

We are a company created in Switzerland with the aim of empowering people to unleash the full natura


No matter what you do
With who you do it
Where you do it
Ossaye is with you.

Ossaye - All the Way.

Timeline photos 01/07/2022

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To maximize your strength, you've got to fuel it properly.

Watch what you eat and drink, it makes a huge difference in how you perform!


Having low levels of testosterone might cause a miriad of problems in our health.
These levels fluctuate during a person's life, but they tend to go down naturally, with age.

If you want some more information read this article @


One of the most important supplements
you might want to consider taking are Omega 3's.
They can be integrated in our diets by eating oily fish,
like salmon for example.
But if you're not used to consuming fish a supplement
might be a really good alternative.
The most known areas from which we benefit from an
Omega 3 intake are its anti-inflammatory, mood
improvement, memory enhancement, improved sleep,
bone health and eye health improving qualities.



Everyone knows how important it is to hit your Macros if you are looking for gains at the gym. The same thing applies to your Micros. If you want to live a healthy life, you should aim at getting enough micronutrients for your body on a daily basis. And a good A Z Multivitamin minght help you achieve just that!


Make a plan, and try sticking to it. You don't even have to hit it 100%, just aim at something and do it, even if at 60% completion you will still be ahead of what you were yesterday. Don't beat yourself up for the 40% that you missed, be proud of yourself for having achieved that 60% ! And keep going, you're very capable of achieving your goals!


Ever heard of "your body is your temple" ?
You've been building it bit by bit, day by day since the moment you were born. There isn't a moment in which you aren't growing into something new, something potentially better. Take advantage of that potential, and aim for improvement. Do it slowly, but consistently. A mere 1% improvement every day goes a long long way. In a year it summs up to 365% improvement, you can be surprised of how long you've come after a year of dedication.
Take care of your body and your mind!!!


Ginkgo Biloba is a tree native to China, it appeared over 290 million years ago which makes it the oldest tree species in the world.
It has been used for thousands of years in alternative and traditional Chinese medicine for its many health benefits!


Eat your oats guys!

Oats have been known for therapeutic and medicinal properties for centuries, look at what older civilizations and communities ate and did, they were not stupid, they knew their sh*t, in fact they managed to survive in much harsher times than we are facing now!


Certain herbs have been used for centuries by coltures around the globe, and for a good reason!
They were onto something.
You can naturally boost your sport performance and general well being by adding Maca Root to your diet.


Your body is a machine!
The most perfect machine ever created, and it needs the correct fuel to run properly! Feed it properly and see the results!


Don't give up just yet. You are making progress, you might not see it because you are checking for results every day, and the daily change is minimal. Try to take a look at how far you've come since you began, that's how you should check if you're on the good path.
Keep going strong, you can do whatever you put your mind to.


Stick to a good nutrition plan, that can really help with psychical problems as well as physical. If due to your routine you can't always keep up a good diet, try at least to supplementing it with good A Z Multivitamins and minerals, It might do wonders!

Stay healthy!


Being motivated is quite easy when things are going well in life.
On the other hand, it might seem an impossible task to get motivated when other things aren't going how you would like them to.
Is a struggle. A daily battle.
I wish you all the strength to feeling motivated in the face of adversity, and going after what you want even when it seems impossible to.

Stay strong!


Macros are really important to reach athletic goals, but you have to make sure not to forget about your micronutrients! They are vital as well. A good A-Z Multivitamin and minerals supplement can do wonders for your goals!

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Balance is something that is found within us. But you can get help from the outside to achieve that, nutrition is a main component of that, and supplement can play a massive role in maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.


Eat well, feel strong, be strong

Wish superhuman strength to all of you guys, both physical and mental, for that you can beat anything that comes your way.


The only way to always feeling energetic is to make the right small choices consistently through your day.
Every little thing matters.
Watch what you eat, and you'll see what it brings.
Stay healthy!

Follow and like for more :^)The only way to always feeling energetic is to make the right small choices consistently through your day.
Every little thing matters.
Watch what you eat, and you'll see what it brings.
Stay healthy!

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Take care of your environment, your thoughts, your actions, your beliefs and everything you feed yourself.
Stay clean.
That's the path to peak performance every day.
That's what you deserve, live life at its full potential.
Take care

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Following a good and balanced nutrition plan improves both your mental and physical health. A machine runs best with the right fuel provided to it, and so does our body.

And physical exercises not only improve our physique, they also offer many benefits for our mental health, making us more calm and relaxed, more focused, stronger, more satisfied and happier.

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Let’s face it
Life will throw challenges at you
It’s about how strong you are
To beat them
You need to be at the top of your game
Always at peak performance.
To achieve that
You've got to tap into strength held within you
And to unleash that power
You might need help from outside sources.
Get stronger than ever before
Maximizing Inner Strength

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There are so many distractions nowadays, and so much delicious but unhealthy food around us that we might feel like our brain stops cooperating from time to time.

Did you know that Omega 3's, or also known as fish oils, can improve our mood, improve our sleep, enhance our memory and focus and much more ?

That might be worth considering as a daily supplement to increase your general well-being and productivity levels!

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It is very hard to eat clean meals everyday, and what's even more difficult is to eat balanced and variated enough to get all the vitamins and minerals needed from your diet alone. That's why considering supplementing your diet might be a good option, it is not a necessity but it might help greatly!

AZ Multivitamins contain all the needed vitamins and minerals to lead life at the highest gear!

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It is not an option to settle on a basic product, you deserve the highest possible quality. Treat yourself to great supplement quality.


If you want to lift heavy and train hard, you've got to fuel your body properly.

That means that a balanced and well thought diet is a must.

It's pretty hard to keep eating right with our hectic and busy schedules, in that case supplements might help balance things out and perform better!

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If you want to stay at peak performance every day of your life, you've got to carefully consider what you put in your body.

Your eating habits are extremely important to boost your energy levels, and nutritional supplements can help heaps with that as well.

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Eat well and you will see huge benefits.
Keep up a good and healthy routine, exercise, eat a balanced diet that provides you with all the nutrients needed. If necessary supplement your daily diet with multivitamins to provide your body with all it needs to perform at its best!

Take care of yourself!

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Are nutritional supplement necessary to be healthy ?

It depends.

If you are already leading a very healthy lifestyle and following a healthy and balanced diet, then you do not really NEED supplements, but they might still help.

Getting all the vitamins and nutrients needed directly from our diet is quite difficult nowadays with out busy and hectic schedules. In that case supplementing your diet might be a good idea, to make sure you provide your body with absolutely everything it needs to be everything it could be.

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We are what we eat, plain and simple🥦

Start fueling your body the right way

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