Hydro-Québec Clean Energy

Hydro-Québec Clean Energy

Hydro-Quebec is the largest generator of clean renewable energy in North America.

Exxon Mobil and Chevron continue to report higher profits, helped by rising oil prices. 29/10/2021

Say NO to fossil generators using Maine to keep their profits high. Vote NO on Question 1 on Nov. 2nd.

Exxon Mobil and Chevron continue to report higher profits, helped by rising oil prices. In the third quarter, the companies continued their rebound from the collapse in demand at the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

Governor Mills: Why I voted No on Question One. | Office of Governor Janet T. Mills 29/10/2021

Governor Janet Mills voted NO on Question 1. "Fundamentally, for me, it’s not about CMP. It’s about climate change. We need clean energy. We need reliable electricity. We’ve got to turn down the furnace and we’ve got to say no to fossil fuels."

Governor Mills: Why I voted No on Question One. | Office of Governor Janet T. Mills People have asked me how I’m voting on Question One, the NECEC Corridor. Well, I voted just the other day at my town office. And I voted No. This is Governor Janet Mills. Let me tell you why. Last night, thousands of Maine people turned up their thermostats to keep warm as the weather gets colder....


From Secretary Jennifer Granholm herself. Vote NO on Question 1!

Oil Executives to Face Congress on Climate Disinformation 28/10/2021

The The New York Times reports that "Executives of the world's biggest oil and gas companies are set to appear before a congressional committee today to address accusations that the industry spent millions of dollars to wage a decades-long disinformation campaign to cast doubt on the science of climate change and to derail action to reduce emissions from burning fossil fuels."

Oil Executives to Face Congress on Climate Disinformation The heads of Exxon Mobil, Shell, Chevron and BP will testify Thursday in the first congressional inquiry into industry efforts to hinder action on climate change.

The Maine Idea: Keep big picture in view on Question 1 28/10/2021

"What this vote must be about is the big picture – the reality that, if we don’t rapidly replace fossil fuels – in electric generation, cars, trucks, planes and heating buildings – the future looks exceedingly ominous." Vote NO on question 1 to fight climate change and replace fossil fuels.

The Maine Idea: Keep big picture in view on Question 1 If you’re still trying to make up your mind about Question 1, to be voted on Tuesday, it’s helpful to focus first on what this referendum is not. It’s not a contest over whether hydroelectric power from Quebec is “clean” or “dirty.” All sources of electricity have upsides and downsides...


“The referendum is an overreach that could have far-reaching negative implications,” cited The Bangor Daily News editorial board in suggesting a “NO” vote on Question 1.


Still undecided on Question 1? The Portland Press Herald editorial board encourages a NO vote to fight climate change.


Still undecided on Question 1? The Sun Journal editorial board supports a 'No' vote to bring cleaner air and revenue to Maine.

Maine Voices: Don’t like the CMP corridor? Consider the alternatives 22/10/2021

"To supply the same amount of power as NECEC, it would take 2,500 wind turbines, 25 million solar panels or 24 new Wyman Dams." Before you vote on question 1, consider what the alternative would look like to receive the same quantity of renewable energy. Vote No on question 1.

Maine Voices: Don’t like the CMP corridor? Consider the alternatives To supply the same amount of power as NECEC, it would take 2,500 wind turbines, 25 million solar panels or 24 new Wyman Dams.


“The referendum is an overreach that could have far-reaching negative implications,” cited The Bangor Daily News Editorial Board in suggesting a “NO” vote on question one.

Mainers will pay more to heat their homes this winter 14/10/2021

The spike in oil prices is projected to increase Mainers average heating oil and propane bills by over 40% this year. Now is more important than ever to diversify our power sources. Vote NO on Question 1 and reduce Maine’s dependence on dirty, expensive fossil fuels.

Mainers will pay more to heat their homes this winter Following drastically reduced prices during the coronavirus pandemic's first year, energy costs have rebounded to pre-pandemic levels.


A young Mainer addresses the imminent need to find a better way to fuel the American machine. “Central Maine Power and Hydro-Quebec are offering Maine the chance of a generation — a generation like mine — to seize upon this form of energy for our own benefit, at little to no cost to us, meanwhile reducing our impact on the environment substantially. That is why I will be voting no on Question 1.” Join Bill Hartt on Nov 2nd and vote NO on question 1.


Opinion | This Maine power struggle could portend trouble for energy projects nationwide 08/10/2021

Reflecting on the impacts of this November’s referendum in Maine, William Reilly, a former EPA administrator states that Question 1 could set a terrible precedent for future energy projects nationwide: “…the state legislature, and not the trained expert agencies, would decide whether they get approved.”

Opinion | This Maine power struggle could portend trouble for energy projects nationwide Opponents of a new power line want to rewrite the rules for an already-approved project.


Ron McAllister from York writes about both sides of the issue clarifying some of the confusions around Question 1. Ultimately, he concludes that "Everyone benefits from reduced greenhouse gas emissions. [...] for me, a NO just aligns better with my environmental and societal values." Say NO to big oil and gas, vote NO on question 1. https://www.seacoastonline.com/story/opinion/columns/2021/10/05/let-values-guide-your-vote-central-maine-power-corridor-question/5991086001/

Rising energy prices threaten economic recovery 06/10/2021

Oil prices jumped again Monday after OPEC decided not to boost production. Now is more important than ever to diversify our power sources. Vote NO on Question 1 and reduce Maine’s dependence on dirty, expensive fossil fuels.

Rising energy prices threaten economic recovery Oil and natural gas prices have roughly doubled over the last year, and gas at U.S. pumps is up by about 50% on average.

‘Major’ Oil Spill Off California Coast Threatens Wetlands and Wildlife 04/10/2021

Oil spills like the one off the coast of southern California over the weekend underscore the need for the US to move away from dirty fossil fuels. Laura Deehan, the state director of Environment California, states that the spill was “a stark and dark reminder that oil is dirty, dangerous, and can make our air and water too toxic for life.” Say NO to blocking future renewable projects and vote NO on question 1.

‘Major’ Oil Spill Off California Coast Threatens Wetlands and Wildlife A pipeline failure sent at least 126,000 gallons of oil into the Pacific off the coast of Orange County, creating a 13-square-mile slick. Dead fish and birds washed ashore in some areas.

Oil Topped $80 Dollars Per Barrel — The Most It's Cost In Almost 3 Years 01/10/2021

Mainers know that surging oil prices mean higher heating costs this winter. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Vote NO on Question 1 and reduce Maine’s dependence on dirty, expensive fossil fuels.

Oil Topped $80 Dollars Per Barrel — The Most It's Cost In Almost 3 Years Energy prices are going up — for things like coal, natural gas and crude oil. On Tuesday, global crude oil prices topped $80 a barrel for the first time in nearly three years.

Letter to the Editor: Global warming, not power line, a real threat to environment 29/09/2021

"As a former executive assistant to both Democratic and Republican mayors, the issue around Hydro Quebec is not partisan for me. Rather it is about the environment.” Vote NO on Questions 1.

Letter to the Editor: Global warming, not power line, a real threat to environment As a former executive assistant to both Democratic and Republican mayors, the issue around Hydro Quebec is not partisan for me. Rather it is about the environment. How can we seriously consider killing the corridor? Global warming and climate change is real and is scary. We are running out of time,....

Energy Prices in Europe Hit Records After Wind Stops Blowing 14/09/2021

With Europe energy prices spiking as a result of a sudden slowdown in wind, consultants like Mark Dickinson advise that "The price surge shows the need to have backup power supplies for moments when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine." Hydro-power is a perfect complement to wind and solar acting as a battery backup. Say NO to blocking future renewable projects and vote NO on question 1.

Energy Prices in Europe Hit Records After Wind Stops Blowing A sudden slowdown in wind-driven electricity production off the coast of the U.K. in recent weeks whipsawed through regional energy markets.

Efficiency Maine Extends its Electric Vehicle Accelerator Program for Another Year, Advancing Key Climate Change Objective - Efficiency Maine 07/09/2021

NECEC's contributions to the EV infrastructure is estimated to not only save Mainers money on fuel costs ($2MM/yr and more than $18MM over the lifetime of the vehicles), but also prevent an estimated 82,000 tons of CO2 from being emitted over the course of their on-road lifetimes.

Efficiency Maine Extends its Electric Vehicle Accelerator Program for Another Year, Advancing Key Climate Change Objective - Efficiency Maine Augusta, Maine – Sept. 2, 2021 – On the second anniversary of launching its electric vehicle (EV) rebate program — the EV Accelerator Program — Efficiency Maine today announced it will extend the program for another year. Efficiency Maine estimates it has sufficient funds to help defray the ...

Another View: Maine’s dams are integral to our climate solution 03/09/2021

Christiaan Beeuwkes, a Mercer, Maine resident, writes in the Portland Press Herald, "In spite of daily stories of flood, fire and ocean warming (especially in the Gulf of Maine) that are so clearly linked to the hundreds of millions of barrels of fossil fuels burned daily, people seem to think reducing global warming is somebody else’s problem." Say No to Big Oil and Gas, vote NO on Question 1.

Another View: Maine’s dams are integral to our climate solution Coverage of the Shawmut Dam and the Sappi mill fails to acknowledge that hydropower reduces carbon emissions.

NECEC corridor a good deal for Maine 01/09/2021

A Topsham, Maine resident, writes about the Clean Energy Corridor’s benefits in the Morning Sentinel / Kennebec Journal: “low-income customers will reap the benefits of a $50 million low-income customer benefits fund. Plus cities and towns along the route will benefit from tax revenue increases to the tune of $18 million per year. And all these savings and benefits cost Mainers $0.”

NECEC corridor a good deal for Maine Letter

Friday, Aug. 13, 2021: Unvaccinated barbers, Republicans and Democrats, a sad irony with energy corridor 16/08/2021

Thomas Welch, the former chair of the PUC, writes “There is a sad irony to the celebratory noises about the recent court decision — [some legislators and environmental groups] join forces with the fossil fuel industry which stands to lose money if more hydropower is brought into the New England market.” Say no to big oil and gas.

Friday, Aug. 13, 2021: Unvaccinated barbers, Republicans and Democrats, a sad irony with energy corridor Letters submitted by BDN readers are verified by BDN Opinion Page staff.

It’s Grim 10/08/2021

The latest UN report points to fossil fuels as a cause to the growing climate crisis. Accelerating the transition to clean and renewable energy is crucial for us and the next generations. Hydropower is the natural choice to balance intermittent renewable energy sources such as solar and wind.

More than ever, it is time to act and say no to oil and gas.

Read more here: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/08/latest-ipcc-report-catastrophe/619698/

It’s Grim The latest UN report is clear: Climate change is here, it’s a crisis, and it’s caused by fossil fuels.

Letter to the editor: Ask the right questions about the Clean Energy Corridor 03/08/2021

The upcoming November referendum puts much more at risk than you might think. With the climate changing so fast, it is crucial to understand the unintended consequences that your vote could have for Maine’s future.

Letter to the editor: Ask the right questions about the Clean Energy Corridor The referendum to stop the Clean Energy Corridor is dangerous because it does much more than advertised. 

Before November, Maine voters would do well to study the question. We aren’t being asked “Do you want to stop the corridor?” We’re being asked four very broad questions, one of whic...


There are 11 Indigenous nations, in 55 communities in Québec. Over the past four decades, Hydro-Québec and five nations have signed over 40 agreements. These agreements are meaningful, and through them, the Indigenous communities have become active partners in clean energy projects.


FACT: The Clean Energy Corridor will bring clean, renewable energy straight to Maine reducing wholesale electricity prices by more than $350 million over the next 15 years.


FACT: The Clean Energy Corridor has received regulatory permits from the Maine Public Utilities Commission, Maine Department Of Environmental Protection, Maine Land Use Planning Commission, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Headquarters and U.S. Department of Energy. Is every one of these organizations wrong, and project opponents – who get 95% of their contributions from the fossil fuel industry – right?


FACT: The Clean Energy Corridor delivers direct benefits to Maine - $10.5 million in economic development and funding of regional tourism in Western Maine.


FACT: The Clean Energy Corridor will create good jobs for Maine workers. Average wage earned by workers on this project is $38 per hour plus benefits.


FACT: The Clean Energy Corridor delivers direct benefits to Maine - $15 million for fiber optic cable and broadband expansion in Somerset and Franklin counties.


FACT: The Clean Energy Corridor will create good jobs for Maine workers. 1,600 good-paying jobs during its construction phase.

Top company profile: Hydro-Québec | Corporate Knights 30/06/2021

The ongoing focus on sustainability earned Hydro-Québec top spot in Corporate Knights, one of the world’s leading authorities on corporate sustainability performance, 2021 ranking of Canada's Best 50 Corporate Citizens. To Hydro-Québec’s CEO Sophie Brochu, it’s more than a target – it’s a mandate, as a renewable energy provider.


Top company profile: Hydro-Québec | Corporate Knights The energy provider’s mandate: help Quebecers transition to the low-carbon economy


FACT: When fossil fuel prices spike during high consumption periods (like hot summer days), electricity prices go up as well. By introducing hydropower into the Maine grid, we can temper those spikes.


FACT: The Clean Energy Corridor will bring clean, renewable energy straight to Maine - Enough renewable energy into Maine to power nearly 70,000 homes.