Melissa Souza

Melissa Souza

Melissa is an up-and-coming author that just published her first book.

Together, with you, she hopes to grow and have some fun interacting with all her followers, while sharing her works with each and every one of you.


Hey y’all! Life has been crazy lately and I apologize I haven’t been posting as I should.

I have quite a few new followers! How about y’all introduce yourselves and let me know if you’ve read Reflections: A Tormented Love Story. What did you like about it? What didn’t you like about it? Do you want to hear more about Reagan and Xander’s life? Do you think they were able to overcome the past and move on with their lives or did it destroy any hope they had?


I’d love to hear what y’all thought about Reagan and Xander. Do you think they can overcome their differences or is it too late?

I am happy to announce that Reflections: A Tormented Love Story is now available to purchase in all formats!


Think about where you are now.

Now think about where you want to be.

Take the leap and watch your life change!!!


I just received an exciting email. The press release has been completed!

I cannot express how happy I am to share my journey with you all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of this with me.

Onto the next phase!


I am happy to announce that Reflections: A Tormented Love Story is now available to purchase in all formats!


Who would like to see how things turn out for Reagan and Xander?

Should I continue their story?


On February 9, 2022. I announced Reflections had been released. I’ve had an overwhelming amount of support and my book sales took off!

I cannot tell you how grateful I am for each and every one of you for jumping in and buying a copy. I am beyond blessed.

For those of you that have read the book, I’d love the hear what you thought of it.

Comment below your thoughts on Reflections, all I ask is you try not to give spoilers for those that are still reading, waiting for their copy to come in or are still trying to decide if you want to even give Reflections a shot.



This is by far my favorite update on Reflections!

Life has been pretty busy for me lately but short story... new job opportunity, and they are putting me through school so I've been trying to juggle home life, work life, author life and now, school life (never stop learning kids!). So when I went a few days without checking my email, I missed the most important one of my life.

Reflections is now on sale!!!! You can get it through Amazon and Barnes and Noble and in just a few short weeks you will be able to walk into a book store and buy it there as well!!!

Thank you all for joining me on this journey and helping to make my dream a reality!

Photos from Melissa Souza's post 03/02/2022

IT CAME IN!!!!! I am excited to say that Reflections is complete!

I want to take a minute and thank everyone that has supported me on this journey. You all are the real rockstars. If it wasn’t for you all telling me I could do this, supporting my decision in trying to make Reflections a reality, staying up all night and talking to me on the phone while I ranted about my characters or just giving me the best advice you could offer… none of this would have been possible. I appreciate each and every one of you.

**Release date TBD stay tuned**


Never! Notebooks sit there, but I have a ton of drafts saved on my computer. But guess what? I'm still going to buy more notebooks because I never know when I'll get an idea and need to write it down. (says the one that never carries said notebook)


It happens...


I had a dream a few nights ago that sparked new ideas for another book... I got the dream laid out word for word and was pleasantly surprised I actually remembered the dream because I usually don't.

Anyway, I'm on a roll. I get the dream down, I twist it a bit (not too much but enough for me to be able to add more detail) I start rolling the ideas around on where I can take this storyline. I'm excited about it, I'm running the ideas by a friend to see if she gets just as excited as I am. She is completely invested by the end of it and then it happens...



I got home from work tonight and one of my twins came in the kitchen and says “Ma, you got a package today. We brought it in when we got home from school. I bet it’s your book!” The other twins yells from the bathroom “I really hope it’s your book!”

It was honey my sister ordered for me. 😂😂😂

They were pretty disappointed.


It’s been a bit since my last post. There hasn’t been anything to really update you all on. Reflections is in hard copy printing and it will take me about 6 weeks before I receive my hard copies to look over and approve.

So, I’ve just been trying to wrap my head around the fact that I’m a published author. (That really freaking happened!!!)

In the mean time, I’m brainstorming… the wheels are turning… and there will be a second book in the making soon enough!


A little writers humor for you:


Keep striving to be the best version of you!


Trust the process.


I woke up this morning thinking yesterday was just a dream. There was no way Reflections was published…

So, I pinched myself, rubbed my eyes and was being generally dramatic at 4:30 this morning as I opened my laptop and signed onto my author portal to see that not only was it published, it really is in the print stage. This really happened!

I have accomplished many things in life that I am proud of. I went to an art school, I went to cosmetology school, I created 5 of the most amazing humans to walk this earth among many other things… but writing Reflections is probably the most unbelievable accomplishment to date.

Never doubt yourself. Push past the comfort zone, reach for the stars. I promise you it will be worth it!!!


Guys! It's happened!!!! Reflections is now in the print process!!!


Reflections has offically gone to Cover Art!!!


How is everyone doing today? Did y'all enjoy the holiday?


After a fun-filled few days celebrating Christmas with loved ones, I wanted to come on and wish you all a very Merry Christmas! May all your dreams come true in the new year!


So… I got this emailed to me today… sneak peek of the page design 😍😍😍


Just take that step!


Welcome, Everyone!

As some of you know, I've always had a dream to publish a book.

Well, I did it! (Sort of)

A few years ago, I started writing a book. It took me a while but when I was finally at a point I felt I could do something with it, I sent it in to a few publishers. I never expected to get a call that someone wanted to publish the book. But I did!!! Over the last several months I have been working with my publishing coordinator and editors to finally turn my dream into reality.

I am so exited to share this journey with you all!!
