Thyroidectomy Conquerers

Thyroidectomy Conquerers

Sharing information regarding various aspects after a thyroidectomy.


There are more websites where you can read more on the symptoms of a fatty liver and hypothyroidism. Use at least three websites when researching about a fatty liver and hypothyroidism.

I am not affiliated to products. However, I'm in my third week using the below medication and it helps me with some of my subclinical hypothyroidism symptoms.


Weight loss

Before and after my thyroidectomy I've been struggling with weight loss.

I've saw a dietitian, but still struggle with weight loss. I forgot about the fact that the doctor told me that I had Hashimoto’s thyroiditis before my thyroidectomy.

I did some research. Please click on the links to read the whole articles.

Subclinical hypothyroidism (Linked with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis)

Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH), is diagnosed when T3 and T4 levels are within normal reference laboratory range but TSH levels are low. (

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

Hashimoto thyroiditis is the most common cause of subclinical hypothyroidism. Hashimoto thyroiditis is a disease that involves inflammation and damage to the thyroid gland because of antibodies against a person's own thyroid gland. (

Furthermore, people with an autoimmune disease, in particular, Hashimoto’s are especially prone to liver blockage.
Studies have shown that everyone with an autoimmune disorder, including Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, has some degree of intestinal permeability, or “leaky gut.” Intestinal permeability is defined by gaps in the gut lining that can develop as the result of various factors.
Finally, food sensitivities, which are particularly common among those with Hashimoto’s, can contribute to liver congestion. When you continually ingest the proteins of foods that you are sensitive to, you could develop antibodies to them.

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, has some degree of intestinal permeability, or “leaky gut.” Intestinal permeability is defined by gaps in the gut lining that can develop as the result of various factors. (

Liver function and weight loss

It can be almost impossible to lose this abdominal fat until the liver function is improved. Once this is done the liver will start burning fat efficiently again and the weight comes off gradually and without too much effort from you. It is not necessary to follow a very restrictive low fat, low calorie diet. ( #:~:text=When%20the%20body%20becomes%20overwhelmed,chemical%20backlog%20in%20their%20body! #:~:text=Subclinical%20hyperthyroidism%20is%20when%20you,a%20modified%20version%20of%20T4. #:~:text=It%20can%20be%20almost%20impossible,low%20fat%2C%20low%20calorie%20diet. #:~:text=Subclinical%20hypothyroidism%20(SCH)%2C%20also,8%25%20of%20the%20general%20population.


I got back in the gym after my modified, radical neck dissection. Optimistic about looking like my trainer in a few months or not 🤪


Good morning,

Today was my first neck sonar after my surgery in December. I waited four weeks for this appointment. During these four weeks, I got my blood tests back. The results, for me as a layman, were dire. I understand some of the results and for the rest, I need a "knowledgeable" person's help.

My doctor wants to see the sonar results before discussing my blood tests. On the one hand, I understand, but on the other hand, I don't. God knows me. He knows that I like to learn and understand things around me.

So God starts sending people my way. A nurse who takes the time and effort to send a presentation about thyroglobulin and thyroglobulin antibodies, a coffee visit that turns into prayer for my health and in between, messages from people who want to know how I am doing.

I didn't think for a moment how much tension was building up inside me towards this sonar appointment.

As usual, my questions begin. What is the purpose of this sonar? I get one of the most valuable biology lessons in a short time. For the first time in a long while I lie on a bed QUIET, grateful for the useful information I just received. I understand, for the first time, since having my thyroid removed, how the thyroid works and much more.

I walk out of the hospital. Grateful and relieved! There is no remaining thyroid tissue. No lymph node that looks suspicious.

"Rejoice all who live to rejoice before the Lord", my head starts singing. I'm crying. Four weeks of unknown tension pour out of me.

"My grace is sufficient for you..." 2 Cor 12:9 I am reminded that God's grace is new daily. We just received it.


This piece focuses on the emotional impact being diagnosed with cancer has.

"You have thyroid cancer, but don't worry, thyroid cancer has a good prognosis." My inner voice started talking when hearing the word "cancer", and the rest of the doctor's words came to me as an exceptionally far-off sound.

It's the second time I'm receiving the news that they found cancer in my body. Each time I hear that word, it sounds uglier and uglier. The fear that this word creates is uncanny.

Walking to my car was just an absurd event. From the outside, I'm sure I looked composed. Stopping at Starbucks in the hospital to buy my young adult children drinks. I'm buying time. My mind jumps from one thought to another in split seconds.

"I must tell my children!" "I must phone my mom". (She's living thousands of miles from me.) "God, I don't want to do it!". "I don't want to convey bad news to anyone, not over the phone". "Cry!". "No, you can't; you must tell your children and your mom without crying".

Fighting the voices in your head is the most challenging part but a crucial part of your new journey. In the end, you have a story to tell. The time it took to sift through the thoughts, disregard the negative ones, focus on the positive ones and make a conscious decision to always focus on the positive. From here, you become your biggest cheerleader.

The fight in your head will last as long as you focus on the negative thoughts.

The fight in your head will eventually calm down, and you will start living as your own cheerleader. Being your own cheerleader means you decide what you tell yourself.
God guide my footsteps, and I'm cheering myself on with thankfulness and positive affirmations.

God says, “My grace is sufficient for you," and it's all I need (2 Corinthians 12:9).


Grieve the loss of your thyroid

You have lost your thyroid due to various reasons. It would help if you made time to grieve your thyroid loss.

Your thyroid is a living organ inside your body, and it helps to regulate many body functions by constantly releasing thyroid hormones.

The thyroid hormones play a role in your metabolism and weight, body temperature, mood, muscle control, digestion, growth, brain and development and heart function.

You will agree that you have just lost a vital organ. This moment must be grieved and celebrated.

Take time to reflect on your journey.
Find a quiet place, make yourself a nice cup of tea or coffee, and have a pen and a diary with you. Write everything down that comes to mind. The grieving period is crucial in your emotional healing process. It would help if you lived emotionally healthy to start your new journey without a thyroid. The grieving period depends on how much time you spent to reflect on your diagnosis, operation and treatment. I have spent a day on my reflection.

The next step is to celebrate You. Go to a mirror. Look into your eyes and say, "I am a Conquerer". "(Your name) the journey from now on will not always be easy, but I am going to live a full, impactful life."

Live consciously! Appreciate, and celebrate the days that you feel good. On the days that are not so good, be very kind to yourself.

Life without a thyroid is an adventure. Make a conscious decision to live positively.

Your mind determines your life.

Photos from Thyroidectomy Conquerers 's post 06/03/2023

I am trying to drink 3 liters of water every day. 500ml of my daily intake is lemon, ginger and garlic water. The reason why I am drinking this mixture is to lower the inflammation in my body, and to boost my immune system.

Anti inflammatory

Boosts immune system
Balances pH levels: Stable pH levels help jumpstart biochemical reactions and create the right environment for your organs to do their jobs.

Anti inflammatory
Boosts immune system
Anti oxidant activity: Antioxidants are substances that may protect your cells against free radicals, which may play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases. Free radicals are molecules produced when your body breaks down food or when you're exposed to to***co smoke or radiation.



My name is Jolanda. I've created this group to share my journey after total thyroidectomy and the removal of cancerous lymph nodes. In addition, I would like to make a space where we can share information regarding good ENT specialists, scar lotions/gels, and food choices.

My total thyroidectomy took place on 15 February 2022.

I went for radioactive iodine treatment. The only thing about RAI is that you live in solitude for 14 days.

A few months later, I felt a lump in my neck again. I immediately knew that it was cancer. I was devastated! This time, I am not okay. It took me almost a month to make an appointment with the ENT. The ENT made the first diagnosis. She didn't waste any time and called the surgeon to see me the same day.

I had a radical neck dissection within six weeks of my ENT appointment. It is now 12 weeks after my radical neck dissection. I do not have the full function of my left arm back yet. A friend told me it could take between 6 and 12 months to get 100% function of my arm back.

I am waiting to hear if I need a second round of RAI treatment.

My biggest struggle at the moment is to make healthy food choices. I also hope to be back in the gym again soon.


Graves disease: A short story


Please share recommended scar cream or scar gel.


Recommended Endocrinologist:

Share the name of your doctor. Details in the comments.
