

This page will have updates on Colin’s medical journey w his stage 4 Hodgkin lymphoma!


Happy birthday to this amazing ”mom” as Colin calls her… She spent her birthday taken Colin to get his port flushed and for his 3 month oncology apt until I could get there from work!!! Thank you so much for being the best mom/nana we love you so much!!!


A sweet moment when things were going crazy he FaceTimed sissy n got the biggest smile talking to her n look at her big smile… she worries sick when he’s at the hospital ♥️♥️ ( their bond is like no other )


We are home… since being in the hospital since Thursday… this is going to be long and emotional… so when we got to the ER after the ct scan they told us he had a increase in fluid in his brain! They told us he was being admitted to do a shunt tap and than a reconstruction. Got up to the floor mind you over 30 hours of no sleep. They than come in now at 24 hours there w Colin screaming and crying in pain to say they will not do a shunt tap because the likely hood that the fluid is infected is low. So Colin asked for a mri to make sure they aren’t missing something w this pain! It is not a headache it is a piercing pain stabbing him in the side of his skull where his shunt is placed. Again the neuro team said NO! Colin in complete pain lost all of his cool. For one the fear of losing any more of his already lost vision is our biggest fear as well as making sure he doesn’t loss his life… We asked for them to check the fluid behind his eyes and that was a NO. So disappointed in how our experience went and completely heart broken that my baby feels he’s just here til he dies. Colin has never been text book health. He lost his vision because they treated this head pain as “migraines” and wouldn’t do scans which lead to vision loss and over 7 brain surgeries. We obviously don’t want surgery for no reason BUT WE DO WANT THEM TO DO THEIR DUE DILIGENCE. Colin’s neurosurgeon wasn’t there this weekend and we will call him Monday and I will keep a very close eye on my boy! But please say a extra prayer that we can get this pain to leave and leave for good… also please say some extra prayers that we find some comfort to these anxieties we live w daily!


Happy 4th… 💥


I know we’ve been missing from the page but life’s been busy getting back to life n such in remission… Colin goes for blood work n oncologist apt end of July. Please pray everything is in his favor...


Round 2 on the birthday celebrations!!! Colin wanted crabs So Colin got the surprise to waken up to crabs!!! I will go to the end of the world for this kid! I have always and will always!!!

Photos from ColinStrong's post 17/05/2024

Family dinner & casino for Colin’s 21st. He actually didn’t drink but had fun playing the slots… his favorite gift was his sister homemade birthday card… thank you to everyone who sent money to make his birthday extra special… he actually came home w money...


If you’d like to send Colin a drink here’s his cash app… if you don’t have cash app I also have Venmo at Priscilla laureano… let’s show this guy how loved he is!!! Let’s make this a birthday to remember…

Photos from ColinStrong's post 16/05/2024

21 years ago I discovered what true love was… Colin you are my first and biggest blessing MY son! Life hasn’t been fair not by a far shot but boy do you know how to show life how strong you are! Over the years you have been to Disney land, Disney world, Canada, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Bermuda, all up n down the east coast! We have gone on 3 cruises and have one coming up to Alaska! You played baseball for so many years I miss being on the field watching you pitch or hit! If you weren’t playing we were always at Camden yards watching the Os! You’ve gone to the beach house since you were only a couple months old when mom n pop bought it! You were my beach baby! And a crab loving fool! Four wheelers dirt bikes and go carts always had you laughing! Fishing competitions which you always won except maybe the one to the Bahamas I think I won there lol. Even tho you lost your vision you showed brain cancer you would win! Blind at 17 and multiple brain shunt failures and you still went on to graduate high school! As if that wasn’t enough life wanted to test you again! Stage IV cancer w respiratory failure... you stood to the challenge! It wasn’t easy but I wouldn’t let ya fall!! Your in remission and now your 21! You have had 3 liters of puppies and continue to be the best son the best brother the best dog dad there is! Your heart and smile are beyond measurable! How is my baby 21? I’m so thankful for all our memories the last 21 and here’s to many MANY more…


5 more days til Colin turns 21 🎂🎂


Colin’s back getting his brain mri… than off to Hershey for blood work port flush and seeing his cancer dr. For a check up… 🤞🏽 his brain shunt is still working the way it’s supposed too…


We are almost one month til Colin’s 21st birthday!!! Our plan was to go to Vegas but w his low vision he’s decided not too… so now to figure which casino we should go to play some slots and try a drink… I can not believe my baby is turning 21! Where has the years gone? Which casinos have you guys had “more” luck at??


Happy Easter 🐣

Photos from ColinStrong's post 27/03/2024

One year ago today exactly is when they found masses in Colin’s chest! Who knew that it would spread so rapidly into stage 4 cancer. We are ever so thankful that he’s in remission and all the love and support you all have showed Colin and us as a family! As thankful for remission as we are, we still are struggling w the worry about it coming back. But one thing we do is listen to Colin’s body!


Trip out to Hershey to get Colin port flushed… thank goodness it flushed easily…


Getting Colin’s eyes checked. The good news is nothing has changed w his vision (as much as I pray for his vision to get better at this point I’m thankful it’s not getting any worse, he doesn’t have much more to loss) or his damaged optic nerves but the sad news is his dr who we have had since this horrible journey began almost 4 years ago is retiring! He really gave Colin the best treatment w respect and dignity and pushing Colin to keep going! He will be missed greatly from us…


Sorry we’ve been absent lately! We are ever so thankful for all the positive vibes prayers and we’ll wishes! We are still anticipating the catch of being in remission and Colin is struggling w still losing his eye site from brain cancer almost 4 years ago now! But on a positive note he has took his anger and has been working it out. His way! And I’ll always do whatever he needs his way! We head back to get his port flushed soon! Every 6 weeks we go to Hershey for it to be flushed! Thank you everyone for being here and just know his journey is tough but this guy is stronger!


Hard to get a picture of this Diamond art but how cool!!! The day Colin got to ring the bell!!!


Good morning rise and shine… early morning for us but here we go…

Photos from ColinStrong's post 28/01/2024

Got our gloves colored in!!! This week is his scans and dr apt!!! Praying for the greatest news!!


Not much of an update just a big smile when sissy came home from her competition!!! Still waiting til February to see how everything’s looking! But til than enjoy our moments!!!

Photos from ColinStrong's post 06/01/2024

HIS FIGHT IS OUR FIGHT!! Color coming this week… 💜

Photos from ColinStrong's post 01/01/2024

Happy new year from these 2!!! We are ready for a new year and praying for great news February 1st! That’s when we find out if the chemo did what it needed or if we make a new treatment plan!! But tonight we celebrate FAMILY!! And Colin getting through one of the hardest battles this year!


Merry Christmas 🎄

Photos from ColinStrong's post 25/12/2023

Christmas Eve making ginger bread house w sissy


Colin got his wbc booster yesterday today has been ROUGH! His lower back is killing him and the nausea has his stomach all worked up! All he’s been able to do is lay in bed w a heating pad on his back!


The strongest man I ever did know!! The greatest gift God ever gave me!!! MY SON!!!

Photos from ColinStrong's post 18/12/2023

They finally approved his treatment to start!! Waiting on pharmacy now… his anc was still lower than they wanted but we are pushing forward…

Videos (show all)

21 years ago I discovered what true love was… Colin you are my first and biggest blessing MY son! Life hasn’t been fair ...
It is official my son is a warrior!!!
Ringing the bell
The strongest man I ever did know!! The greatest gift God ever gave me!!! MY SON!!!
Day one of cycle 5.
Accessing Colin port…
