Dawnna Talks Life

Dawnna Talks Life

I have worked hard on my mental health. I have worked hard in therapy. I have listened to the great

Timeline photos 22/11/2020

My only real Instagram is: http://bit.ly/2lG9wg7


Positive Energy Quotes


Ways to do Gratitude Lists:

-Themes: Material objects, experiences, people, etc.

-Look at what you have that others would be grateful for: Sight, a home, clean water, safe neighborhood, freedom, etc.

-What you have now have that younger you didn’t have: Your own household, a job, control over your life, etc.

- Things You are Grateful for this Week, Day, Month


Want to completely reprogram your brain?

I know magic.

The way to reprogram your brain is very simple. It’s so simple that it seems magical.

Now, before I share the magic spell, I said the way to do it is simple; I didn’t say it was easy.

Ready for my magic trick?

First- get yourself some notecards.

Second- write I am affirmations.

It could be ``I am kind, I am smart, I am strong”. They could also be very detailed,” I am compassionate to myself while I go through this rough time”. You can also write statements without using I AM:: I save $20 a week”. The only real rule is to try and avoid negatives. Instead of, “I am not going to eat a bag of doritos every night” try “I will eat healthy and mindfully every night”.

Third- Read them at least every morning and every night.

Fourth- Record yourself reading them and listen to it. There is no greater tool than listening to your affirmations in your own voice.

Fifth- Write them as often as you can.

Sixth- read, write, listen as many times as you can. Try to completely immerse yourself in them. The more times a day you actively do something with your cards, the quicker they will reprogram your brain.

Seventh- TELL EVERYONE! Share this life changing exercise with everyone you know!


If you are anything like me, right now you’re feeling like Ricky Bobby not knowing what to do with his hands; except it’s not knowing what to do with your whole body.

We are waiting for an answer as to how our country will proceed.

The scariest part is we may not have our answer tonight or tomorrow.

What do we do during these uncertain times?

The first is acknowledging what we are feeling is valid. Have compassion toward yourself and know that anything you feel is ok.

I think the best thing we can do is to reach out to others. Speak what you’re feeling. Naming our feelings with a safe person puts us in control. Another amazing coping skill is journaling. Getting all your frustration and fear out of you. Gratitude lists are perfect for taking your mind and making it focus on the good in your life.

As a wise friend recently said to me, we have to take it hour by hour. Trying to think into the future will only overwhelm and make us anxious.


Years ago I posted something on facebook about my mom. My brother being the tattle tale he is showed her. I then unfriended him.

Just yesterday I arranged to do a Pampered Chef party. My fear of there not being enough set in. I refriended my brother in hopes that he would buy something so I would have a successful party.

Today I posted about how although my mom was abusive, I learned a lot. In a panic, I remmebered my brother was my friend on facebook. I called him asking that he just be cool. That this is my story, my experience. He informed me that he’d be cool as long as I didn’t post about “family business”.

Not talking about “Family business” is just a fancy way of saying don’t talk about the abuse. We have to look like the perfect family and suffer in silence. This is something my mother instilled in us.

I refuse to be shut up. I will shout my truth from the roof tops! I then did a thing on Facebook where he can no longer see my posts.

I then realized that he is the main controller over the website. A website that’s soul purpose is to help others with my story.

I’m not sure how but I’m going to get him off from that website.

I feel this is the Universe’s way of showing me that I need to stop having fear of not having enough. The Universe will provide and I need to stop doing toxic things that are harmful to me.

Well Played Universe. Well Played.


I feel the loss of my mother today on her birthday. Today would have been her 75th birthday.

It’s a complex grief. My mother was very abusive.

I am grieving the mother that I always wanted and never had.

I think today would be a good day to honor what I learned from my mother. I learned a lot of things from her poor example. By her as a model, I learned the correct way of doing things is by doing the opposite of what she did.

I learned how to unconditionally love someone.

Through the beat downs, I learned how to love and accept myself as I am.

I learned that a clean house and material objects don’t measure my worth as a person.

I have learned that a house, car, husband, and kids don’t make you a happier person.

I learned to never let anyone dull my shine.

Without my mom tearing me down, I would never have felt what it was like to have to build myself back up from scratch.

I am a stronger person because of who she was.

Although there was a lot of horrible- there were some good times. My favorite is going to the outlet mall. We would stop at this candle store on our way. My mom had amazing taste. It was always fun watching her shop. And I would always walk away with a trinket for myself.


Tomorrow’s mom’s birthday. I feel like absolute garbage. I keep finding myself going toward negative, toxic, old behaviors. I keep calling toxic people, I keep worrying about not having enough. I’m finding that although these things are unhealthy and harmful to me, they feel very familiar.

How do I stop doing this? How do I handle my pain without completely undoing all of my hard work?

I think the first thing I need to do is recognize that I am going through a rough time. That I am not at my best. I need to have compassion for myself.

But what does compassion look like? I think that compassion looks like realizing that I’m human and I am going to be drawn to the old toxic behaviors because they have been engrained in me for 30+ years.

I am the queen of shame but shame always makes things worse. By shaming myself and making myself feel bad- I’m just enforcing the need to go back to what I’m used to.

I then have to think that I’m not locked into anything. I can change my mind mid toxic behavior. I can get off the phone, I can stop worrying, I can put the piece of food down.

Timeline photos 28/10/2020

My Instagram is where you can find daily inspiration and more about my personal life. Follow me here: http://bit.ly/2lG9wg7


Tell yourself:

I love and am proud of myself unconditionally

As much as possible


To join in on the conversation, follow me on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2lG9wg7


Follow me on Instagram for daily inspiration: http://bit.ly/2lG9wg7

Photos from Dawnna Talks Life's post 13/10/2020

1/2 pound ground beef
Dash liquid smoke
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 slice deluxe American cheese, broken up, optional *
2 ounces romaine lettuce, chopped (about 1 1/2 cups) **
2 ounces tomato, chopped (about 1/3 cup)

2 tablespoons dill pickle relish
2 tablespoons chopped onion (1/2 ounce)
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 tablespoon low carb ketchup

Brown the ground beef with the liquid smoke, salt and pepper; drain off the fat if desired. Add the cheese, if using, and cook until it melts. Put the lettuce in a large serving bowl. Top with the meat and tomatoes. Combine the sauce ingredients and pour over the salad. Toss and eat at once.

Makes 1 serving
Do not freeze

* I didn't use the cheese because Whoppers don't usually have cheese on them. Add another carb if you want cheese.
** Iceberg lettuce would be more authentic but I only had romaine on hand.

Per Serving: 512 Calories; 41g Fat; 29g Protein; 8g Carbohydrate; 2g Dietary Fiber; 6g Net Carbs


Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul - Henry Ward Beecher


For empaths, energetically sensitive people, students of The Universe...✨ There is nothing on this planet, seen or unseen, that isn’t energetic.


Look for Gratitude in Unexpectant Places:
Today I am grateful that when the spider came down toward me in the shower, I was just about to get out.


If you get stressed, learn to rest, not to quit.
With Love, Positively Inspired Wellness


Ways to end Judgmental/Negative Thoughts:

1. Just start to become aware every time you have a judgmental/negative thought.

2. After you are aware of when you do it- start to replace it with a positive/complimentary thought.
