I will love you as long as I live

I will love you as long as I live

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Let them say to me, "All the trains are gone,
and it's too late to expect anything from life."
And I'll say, "It's nothing...
There are still ships and planes!!!


In the silence of the night you dream more of the gentle word of one man than of the applause of thousands. / Judy Garland


But not once did he remember the one he loved, because he had never forgotten her. Rasul Gamzatov


You are beautiful but empty," The Little Prince went on. You do not want to die for you. Of course, the occasional passerby, looking at my rose, will say that she is just like you. But it's the only one I care about more than all of you. After all, it is her, not you I watered every day. Her, not you, I covered with a glass cover. I covered her with a screen, shielding her from the wind. I listened to her complain and brag, I listened to her even when she was silent. She is mine. Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince


I have to go. In motion, feelings are not as stifling as they are at night, when you toss and turn in bed, gathering the blanket into a tight ball, so there would be someone to cuddle in your sleep. Elchin Safarli.


Find the valuable in the useless. See the good in what the whole world calls evil. Palahniq


- What do you see in him?
- I love him. It's not in him I found, in myself. Irina Grekova "Chair"


In thunderstorms, in storms,
In the storms, in the storms, in the storms, in the storms,
¶ When you're bereaved ¶
And when you're sad
♪ To look smiling and simple ♪
The highest art in the world.