Wee Skribbles III

Wee Skribbles III

"A threat to National Security"


I’ll be over here for a wee while👇🏻


After laughing at Isha, The Angry Cloud prepares herself to laugh at Jocelyn…


The UK Prime Minister, with four luxury homes and a billionaire wife, the UK Chancellor who dodged stamp duty on seven flats, and a UK Home Secretary who literally took away their sleeping bags, are now planning to subject homeless people to fines of £2,500 or time in prison.

The majority of rough sleepers are suffering from drink/drug problems or serious mental health issues, and the scümmy Tories want to put them into Europe's most overcrowded prison system…

I don't often swear, but fũck the Tories!


Peter knows the score.


“Come the f*ck in, or f*ck the f*ck off!”



Woke up to the usual mutants trying to troll my latest raffle. Not sure who’s more pathetic - the rabid, self-hating Brits living here in Scotland, or the so-called Indy Scots who hate me for not hating the SNP like they do.

Anywho, I’m only saying this once more.

I *could* have afforded to keep the studio on, but that would require me working every single day, having no life, and not making a profit. As recently as six year ago my leccy standing charge was just 19p a day. Last year, Scottish Power were ripping me off for £1.98 a day for the exact same sh**ey “service”. More than a thousand percent rise! And the price of units skyrocketed as well. The water rates were also becoming much the same, and don’t get me started on all the types of insurance I required. And then there’s the rent hikes…

So, as much as some folk out there would love you to believe that I’m either a conman, a thief, a traitor, or even a middle-class private schooled rich kid, I’m none of these.

The truth of the matter is, they are all just pathetic wee tadgers 🤷🏻‍♂️


People of… Whit’s it called? Oh, aye! CUMBERNAULD!
I am in you.
Look out for some
free art 👀


It was definitely something I said…


“Strange anniversary today. It was a year ago today that I was told that I had been fired for advising the Parliamentary Committee that Muriel Gray and the other Glasgow School of Art attendees were lying to them about their own failures that led to the loss of the Mack. Also in my letter of dismissal they mentioned that I had told the press that the school had lied about the cause and spread of the first fire and that they had misappropriated charitable donations meant for rebuilding the Mack towards the buying of another building. What is funny about the whole episode was that in the letter of dismissal they did not claim that I was wrong. What I had evidently done wrong was to tell the truth about how corrupt and incompetent they were. What was sad about it was that I had to be got rid of before Muriel Gray came back to retake her post after her second period of hiding from her duties since the fires. So I was fired in the middle of term, in the middle of teaching my bespoke course, which negatively impacted on the education of around 250 kids.

Move forward a year and honest and loyal staff of considerable tenure are still being hunted down by senior management and fired for mentioning their misdeeds. Senior staff are still leaving (two department heads in the last two months). However, strangely all those responsible for the disasters and the fallout, including Muriel Gray, still hang on for some reason. And we have the longest fire investigation in history still ongoing, with no information available on the outcome or its timing, while at the same time all the participants who can do so, are presently preparing to sue.

Against this murky backdrop, the insurance money will surface and a Mack-like building will be rebuilt. However it won't be our Mack. With their vile hubris and their patent negligence, they let it go up in smoke, along with their parties inside the construction site, their squandering of resources on trips abroad, their pretend research (nothing authoritative was ever written), their silly redesign trifles and their attempts to subjugate the Mack to their will. And so it is gone and the reputation of the institution is sullied.

So why are they responsible? They were wandering in and out of the building. They were using a vulnerable historic building when it was a building site. They signed up to a fire plan that relied upon a single watchman finding a fire in a void before it got out of control, in a historic building with ten levels within it. They had no sprinklers working in either of the two fires in 2014 and 2018. They should have put in sprinklers ten years before they did, when they were told to do it. They said they couldn't do it because they didn't have the money, while paying for the over-budget Reid Building monstrosity, and subsequently they never got round to doing it until it was too late. And then to add insult to injury, after the first fire and half way through the rebuilding project, the GSA Board decided to instruct the ripping out of the operable but unfinished sprinklers. And then they lied about it. Those sprinklers would have isolated and doused the fire and would have saved the building.

Perhaps, after all, the Mack just died of shame.”

- Gordon Gibb

Photos from Wee Skribbles III's post 19/01/2024

A short story titled, ‘Too delicate to be labelled a “snowflake”.’


My Twitter page is pure hoachin wae pathetic Loyalists! Like this wee dafty fae The Borders. What’s the betting he’s pure ragin, and has been staring at this for the last 18 minutes🤸🏻‍♂️


Standing at the till in my local supermarket I see the wee auld wummin behind has just a basket, so I asked if she wanted to go in front of me as my bus wasn’t arriving for another fifteen minutes.

“Thanks dear, but I’m in no rush either.”

And she proceeded to unload eight identical brown loaves onto the conveyor belt.

“That’s a lot of sandwiches you’ve got ahead of you.” I says. To which she replied,

“They’re for my pet cow.”

And THAT is how I know I’m no longer in the city.


Proud Brits are rippin their knittin claiming Humza Yousaf is responsible for the misdeeds of his brother-in-law. Oddly, they won't say the same for King Sausage Fingers, whose brother is literally a nǒnce…
Such a weird creepy cult 🤔

Photos from Wee Skribbles III's post 18/01/2024

If she’s not snoring like a demented Tasmanian Devil with allergies, she’s chibbin the life out of me with her Freddie Krueger claws…


Are you a Scot intent on voting Labour? If so, what are the policies that attract you?

The continuation of Brexit?
The continuation of Austerity?
The continuation of NHS privatisation?
The continuation of Rwanda deportations?
The continuation of unelected Lords?
The continuing worst pensions in Europe?
The continuing utility costs rip-off?
Denying Scots basic democracy?

Does their support for the genocide of women and children in Palestine, and for air strikes in devastated Yemen not make you even slightly uncomfortable? Aren’t they the self-proclaimed “Party for the many, not the few”?

I’d genuinely love to know exactly what the attraction is 🤔


Scots living in England refer to themselves as “Scotch”, and we simply don’t realise as we don’t live there. The rest of us up here don’t call ourselves Scotch anymore, all because of “pronoun wankery”👇🏻


…only Martins in the building.


According to recent reports, the Scotch whisky industry is currently bringing £7.1bn into the UK economy. That’s £7,100,000,000 with eight zeros. Every single year.

Alone that’ll make up 7-10% of Scotland’s entire expenditure as an independent country straight away. Now, just imagine we kept 100% of tax revenues from the Energy Sector within Scotland’s boundaries. And with rejoining the EU again (or joining EFTA), we’d instantly become an island hub for major sectors, for seemless trade, etc.

It’s starting to look pretty good, right?

So just to recap, we are “sharing” to name but a few products - our oil, gas, electricity, timber, food exports, water, technology & innovations, gin and whisky with England…

Anyone know what our neighbours to the south bring to the table?




Fun Fact!

More folk apologised to me for not being able to attend my latest exhibition, than watched The Seven, BBC’s 15min news programme on BBC Scotland last Sunday.


Hullo a’body!

After receiving a few messages and emails about the raffle, I think it might be wise to give a little more detail on the prizes up for grabs.

• The painting of The Kelpies is 1.2m x 1m in size, and created using oil & acrylic paint. It’s on a deep-edge canvas, and will be varnished twice and strung, ready to hang. Free insured delivery is provided to anywhere in the UK.

• The canvas print of “Styley McMileface” is 82cm x 62cm in size, and is from a limited edition run of 100 (any print number between 9-100 is *currently available to choose). Free delivery is again provided to anywhere in the UK.

• The prize of a commission of your choice comes with a few stipulations. While you can pretty much ask for anything, from a pencil portrait to a landscape painting, a tattoo design or a company logo, I unfortunately cannot come to you and paint a mural. My wee auld dug, The Angry Cloud, needs to relieve herself every four or five hours, so needs must. There is also no time limit on the commission, so don’t feel you have to know what you want the moment you win. Free consultations are part and parcel of the job, and I’m happy to help you get exactly what you want.
* No commissions with either a proud British theme, the English royal family, or anything remotely sectarian will be accepted.

• Tickets are indeed just a quid, and as far as I can tell from all the info on the raffle website, that does indeed guarantee you to three chances of winning - I’ve never held any raffles with more than one prize, so I’m kinda curious myself… I really don’t know why I didn’t think of multiple prizes before 🤔

Anywho, that’s about all the good tidings I can think of. Thanks a million for all the support.

Skribbs 😘