Earthie Mama

Earthie Mama

Earthie Mama is an online resource for health and wellness with a product line using the most natura

Nature's Most Powerful Antibiotics (Recipe Included!) 26/06/2024

Nature's Most Powerful Antibiotics (Recipe Included!) Combining 7 antibacterial and antiviral ingredients, the basic formula of this natural immune-supporting tonic dates back to medieval Europe. It is a super cleansing natural antibiotic, destroying both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It is a potent anti-viral and anti-fungal/yeast formula,...


Time to build your immune system!! Seems everyone around us are getting sick but not us because we take this tonic every day to prevent us. There is more info at



Get Earthie Mama products at Salud tomorrow sept. 15!


Welcome "Earthie Mama" to the Bend Health Fair! Earthie Mama


Join us at the Bend Health Fair!


3 more 55 gallon drums of Earthie Mama Bug Spray going to Natural News. This bug spray smells good, is good for your skin and keeps the bugs away the natural way! It has been tested all over the world and works. Every batch is tested for heavy metals.


A testimonial from a mom using Earthie Mama’s Bug Spray on her 1 year old. The bugs are out. Protect yourself and your family with an organic bug spray that works! And nooooo chemicals to harm you!


Did you see that full moon? The brightest super moon of the year! We bottled our newest batch of Master Tonic with the energy of the moon. Get your bottle today for 20% off at with coupon code FULLMOON
The Master Tonic has incredible benefits:
🌿immune booster
🌿helps with skin issues
🌿relieves arthritis symptoms
🌿helps with weight loss
🌿improves digestion
🌿clears candida
🌿boosts energy
🌿reduces inflammation
🌿lowers blood sugar
🌿improves heart health
🌿and much more….


Do you use a cell phone? Do you realize how harmful they are? Many studies have revealed a link between the use of cell phones and various forms of illness, due to a breakdown at the cellular level and interference in cell communication. There are ways to protect yourself. Click here: for more info on proven products to help lower EMFs.


Grow your own food… these are cools tricks and tips



Wanna know why it's so easy to believe all these conspiracies?

Because they make more sense than the official story.

-Does it make sense that we were placed on a planet governed by a light that will cause cancer if our skin is exposed to it? And the proposed solution is to use a sun blocking cream, whose ingredients are proven to cause skin cancer, and prevent your body from making vitamin D, which prevents multiple types of cancer and sickness in general?

-Does it make sense that foods our ancestors ate for thousands of years is bad for us, causes heart disease and cancer, and what is the solution? Your GMO corn and soy based frankenfoods with a shelf life of forever? But don't worry, they are 'enriched' with a fraction of the necessary vitamins and minerals, which of course are synthetic so our bodies don't even recognize them.

-And don't you dare consume anything with bacteria, like fermented vegetables and raw dairy, which is widely used in other cultures for optimum health, and be sure to wash it away every chance you get, nevermind that we are MADE of it, and need it to properly digest and assimilate nutrients.

-Water? Who needs water when you have brightly colored, caffeinated, artificially flavored juices? There are even ones with characters for the kids, fun for the whole family! All that sugar making you fat? Not to worry, aspartame is here to save the day. Who cares if it causes just as much weight gain, because it's 0 calories and you won't remember anyways, as it kills off brain cells and causes Alzheimer's. Nevermind that our bodies are 70+% water.

-We will adapt, but not before a myriad of seemingly unrelated health issues and multiple western medicine remedies that cure nothing.

-If you do choose the healthier alternative of drinking only water, make sure you get a filter to get rid of fluoride, another known neurotoxin that's added to most municipal water supplies.. did you or anyone you know vote for that? If they care so much about our teeth rotting (they don't), maybe they should quit advertising soda and candy on every commerical.

-There is however, a grand solution for cavities. Mercury fillings. Mercury, one of the most toxic substances known to man leeching into your body 24/7, pay no attention to the dentist in the next cubicle, who has to wear a hazmat suit to remove these mercury fillings.

-And as if it could get any worse, one of the most reactive substances to mercury, that is never supposed to be mixed with it, aluminium, is literally raining down on us every day. Who knows what chemtrails are? Those lovely crisscross patterns in the sky? Think they are just plane exhaust? Then why are they there some days and none on others, or why can you see spaces in the trails where they stopped spraying for a second? Geoengineering is real, and there are patents for it. Do you remember asking for aluminium to be sprayed on you and your family?

-Is all this stressing you out? Maybe take a second to take some deep breaths, or meditate. Something we are not taught in school, did we learn anything useful there? Or you could do what all our civilised friends do, spend lots of money at the bar getting wasted or take pills to numb the reality of it all.

-Remember all those studies on the safety of technology? Me either.. but don't worry about that, when your phone is next to your reproductive organs 24/7, or the blue light from your TV is ruining any chance you had of healing during your sleep, or when a TV is strapped to your face, or when you go for a run with a computer strapped to your wrist-a meridian point. Don't worry about sitting in wifi all day at work, or about all these cell towers bouncing off you and your technology. The electromagnetic frequencies are invisible so they can't hurt you... Kind of like Fukushima radiation. But if you do end up with a brain tumor, check to see if it's the same shape as your cellphone antenna.

-Speaking of tumors, rats that eat GMO foods get them, and fetal cells which are used in vaccines are extremely tumorogenic. Yes, there are cells from aborted babies in your vaccines, listed right on the ingredients. Just check the CDC website. Remember our friend mercury? That's also in vaccines. Toxic enough for hazmat suits, yet gentle enough for the smallest of infants once put in a vial and injected under the skin..

-Speaking of tiny babies and the CDC, remember when ci******es were touted as healthy to smoke during pregnancy, and that a low birth weight made for easy delivery? Remember when they didn't cause lung cancer? Oh and about cancer, they may not know the cause (they do) but by all means do they have an expensive treatment, and you can bet it'll involve being poisoned, (chemo) cut, (surgery) or burned, (skin cancer) ...

-Did you know chemo and radiation are CARCINOGENIC, that's means 'cancer causing' - a bit backwards, no? Why don't they ever suggest eating healthier, and avoiding toxins?

-Ever wondered why the FOOD administration and DRUG administration are working together? It's because the food makes you sick, and there is indeed 'A pill for every ill' There is one thing these health organizations (CDC, AMA, FDA, WHO, etc..) have in common. And as you can see from the rapidly deteriorating health of everyone around you, despite only consuming what these people say is safe, it is not your health they care about. I hate to scare anyone, but for every problem, there are 500 solutions. The first one being to care about these things.- Torii Telford


Time to Raise your vibration 💫


Protect yourself this flu season. Whether it is Covid or some other virus……keeping your hands clean and boosting your immune system are key! Covid has gone through my house 2 times now and I can tell you for certain that these two products helped my family get through .
Use coupon Earthiemama for 10% OFF

Coppertone recalls 5 sunscreen sprays because of a cancer-causing chemical 05/10/2021

Coppertone recalls 5 sunscreen sprays because of a cancer-causing chemical The company says that daily exposure levels believed to be detected in the products likely would not cause "adverse health consequences."

How I Conquered Covid and You Can Too! 14/09/2021

A few weeks ago, Covid came into my house. My daughter tested positive and became ill. We conquered Covid and I want to share with you how we did it.....

How I Conquered Covid and You Can Too! Covid came into my home and we used immune boosting tools to beat it. Here is what we did and how I Conquered Covid.

Colgate toothpaste found to contain cancer-causing chemical 30/08/2021

Colgate toothpaste found to contain cancer-causing chemical Triclosan has been a prized ingredient in Colgate toothpastes for a number of years now. While its use in antibacterial soaps has been banned by the FDA, somehow this chemical has managed to retain its approval for use in toothpaste.

Johnson & Johnson detects cancer-causing benzene in some spray sunscreens 14/08/2021

Johnson & Johnson detects cancer-causing benzene in some spray sunscreens On Wednesday, Johnson & Johnson announced it is voluntarily recalling 14 sunscreen products from five different products lines after finding benzene, a known carcinogen, in some popular sunscreen products.

Why Never to use products with DEET - Earthie Mama 02/08/2021

If you are still using Bug Spray with DEET please stop! It’s toxic for the Earth, animals and humans. There are alternatives... reas on to find out. Make sure you share the info with everyone! 🦟🕷🦗🪳

Why Never to use products with DEET - Earthie Mama Bug Away Spray is important to keep the bugs from biting you. Synthetic bug repellants are full of chemicals, like DEET. Why never to use products with DEET.

Bayer Confirms End of Sale of Glyphosate-Based Herbicides for US Lawn & Garden Market - Sustainable Pulse 30/07/2021

Finally, this poison will be off the market for home gardens and lawns! A step closer to getting it off our farms and out of our diet!

Bayer Confirms End of Sale of Glyphosate-Based Herbicides for US Lawn & Garden Market - Sustainable Pulse Bayer have announced that they will no longer sell glyphosate-based herbicides to U.S. gardeners as of 2023, following the costly litigation battle over


Clean Beauty by AnaK] wants to help keep your skin safe under this dry summer sun! ☀️ We will be giving 1 lucky winner our SPF Giftbag Bundle! All you have to do is:
- Like this photo
- Tag 3 friends under this post
- Follow on Instagram
For an extra entry** Sign up for our newsletter at Winner will be announced by 8/6

Use Sunscreen & Diagnosed With Cancer? Quality Now! 23/07/2021

Use Sunscreen & Diagnosed With Cancer? Quality Now! Time Is Limited To File A Claim!

FDA investigating how a known carcinogen wound up in J&J sunscreen 18/07/2021

I would guess the same way asbestoses got into their baby powder products?

For reference:

Use Earthie Mama Sunscreen!

FDA investigating how a known carcinogen wound up in J&J sunscreen The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is investigating how a cancer-causing chemical ended up in Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N) sunscreens, after the company said it had done internal testing and found low levels of benzene in some, the regulator said on Friday.


It’s definitely that time of year again! The mosquitoes are out of control this year already!! Earthie Mama Bug Spray is what i use to keep them away. It has been tested and tried all over the world There is NO DEET!!! If you don’t know about the dangers of DEET go look into it. You don’t want to put it on your body!!!

This spray is made in a witch hazel base so it soothes the skin. Mixed with the best bug protecting essential oils! This bug spray smells, is good for your skin and works to keep all kinds of bugs away!!
There is more info on my website.

Does Sunscreen Cause Skin Cancer? - Earthie Mama 02/06/2021

Many sunscreens out there are full of toxic chemicals that seep into your bloodstream while blocking out Vitamin D potentially leading to cancer. Read the blog below to find out what chemicals to look out for 👇

Does Sunscreen Cause Skin Cancer? - Earthie Mama Sunscreen is pushed as the answer to protect from skin cancer but could some sunscreen cause skin cancer?