Order of Knight George

Order of Knight George

The Order of Knight George is an Australian based Lutheran media ministry and resource hub for confessional, conservative and orthodox Lutheran materials


Johannes “Joh” Bjelke-Petersen the Lutheran Premier

Joh was born in New Zealand in 1911 to a Danish Lutheran Pastor.
In 1913 the family moved to Australia near Kingaroy, QLD
The family became life long members of St. John’s Lutheran Church Kingaroy, then a member of United German and Scandinavian Lutheran Synod of Queensland
In 1921 the congregation would join the new United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Australia and in 1966 the new Lutheran Church of Australia

Joh is most famous for being Queensland’s longest premier (19years)

From birth to death he remained a devoted Lutheran attending weekly Sunday services


Recently learnt that the Seven Deadly Sins are never listed in Scripture but were a list compiled by the Church Fathers.

However, Proverbs 6:16-19 does provide a list of Seven Detestable Things:
The Lord hates six things;
in fact, seven are detestable to him:
arrogant eyes, a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that plots wicked schemes,
feet eager to run to evil,
a lying witness who gives false testimony,
and one who stirs up trouble among brothers.

Based on this I thought I'd produce my own (Bible Based) list of Seven Deadly Sins.

Though in order to distinguish this new (Biblical) list from the traditional list, I will just call this list the Seven Detestable Things:

CBS: Rahab's Passover 21/11/2023

The story of Rahab’s Passover

CBS: Rahab's Passover In this video we discuss the fall of the walls of Jericho and the Passover of RahabSee:  Joshua 6:1-27Title Artwork by Emma HeidenreichFigures available from...

Golden Age Millennialism 22/10/2023


Golden Age Millennialism Your host for this video is Rev. Jake Zabel of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dalby, Queensland, Australia.To have your questions answered by the ...

CBS: Elijah's Mt. Carmel Challenge 01/10/2023


CBS: Elijah's Mt. Carmel Challenge In this video we discuss the account of Elijah's sacrifice challenge against the prophets of BaalSee:  1 Kings 18:20-19:8Title Artwork by Emma HeidenreichFig...

CBS: Jesus Calls His Disciples (Again) 18/09/2023


CBS: Jesus Calls His Disciples (Again) In this video we discuss Jesus calling Peter, Andrew, James and John to be His Disciples, a second timeSee:  Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20Title Artwork by Em...

CBS: Noah Builds the Ark 10/09/2023


CBS: Noah Builds the Ark In this video we discuss the account of Noah building the Ark and preparing for the coming FloodSee:  Genesis 6:1-22Title Artwork by Emma HeidenreichFigures ...

CBS: The Calling of Isaiah 28/08/2023


CBS: The Calling of Isaiah In this video we discuss the calling of the prophet IsaiahSee: Isaiah 6:1-13Title Artwork by Emma HeidenreichFigures available from Bible Toys: https://www.b...

Introduction to Heresies: Donatism 06/08/2023


Introduction to Heresies: Donatism Your host for this video is Rev. Jake Zabel of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dalby, Queensland, Australia.To have your questions answered by the ...

Origins of Thaddeus 06/08/2023


The origins of St. Thaddeus the Apostle

Origins of Thaddeus In this video we will look at the origins of Thaddeus

"Shed for you" or "Shed for you and for many" 16/07/2023

I need to make a correction
In my video I stated that my church is the only Lutheran congregation since the early 1900s to say “for you and for many” during the Words of Institution
I was recently made aware that I am not the only Lutheran congregation to do this, nor even the first
Pastor Troy Harris of St. Jude’s in Melbourne has been doing it for years
I am actually glad to see I am not alone

"Shed for you" or "Shed for you and for many" Your host for this video is Rev. Jake Zabel of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dalby, Queensland, Australia.To have your questions answered by the ...

Reasons to the Leave the Lutheran Church of Australia 09/07/2023


Reasons to the Leave the Lutheran Church of Australia Your host for this video is Rev. Jake Zabel of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dalby, Queensland, Australia.To have your questions answered by the ...


I’ve said some controversial things in the past which has upset people

I never thought saying “orthodox people need to break fellowship with heterodox people” would be the most controversial and upset the most people


Church fellowship must be based on agreement in all matters of doctrine.

As Martin Luther taught:
"the doctrine, must be absolutely pure and uncorrput, clear and bright, so that not a particle of darkness, not even a little cloud, can be noticed in it...
All articles of our Christian faith are one and again that one is all, so that if they surrender one, they in the course of time will gradually surrender all, one after the other; for they all cleave together and belong together."
(Luther's detailed interpretation of the Epistle to the Galatians, comments on Galatians 5:9 "a little leaven leavens the whole lump")


The Book of Concord teaches that we have a command to separate from false teachers and to leave heterodox church bodies:

In the Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope Melanchthon writes:
"It is indeed difficult for us to separate from so many lands and people and teach a different doctrine. But here is God's Command [referring to the previously quoted 2 Cor. 6:14] that everyone should take care and not consent to those who teach false doctrine or intend to uphold it by tyranny." (.41)

When Your Pastor Changes The Liturgy 05/06/2023


When Your Pastor Changes The Liturgy That moment when your pastor changes the liturgy from traditional to contemporaryscene from The Simpsons S18E18

Origins of Nathanael Bartholomew 30/04/2023


Origins of Nathanael Bartholomew In this video we will look at the origins of Nathanael Bartholomew


Baby Luther

(Note: AI generated)

Little Luther on Lay Distribution 26/03/2023


Little Luther on Lay Distribution On this episode Little Luther discusses the problem with laity distributing the consecrated elements of Holy Communion

Origins of Philip of Bethsaida 15/03/2023


Origins of Philip of Bethsaida In this video we will look at the origins of James the Greater before he was called as a disciple of Christ

Little Luther on Online Communion 08/03/2023


Little Luther on Online Communion On this episode Little Luther discusses the problem with Online Communion

Origins of Andrew 05/03/2023


Origins of Andrew In this video we will look at the origins of Andrew before he was called as a disciple of Christ

Origins of John 27/02/2023


Origins of John In this video we will look at the origins of Andrew before he was called as a disciple of Christ

Origins of Andrew 26/02/2023


Origins of Andrew In this video we will look at the origins of Andrew before he was called as a disciple of Christ

Origins of Simon Peter 19/02/2023


Origins of Simon Peter In this video we will look at the origins of Simon Peter before he was called as a disciple of Christ

Little Luther on the Real Presence 05/02/2023

It's been a while since I made a new Little Luther

Here is my newest episode regarding the Real Presence of Christ's body and blood in Holy Communion

Little Luther on the Real Presence On this episode Little Luther discusses the Real Presence of Christ's body and blood in the Lord's Supper

When Your Pastor Changes The Liturgy 03/02/2023


When Your Pastor Changes The Liturgy That moment when your pastor changes the liturgy from traditional to contemporaryscene from The Simpsons S18E18
