

I am PATROBS DUBE. I've worked in the Legal Sector as a Prosecutor & Intern in Zimbabwe.

In 2012 l began my LLB Degree studies which l complete this year.Doctors have diagnosed me with an acute retinal problem.l need surgery.Hence my plea for #DONATIONS.


It has been quite a while since I was last seen on this platform. A daring thief apparently broke into my residence at night last April and made off with my phone from the charger. I have been struggling to replace it ever since. Thanks to my son Mathamsanqa Wells Dube who financed the replacement. Ukuzala yikuzelula amathambo 4 sho . God bless him . Thank God I am back.


Some healthy natural ' 'herbal' tips from INDIA. CHECK !


It's been a longtime since I posted on this platform. Please bear with me.

At times we tend to concentrate too much on our enemies and adversity that we forget to acknowledge our Redeemer and good people we meet in life.
In the photo below "Patrobs and Patrobs Attorneys"(Prospective) pose with a Doctor of Law at the Unisa Complex in 'Pretoria' recently. What a nice man he is. I don't wish to delve into much detail but he was just so sweet and welcoming. I thank God for sparing him for us.

For the Lord God my Redeemer parted the waters for me to 'Pretoria' the same way He did Biblically with the Red Sea. I have handed over All my enemies and adversity to Him.
Be blessed 🙌 and thankful to the Almighty for everything He does for us. Ebenezer.


If I was a commander in the ancient Roman army I would have been crowned a Centurion. Guess what Facebook advises me that I have managed 💯 followers on my SOSPATROBS page.They insist that this is no mean achievement and i agree.I am immensely indebted to all of my followership for the support and encouragement you have given and continue to give me.
I am cognisant of the fact the existence of this page was born out of very difficult if not dire circumstances . Guys I needed your support financially, psychologically, emotionally, physically ànd spiritually. I still need the SOCIAL support which you continue to give me. A friend in need is a friend indeed but you guys supported me through thick and thin. Those who befriended me for what I could give back then deserted me at my hour of need when fate struck. But you didn't. For that I am indebted. For those who contributed financially towards my cause may GOD multiply and Increase your territories a hundred 💯 fold as we celebrate a 💯 followers. Stay blessed 🙌. I LOVE YOU ALL.




OR ENTER AT YOUR OWN PERIL. I found this picture in my whatsapp group very fascinating indeed. Although the the pic on its own could have escaped my scrutiny if I had not noticed the accompanying captions I find the stories interesting. These are two incidents of artistic dog owners who allegedly painted their dogs colorfully like TIGERS. And I am thinking to myself suppose I painted my dogs in similar fashion and put up "BEWARE OF TIGERS " warning signs to scare thieves! Brilliant idea you might be thinking right now. But ALLAS two men from Gweru and Bulawayo are now on the Police wanted list for artistically copying from each other in order to scare away Debt Collectors from Gweru and Bulawayo City Councils respectively. REALLY ?? And I am just wondering what criminal offenses have been committed by these men at all to warrant them going into hiding? I probably have been laid off from my prosecutorial duties for too long and missed out on important legal developments in our jurisdiction. Can someone be kind enough to please educate me on our jurisprudence.

Photos from SOSPatrobs's post 19/09/2023

Guess what : this photo was was taken and immediately posted to a whatsapp comprising of my 1976 - 1979 school-mates who were asked if anyone could identify me. Israel Ndlovu reminded first and confessed he was clueless. Another trialist also couldn't. Million Moyo who recently paid me a visit , at my Sizinda home , was to positively identify me. Probably he too was bolstered by our recent meeting. I wonder how many wild guesses would have been made if Million hadn't identified me. But could blame my whatsapp group members for failing to identify a person they last saw in 1978 when I last met a majority of them? You are forgiven guys. I probably would have been in the same predicament even without any visual impairment with which fate has visited me. Ɓut I must give call credit to Reason Nkala who was able to positively recognize me over 45 since we last met. I was really excited to meet Reason
Nkala with whom I pose for a photograph below.


. The nation concluded mourning the death of a National Hero par Excellency with burial of@ Hon Joshua Teke Malinga at the National Shrine today 15 September 2023 with full military honours. We celebrate his life which goes down in the anals of history as arguably the most outstanding human rights activism for persons with disabilities. Physically handicapped by polio himself he became probably the most vocal fighter for disability rights and marginalization of people at large. I have known him through both the electronic and print media since I became enlightened. I however had occasion to meet the man-mountain himself when fate brought me face-to-face with him when I was visited with visual impairment om 2022. What an incredibly humble he was.
I may wife and I proceeded to his Montgomery home virtually without an y prior appointment at àllin order to seek his assistance to resolve my longstanding dispute with government departments vis-a-vis my visual impairment. When we arrived at his residence we were told by his PA,Charity, that he was in bed as he wasn't feeling well. Charity invited us into the living room and went to inform him of our presence In no time we were ushered into a room where he sat on the bed and listened attentively to my narrative. He listening he undertook to take my case to the highest level as he felt so strongly about the impunity displayed by the officers concerned. Unfortunately for me the ailment never released its grip on the man till he succumbed to the disease last Friday. That was humility of the man who had a strong passion for the rights of persons with disabilities even defying his own health concerns. Although he was unable to resolve my predicament I will forever hold him in the highest esteem. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN ETERNAL PEACE.


. The ugly face of SOCCER HOOLIGANISM once again reared itself at Emagumeni this Sunday during the match between Zimbabwe Soccer Giants Highlanders and Dynamos. It didn't end well as fans invaded the pitch and engaged in skirmishes and running battles with riot police. In this picture picked put from social media a Dynamos is apparently lying haplessly under attack from another fan. Mayuyu madoda akithi. Peace begins with each one of us who decides to attend any soccer match. The moreso when the match pits the Giants of local football. Let's us always heed the wise words left for us by John Landa Nkomo the late. Peace begins with me, it also begins with you and with ALL of us, whether at home, in political arena or in soccer field I hasten to add. Perhaps we should desist from calling these matches by such names as BATTLES of chakuti chakuti which gears the fans psychologically WAR. Peace, Love and Harmony are reciprocal. You get back what you give. M A Y U Y U BOOO !!!


. On Saturday the 9th of September 2023 my wife and I attended the burial of my departed cousin Rosemary 'Kumbu' Sibanda whose remains were interned at Lahlamkonto village in Matojeni. May her soul rest in peace 🙏 pending the return of Jesus Christ soon and very soon. Amen!!! After the burial my wife, daughter, niece and late cousin 's wife exercised our mountain climbing skills by taking on the steep sloped rock outcrops. The winner was my niece who apparently is seen running in her climbdown. She climbed higher than the rest of us. Guga sthebe kade wacolela for sho!!! I remember how I used to climb the steep slopes at high speed during my hey days. This time around I could only surreptitiously and cautiously climb one step at a time. And this was amidst warnings to be careful by the rest of my party. I settled for the lowest point from where I my daughter took photos as we paused as if we were kumakomo yoo!!! It was quite a refreshing experience indeed.


. This very popular mantra was coined by
John Landa Nkomo and has been popularized by Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 Election 2023 jingles in campaigning for a peaceful,non-violent free and fair plebiscite. I support the mantra wholeheartedly and urge Zimbabweans from all walks of life across the political devide to apply and live by it. The Elections have come and gone by. The results have been announced. Whether one accepts or rejects them depends on one's allegiances but John Landa's call for peace still holds true many years after his death. You may love or hate your neighbor for their support of whatever political party they support or even wish them harm but please remember that they are entitled to the exercise of their own constitutional rights to choose whomsoever they want to govern as you also do. You will remember to hold your peace if keep it at the back of your mind that peace ✌️ begins with you individually and extends to the next person reciprocal for the universal enjoyment by all of us. Therefore Peace, Love and Harmony are all reciprocal virtues which we as ZIMBABWEANS must not only preach but live by. God will reward our prayers for those in abundance if we strive for. May the LORD GOD BLESS YOU for taking your time to read this message. A M E N !


TO ALL WHO JOINED ME CELEBRATE MY 61 YEARS OF LIFE. Ladies and gentlemen I would like to extend my most sincere gratitude to all of you who joined me commemorate my 61st birthday 🎂 last Thursday the 17th August. I had sent an open invitation to those who LOVE me. I sincerely believe that all of you who either liked or commented on my post are those who love me. I also wish to thank those who sent me their congratulations from various whatsapp groups to which I belong. I wish to apologize profusely to those to whom I communicated the news late in the day. If the Lord grants me another year to celebrate this occasion in HIS grace I will endeavor to advise you in time. I wish thank all you for your prayers to God the Almighty to bless me with many 🙏 more years. As I mentioned to you individually may He grant you what you prayed for in Jesus Christ 's name Amen. But before I go I wish to make special mention of one unique prayer in the maker didn't ask only for the longevity of my life. Mncedisi Tshuma also prayed that for the Lord to restore and Increase my territory. This has also been my own prayer brother. May God grant him his prayer too. With that may the Lord bless 🙌 you abundantly with His grace. Amen.


Exactly 61 years ago on this very date a baby boy made a first cry at birth to Maina and Morris Winston Dube at a Matopo Mission maternity ward. Winston christened him Patrobs Dube. It's me. Those who love me please join me in celebration as I celebrate 61 years of life. It has not been a bed of roses however as the journey has been marked by ups and downs , twists and turns and all other experiences precedented in it. I remember vividly the encounters herding cattle e Matojeni. I also remember my primary school days at Lukadzi Primary School. I was chatting the other day with a school-mate Dennis Nkomo wondering how many of our 1969 -1975 primary classmates are still alive. We praise the Lord God for sparing our lives as many have fallen along the way as we continue to enjoy His grace. Upon graduation from primary school I proceeded to Matopo Secondary School from 1976 to 1978 when the school was closed during the liberation struggle for independence. There I met Million Moyo who now lives in the diaspora e UK. I wonder how many other people still enjoy His grace from that Era. At Independence in 1980 I went to Mtshabezi Secondary school. The other day I bumped I into a former classmate Mandla Ndlovu who sounded very fit and strong. I say he sounded because of my visual impairment. Are there are any survivors from from that era? I know there are. Enjoy the Lord's grace. My working life started with teaching stints which took me to Gwanda Zintec College as a trainee. My next port of call was Morris Depot where I trained as a Patrol officer. After serving for 10 years I retired on gratuity from the ZRP. There after I joined the Civil Service as a Public Prosecutor where I worked under various Atorneys-General and Prosecutors General. Catastrophe struck in my life when I met the late Ambassador Johannes Tomana who fired me in 2012. May his soul rest in peace. Though I continue struggling to find my feet in life I will forever indebted to the Lord God for His GRACE !!!


If you are probably wondering whether you are seeing Jonny Walker ,a hitchhiker or Counsel. Or a beggar. If you were a parishioners at the Seventh-Day Adventist City Centre Church in Bulawayo on the chilly 22nd July 2023 then we had occasion to fellowship together. I arrived at the Chapel to find it fully packed. You would have noticed me being ushered into the auditorium dressed in similar fashion as in this post. As I took my seat in the aisle the speaker was making his presentation. It was a visiting Pastor Gedion Peresly from neighboring South Africa. He was on mission to promote internet evangelism in Bulawayo. Before conclusion of his presentation, the Pastor made a call for volunteers to spearhead the internet mission. As a Adventist of good standing myself I felt a burning 🔥 desire to rise. But I didn't. A handful of about 20 volunteers heeded the call. The Pastor repeatedly urged the congregation to listen to the call . He said it was Christ who was tapping on 'my' shoulder to stand up and be counted. Still I didn't stand as I wrestled this call. A contrary 'voice ' in my heart dissuaded me from taking the call. Firstly I it reminded me where I was: At the City Church. Secondly it reminded me of my visual and speech impairment. Thirdly the voice asked me what the congregation would think to see a visually-impaired man stand and grope his way to the front. Lastly the voice asked why rest of the congregants were not taking the call. By the time I was done with the competing feelings Pastor Gedion had called on Pastor responsible for Personal Ministries to give a Vote of Thanks. The volunteers had their names registered for onwards submission to Washington DC by the end of the day. I couldn't be part of the volunteers to spearhead the Bulawayo evangelism anymore. These are some of the barriers which persons with disabilities may face in various situations in life be it at the church, at the workplace or even at home. I believe that # DISABILITY DOESNOT MEAN INABILITY and that given the chance I like all persons with disabilities have the capability to overcome the barriers we face and liberate ourselves from the clutches and humiliation of begging. SOSPATROBS thus cannot be 4 life. Which is why I say give me the means to fish and l will not disappoint. NOT 4 LIFE . IS NOT INABILITY


Have taken after the Biblical David who says he took "A calm resolve to wait for the salvation of God " and seek his Divine intervention to resolve my debacle. 2. He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defence and I shall not be moved. 3.How long will you attack a defenseless man. My adversaries 4. They only consult to cast me down from my low position; They delight in lies. Madoda donot trust in oppression. In Psalm 64 verse 2 he says "Hide me from the secret plots of of the wicked,From the rebellion of the workers of iniquity 3. Who sharpen their tongues like a sword " and aim their weapons to shoot at the blameless.


Former prosecutor falls on hard times
Local News
By Silas Nkala | May. 6, 2023

Dube was dismissed for leading an industrial action against poor working conditions.
FORMER prosecutor in charge of Bulawayo regional courts, Patrobs Dube, has fallen on hard times after he was fired by ex-Prosecutor-General Johannes Tomana in 2012.

Dube was dismissed for leading an industrial action against poor working conditions. He is failing to pay R6 747 for the release of his LLB certificate held by the University of South Africa (Unisa) over outstanding fees.

As if that is not enough, Dube has become partially blind.

Dube has now launched a Facebook campaign seeking assistance to have his certificate released by Unisa.

“ to help me access my LLB Degree. If wishes were horses ... I would by now long have had my LLB Degree results and I would have long registered and become a fully-fledged legal practitioner!!,” Dube posted on Facebook.

He told Southern Eye Weekender that he was struggling to clear outstanding fees of R6 747 which he owed Unisa.

“In 2012, I was unfairly dismissed from my job of public prosecutor by the government of Zimbabwe following a strike by prosecutors which was organised by the Prosecutors Association, of which I was the deputy chair,” Dube said.

“What followed was a long and protracted court and legal battle between the government and me, with me fighting for the vindication of my constitutional rights and, indeed, my life and the government obfuscating and bent on stifling and reducing me to an effigy of sorrow. It is at times like these, with your back against the law, that you reflect and cannot help, but be cynical about modern law which saves us from barbarism, and in its place gives us the barbarism of the law!”

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The High Court ordered his reinstatement.

“The court ordered my reinstatement or payment of damages. The Judicial Service Commission applied to the High Court for review. The commission attempted twice to have the Labour Court judgment rescinded and failed on both occasions,” Dube said.

However, he has not been reinstated.

“What must I do now to persuade the powers-that-be to comply with the rule of law? I have lost my employment, my sight and dignity. My family and children’s future are bleak, but why? I ask again, but why?”

04/05/2023 help me access my LLB Degree.

If wishes were horses... l would by now long have had my LLB Degree results & l would have long registered & become a fully-fledged legal Practitioner!!

The reality is...after completing my LLB studies l have failed to clear outstanding fees of R6 747 that l owe UNISA. Why this situation? - in 2012, l was unfairly dismissed from my job of Public Prosecutor by the Government of Zimbabwe following a strike by Prosecutors which was organised by the Prosecutors Association of which l was the Deputy Chair.

Newly unemployed, good people helped me to complete my LLB studies. The joy of completing my Degree soon turned to despair as l became partially blind before my results were out due to Diabetes.

Good people of the World, l"ve not lost hope and the zeal to practise Law!! Standing in my way is the R6 747 that l owe to UNISA

me Conquer again as you SOS-ed me to undergo eye surgery. access my Degree Results..


It is heartening to hear that President Mnangagwa is willing to address the insanity of the first Republic 4 decades down the line. It should be much less complicated to resolve the unlawful dismissal of Patrobs Dube from the Public service Commission by the same Fitst Republic. The impunity has subsistence for a lesser duration of just over 10 years Mr President.

Ex-ZIPRA cadres seek to recover assets taken by the First Republic

Story by Yolanda Moyo

FORMER Zimbabwe People’s Revolutionary Army (ZIPRA) forces have selected an 11-member team to spearhead the recovery of properties which were taken from them by the First Republic soon after independence.

The cadres convened in Bulawayo to discuss the process of recovering the assets with convenor, Cde Tshinga Dube noting that the Second Republic is in full support of the initiative.

“We are gathered here as ex-ZIPRA forces to select a committee that will facilitate the recovery of properties that were seized by the First Republic. This issue has for long gone without any solution to it and comrades have approached President Mnangagwa to engage him on this issue. Recently, ZANU PF Vice President, Cde Kembo Mohadi called me to his office and gave me an order that we form a committee that would be able to come up with a register for all ZIPRA properties.

"When the committee is formed, it must find the resource people who will assist to honestly define the ZIPRA properties from those of Zimbabwe African Peoples Union (ZAPU) which were taken on board into ZANU in 1987,” he said.

Cde Dube also applauded President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s efforts to compensate 258 former ZIPRA forces who were unjustly dismissed from the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) in 1983.

“In 1983, a total of 258 ex ZIPRA forces were dismissed unjustly from the ZNA and the issue was not resolved for the past years. Today, l want to applaud His Excellency for solving the problem of those comrades who were dismissed and l gather that they will be compensated for 40 years' salaries and also registered into the pension office,” he added.

Liberation stalwart, Cde Angeline Masuku also attended the meeting, saying life will never be same again for Zimbabweans under the leadership of President Mnangagwa.

“This meeting is critical in the history of ZIPRA forces as it has shown that President Mnangagwa is different and he is willing to engage everyone who had issues with the First Republic. Comrades came in their numbers and it shows that they are happy with what is going to happen. This was a thorny issue for more than 40 years,” she noted.

The ex-ZIPRA cadres forces were urged to be calm and patient as any unbecoming behaviour will make the exercise futile.

Some of the properties that the ZIPRA cadres seek to reclaim include Magnet House in Bulawayo, Kudu Motors, Hampton Farm, Ascot Farm, Nest Egg Farm, Woodyglen Farm, Mbalabala Garage, Nyamandlovu Farm, Snake Park and Salisbury Motel in Harare, among others.

At the end of the meeting, a total of 11 committee members were elected from all the country’s 10 provinces to spearhead the process.



Zimbabwe is currently smarting under economic sanctions imposed on the country by the western world and the European union led by the USA becrying the non-existence of the Rule of Law in this jurisdiction.The latter took the cry further by legislatively enacting the Zimbabwe Democracy Act to legitimize the imposition of the punitive sanctions.
I do not seek whether there's any justification or not for the imposition of sanctions on our beloved country. What I want to interrogate is whether the Rule of Law(ROL)exists in this country. In this regard I seek the opinions of the general readership of this forum across the political devide be they supporters of the NCA, the newly constituted CCC,perennial opposition MDC-T,ruling ZANU-PF or of the independent persuasion.
From my own understanding of the principle of law as enshrined in the provisions of our constitution,every aspect of our lives are governed and subject to the law of which the constitution reigns Supreme.When parties to any dispute take any matter to court they're expected to respect and abide by whatever decision the court makes unless it is appealed or reviewed.

In terms of the constitution the decision of the courts are binding on all persons including government institutions and agencies without exceptions. Parliament is mandated to exercise an overarching role to ensure compliance thereof by all and sundry including the executive arm of Government. The president as the CEO of government is obliged to ensure that government complies with all court orders against it in accordance with this principle. There's no room for impunity by anyone.

Unless I am wrong in my understanding of the Rule of Law, I am justified in alleging the Rule of Law does not exist in Zimbabwe. If government impunity displayed in my labour's dispute with the government departments is anything to go by.

I will hold my guns and pause here in anticipation of comments from the diverse readership of Facebook.


2 of 2021-
Dear Friends and Family

l hope l find you well. The 2nd Wave of the pandemic is upon us! It has descended on all of us with full force. Many of us are reeling under the onslaught of the virus. Others have lost family and close friends. We pray for protection for everyone, that the hand of God be with us in this season of death. That we be spared from the wrath.

Meanwhile, lets , and Distance.

When l last posted ( /2021) l was almost on the Doctor's operating table, with me set to return to Harare for the 1st Operation, which a Friend of mine had committed to pay for. Everything was set. And we were even looking ahead to finalising the modalities and payments for the 2nd Operation.

friend is now unable to finance and foot the bill. l am grateful for all the assistance she rendered to me. She bore all the expenses and took me to Harare in the visit to Doctor Sibanda around mid December 2020 when l was set to be operated on, only to find that the Doctor was closing down for the Christmas holidays.

What this means is that l am back to where l started - requiring USD 3 500.00 for one operation ( and USD 7 000.00) for both eyes.

The past weeks and the realisation that the operation is off has hit me hard. But such is life. l have to pick myself from the brink and fight again to again. And to save my dream.

l know many people are affected by Covid-19. Things are hard for everyone. l here appeal again to well wishers to crowdfund and help me get back to the Operating Table.

While time is running is per the 6 month window l was given by Doctors, within which to under go the op, l have not lost hope for a solution and the restoration of my sight. Friends have already begun after hearing my predicament to crowd fund again! l thank them all for the sacrifices they are making in these hard times.

Special mention goes to the following who have contributed to my cause -

1. Advocate P Dube - R600.00
2. Sinikiwe Ncube - USD 20
3. Yeukai Mugumba - ZW 1 000
4. Temptation H. Maromo - ZW 2 000
5. Eunice Shoko - ZW 1 500
6. Heather Mhlanga - ZW 500
7. Robin T Mukura - ZW 1 000
8. T Runganga - USD50
9. L Maunze - USD20
10. S Chinyanganya - USD40

friends like these, l know l shall overcome!

from the Team - Khumbulani Ndlovu
1. We seemed set but it was not to be! We are now back in the
trenches, fighting to save ' sight.
2. Safe. . . Distance. We will keep you informed of developments and we race against time to get Patrobs' operated in time.


1 of 2021.
Friends, how are you? I hope l find you well in the New Year and in our still difficult times with the 2nd Wave of Covid-19 on the rampage - take more lives and wrecking our economies.

So much uncertainty is now the order of the day! But let us not lose hope! The darkest hour must also pass! We must hold strong and do what we can - . . .

In my last - 4/2020 - l shared with you my joy that with your support l was set to undergo surgery on one of my eyes as a friend and other local friends have contributed to and raised sufficient finances for my medical bills.

The operation, however did not go through due to logistical problems as l had to secure a hospital bed for the 2 hour long procedure and an anesthetist. I failed to do this in the 4 day period before the Doctor was set to close for the Christmas break.

I then returned home (Bulawayo), to be with my family over the Festive period. with God's grace we are now into the New Year!

1 am set to return to Harare this coming week (Week beginning 11 January 2021) for the first operation. l am grateful to you all my friends who are sacrificing and are continually helping to ensure that my health is restored.

God make your names great; enlarge your territories; prosper your professional and personal visions and take you to a Post-Covid World - a place where the ground is blessed and where all your pain can be forgotten!

Please find below an Update from the Team :-

Coordinating Team
some of the persons in the effort to raise Funds to foot Patrobs' eye surgery bills, we are forever grateful to you all our family and friends for the overwhelming support we have received and continue to receive since this page was set up.

Thank you for hearing our cry. Thank for coming to our rescue! Thank you for being there when we had nothing to use to help our friend, Patrobs.

Your response has been humbling and touching!

All we can do now is to update you on the final push to see that the first op is successfully carried out.

1. Patrobs' friend who promised to fund surgery on one of Patrobs' eyes is still on standby and waiting for logistics to be in place to release the funds for . We are grateful for her unwavering commitment.

2. She has since challenged us to tally and finalise our Fund Raising effort in Zimbabwe and that in South Africa -spearheaded by Nodumo Nyathi & other friends based there.

3. Once we have collated all raised monies dedicated to the , she has further pledged to assist even further and raise the shortfall, if there is any.

4. Many of our friends from family, personal and work circles (Legal Fraternity) had before closing for the festive break promised to look into our request for help and see how they can assist. Some have since been calling to find out about . We are grateful for your concern.

5. We now therefore kindly requesting that you help us by collecting your difference making and welcome pledges and communicating with us on what you have raised. You can get in touch with Patrobs on +263 772 778 920, Khumbulani Ndlovu on +263 772 563 007, Nodumo Nyathi +27 79 917 9388 & Nkululeko Fuzwayo on +267 71 684 533.

We want to push so that we make the final preparations this week and so that Patrobs travels back to Harare, beginning next week for the first op. Our wish is to pay for both ops at one go, so that after the allotted time for recovery, Patrobs can go back to the operating table (for the 2nd Op) as soon as the Doc oks it.

NB - the total costs/ Medical bill for both ops is USD 7 000.00 with Patrobs' friend committed to shoulder half the costs (op for one eye with her family) and further promising to help with the shortfall in what we will have raised towards USD 3 500.00 (2nd op).

you for your humbling support. Without you all, this will not have been possible. bless you abundantly. . . .

watch over all your little ones, whose lives are going to be forever changed by this pandemic. Watch over the - the precariat, who have nowhere to hide in these difficult times. is


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Some healthy  natural  ' 'herbal' tips from  INDIA.  CHECK !
#EZINTABENIeMatopo.                       On Saturday the 9th of September  2023 my wife and I attended the burial  of m...
#PEACEBEGINSWITHME.              This very popular  mantra  was coined by  John Landa Nkomo and has been  popularized by...
Exactly 61 years ago on this very date a baby boy  made a first  cry at birth to  Maina and Morris  Winston  Dube at a M...
#Mission Half- Accomplished ...with your massive support.Friends from the Legal fraternity and Bulawayo Legal Practition...
