Duo Fjara

Duo Fjara

Fjara is the duo of Icelandic musicians Hlín Pétursdóttir Behrens soprano and guitarist Ögmundur Þór Jóhannesson.

They perform Icelandic music as well as international repertoire.

Blessuð sólin elskar allt by Francisco Javier Jáuregui 12/12/2020

It is important to notice the good things happening. A favourite place to perform in, Hannesarholt in Reykjavík, recently held a competition for writing song to the poems of one of our wonderful poets, Hannes Hafstein. One of the winning songs fits our ticket perfectly, and we, myself and Ögmundur Þór Jóhannesson who spends his time wisely and productively in Myanmar at present, look forward to including this beautiful song in our upcoming programs, in better times. Many thanks to the composer Francisco Javier Jáuregui Narváez and mezzo soprano Guðrún Jóhanna Ólafsdóttir for their wonderful rendition.

Blessuð sólin elskar allt by Francisco Javier Jáuregui Blessuð sólin elskar allt. Tónlist/Music: Francisco Javier Jáuregui. Ljóð/Poem: Hannes Hafstein. Composed in 2020. Guðrún Jóhanna Ólafsdóttir mezzósópran/mez...


Af augljósum ástæðum þurfum við að fresta fyrirhugðuðum útgáfutónleikum á Stöðvarfirði 25.3. og í Hannesarholti 28.3. En diskurinn mun koma út fyrir því og tónleikarnir verða haldnir síðar.
Our CD launch concerts are postponed, for obvious reasons, we look forward to hosting them in better times.


Þetta tókst 🍾🥂🎉 Við erum í skýjunum!!! Ótrúlega þakklát fyrir allan stuðningin og hlökkum til að senda ykkur öllum diskinn og hitta sem flest á útgáfutónleikum 💥
We are over the moon and immensely grateful for your support, we achieved our goal and our project is well on its way 🌟 Special thanks to the Roger Shapiro Fund! Looking forward to the weeks ahead, post production and design and finally sending the CD to you and hopefully meeting you at the release concert 🍾🥂🎉

„Draumur að gefa út disk með íslenskum þjóðlögum“ 13/01/2020

Three days to go! Find our crowdfunding project on Karolinafund - Nocturne. Þrír dagar eftir af söfnuninni okkar og þessi líka fína umfjöllun í Austurglugganum. Myndin er auðvitað eftir Sebastian Storgaard.

„Draumur að gefa út disk með íslenskum þjóðlögum“ Þau Hlín Pétursdóttir Behrens sópransöngkona og söngkennari á Héraði og Ögmundur Þór Jóhannesson gítarleikari mynda dúettinn Duo Fjara. Þau tóku upp sína fyrstu plötu í september síðastliðnum. Á plötunni, sem heitir „Náttsöngur“ er að finna íslenska tónlist, óþek...


📣 4 days remaining ⏳ for the crowdfunding of our new album Nocturne 📀 Icelandic music for soprano and guitar 🇮🇸

Very thankful for your help and support to make this reality 🤗💐🎉 Please follow link below 👇


We are getting excited as we are seeing our project featured in the main landing page of Karolina Fund website🤩 will we reach our goal? 🙏


From Duo Fjara concert in in August 2019 at the Summer Concert Series in the Listasafn Sigurjóns Ólafssonar Museum in Reykjavik, performing “Landið mitt” of Jóhann G. Jóhannsson, 1st prize winning composition to celebrate the Centenary of Icelandic independence and sovereignty 🇮🇸

Duo Fjara is the brainchild of Hlin Petursdottir Behrens soprano and guitarist Ögmundur Þór Jóhannesson, embarking on a journey of bringing Icelandic folk, art and lyrical gems to the world stage with their new album Nocturne containing original arrangements and never before envisioned presentation.

The project is highly appreciated and well on it's way to being funded through crowdfunding. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude towards all who have supported us and towards all who wish to give us a little more impetus by visiting our page and showing their love and support 🙏

Don't miss your chance to hear unforgettable renditions and arrangements of some never before recorded Icelandic music, by pledging a CD or download 📀🎶 See link below 👇



📢Þetta er allt að koma... Nú er tími til 16.1. til að taka þátt á Karolinafund. com. ⏰🚀 Hér má líta frumgerð að útliti disksins, mynd eftir Pétur Behrens, að sjálfsögðu...
⚡Time flies, there is still time until 16.1. to secure a copy of our CD on Karolinafund.com. How do you like the draft for our cover? Artwork by Pétur Behrens.

Dúó Fjara gefur út sína fyrstu plötu 09/01/2020

Skemmtileg grein í vefriti Sunnlenska. Ein vika eftir af söfnuninni okkar!
Article online, one week left of our crowdfunding project!

Dúó Fjara gefur út sína fyrstu plötu Hlín Pétursdóttir Behrens, sópransöngkona og Ögmundur Þór Jóhannesson, gítarleikari, skipa dúettinn Dúó Fjara. Þau tóku upp sína fyrstu plötu í haust og hafa nú hafið söfnun á Karolina Fund til þes…

Photos from Duo Fjara's post 08/01/2020

A throwback to our first photoshoot in Reykjavík, Iceland 🇮🇸 📸 with Sebastian Storgaard

Duo Fjara is the brainchild of Hlin Petursdottir Behrens soprano and guitarist Ögmundur Þór Jóhannesson, embarking on a journey of bringing Icelandic folk, art and lyrical gems to the world stage with their new album Nocturne, containing original arrangements and never before envisioned presentation.

The project is highly appreciated and well on it's way to being funded through crowdfunding. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude towards all who have supported us and towards all who wish to give us a little more impetus by visiting our page and showing their love and support 🙏

Don't miss your chance to hear unforgettable renditions and arrangements of some never before recorded Icelandic music, by pledging a CD or download 📀🎶 See link below 👇



From Duo Fjara's concert in in August 2019 at the Sumartónleikar Listasafns Sigurjóns Ólafssonar Summer Concert Series in Reykjavik, performing celebrated Icelandic composer Jóhann G. Jóhannsson based on the beautiful poem of Þórarinn Eldjárn

Adapting from original setting for voice and piano, not only is the transcription itself a challenging task from such a beautiful composition, but also wisely choosing the right pieces and making it sound like written for the instrument. We believe we came close with this one 😊

Our album features Icelandic music, ranging from folksong arrangements and art songs to lyric gems from contemporary composers. About a third of the music has not been recorded before and save for two original settings, the album features all new arrangements for classical guitar and soprano by myself.

9 days to go for the crowdfunding of our album Nocturne (see link below), very grateful for your support, we are already at 1/3 of our goal 🙏



The wonderful music of Jóhann G. Jóhannsson to the poetry of Þórarinn Eldjárn, one of the pieces on our new CD. Crowdfunding active for ten more days! Link in profile.

Photos from Duo Fjara's post 29/12/2019

Rehearsing with leading Iceland composer Hildigunnur Rúnarsdóttir. Our album will feature 2 very contrasting pieces in Ögmundur Þór Jóhannesson’s original transcriptions from voice and piano, using special scordadura tuning (check the lowest bass note in score 🤓)

18 days to go for the crowdfunding of our album Nocturne (see link below), very grateful for your support, we are already at almost 1/4 of our goal 🙏💐



From Duo Fjara concert in in August 2019 at the Summer Concert Series in the Listasafn Sigurjóns Ólafssonar Museum in Reykjavik.

20 days to go for the crowdfunding of our album Nocturne (see link below), very grateful for your support, we are already at 1/4 of our goal 🙏💐


Photos from Duo Fjara's post 23/12/2019

Rehearsing with leading Iceland composer Jóhann G. Jóhannsson who has 4 works on our album, 1 is world-premiere recording, all 4 works are Ögmundur Þór Jóhannesson’s original transcriptions.

24 days to go for the crowdfunding of our album Nocturne (see link below), very grateful for your support, we are already at almost 1/4 of our goal 🙏💐


Photos from Duo Fjara's post 22/12/2019

The pre-recording relaxation at Vök Baths, a new geothermal spa in east Iceland really set the tone for our recording 💆‍♂️

25 days to go for the crowdfunding of our album Nocturne (see link below), very grateful for your support, we are already at almost 1/4 of our goal 🙏💐



Sound check for Duo Fjara concert in the “Blue Church” Bláa kirkjan - Summer Concert Series 7. August 2019

27 days to go for the crowdfunding of our album Nocturne (see link below), very grateful for your support, we are already at almost 1/4 of our goal 🙏💐



From our concert in in August 2019 at the Summer Concert Series in the Listasafn Sigurjóns Ólafssonar Museum in Reykjavik.

28 days to go for the crowdfunding of our album Nocturne (see link below), very grateful for your support, we are already at 1/5 of our goal 🙏💐



Á ferðinni með Beethoven í sumar, hver mínúta milli tónleika nýtt til að vinna í útsetningum fyrir diskinn okka.
On the road with Beethoven last summer, using every minute in between concerts to work on the arrangements for our CD.

Nocturne - Karolina Fund 07/12/2019

Það er komið að því, geisladiskurinn okkar er kominn á karolinafund! Endilega skoðið og deilið!
Crowdfunding has begun for our CD! Please take a look and share!


Nocturne - Karolina Fund Icelandic songs performed by Duo Fjara.

Photos from Duo Fjara's post 26/09/2019

The official version - and what really happened... We thoroughly enjoyed making music at the reception of the people's Republic of China.

Alltaf jafn gaman hjá okkur.

Photos from Duo Fjara's post 25/09/2019

Yes!!! Recordings completed, what a place, what a crew...


Fish Factory - Creative Centre Studio Silo Vinny Vamos

Næst á dagskrá hjá okkur eru upptökur á geisladiski í Sköpunarmiðstöðinni á Stöðvarfirði sem hefur verið rekin í gömlu frystihúsbyggingunni þar frá 2011. Þar starfar frábært teymi sem hefur nýlega opnað fullkomið hljóðver, Studio Silo og við getum varla beðið eftir að hefjast handa!

Next project: Recording sessions in Studio Silo which recently opened in the Fish Factory Creative Centre in Stöðvarjförður in the East of Iceland. We are super excited and looking forward to working with Vinny Vamos in this unique location.

Unser nächstes Unterfangen ist die Aufnahme einer CD im Fish Factory Creative Centre in Stöðvarfjörður, Ost-Island, im neuen Studio Silo! Wir freuen uns sehr auf die schöne Umgebung und die Zusammenarbeit mit den wunderbaren Leuten dort!


English below - Deutscher Text weiter unten

Dúettinn Fjara eru þau Hlín Pétursdóttir Behrens sópransöngkona og Ögmundur Þór Jóhannesson gítarleikari. Samstarf þeirra hófst á vormánuðum 2019 og eftir annasamt tónleikasumar með tónleikum að Hólum í Hjaltadal, í Bláu kirkjunni á Seyðisfirði og á Sumartónleikum Listasafns Sigurjóns Ólafssonar, þar sem á dagskrá var íslensk tónlist auk verka eftir John Dowland, Federico Garcia-Lorca, Manuel de Falla og Heitor Villa-Lobos, eru þau nú að undirbúa útgáfu á geisladiski með íslenskri tónlist.

Soprano Hlín Pétursdóttir Behrens and guitarist Ögmundur Þór Jóhannesson founded the duo Fjara in spring 2019, and subsequently performed in summer concert series in the North and East of Iceland as well as the Sigurjón Ólafsson Museum in Reykjavik. Their collaboration currently centres around Icelandic music, but also includes works by John Dowland, Federico Garcia-Lorca, Manuel de Falla and Heitor Villa-Lobos.

Duo Fjara sind die Sopraninstin Hlín Pétursdóttir Behrens und der Gitarrist Ögmundur Þór Jóhannesson. Ihre Zusammenarbeit begann im Sommer 2019 mit Konzerten in Hólar in Nord-Island, der Blauen Kirche in Seyðisfjörður, im Osten und bei den Sommerkonzerten im Sigurjón Ólafsson Museum in Reykjavík. Im Mittelpunkt ihrer Programme steht das Liedgut ihrer Heimat, vom Volkslied bis zur Zeitgenössischen Musik aber ihr Repertoire umfasst auch das Elisabethanischen Zeitalter sowie Werke von Federico Garcia-Lorca, Manuel de Falla und Heitor Villa-Lobos.

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