Wings of Wellness and Beauty
As a Health Practitioner, I help you discover the root cause of Why symptoms are present.
People ask how do you take your power back in your life.
One is to recognize you have a higher and lower self... lower self is the ego who is the voice of never enough, comparison, status, always having to be right, all the low vibrations. Your higher self is spirit, which is love, joy, peace, accepts that everything is as it should be in the prsent moment, all the high vibrations.
Being fully present in each moment is where you can figure out which one you are responding out of.
For most of my life I have been responding from ego, and trauma, that's who was driving the ship, now if it happens I just self correct.
Ask your self when you are at the family dinner, who's responding right now?
Someone says something that triggers you, it isn't the person, it's already what's inside of you. Your power is taking responsibility for the emotion, because if it arises it wants to be free!
Sounds like a lot of work, it is! Especially in the beginning.
If we worry about the world, problems, everything outside of us, without realizing all of it is inside of us then we will just keep spinning our wheels, not going anywhere in life, just creating more problems where there isn't any.
This is awareness. This is power! This is your power!
Client Testimonial!
50 million Americans use acid reflux medication long term and increases risk of death and is completely unnecessary!
Connect with me to rebalance your body.
Connect with me and I will help you enjoy those
"level B roads. "
It's really trusting in your body, in yourself again.
When traveling, my must haves!
I never thought I could relocate for a month because of my health and old patterns we are taught by society, like saving travel only for retirement and save your dreams to then.
Well I've never been good at following rules.
This is a reminder to, don't wait to spend your health gaining wealth and then spend your wealth gaining health.
Start now and transform to life you want.
Connect with me.
Link in Bio
Also my favorite products are in my bio.
Tip stop waiting for others and circumstances to change.
The magic is taking responsibility for whatever is present in your life whether it's a bad relationship , bad health weight gain...etc.
What you resist persist.
When you start to become the CO creator of your life, you realize that you can change yourself and start getting what you want.
This is why you are the most important person on this planet.
Realize also that those negative emotions and feelings are only present because you actually don't believe your own stories.
Get someone to support you through this.
Link in Bio.
Omg that was hilarious!! My client Testimonial video didn't post, just had goats! I hope you enjoyed the goats!
Link in Bio to connect with me!
Vitamin D and what I'm having for lunch!
Here is the link to sign up!
Now is the perfect time to plug into self-care before the holidays!
It's a self paced challenge!
Join my 10 day Self paced SELF -CARE challenge!
Show up brighter and lighter in your life and learn techniques that will help you soar through the holidays!!!!
This is a present for you!!!
Sign up here!
It's time your bloodwork done! Especially if it's been over a year.
I use functional numbers to review your labs to get your body functioning at optimal level.
Its $450 for lab draw and review and protocol.
Schedule today!
Annual Sass family farm day!
Connect with me at
Benefits of going to the Sauna!!! It let's the risk of many diseases! Check out the video for more info! Dm me for your free pass!
Come see me tonight at Hotworx Open House! From 4-6:30
Come check out what I do and how I can help you!
If you wanted your bloodwork done by functional perspective, I can order your panel too!
This is when I know you're all in and magic can happen!
Connect with me today!
Root cause issue can be parasites! I can see these markers on your bloodwork.
Parasites are no stranger thing to me.
This is the magic everyday before making choices ✨️ Self- Care!
Do I push through my to do list, or pay attention to what's going on in my body, my experience?
Am I feeling agitated, angry, tired.... what does my heart say I need right now?....
A nap....
Do I do it?
Am I Brave enough....I won't get my list done, maybe let somebody down...
Are u Brave?....
Yes! To me and my needs! I'm worth it. Trusting all will be well, no matter if I get my list done or not.
Nap time here I come...!
Functional Bloodwork: Cholesterol explained. When the doctor says everything looks great and you still feel sick.... when you are looking to be healthy, we have tight parameters on the labs we run. Our blood can explain so much!
Join us and feel great and look good before the holidays!!!
Virtual Health Program Includes:
🥰Bloodwork and review.
😍Lifestyle plan
😍Shopping lists
🥰Holiday recipes
😍 Zoom support every Wednesday
🥰Targets Root Cause
Sign up today! At
This quote came during my morning meditation where it required me to acknowledge parts of my being and say my fears out loud.
I challenge you, if you aren't feeling heard, when was the last time you felt connected to hear yourself.
When you give yourself the required attention you deserve you won't need to go get it anywhere else.
Refer someone for their health and recieve $100 credit towards your health consultation!
Is this you?
Are you sensitive to everything?
Connect with me!
Are you letting your body know it's safe?
It's needs to feel safe to heal.
One easy way is making sure you are getting the right nutrients and eating 3 meals a day.
When I work with people, I have them log 3 days of how they eat.
I also see from their bloodwork, deficiencies, how well they do at fasting, thyroid and their lipid panel.
Run your bloodwork with me from a functional perspective to get to why you aren't feeling well.
When was the last time you had your bloodwork ran?
A functional perspective makes all the difference and why you haven't got the answers you were looking for.
That's what I do as a health practitioner, I help people take their power back in their health and life!
Connect with and see how I can support you!
Angela and Rachel tell you! If we can heal ourselves, so can you!
If u love Zuppa from Olive Garden, try this healthier way!
Connect with me, it's free, and see how I can support you on your health journey.
Once you believe this, your body will change.
I used to think my body was against me.
Your body is made to heal!
What are your limiting beliefs?
100% possibilities are avaliable 100% off the time.
Shift in the health you want! Did u know your not screwed by your genetics? Genetics only show up when your body is out of balance.
Shift out of its always going to be this way, instead I make the way and try a new approach to health!
A day in the salon!