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Sabbath School Summary
From Battle to Victory
Lesson 11
Memory Text: Daniel 10:19

SATURDAY: Above the roar of fierce battle, God can bring a shout of victory. Daniel 10-12 is a summation of the battle God’s people will face in the latter days & the victory they would obtain through Christ. Daniel 9 sheds light on the 2,300 days prophecy but not in totality, Daniel fast & pray for more light in chapter 10. Daniel 11 & 12 gives more details of this vision; 2,300 days. Prayer is a master key (Eph. 6:12).

SUNDAY: Cyrus’ decree to rebuild the temple saw the first batch of Jews returning to Palestine from Babylon. Yet, the Jews faced great opposition (Ezra 4:1-5). Daniel mourned & fasted that the temple would be rebuilt for God’s promises to be fulfilled (Dan. 10:1-3). The prophet (almost 90 years) deprived himself of “choice food” to pray for his people. We should pray always & for others (Job. 42:10, Eph. 6:18).

MONDAY: In his vision, the prophet sees a divine-human savior (Dan. 10:5, 6; 7:13) adorned in a priestly garment (Lev. 16:4; Dan. 😎 & gold, all pointing to Christ—the Prince (compare with Josh. 5:13, 14). John also later saw the risen Savior on the Sabbath day (Rev. 1:12-18). None but Daniel saw the glorified Christ (Dan. 10). The vision here tells us that “God is in control of history” to the end (Dan. 11 & 12).

TUESDAY: Daniel was blameless (Dan. 6:4) but each time he came close to a heavenly being, he humbled himself to the ground. This time, he was touched three times by an angel (Dan. 10:10-19). The first touch helped him to hear & understand the heavenly words. The second enabled him to speak & the third gave him strength. Daniel’s prayer moved the heavens. God’s loving touch brings hope.

WEDNESDAY: The effectual prayer of Daniel revealed a great conflict between powers “in the invisible cosmic realm” when men pray (PK, pp. 571, 572). Thus, the opposition to the rebuilding of the temple was not only due to human factors, but also unseen forces (Dan. 10:20, 21). Satan (“Prince of Persia”) usurp power of kingdoms (Medo-Persia), but God is in control. He was with Israel in Cyrus’ & Cambyses’ reign.

THURSDAY: Michael (“Who is like God?”) who cast out Satan & came to resurrect Moses is also denoted as the “Son of Man” & “Prince of the host” in Daniel (Dan. 7:13, 8:11, 10:13, 21, 12:1; Jude 9, Rev. 12:7). Thus, Michael is Christ Himself. He is our captain in the cosmic war. He defeated Satan in heaven, in the garden of Eden & Gethsemane, in the wilderness, & on the cross on Calvary (Col. 2:15, John 12:31, 32).

FRIDAY: Satan wrestled with Gabriel for three weeks. He will wrestle with us for many days, but as Michael came to the aid of His angel, so shall He come to the aid of His children. The devil sought to inspire Cyrus to halt the rebuilding of the temple, but Michael, the Archangel turned the heart of the king as an answer to the prayers of Daniel. For every battle, there is victory in Christ. “The battle is the Lord’s”.

—Ellen G. White, Prophets and Kings, p. 572. The Sanctified Life, p. 51.


PK- Prophets and Kings

Cyrus’ decree- It happened in 536 BC to release a sect of the Israelites to rebuild the temple. This should not be confused with the rebuilding of Jerusalem which occurred when Artaxerxes decreed in 457 BC.

Cambyses- Was the son of Cyrus. The rebuilding of the temple was halted. Because of the opposition, Daniel prayed that the work would go on.

Kings of Persia- Used here refers to Cyrus, Cambyses & Darius I who were Persian kings.

Prince of Persia/ Prince of the kingdom of Persia- Used here refers to Satan usurping power over the Persian kingdom.

Prince of Grecia- Satan usurping power over the Greek kingdom.

Michael- Refers to Jesus Christ.


SUNDAY- Fasting And Prayer, Once Again
MONDAY- A Vision Of The Prince
TUESDAY- Touched By An Angel
WEDNESDAY- A Great Conflict
THURSDAY- A Victorious Prince

Discussion Questions

📌 Though we are not the first people in Christian history to see this truth, as Seventh-day Adventists we are strong proponents of the “great controversy” motif, or the idea that the entire universe is part of an epic struggle between Christ and Satan. And we believe that every human being is, indeed, involved in this controversy. Others, even secular people, have talked about the reality of some kind of battle in which we are all immersed. What has been your own experience in the great controversy? How have you seen it manifested in your own life? What have you learned that could help others struggling, as well?

📌 Read Ephesians 6:10-18. Notice the overt military imagery that Paul uses. What “battle instructions” are given here for us in the great controversy?

📌 In Daniel 10:11, for a second time (see Dan. 9:23) Daniel is called hamudot—or “beloved.” What does this tell us about the close link, even an emotional link, between heaven and earth? Think about how radically different this reality is when compared to the common atheistic view of much of the modern world. What hope does this Bible view, as seen in this reference to Daniel, offer us?

For March 7-13. Happy Sabbath.

