Pool Runnings Deep Water Running Club for Injured Runners
A group to organise and plan deep water running sessions for runners who are injured or want to cros
I’d like to re initiate the idea of a weekly Sunday pool water running/ swim session for injured runners or those who need/want cross training for anything from a down week to an arthritis flare up !!
I am open to suggestions for location and times,
to make a calendar of rotating location and times so that people know there is a place to go and work out every Sunday with others when they are injured and can’t run and feel disconnected from their community!! ❤️❤️
If anyone is keen let me know and we can start a vote on what times, days & locations !
Now that pools are open, I’d like to re initiate the idea of a weekly Sunday pool water running/ swim session for injured runners or those who need/want cross training for anything from a down week to an arthritis flare up !!
I am still open to suggestions for location and times, orator make a calendar of rotating location and times so that people know there is a place to go and work out every Sunday with others when they are injured and can’t run and feel disconnected from their community!! ❤️❤️
If anyone is keen let me know and we can start a vote on what times and locations on a Sunday !!!
Eg monthly schedule may look like:
1st Sunday of month Camden outdoor pool
2nd Sunday an outdoor beach pool of choice
3rd Sunday Campbelltown pool
4th Sunday Macquarie outdoor pool or north Ryde pool
(Just examples)