SBRC Division 2 Feedback Page

SBRC Division 2 Feedback Page

This page is for the Division 2 Residents and Ratepayers to give constructive and respectful feedbac


Some of the so called fixes are temporary at best.

Nutrien Ag Solutions Grants Program 2022 09/08/2022


Nutrien Ag Solutions Grants Program 2022 Apply now for our 2022 Community Grants Program.


Blackbutt gets funding for a new roof on the Memorial Hall.



Financials Improve with Challenges Ahead

Preliminary results for the 2021/22 financial year show that the South Burnett Regional Council will record a small surplus despite being affected by reduced federal government funding and substantially increased costs.

“Early payment of the financial assistance grant contributed to the result, with the Council again returning a better than forecast financial position than the original budget adopted for the 2021/22 financial year. Importantly, this has been done with lower than CPI rate increases and reduced debt levels,” said Council CEO Mark Pitt.

The 2022/23 financial year budget has been adopted after six months of deliberations including more than a dozen workshops and live streamed Budget committee meetings involving Councillors and the Executive Leadership Team.

The full media release is available here:


Hey honey, this one's for you!
Attention Beekeepers
Following the detection of varroa mite in NSW, Qld beekeepers are called on to: • Conduct surveillance on your hives as soon as practicable in the form of sugar shaking, drone uncapping or alcohol washing. Report unexpected hive deaths, deformed bees, bees with parasites, poor brood patterns and dead brood by calling 13 25 23. • If you have at least one hive, you must register as a biosecurity entity 👉 Registration is free for non-commercial beekeepers and native bee hives do not need to be registered. • If you've acquired or relocated honeybees from NSW in the last 12-months, remain on alert for the presence of varroa mite. • Keep up to date with the latest information and ask your questions on eHub 👉


This will impact the monthly markets.

Les Muller Park Upgrade – Commencement of Works

South Burnett Regional Council wishes to advise of the commencement of works for the upgrade to Les Muller Park in Blackbutt. Works are expected to start Monday 4 July 2022.

The project will deliver new infrastructure within the park including, new shelters and picnic tables, new concrete paths, upgraded soft fall and fencing to the playground, landscaping and trees.

This project has been funded under the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program and South Burnett Regional Council Capital Works Program for 2022-2023.

To maintain public safety the work zone within the park will be fenced with public access restricted. Access to the public toilets will be maintained. Construction noise is expected through the course of these works.

Site works and construction activity will generally be performed Monday to Friday – 6:30am – 5:00pm and Saturday – 7:00am - 5:00pm, with the project expecting to be completed by October 2022.

For further information regarding the project, please contact Council’s Infrastructure team on (07) 4189 9100 or email [email protected].


As part of 2022/23 budget deliberations, Council is proposing the introduction of a kerbside recycling collection service from January 2023.

Kerbside recycling has been a topic of discussion for some years, resulting in Council’s resolution in January to investigate the introduction of a service. Internal workshops have been held as well as discussions with current and prospective service providers.

The full media release is available here:



Photos from South Burnett Regional Council's post 15/06/2022

FYI in case anyone is heading to Kingary

Photos from South Burnett Free Press's post 11/06/2022



A start at least, let's see what comes of this.

Mayor Brett Otto and Councillors are undertaking a review of priority roads inspection tour for two days this week to assist in making informed funding decisions.


Council is currently reviewing how visitors to the South Burnett are encouraged to stay longer, spend more money, and visit all corners of our beautiful region.

Comments from the community and business will help regional tourism development consultancy Tilma Group identify the ideal visitor servicing options for the South Burnett.

To have your say please complete the online survey, which is available below:

Council encourages the community to participate in the survey which closes very soon on Monday 6 June 2022.


It's all coming together.

Works have recommenced this week following a period of wet weather with the completion of the concrete footpath and the road pavement in the second work zone. The new concrete invert at the John Street intersection has also been installed. The Blackbutt CBD Streetscape and Footpath Upgrade on track with the original program timelines for completion.

For more information click on the following link:


The Queensland Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water is undertaking a detailed assessment led by Sunwater of future water requirements in the Bundaberg and Burnett regions over the next 30 years. This includes all of Bundaberg Regional Council, South Burnett Regional Council, North Burnett Regional Council and Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council.
The first step in this process is a comprehensive assessment of future water demand in the region for the agriculture sector.

For more information click on the following link:


The gang of 4 strike again.


🚧 Temporary Road Closure – John Street Blackbutt

Temporary closure of John Street Blackbutt at the intersection with Coulson Street is planned to commence Tuesday 3 May to allow reconstruction of the concrete invert in John Street. The John Street closure will be in place for approximately one week to allow curing of the concrete. This timing is subject to amendment if weather conditions are unfavourable.

During the closure a detour will be in place via Sutton, George, Margaret and Hart Streets.
Site works and construction activity will be performed Monday to Friday – 6:30am – 5:00pm and Saturday – 7:00am - 5:00pm.

For further information regarding the project, please contact Council’s Infrastructure team on (07) 4189 9100 or email [email protected].


The JT Academy is coming to the South Burnett on Tuesday 24 May 2022. A free bus service will be running. Bookings are essential for this free bus service, call 4168 1533 to reserve your seat.


The new concrete footpath is now complete within the first zone of works along Coulson Street from the intersection of Muir Street and Coulson Street toward the frontage of Les Muller Park.

Works have continued to progress as planned this week with the completion of footpath concrete pavement in the first work zone and transfer of barriers from the first work zone to the second work zone. Cutting of pavement and excavation has now commenced in the second work zone. The Blackbutt CBD Streetscape and Footpath Upgrade on track with the original program timelines for completion.

Excavation works and preparation for placement of new kerb and channel will continue from today, Monday 11 April until Thursday 14 April. The ability for vehicle access to property and business driveways will be impacted for short periods while these works occur.

No work is programmed to occur over the Easter long weekend. New kerb and channel construction in the Second work zone is scheduled to occur during the week commencing Tuesday 19 April, weather permitting.

To maintain public safety some restrictions to vehicle parking and pedestrian access are expected, however these impacts will be limited and allow continual business access as construction progresses along Coulson Street. Construction noise is expected through the course of these works.

Site works and construction activity will be performed Monday to Friday – 6:30am – 5:00pm and Saturday – 7:00am - 5:00pm, with the project expecting to be completed by June 2022.


It's about time we started a serious discussion around recycling in the South Burnett.


All roads in the South Burnett need to be the responsibility of our council.


Please like and share this page within our division 2 council area.
I would like to hear from residents and rate payers about any council concerns or compliments on what is happening in our division.
