BITUS is your one-stop-shop to create, protect, manage and grow your company in multiple countries.


| In 2023, one of your resolutions is to keep your accounting in order.

| In 2023, one of your resolutions is to keep your accounting in order.
Pay only the right amount! We'll take care of it.

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Female entrepreneurship is growing every year in the USA.

Female entrepreneurship is growing every year in the USA.
Do you have a business model in mind? Turn it into reality!
Learn here how to achieve it:

5 reasons to start a business in the US - BITUS USA 12/12/2022

|🎯 Enter one of the largest economies in the world!

5 reasons to start a business in the US - BITUS USA 5 reasons to start a business in the US If starting a business or expanding your operations into a new territory is one of your goals as an entrepreneur, in this blog we will give you the reasons that make the United States an excellent choice to grow your brand. It is no secret that […]

Economic NEXUS: what is it? - BITUS USA 12/12/2022

Do you sell your products in several US states?
Avoid costly fines! Learn in this blog, what is the economic nexus and how they impact the taxes you must pay.

Economic NEXUS: what is it? - BITUS USA Economic NEXUS: Information to comply with your tax obligations Do you sell your products in the United States? Then knowing about economic nexus is vital for you. Undoubtedly, online sales have come to complement the profits of a local business and even surpass them. It is estimated that about 80%....

5 Advantages of doing business in Nevada - BITUS USA 12/12/2022

🔎 Would you like to enter or expand your business to Nevada?

5 Advantages of doing business in Nevada - BITUS USA 5 Advantages of doing business in Nevada Each of the U.S. states has its own advantages that help businesses launch and survive. Choosing the right location can make the difference between the success or failure of your company.   Learn more about the advantages of bringing your business to the U.S...


Register your brand in México, makes it easy for you
Find out how.

Register your brand in México, makes it easy for you

Find out how.


Does your business idea belong to the tourism sector?

Does your business idea belong to the tourism sector?

Then, learn about the performance of this line of business in recent years and what is expected for 2023, by clicking here:

Where can I find the registered companies in Mexico? | BITUS Mexico 12/12/2022

|🔎 go to the SIEM and access the information of thousands of SMEs to find new business opportunities, suppliers and customers.

Where can I find the registered companies in Mexico? | BITUS Mexico Where can I find the registered companies in Mexico? Would you like to capture new business opportunities? The SIEM or Mexican Business Information System, compiles all the information of the existing SMEs at national level and here we tell you, how you can get the maximum benefit.   What is the ob...


¿Crees que expandir tu marca a otro territorio es complicado?
Lo es, si no tienes el apoyo adecuado.
Con BITUS, obtén todo lo que necesitas ¡ahorrando tiempo y dinero!

-Registro de empresa:
Descubre cuál es tu tipo de sociedad ideal
Registra a tu nombre o de quien decidas
Obtén apoyo durante todo el proceso, paso a paso

-Oficina virtual:
Ten un domicilio fiscal o postal
Recepción de paquetería
Atención profesional a clientes

-Soporte legal y contable:
Resolución de conflictos ante el SAT
Revisión de situaciones con empleados
Trámites de visado

Contáctanos, estamos disponibles las 24 horas del día.

Is it possible to register your brand? | BITUS Mexico 12/12/2022

| ⚠ Are you about to register your trademark at IMPI?

Is it possible to register your brand? | BITUS Mexico Is it possible to register your trademark? Find out here If you have decided to give life to your business idea, then the next step must be to protect what you have created. Find out below how to make an inquiry to find out if it is available at the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property. […]

The profits around Mexico's Day of the Dead - BITUS Mexico 02/11/2022

The profits around Mexico's Day of the Dead - BITUS Mexico What are the profits around Mexico’s Day of the Dead? In 2020, we noticed how the pandemic forced us to stay away from each other during these dates to remember our loved ones. But today, more than two years after this situation, we can notice how hundreds of markets have returned to normal. Such ...

Responsabilities Health and Safety Department - BITUS Mexico 26/10/2022

| ⚠ Avoid occupational hazards in your company!
Know which branch of human resources is in charge of this and its functions. Just click on the following link:

Responsabilities Health and Safety Department - BITUS Mexico What is a company’s Health and Safety Department responsible for? According to data from El Economista, more than 400,000 work accidents occur annually in Mexico. In the quest to prevent this situation, companies have opted to set up a health and safety department. This department, under the super...

Tax obligations of entrepreneurs in the USA - BITUS USA 26/10/2022

| ⚠ Avoid fines!
- Do you run or are you a partner in a company?
- Do you sell any product or service?
Find out in the following link, which are the taxes that you have to pay as an entrepreneur in the United States:

Tax obligations of entrepreneurs in the USA - BITUS USA What are the tax obligations of entrepreneurs in the USA? Are you looking to start a business in the United States or expand your business in this territory? Then you need to know which tax obligations that you must comply with in order to operate correctly. Currently, there are about 12 different t...

General vs Limited Partnership: The Differences - BITUS USA 26/10/2022

🏢 Are you about to register your company?
Learn in the following link the differences between a General Partnership and a Limited Partnership, so you can apply for the type of structure that best suits your business.

General vs Limited Partnership: The Differences - BITUS USA General vs Limited Partnership: The Differences Opening your own business is seen as an exciting adventure where you will turn that business idea you’ve been working on into a reality. But it is not easy to become an expert in an industry and at the same time be an expert in business registrations...

6 techniques for your e-commerce - BITUS USA 26/10/2022

Leave your competition behind you!
Implement effective strategies that will increase your e-commerce sales without the need to invest in search engines.
Find out what these 6 techniques are by clicking on the following link:

6 techniques for your e-commerce - BITUS USA 6 techniques to increase sales in your e-commerce Whether you are just starting out in the world of online sales or you have been doing it for some time, increasing the revenue generated by your website will surely interest you to achieve the goals you have set for your company. In 2020 alone, the n...

BITUS' essential services in Mexico - BITUS USA 26/10/2022

Take your company to a new level, with the variety services that has for you:
✅ Trademark registration
✅ Monthly administration
✅ Virtual offices
✅ Visa procedures
✅ Website + E-Commerce
And more! Discover them by clicking on the following link:

BITUS' essential services in Mexico - BITUS USA 12 essential services to take your business to the USA At BITUS, we are interested in the dreams of those entrepreneurs who are looking to enter a new country.   For this reason, we have specialized in developing a range of services that will become a key piece so that every company, regardless of ...

Industries to invest in the US | BITUS USA 26/10/2022

Learn about the most profitable industries to invest in in the USA and which type of business can bring you the most benefits.

Industries to invest in the US | BITUS USA The most profitable industries to invest in the U.S. The United States continues to lead as one of the most powerful economies. Its GDP...


| Are you about to register your company in the United States? Don’t forget that you must first keep in mind the type of company you will choose, so you will obtain benefits and obligations that go according to your business.
⬇ Get to know which are the main company structures within the country.

CHOOSE THE IDEAL CORPORATION FOR YOUR LINE OF BUSINESS - BITUS USA DO YOU WANT TO REGISTER YOUR COMPANY? CHOOSE THE IDEAL CORPORATION FOR YOUR LINE OF BUSINESS The United States offers multiple possibilities for any person, whether resident or foreigner, regardless of their status, to create a business within the country. And in order to establish a business legall...


| Achieve your next goal! Learn about the importance of setting goals within your company, the key questions that will help you formulate them, and some tips to put them in motion.
Just click the link

IMPORTANCE OF SETTING GOALS IN YOUR BUSINESS - BITUS USA IMPORTANCE OF SETTING GOALS IN YOUR BUSINESS Great leaders know that in order to achieve their goals, a good action plan is necessary, since, in this way, they keep their sights set on achieving what they set out to do.   As demonstrated by a study conducted by Harvard University in 1953, where a g...


Comprender sus obligaciones fiscales es crucial para cada emprendedor que quiera hacer de su negocio un éxito.
Descubre en este post los impuestos y pautas que tendrás que cumplir, según tu línea de negocio y ubicación dentro de los Estados Unidos.

LAWS YOU SHOULD KNOW IF YOU WANT TO START A BUSINESS IN THE USA - BITUS USA LAWS YOU SHOULD KNOW IF YOU WANT TO START A BUSINESS IN THE USA The United States offers a regulated environment in which it is easy to establish and operate a business. Planning to start your business or expand to the USA? Then you should know the importance of keeping up to date and complying […...

Know the difference between C Corp and S Corp - BITUS USA 26/10/2022

| One of the most important decisions you will make when starting your own business will be to choose its type of structure since this will determine the different benefits, as well as the obligations you will have to comply with.
Know the differences between a and a to do it correctly.

Know the difference between C Corp and S Corp - BITUS USA Know the difference between C Corp and S Corp   Are you starting a company and wondering which type of structure is best for you? At BITUS, we solve your doubts about the differences and obligations involved in having a C Corp and an S Corp.     C Corp One of the most common […]


Doesn't your company have a Business plan yet? Present yourself to new investors, avoid economic losses, better face unexpected situations and do not lose sight of your goals, with a guide that will tell you what to do and how to do it.

WHAT IS A BUSINESS PLAN AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? - BITUS USA WHAT IS A BUSINESS PLAN AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Currently, due to the constant health and economic crises, the life expectancy of SMEs in the United States has been reduced. This is why it is important for companies to have a strategy that sets out their goals, the process to be followed and determ...

The best cities to start a business in the USA - BITUS USA 26/10/2022

Do you want to know which are the best cities to invest in the USA?
Here we’ll tell you:

The best cities to start a business in the USA - BITUS USA The best cities to start a business in the USA   Currently, the U.S. economy is largely solvent by the more than 30.7 million SMEs that exist (2021), a large number thanks to the facilities granted by the government in order to benefit entrepreneurs, leaving the U.S. in 6th place of the 190 countri...

Visas for foreign entrepreneurs in the USA - BITUS USA 26/10/2022

| If you are interested in opening a business in the and you don't know what kind of you can acquire, this article is for you. Here we tell you all ab :

Visas for foreign entrepreneurs in the USA - BITUS USA Visas for foreign entrepreneurs in the USA Did you know that there are several possibilities to obtain a visa for foreign entrepreneurs? We show you 7 options that will help you to get a visa in the United States.   B-1 Business Visa This would be a type of visa that allows you to […]

Is someone using your brand? - BITUS Mexico 19/10/2022

⚠️ Is your brand being imitated without your consent?
Avoid damage to your reputation and monetary losses.
Click on the following link and find out how to proceed:

Is someone using your brand? - BITUS Mexico Is someone using your brand? Here’s how to deal with it.   Registering your trademark, not only allows you to formalize your business idea to market it freely but also helps you to protect it against anyone who wants to generate profits by imitating what you offer, without your consent. If you ha...

BITUS' essential services in Mexico - BITUS Mexico 19/10/2022

Ensure the success of your business with all of ' services:
✅ Trademark registration.
✅ 24/7 legal and accounting support.
✅ Virtual offices
✅ Business plans
✅ Website + E-Commerce
And more! Discover them by clicking on the following link:

BITUS' essential services in Mexico - BITUS Mexico 12 essential services to take your business to Mexico At BITUS, we are passionate about pushing companies towards new horizons. For this reason, we have developed a range of services that covers each of the stages that an SME goes through when seeking to grow and position itself within a given secto...

Would you like to have your own website? - BITUS Mexico 19/10/2022

| Crear un sitio web nunca ha sido tan fácil.
Descubre las ventajas del servicio Web & Cloud y entra en el mundo digital sin complicaciones.

Would you like to have your own website? - BITUS Mexico Would you like to have your own website? With BITUS, it’s easy. For some years now, people have been used to searching for information on the Internet, including learning more about a product or service we are interested in.   So, what happens if a potential customer does not find your brand on t...

Why is it important to have a financial scheme? | BITUS Mexico 19/10/2022

| Would you like to know if your business model is ready for the future?
Enter the following link and find out what a financial scheme is, its characteristics and the benefits it will bring to your brand.

Why is it important to have a financial scheme? | BITUS Mexico The importance of a financial scheme is to achieve an objective, to find out if a business is viable and sustainable in the future


| How much does it really cost to start a business in Mexico? At BITUS we take care of all your doubts so that you can start your adventure as an entrepreneur in a country that is growing exponentially.

HOW MUCH WILL IT COST TO CREATE A COMPANY IN MEXICO IN 2022? - You want to create a company in Mexican territory and you have wondered how much it will cost you to complete each of the procedures.

7 FAQS When creating a company 19/10/2022

: Would you like to start your own business in Mexico? Ensure its success, prepare yourself and find out what are the questions that entrepreneurs ask themselves before launching their business to the market.

7 FAQS When creating a company 7 Frequently asked questions that were in the minds of people like you, before deciding to create your brand, get to know them.

Does every task seem important? - BITUS Mexico 19/10/2022

The organization and prioritization of tasks is very important for a company, especially if you want to have a good financial and operational control.
We’ll show you some examples of how you can get the most out of your business.

Does every task seem important? - BITUS Mexico Is crucial for entrepreneurs to define an order among the priorities to be attended, delegated or postponed.

Lack of personnel? | BITUS Mexico 19/10/2022

¿Tu empresa tiene problemas para encontrar personal calificado? Aquí están las principales razones por las que

Lack of personnel? | BITUS Mexico Thousands of companies are going through the same situation and here are the reasons. Currently, there is a crisis of profound impact


We help you to register your company in Mexico. Get to know the benefits that has for your company and achieve your business goals.

What is the workforce? | BITUS Mexico 19/10/2022

| Do you know what the workforce is and who is in it? They are also known as the backbone of society. Here we tell you all about it:

What is the workforce? | BITUS Mexico What is the workforce? The number of people who have a job added to those who do not have a job but are actively looking for one.

Start your business in Mexico now! | BITUS Mexico 19/10/2022

| ¿Quieres abrir una empresa en México pero no sabes cómo?
Nos encargamos de todos los trámites, trámites y tediosos procesos.
Aprenda más sobre nuestros servicios y cómo BITUS puede ayudarle en nuestra página web:

Start your business in Mexico now! | BITUS Mexico Start your business in Mexico now, find out who we are, our services, and how our extensive experience in the business sector supports us.

Work accident of your employee | BITUS Mexico 19/10/2022

Todos los trabajadores están expuestos a la posibilidad de un accidente durante la jornada laboral, pero ¿sabemos cómo debemos afrontarlo? ¿Conocemos nuestros derechos como empleados?

Work accident of your employee | BITUS Mexico A work accident can occur in any company regardless of its size or activity. When this happens...

Basic laws for entrepreneurs that you should know | BITUS Mexico 19/10/2022

Are you sure that your company complies with all the regulations? We tell you what the laws that apply to your business are, so you can review them here:

Basic laws for entrepreneurs that you should know | BITUS Mexico Every entrepreneur who wants to start a business must know the legislation associated with their economic activity.


Do you want to know why all companies are using virtual offices? Find out here!

👉 👈

WHAT IS A VIRTUAL OFFICE? - BITUS Mexico WHAT IS A VIRTUAL OFFICE? A virtual office is a solution that many companies adopt to establish their business, fiscal or commercial.

What is a business plan and why is it important? | BITUS Mexico 19/10/2022

| Important ‼️
A business plan is a guide to action. It tells us what to do and how to do it in the best way, avoid unforeseen events or complications in your company that require more effort and in some cases, a loss of your initial investment.

What is a business plan and why is it important? | BITUS Mexico A business plan is an important document that details the type of company that is intended to be created, with the purpose...