The Realm of Blonde-dom

The Realm of Blonde-dom

Fun and interesting quips, tales and ramblings for entertainment purposes only.


51 years ago I was a waitress at the Ritz restaurant in Corry making 42 cents an hour + tips. Tps were not taxed Regular minimum wage was $1.80. Today a waitress in Pennsylvania has minimum wage of $2.83 an hour plus tips which are taxed.

One reason for the lack of wait staff today is because $2.83 an hour is not a living wage and no guarantee of a tip no matter how hard you work given oureconomy. This is like being in servitude. High school kids who used to fill the need are often so involved in sports and extracurricular activities, and their parents give them money so they no longer have to work to supplement their spending.
I think it would be smarter for restaurants to pay the minimum wage they do everyone else to their waitresses and raise the cost of food a bit, telling people that they're no longer required to tip unless the wait staff provides exceptionally good service.

Would love to hear your opinion! Perhaps I'm off base. Just an observation from The Realm of Blonde-dom .


Everyone is so excited about the eclipse. Less than 4 minutes of an event and people have been planning for weeks. Hotels charging up to six times the normal rate so people can watch in wonder. This is just one indication of how bored people are with their lives. People are totally captivated.
How often do we take time to realize God gave us a beautiful world that we have the opportunity to enjoy every day. Take a look at the sky filled with stars, and during the day when you can see and hear the birds chirping in all their Glory and yet every day we take them for granted and dismiss them rarely enjoying their songs.
We have so much natural beauty around us to enjoy all the time and yet because it's there all the time we dismiss it. The last total solar eclipse was in 2017 and I guess I don't remember if folks had parties back then or not.
Yet to me this is just a symptom of a problem. There are so many amazing and beautiful natural wonders that we take for granted everyday. We are so busy with our lives we just don't take time to process them and enjoy them. But sometimes our lives become so full and overwhelmed that it takes something like this, a total eclipse, to make us shut down and reboot. I wonder what God must think.
After all He is the one that gave us all the natural beauty and wonders in this world so we could enjoy but we rarely do because we're too busy with our own personal desires such as money buying stuff, and accumulating assets. Let's look at the gifts God gave us just for today and enjoy them as they are free. We don't have to pay up to $1,000 for 4 minutes of enjoyment. It's amazing how our world manages to make money off of something God created. Obviously I'm in a thought-filled mood today, just saying
Heading out to feed the birds, the crows and the feral cats soon. something I enjoy doing everyday. I watched the deer in my yard at night, and during the day watch the woodchucks and raccoons scamper behind my property. So much beauty for no charge. God gave them to us for free. Signing off and have a beautiful day. Pam.

Photos from The Realm of Blonde-dom's post 19/01/2024
Photos from The Realm of Blonde-dom's post 19/01/2024

Greetings from Pam at the Realm. Watch your pennies at your big box stores. I bought product today at $5.40 for a 30 Oz old fashioned style jar. Right next to it, for the same amount of money, were the squeeze bottles that are more convenient because you don't need a spoon to scoop out . Same price $5.40. When I checked the ounces on the squeeze bottle it read 19 oz. So for the privilege of not having to use a spoon you lose 11 oz of product. I'm old school, I'm not afraid to use a spoon and the store or manufacturer is counting on people being just plain lazy. The price of groceries is out of sight and every cent counts. Take a few seconds and compare products and packaging. Just a helpful hint from Pam at The Realm of Blonde-dom.


Random acts of kindness are the best gift you can give. Mom used to tell me how my dad used to go to the clubs on Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving and would find someone who had no family and nowhere to go except the clubs and would bring a lonely soul home for the day.. Apparently, bars used to stay open for the men who had no family with whom to spend holidays. Mom said she would get so mad because dad would always bring someone home she didn't know to spend the day, enjoy a meal and visit. I think mom was just being protective. She was not the most trusting soul but my dad was. That act of kindness most likely meant so very much to the lonely person. I really miss my parents on Christmas. Dad used to decorate the outside of our house, the trees and inside too. He was such a jovial person. Mom loved to bake all kinds of goodies. Those were the days.
Merry Christmas from Pam at the The Realm of Blonde-dom. Be kind and love your neighbor.


A childhood memory as told by my mother many years ago and she repeat it over and over to my friends giving them chuckles. "I took Pammy shopping to the Boston Store in Erie when she was about four. I was looking in the children's section for clothing and turned my head for 2 minutes. When I looked back, I couldn't find her anywhere. I went racing through the store terrified that she had taking the escalator to another floor, or worse. I went through the section I had been in multiple times searching all over for her. Then I heard a sneeze and saw a little movement on an end cap where a mannequin was posing. Then I realized the outfit on the mannequin was the one that Pammy had been wearing. She was no mannequin, she was my daughter. I could have been mad at her if I hadn't been so scared. The innocent look on her face took away most of the anger. I did lecture her repeatedly on the ride home about what could have happened to her if she had been taken by someone or lost. I doubt she was listening...

Photos from The Realm of Blonde-dom's post 14/09/2023

Many people take trips overseas or go on cruises. At The Realm of Blonde-dom I prefer road trips both short and long soI can see unique and off the wall sites in the United States. I usually have a list of places I know I want to visit and I keep a sharp eye out for oddball locations and believe me over the years I've seen some unique sites I never expected to find.
So I will pass on a few of the regular sites and the unexpected ones over the next few weeks just so you can see that America is filled with surprises -just look. Bucket list 2023 included Arizona route 66. I had forgotten who Betty Boop was but found her all over at the old diners on 66. 66 diners are amazing and a throwback to the 1950s and 60s. Had an amazing chocolate malt and a burger Williams Arizona. God bless America and Route 66.

Photos from The Realm of Blonde-dom's post 08/08/2023

Finnegan says there is Very little time left and Canine Partners Program out of Union City is well below their goal of $5,000 on Erie give Day. CPP is an amazing organization led by Judy Troyer and her group of tireless volunteers who rescue neglected, abused,, chained, abandoned, or left behind animals often with medical needs that are very expensive. They rely on the goodness of others to help with some of the medical bills. You are the others. You can make a difference. They've only raised $1,350 which is a drop in the bucket for even one rescued dog or cat. Please quickly go to the Erie gives site, look up Canine Partners program and read their profile. Then open your pocketbook and donate. Every $25 helps get to the goal and gives a dog or cat a second chance.


At 21 I never realized the years pass by so quickly. Most days I feel 21 inside but now I look in the mirror and there's a harsh reality that I will never look this good again on the outside. Although back then I was a little bit self-centered, way too fun loving, and love to drive my car way too fast. Perhaps I felt that in the realm of Blonde-dom there would never be any consequences.. I am still fun living, just a more mature kind of fun, I often drive like an old fuddy duddy, 56 years later I tend to think more of other people that of myself. I know my biggest concern in life is animal welfare.
Outside looks are superficial and fade with the years while inside beauty can become more stunning and enjoyable with age. It's all in how we allow ourselves to grow.
Wishing all my readers and absolutely fantabulous week. Keep smiling, the Realm.


MUSIC... It's amazing the different emotions music and lyrics can evoke from the listener. Without the appropriate background music, TV shows and movies would be blasé. Just a thought from The Realm of Blonde-dom .


Yellow Wax Bean Week! Pondering why yellow wax beans are no longer a pantry staple. Growing up I ate them frequently. This week The Realm challenges you to eat yellow wax beans.


The Christmas season is in full swing. Lots of shoppers spending plenty of money both in the stores and online purchasing gifts. Presents are fun to receive but I would much rather have someone give me a call on the phone and chat, stop over and have a cup of hot chocolate with me or invite me to drop into their home. The most valuable gift we can give is our time. You do not need a credit card or cash to give your time. And yet it is the most precious of gifts. When everything else is gone the memories hopefully will still be there of time spent with family and friends.
None of us know how long we have on this earth. I've lost two amazing Friends this year, I treasure every memory of the time spent with them while they were here on Earth. They gave me their valuable precious gift of time and for that I am eternally grateful.

Make a memory for someone else! Give the gift of your time. From The Realm of Blonde-dom , wishing you all a Merry Christmas. Love, Pam.


Happy Thanksgiving from the realm!
The memories are crystal clear of Thanksgiving in my youth. We would alternate each year between our home in Corry and my uncle Wayne's house in Jamestown New York.
I can still smell the turkey and visualize my mother getting up almost every hour on the hour to baste it while it was roasting in the oven. All the side dishes were prepared after Mass on Thanksgiving morning. And I'm not much of a gravy fan but Dad made the best gravy. Mom usually baked a pie or two. I was a big fan of chocolate cream pie so she always made one of those special for me on top of her homemade pumpkin and pecan pies.
Sometimes Uncle Wayne had been out hunting because New York had a different season for deer. Or perhaps he wasn't even supposed to be out hunting but he was. Once in a while we had to wait for him to return.
When it came time to eat, Uncle Wayne got the neck and the gizzard, dad ate the liver and I always got the heart. Mom and I both loved the darker meat found on drumsticks while dad liked the white.
Afterwards we kids would go outdoors to play unsupervised even at an early age Usually there was enough snow on the ground to go sled riding, make a snowman, even have a snowball fight.
It would be wonderful to have everybody back together this Thanksgiving but Mom and Dad and Wayne and Ada and even my cousin Bruce are all with God now.
The memories make me smile. I'm very fortunate that God has given me the family and friends I have. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from The Realm.


I sure do miss the good old days. This is how children and adults spent their evenings and weekends. Outside fun no matter how cold, from December through March Mead Park was frozen over. Music blaring from the loudspeakers, and hot cocoa and a warm fire inside Glen Mead pavilion to warm up.


Happy Labor Day weekend from the Realm! Let me preface by saying the one thing I am not is artistic. I cannot draw a straight line with a ruler much less do any free hand. And yet Frank had me give him his 6-week haircut again today. Apparently I got a little close with the scissors when I trimmed at the ears because I heard "ouch, that hurts" But there was no blood so all is well. And after all it is a free haircut and trim.

At the onset of covid when barber shops and salons were closed, Frank bought a pair of electric clippers and asked me to give him a haircut. That was 2 years and 6 months ago. I've been doing his haircut ever since and even he says it looks great. It is amazing what skill you can develop out of necessity and practice.


From Pam at the realm: I remember the gasoline rationing of the 1970s. Younger people would not understand because they didn't live through it. Here's what I do remember: the lifestyle back then was you went to the grocery store and did all of your errands one day a week as a normal part of your life, many people learned to carpool to work during that time, travel stayed close to home where people rode bicycles in the summer, went sled riding and ice skating in the winter. Kids of all ages walked to school. If you lived within the city limits there was no busing in the city limits.
There were no cars lined around drive-thru windows burning gas like crazy waiting their turn in line because they didn't feel like getting out of their car to go inside. Maybe once a month a family went out to dinner at the Ritz, the Phoenix hotel or the Corry Hotel.
There were corner grocery stores throughout town and people could walk for the little things such as a quart of milk if the family happened to run out during the week. We had blue laws and no stores or businesses were allowed to be open on Sunday.

Yes the price of gas is ridiculous and the oil companies are making billions on the back of hard-working Americans. However we can help be part of the change if we look at how we can rearrange our lives to be more efficient and live a healthier lifestyle. I'm a key example. I used to drive to Dollar General which is a 4 to 5 minute walk from my house almost daily. My car is burning gas and putting fossil fuel emissions into the environment unnecessarily when I could be walking and getting exercise. I can always use more exercise and I don't have to join a gym to get it. I'm not suggesting we don't go to the store in our cars but perhaps we go once a week and yes we can make a list and if we run out of something make do with something else. If we all applied this type of a plan for 2 months, we might find we're enjoying life a little bit more, we're less stressed and lo and behold if enough people do it the supply will outweigh the demand enough that the oil companies will be forced to lower the price.

I do not know how people can afford to buy a $4 cup of coffee while burning an extra $4 plus in fuel. It just doesn't make sense to me. You couldn't even get me to do that for a cup of good hot chocolate and I love my hot chocolate. That doesn't mean I wouldn't go inside for a cup of good hot chocolate but I'm not paying what is in essence $8 for something to drink.

These are just thoughts for perusal. We can be part of the problem or we can be part of the solution it's our own personal choice.
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend, the Realm of Blonde-dom.


Greetings from the realm! It's been a Topsy turvy day on the lake as you can see from this photo. Actually it was a beautiful day to relax, enjoy the Sun and the breeze and most of all family and friends.


From Pam to all my Realm of Blonde-dom readers. Call a friend you haven't spoken to in a while, go to lunch with someone you know, take a walk with a friend. Reach out. We are so used to email that we often never talk with someone and hear their voice.
I am so grateful Deanna stopped in last month. She showed me her new truck and introduced me to her new puppy. I was re-reading her Christmas card on Sunday (it was sitting on my dresser) and was thinking of calling her. My last "conversation" was via messenger on Easter when she sent me family photos with nieces and nephews. She was not just my PV sales rep, I was blessed to have her as my friend.
And now she is gone!!!! I found out yesterday that Deanna was killed during a freak bicycle accident along a bike path near her hometown this Saturday. She was thrown from her bike and apparently went over a cliff.
None of us think something bizarre like this can touch our lives but it can. Once a person is gone, we can no longer call them, visit them, invite them to lunch or see their smile and get a hug ever again. DO NOT WAIT ANY LONGER TO REACH OUT TO FOLKS YOU KEEP MEANING TO TALK TO, THAT YOU ONCE WERE CLOSE TO BUT ARE SO BUSY WITH LIFE THAT YOU HAVE LET SLIP BY. TOMORROW MIGHT BE TOO LATE.

Rest in Peace my amazingly talented friend. I will see you on the other side when my time comes. I am sure God has you singing and playing your guitar just for Him.


From Pam J. at the Realm of Blonde-dom. Honoring Good Friday:. On this somber day, over 2,000 years ago, a young Jewish man named Jesus was tortured and then forced to die on a cross. Over 2,000 years later we honor the memory of Jesus, thanking him from the depths of our soul for securing our salvation.

In the 1950s '60s and even early seventies, all the stores, restaurants, banks and pharmacies closed from 12:00 until 3:00 in the afternoon on Good Friday so that people could pray, remember and honor Jesus. It seems we've all but forgotten how important this day is. People are too busy going about their business, rush rush rush and don't even give a half hour much less 3 hours during that 3-hour period.

And when manufacturing plants do shut down as some do for Good Friday, it's so that people can travel to visit family or do something fun. It's worked into the contract not as an honor to God but to man.

Some people still remember to pray, the majority, myself included, often forget the importance of Good Friday and it becomes just a wonderful day off.
So folks, today I am remembering Jesus. How much humiliation, pain, suffering and torture he went through for mankind and even for us here in 2022.

Our lives are not supposed to be easy. They are supposed to be filled with challenges to overcome, opportunities to help others, and yes some joy for our self as well along the way. The minute we help a person or animal in need, we experience Joy. God experiences joy as we remember his son dying for us because it brought about the opportunity for salvation and everlasting life with God. So take some time to bow your head and have a conversation with God from your heart today.
And share this if it touched you at all.


Whatever happened to Litter Bags being in every vehicle? Where the heck do I put my empty soda can? A query from the Realm.


Greeting from the Realm. It's an interesting world. Recently I was at the exact change toll booth in West Virginia. There was an elderly woman ahead of me who couldn't figure out how to put the $0.75 into the machine. Instead of putting it into the buckets she kept trying to throw it at the toll booth door which was clearly locked. She sat there for about 4 minutes and Frank was getting annoyed and kept honking at her. I realize she was having a struggle so I took 75 cents and went out to put it in change bucket for her as I was tossing at in, I must have startled her. Her car was in reverse and almost backed up into me. I jumped to the side to avoid being hit. Then she saw the light turn green and put it in Drive and took off. Last time I'm getting out of my vehicle and standing behind somebody's car to help them. Not because I don't want to be nice but because I realized I probably terrified this woman perhaps she thought I was trying to rob her.
Just another crazy experience from the Realm
Even still, random acts of kindness bring so much joy to the giver.

Photos from The Realm of Blonde-dom's post 29/03/2022

Thinking about spring, and looking forward to going through another drive-thru Safari where the animals put their head through the car window and try to grab the bucket of feed from you, spilling it all through the car. That won't happen today though because the weather took a turn for the snow on Sunday and it's still on the ground today. Even Finnegan doesn't want to go outside it's so chilly. I'm sure looking forward to sunnier, warmer days now. Just a thought from the Realm: if you don't like the weather constantly changing, you might want to move to Phoenix. It was not my cup of tea though, it was close to 100° in May and 115 in August. And to me there really is no such thing as a dry heat. Personally I love Pennsylvania and it's change of seasons. You never know for sure what the next day will bring. Keep on smiling folks.


Greetings peoples. To those of you who have lost a dog or cat family member, you can never replace them and will always remember, miss, and love them. There is, however, always a "Finnigan" (a rescue dog or cat like I was) needing a forever home. In return I promise you will be loved unconditionally. I sure love my mom for taking a chance on me 3 years ago. Please take open your heart and your home to a rescue. Life is renewed with a shelter dog or cat. God bless you all!!! Your friend, Finnegan.


Greetings from the Realm of Blonde-dom!!!

Yesterday, Ash Wednesday, we began the Christian season of Lent. For years I tried to give up something I enjoyed so much such as chocolate or diet Coke for the season. Probably the last five or six years however I have found that the most precious gifts I can give to others are my time and random acts of kindness.

Since none of us know how much time we have left on this earth, every second is precious. So when we give our time to help someone else, we are giving the greatest of gifts. There are many worthwhile organizations that rely on volunteers who would love to have an extra pair of hands. Perhaps your neighbor cannot get to the store or shovel their walk, so why not take the initiative (without expectation of any monetary compensation)! Even if the compensation is offered, politely decline; or if they insist, give it to a worthwhile organization such as the food pantry.

Random acts of kindness are very treasured, anonymous gifts that can cost you little to nothing if you don't have a lot of money to spare. Open a door for a total stranger and smile wishing her or him a wonderful day, thank the cashier at the local grocery store or tell the wait staff who is serving way too many customers because of lack of workers that you appreciate the work she/he is doing.

If you have an extra dollar to spare, and you're headed to the McDonald's or Tim Hortons drive-thru, pay it forward to the next person. I promise it will brighten that person's day and yours. Most of all it is a gift to God. In the Bible God spoke: "whatsoever you do to the least of your brothers, that you do want to me."

We cannot fool or trick God or hide from Him. God knows what's in each of our hearts at every moment. During the Lenten season please consider giving up your time or performing random daily acts of kindness. Allow God this opportunity to use you to give others hope, help restore faith in humanity, and to allow His light to shine throughout the world.

Wishing you all a wonderful rest of the week. The Realm.


Greetings from the Realm. If you have time please read this more serious post today.
The weather has taken an eerie, ominous turn. Poor visibility, whipping winds and slick icy surfaces have caused me to stay inside the warm comfort of my home today. I'm usually in a light-hearted happy frame of mind. For some reason, however, today's weather brought to mind thoughts of what's going on in the world today. I'm not thinking about how it affects me personally rather how God must view our planet at this point in time. Rather than the bright warmth of sunshine, He sees a melee of discontent, bitterness, selfishness, harshness, and greed all swirling around like that windy portent I saw outside this morning. I found tears running down my cheeks as I sat on the sofa a while ago. Not crying for myself though. Crying that so much of humanity has all but forgotten what God has given us. Humankind often takes everything for granted. Sometimes I even forget but then I almost immediately remember.

Human greed in one form or another has been the cause of virtually every conflict. Europe is now facing such a conflict and of course all countries must take one side or the other despite their involvement or lack thereof. God is perhaps looking down on us today with the realization that mankind will never learn from its mistakes. I pray however that through the swirling, grey, cold He still sees a dim light. The light of those of us who deeply love Him, who love this still somewhat beautiful planet He made for us, and those of us who still love mankind and the animals and have faith that eventually those in power will understand the earth is only on loan to us and if we don't take care of it and it's creatures He will take it back without warning.
Today I prayed to God to give us just a little more time to get it right. Pam


From Pam J. at the Realm: Sometimes life becomes so serious we forget to smile, be a bit silly and laugh at ourselves. Think back to a time when you had some real fun.

Wishing everyone a fantastic week.


I was a daddy's girl that was for sure. My dad never raised his voice to me or hit me. He smiled through every one of my antics.
My mom was terrified of snakes. Being an only child and living in what was considered the countryside back then, I had to amuse myself. I collected all kinds of critters including snakes. I would keep them in jars with holes in them and feed them bugs. Keep in mind they now scare me a bit.
One day I had found a new snake and decided to show mom and dad (I knew mom would be scared but I was only 9 and did not understand why). I opened the front door and mom was standing there and I held out the snake in my hand and said "look at my new friend". Mom screamed bloody murder and ran for the basement and locked herself in it. I dropped the snake on the front step and it slid back into the grass and away. I started crying "you made my snake run away". I was sobbing, mom was terrified in the basement and dad just smiled through it all. He sent me out to find another snake and asked me not to bring it inside because it scared my mom. I sure do miss my dad, his kindness his smile and his wonderful sense of humor



😢 Baby needs surgery tomorrow morning! This surgery is estimated at $3000!
This amount is a huge undertaking for a small rescue!

We REALLY NEED HELP RAISING THE FUNDS👉 this is the ONLY thing that will save her life!

We are begging PLEASE SHARE & PLEASE DONATE….. $5 makes a huge difference when added together! 🙏

UPDATE: Baby has been admitted at Camboro Veterinary Hospital. They are running test, bloodwork and X-rays.
She has a fever and VERY high WBC. 🙏

Baby sure could use some prayers and positive vibes sent her way. She is headed to an emergency appointment today. Over night she became lethargic and is not doing well.

Baby is one of our hospice dogs. She is approximately 14 years old and living her best life with her hospice foster mama.

Please consider helping Baby by making a donation for her emergency visit.
