PAAW: People Advocating For Animal Welfare

PAAW: People Advocating For Animal Welfare

We are a grassroots group advocating for the rights of animals in California shelters.


Why did Contra Costa Animal Services kill Coyote just as plans for his rescue were being organized? Is having a seizure and needing medical attention a reason to euthanize a healthy adoptable animal? We pleaded with CCAS to spare Coyote. Please see their own words on 8/3/23 describing how sweet this boy was. We have had enough of leadership's incompetence and lack of compassion for animals at the Martinez shelter (CCAS)!

SCIL, Priscilla Presley, Katherine Heigl and a Broad Coalition Introduce ACR 86, Pet Crisis Response 25/05/2023

Calling all PAAW members and friends of animals to sign in support of Spay and Neuter legislation!

SCIL, Priscilla Presley, Katherine Heigl and a Broad Coalition Introduce ACR 86, Pet Crisis Response View as Webpage May 24, 2023 BREAKING NEWS! Assemblymember Ash Kalra, Social Compassion in Legislation, and a large coalition including Priscilla Presley and Katherine Heigl join forces to introduce a


