Amy Blakeslee

Amy Blakeslee

Align with your empowered, awakened path. Journey with me to unlock your true self, discover your purpose, and manifest your dream life. Coach • Author • Speaker


In this season of giving, let's reflect on the power of authenticity and service.

Embracing who we are empowers us to shine our light and uplift those around us.

A genuine heart finds joy in serving others, spreading warmth, kindness, and goodwill.

May this spirit guide us not just today, but throughout the year, illuminating our paths with compassion and purpose.


Navigating my soul expansion journey meant embracing every moment, even the tough ones. Transforming pain into growth. Quieting the ego, residing in my heart, present in the now. That's where the power lies.


In my solo soul journey this year, I found the blessings and power in deep solitude. Showing up in my relationships stronger now with more self-love and healthy boundaries. The best part? Attracting healthy and loving people who match the new me.


The way to heaven is through hell first. Just spent most of 2023 sequestered in high soul-growth mode, pushing through the deep dark to reveal the Light within. Apparently, my soul loves to live on the edge... Can't wait for January! 😅🔥😇


Expand your mind, expand your life.


Your vibe attracts your tribe—keep it high.


The journey inward is the ultimate adventure.


Let go of the 'how' and embrace the 'now'.


The key to manifestation? Reside in the feeling of already having it.


Align your thoughts with your desires, and watch the magic unfold.


Create your world from the inside out.


Shift your state, change your reality.


Unleash your power by living from your deepest truth.


Manifestation isn't about what you want, it's about who you are.


Surrender the mind, embrace your beingness. This rapidly aligns your energy to manifest your goals with ease..


Your energy is the key to experiencing your dreams. Not sure if your energy is aligned? Tune into how you are feeling. Your state of being creates your frequency.


Clarify your goal, visualize its reality. Dwell in the state of already having it. See it manifest in real life.


You are the architect of your destiny. You imagine through thought and feeling. The universe responds.


You manifest what you strongly believe, intentional or not. Your world is shaped through your thoughts. There is no exception to this rule.


As you grow in consciousness, you'll face the stories shaping you. They might hurt and your mind will fight for them. Letting go is the hardest-yet-easiest thing you will ever do but you must. It paves the way for your dreams to enter.


Your reality mirrors your inner state. To change what you see, start within. Transform your state, transform your world.


You hold the power
to create your reality.


A staggering 77% feels disengaged at work, according to Gallup. Are you one of them?

I've been there—more than once.

At first, I blamed my dissatisfaction on the jobs themselves.

But I came to realize the truth: I wasn't aligned with my authentic self.

That misalignment meant I wasn't attracting the experiences I truly wanted. Instead, I was drawing in reflections of who I was embodying.

The frustration led me on a quest for purpose.

I explored the usual methods—likes, values, skills—but I ended up with two failed businesses, despite considerable investment.

Why did they fail?

Because I wasn't connected to my true self and purpose. I carried misconceptions about who I was and why I was here.

So, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, which led me to my coaching. It was such a profound experience that I feel compelled to guide others on this awakening path.

And here's the revelation: while I love coaching, I've also found much greater satisfaction in the tech work that once left me discontent.

Everything lies within us.

When we understand our true selves, our potential, our purpose, and our creative capacity, life becomes infinitely more fulfilling—regardless of the work we are doing.

Ready to love work again? Let's connect! I offer transformative programs that swiftly align you with your authentic self and purpose. Let's chat and uncover how I can help you reignite your passion for work.


Unlocking success often starts with tapping into our inner guidance.

Meditation is a powerful way to access this wisdom.

Many practice focusing on their breath—inhaling and exhaling through the nose. But for some, like me, this approach didn't quite click.

Being in my headspace made it challenging to break free from racing thoughts.

If you've experienced the same struggle, here's an alternative:

Shift your focus from your breath to your heart. With each breath, tune into the rhythm of your heartbeat.

Why does this work? Your heart is your most intelligent organ and the conduit to your higher self—away from the chatter of the mind.

Personally, this practice elevates my energy, evokes joy, and sparks creativity. It keeps my intuition sharp throughout the day.

Give it a try—even 5 minutes a few times a day can yield profound results.

It's a wonderful mood lifter, too!

From reaching your targets to resolving relationship hurdles or setting your sights on 2024, this method might just bring the clarity you're seeking.


Want to transform dreams into actions? Let's talk manifestation and making dreams real. It's about more than exercises—it's crafting a vision that sets your soul on fire. The secret? Inner connection and aligning your entire being—mind, body, spirit—to manifest the outcomes you desire. Are you ready?


Ready to break free from the routine and become the leader you're meant to be? It's time to step out of the everyday grind and start making your wildest dreams a reality!

Are you tired of missing out on pursuing your aspirations, feeling stuck year after year without the impact you know you can create? Or perhaps you're bubbling with a new idea, eager to see it come to life.

For a limited time, I'm offering an exclusive 'Manifest Your Big Vision in 2024 Coaching Session.' Dive deep into your dreams with me, where we'll:

✅ Create a crystal-clear vision for ultimate success in both your professional endeavors and personal life.
✅ Uncover any hidden challenges that might have sabotaged your efforts to make the impactful difference you truly desire.
✅ You'll walk away from the session feeling clear, focused, rejuvenated, re-energized, and inspired to go big in 2024.

To check if you qualify for this incredibly valuable session, send me a direct message now.

🙌 Let's get you one step closer to making your dreams a reality in 2024!


Are you facing amplified anxiety as the year winds down?

Facing anxiety head-on changed my life.

I emerged with a sense of calm I never thought possible.

Whether it's a daily battle or intensified by the holiday rush, finding peace is within reach.

You can rewrite your story from anxious moments to sustained serenity with ease and grace through life energy coaching.

If you are interested in learning more, message me now.

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Are you facing amplified anxiety as the year winds down?Facing anxiety head-on changed my life.I emerged with a sense of...
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