Yogic Tarot

Yogic Tarot

Tarot and Oracle readings and exploration


Accepting yourself where you are.

You reach a certain age and looking back on old photos can sting a bit. Our bodies are constantly changing and longing for what you used to be is pointless and can prevent you from living now and moving forward.

Don’t hide away because you aren’t the person you once were, step out and make the most of now and who you can be going forward. Live well, eat well, treat your amazing body with respect and good things will happen.


That 0 trump keeps coming up. I’ve been spending time meditating with the Fool card this week and then pulled it for my reading today.

The Fool is titled The Soul in the Ascension Tarot by .art and talks about stepping into the unknown. Paired today with the Maze or Wheel of Fortune card this points to wanting to jump in but not quite knowingmes to health and fitness there are so many opinions and crazy ideas out there. Use your own inner compass and if it sounds too good to be true (e.g. lose 20lbs in a week) then it probably is.

There is not much you can’t do, believe in yourself, take the first steps and put the work in, it may take time but you’ll get there.


Counting the Omer day 16

Gevurah of Tiferet

Balancing the competing voices. The importance of seeing the flaws within ourselves and the ways we can improve, balanced with not being overly critical and negative.

It’s a constant struggle and that’s perhaps, how it should be. None of us is perfect but we all have gifts and strengths that we should be proud of.


Counting the Omer - Day 14

Malchut of Gevurah

Personal sovereignty and power without feeling overburdened.

Today I’m using The Tarot of Oneness by which beautifully depicts the balance we need between asserting oneself within the pack and knowing when to share the load. There is a tricky balance between feeling in control and delegating responsibilities to others. Where can you let go a little and share the burden?


Tarot and the Gates of Light by Mark Horn

Love, love, love this quote. ❤️

“If you want to change, start by loving where you are right now with no goal of changing”

I work in the fitness industry so this wouldn’t seem like an obvious quote for me to love.

But if a change on the scale is the goal then weight loss and fitness can often be frustrating and disheartening. Being happy with who you see in the mirror should be the goal and just knowing you are treating you body well with good nutrition and exercise can have a big impact on that regardless of what the scale says.


Not too much to say about this today. But it’s a pretty good reading when you are preparing to go on a trip. 🙂 This deck will be traveling with me.


All about balance. Trying to be practical and in control while also not loosing the emotional connection to what needs to be done.

When you know what needs to be done or what you are being asked to help someone to do and learning how to communicate it in a way that is compassionate and shows understanding.

Empathy with some practical detachment.


It’s been a while since I posted. My focus has been else where for a while but I’m trying to get back to giving time to the spiritual side of my life.

What better way to reconnect with the tarot than with the Tarot of Oneness by . A beautiful vibrant deck that has offered me some motivating and inspiring cards today.

Inspiration and action, working with friends to make things happen. ❤️


My Tarot Journal

Lots of change and lots of pentacles.

Rebirth is a practical/physical sense rather than emotional.

Taking charge of the physical things around you. The Kinight suggests that this will take time. Make the decision about what you want life to be and you have want you want.


My Tarot Journal

The Samhain Oracle Underworld card indicates that this is time for a fresh start. There are two queens in the tarot reading suggesting a move from one energy to another, in this can taking a pause and trying to be a little less emotional and a little more practical.

Happy Halloween



More Happy Mail

The Tarot of Oneness by arrived in my mailbox today.

I’m looking forward to spending time getting to know this beautiful deck.



My Tarot Journal

Keep putting the time and effort into reaching your goals. Thinking about what you want isn’t enough, you need to put the work in to make it happen. When you feel like giving up and that it’s not going anywhere keep pushing. Getting the mundane and the boring chores done frees up time and relieves stress so you can spend more focused time on the things you enjoy.


My Tarot Journal

Goals are being achieved but a reminder that there are still more challenges ahead. Stop putting things off. Get things done and live the life you want to live now.


Tarot Journaling

This month I have been working with the Trick or Treat Tarot and the Deep, Dark and Dangerous Oracle.

The tarot cards suggest that the regeneration shown in the Oracle card will come from hard work on the domestic front. Things will change quickly but with the 10 of cups is would likely be a positive change.

I’ve got lots of personal reflections to enter into my journal but recently shift towards journaling and planning will hopefully lead to being more organized and less stressed, a form of regeneration that will certainly help all at home.

Decks: Trick or Treat Tarot & The Deep, Dark and Dangerous Oracle


Happy mail today!!!!

Congrats .art on another beautiful deck ❤️

Photos from Yogic Tarot's post 29/09/2022

Making my way through my Golden Dawn studies. Keeping it crafty and using my junk journal to spend some time with each element.


I took a bit of a break over the summer from posting but getting back to it now.

I’ve developed an interest in junk journaling so decided to put this together with my Golden Dawn studies and create a junk journal style grimoire. I’m working my way through the Cicero’s book, Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn.

Starting with the elements and a page for Fire.


Throat Chakra Day 6

Information Overload

We live in a world where we are constantly being bombarded with information. Trying to discern what is useful and needed can be difficult. Try to eliminate spending time on social media, we’ve all gone down Facebook, twitter and YouTube rabbit holes. Time gets sucked away and we are often left disheartened by the negativity and troll behavior. Find pages and channels that lift you up, spend sometime with them but set a limit each day.

Communication and information are important but take care that what you receive is truthful and helpful.


Throat Chakra Day 5


We all want to our voices to be listened to, but that means that we all need to be listening too. Trying to see things from someone else’s point of view can sometimes be difficult, but taking the time to listen can bring greater understanding and tolerance.


Throat Chakra Day 4


It may seem counter intuitive but doing nothing for 10-20 minutes can actually help you get things done.

Finding a few minutes a day to sit quietly and shut out the noise and pressures of the world around you can help you find focus and clarity in reaching your goals.

Find the time to focus on what you have and what you can do, try to put aside stress about things that you have no control or influence over.


Throat Chakra Day 3


What are you being called to create? Know that inspiration does not come from within it comes from others and the world around us. It’s our voice and interpretation of that which inspires us that make sharing our creativity worthwhile. Release yourself from the burdens of the fear of failure and trust that the process is as important, if not more important, than the final outcome.


Throat Chakra Day 2

Authentically You

Do you try to conform so you fit in. Do you follow rules that you think you need to do that other don’t think you’re weird.

Breaking rules that we make for ourselves that have no effect on those around us can be liberating. How you dress, what you eat, what music you listen, who you love. All those things are your choices and nobody else’s.

Be the individual that you are, don’t pretend to be something you’re not just to fit in.

When you’re birds of a feather flock together, make sure they really are your flock by standing up and being your authentic self.


Throat Chakra Day 1

Moving on to the upper chakras.

I’ve chosen The Sacred Rebels Oracle and the New Era Elements Tarot to use while working with the throat chakra. The both have aspects of activism and rebellion, of not being afraid to speak up for what you believe.

Today is about realizing you gifts and not being afraid to share them. Not letting others distract or discourage you from doing the work you need or want to do. Remain focused and confident in you gifts and your purpose.


Heart Chakra Day 7

Moving Through

Do you push difficult things aside and refuse to face them. It seems like the easy thing to do but they will always be there distracting you as you try to move forward. Facing difficult situations can bring closure and the ability to move forward with more focus and positivity. And sometimes when we face a problem we discover that it isn’t the nightmare that we thought it would be.


Heart Chakra Day 6


How connected are you with the world and the people around you? It might seem easier to stay in your comfort zone and avoid others but stepping out and saying yes to invitations etc can lead to knew connections and wonderful experiences.


Heart Chakra Day 5


Today’s heart chakra card asks you to take a look and who and how you love. Most importantly how you love yourself and your life. We often give so much to others that we forget about or overlook self care and self love. Take some time and think about all the things you have love and gratitude for.


Heart Chakra Day 4

Time with friends

I’m playing catch up a bit today as I’ve missed a few days of posting. So today is a big day for spending time with my heart chakra.

Spending time with people with whom you have shared interests is so important. All the work done balancing chakras doesn’t mean much if you don’t take it out into the world and experience life.

Before drawing the cards today I spent some time entering Moon phases into my phone calendar so I could be more more aware of any effect they might have on my life. Then I shuffled the Messenger Oracle and pulled the Follow the Moon card. Interesting and very cool.


Heart Chakra Day 2


If we don’t acknowledge or admit when we have made mistakes we can’t learn from them and move forward. We will stay repeating the mistakes and never really achieve the goals we set out to achieve.

Facing your weaknesses or mistakes can be difficult but the lessons learnt will make you stronger.


Heart Chakra Day 1


How can we be more compassionate towards others and towards ourselves.

Building on the empowerment of the Solar Plexus Chakra we have to remember to use that fire and self confidence with integrity and repeat for others. As the chakras rise they build on the power of the chakras below and incorporate the wisdom of those above. The heart chakra is in the center and starts to put all the things established in the root, sacral and solar plexus chakras to positive use. Ride the wave you are creating and embrace the journey.


Solar Plexus Chakra Day 7

Self worth

Am I good enough? There are more talented people than me, why should I bother? All things that many of us say to ourselves that we would never say to ourselves.

Try to be inspired by others not intimidated. You’re voice and talent are worth expressing.
