From Rags to His Riches

From Rags to His Riches

Rev. Luis Vendrell is the author of From Rags to His Riches


King David purpose was greater than his brokenness. God knew that David would commit adultery God also knew the David would sanction the murder of one of his officers. Yet God still used David for a great purpose.


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Here is some insight into how my book was written with the word in mind.


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Where is my book available? It is available to purchase on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and more. I will provide the links below for you to check out:
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The inspiration for writing the book was to glorify God. The life that I once led had so many moments of disappointments, despair, agony and life altering that should have never ended up on the path that i am on now. I went from darkness to light. From living a life filled with evil influences and behavior to walking in grace and God's righteousness. When you look back at my life story. you would that there is no way I could have made it out of the hole I was in. There is no other explanation on how I was able to escape death multiple times if it were not for God's unwavering love, grace and intervention in my life. Although I was truly broken God's knew that my purpose was greater than my brokenness.
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"Next thing I remember was waking up in the intensive care unit at a hospital in Queens, New York. There was a doctor checking out my wounds at that time. When he saw me awake, he asked me how I was feeling. I said, "I am in pain" he said to me that I was a lucky man to be alive. Little did I know what exactly he meant by that."
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Rev Luis Vendrell is a public speaker, Christian life coach, apologist, and bible teacher. Luis has a masters degree in theology from Liberty university. He has been with his wife, Laichin for 19 years. They have a family of four boys. Pastor Luis currently resides in Orlando Florida, he travels the country speaking at events and conducting workshops to help people find their purpose for God's glory.
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From Rags to His Riches: When Your Purpose Is Greater than Your Brokenness! (A True Story) is a story about how I came from the devil's armpit to loving arms of a Savior! Growing up, I lived in poverty while dealing with drugs, gangs, constant violence, and no hope for life whatsoever. It led me to believe this was the hand I was dealt and there was nothing else for me. Growing up in the environment I did certainly gave me the impression that life does not get any better. As I started to put my trust in God and began to slowly surrender my brokenness to God, I started to see His riches begin to cover me in my life. I went from the devil's armpit to God's riches by following Him, listening to Him, and trusting in Him. Once I did that, I was able to see and experience the full power, favor, and blessings of God in my life. That is how I went from rags to His riches.
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