it is a positive and beneficial one.

Embrace the change that is coming, and allow yourself to be open to new possibilities. This is a time of growth and expansion, so let go of your old ways and make room for the new. This is a time of rebalance & healing. Just be mindful that purification and release is not always easy and you may face some discomfort in doing this.


Look what I'm offering at Mystic Market 😄

Throughout history, music has been utilized to improve our moods and as a form of therapy to heal the body, mind, and spirit. Many people report enhanced energy, improved mental clarity, increased creativity, and improved relationships after using sound healing techniques. VAT therapy improves pain management, reduce stress & anxiety, better sleep, increase blood flow and more. Mystic Market will be offering vibroacoustic therapy (VAT)

Follow our social media to learn more and stay up to date on availability! ❤

Please note: If you are prone to blood clots this service is not recommended and you should seek the advice of your P*P before opting for this type of service.


I'll have these cuties at Mystic Market - Coming November 2023!


Yes please.


Ritual is a great way to banish bad habits from your life.

There are many different ways to do this, but I will share one of the most effective methods that I have used.

To start, you will need a piece of paper and a pen.

On the paper, write down the bad habit that you want to get rid of.

For example, if you want to stop eating junk food, write that down.

Once you have written down the bad habit, fold the paper away from you and tie it with a black ribbon.

This represents your intent to banish the bad habit from your life.

Place the paper underneath your pillow and leave it there overnight.

In the morning, burn the paper in a fire-proof bowl or cauldron.

As the paper burns, visualize the bad habit being destroyed.

After the paper has burned completely, scroop up the ashes and bury them in the earth. Thank Mother Earth for recieving.

This completes the ritual and the bad habit should now be gone from your life.

Now remember, just because you DID this ritual doesn’t mean you get to go run out and buy junk food now haha. You have to also put in the work to make your intentions reality. So take the steps that are needed to help your manifestation become real.❤


Bear symbolism can be found in many cultures and traditions. The bear is often seen as a symbol of strength, courage, and power.

In some indigenous traditions, the bear is often seen as a grandmother figure, a symbol of wisdom and healing.

In some cultures, the bear is seen as a spirit guide, providing strength and guidance on the journey through life.


Oh hey fren.


Soooo.....with all the bad that seems to have been following us the past few months with the loss of our pets...I wanted to wait to announce this until it got closer, but it's GOOD...GREAT news so I am sharing it now because I need the good juju!! lol. For the past two years I have been wanting to create a physical sacred space and metaphysical shop - We'll be offering reiki, crystal bowl sound baths, workshops, meditations, and A LOT more - Feel free to follow my new venture on Facebook & Instagram. I AM SO HAPPY!!!

Photos from The Eclectic Green Witchery's post 05/09/2023

RIP my old kitten...19 years you blessed us. We've had so many pet losses in heart is so heavy.

Photos from The Eclectic Green Witchery's post 05/09/2023

I had to lay my little buddy to rest today...19 years old...Little Kitten...I miss you so much already....our hearts are broken...

Thor will make our third pet loss in 2023... this sucks so bad. 😭


The kitchen witch is a kind of witch that is known for their magickal cooking and baking skills. They rely on intentions and metaphysical properties of the ingredients. Using every item in the kitchen as a magical tool…for example, a wooden spoon quickly becomes an extension of the witch - a magick wand if you will!

They are said to be able to create magical foods and potions that can help or harm those who eat them. Kitchen witches are also said to be able to curse their enemies with bad luck.

Some people believe that kitchen witches are actually good luck charms, and having one in your home can bring you good fortune.

Whether you believe in the power of the kitchen witch or not, there’s no denying that they make some pretty delicious food! 😁💚

Have you dabbled in kitchen witchery??

Steve Gamlin: TESTIMONIAL for Laurie Gouley Reiki Practice 31/08/2023

I am so humbled by this and so grateful to have such a wonderful human being in my life. - Thank you, Steve Gamlin The Motivational Firewood Guy

Steve Gamlin: TESTIMONIAL for Laurie Gouley Reiki Practice


Find it on the website!!!


Still time to get 15% OFF the entire store! That includes digital products and witch boxes! Use code: BYESUMMER

The Eclectic Green Witchery

Established March 2020.

Videos (show all)

Don't forget about our amazing prize to be won! Sale ends Dec 09, 11:50 PM! @mysticmarketnh
Mystic Market 188 Elm Street Milford NH#Milford #metaphysical #spiritualhealing #vibroacoustictherapy #vibroacoustic #yo...
The Full Hunter's Moon, sometimes referred to as a Blood Moon, will see the Earth's shadow pass across its face this wee...
Has anyone heard of Soul Skin Color? Soul color is defined as a color that strongly resonates with our soul. Each soul o...
Soooo.....with all the bad that seems to have been following us the past few months with the loss of our pets...I wanted...
Still time to get 15% OFF the entire store! That includes digital products and witch boxes!  Use code: BYESUMMER https:/...
BYESUMMER -- use that code to get 15% off your entire purchase!! Shop with us at
Hey everyone.
I've been taking a Reiki course and there were some profound things that resonated with me during my studies...this is o...
Another beautiful recipe. 🥰🌝
Time to make a magickal potion for postpartumn mommas!
Snag some swag! We've got some new designs!! Whoo!! Check them all out -

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 13:00