Get a Fruit

Get a Fruit

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Get a Fruit, Kitchen/Cooking, .

Τhe action intends to promote agri-food produced in the region that are eligible according to the provision of article 5 (1) (a) and (b) of Regulation (EU) 1144/2014. CAMPAIGN FINANCED WITH AID FROM THE EUROPEAN UNION
The content of this promotion campaign represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission and the European Research Executive Agency

Photos from Get a Fruit's post 26/06/2024

the Roadshow concluded in Germany on August 12th and 14th. Here, we showcased our brand with a series of compelling demonstrations and networking opportunities, effectively connecting with the German market.

Photos from Get a Fruit's post 26/06/2024

July 24th and 25th. Our event was tailored to highlight local interests and trends, drawing in a crowd eager to learn and participate in our offerings. This engagement was vital in enhancing our brand presence in the Czech market.

Photos from Get a Fruit's post 14/11/2023

🇨🇿 Kampaň EU Get a Fruit, financovaná Evropskou unií, se úspěšně účastnila veletrhu For Gastro & Hotel Praha, který se konal 1.-3. listopadu 2023 v areálu PVA EXPO PRAHA, Praha, Česká republika. Na tomto veletrhu měli uznávaní profesionálové ze sektoru HORECA, distributoři, novináři a další zúčastnění ze odvětví příležitost navštívit stánek kampaně (Hala 3, Stánek č. 3B12) a dozvědět se více o výjimečných vlastnostech propagovaných evropských ovoce a jejich udržitelném původu.


The EU financed campaign EU Get a Fruit participated with significant success at the trade fair Veletrh For Gastro & Hotel Praha on 1-3 of November 2023 at PVA EXPO PRAHA, Prague, Czech Republic, where esteemed professionals from the HORECA sector, distributors, journalists, and other industry stakeholders had the chance to visit the campaign's booth (Hall 3, Booth No 3B12) and get to know more about the exceptional properties of the promoted European fruits and their sustainable background.

Stay in touch with the 🇪🇺 EU Get a Fruit campaign:



You are kindly invited to our stand for the EU financed campaign EU Get a Fruit at the trade fair Veletrh For Gastro & Hotel Praha (Hall 3, Booth No 3B12) on 1-3 of November 2023 at PVA EXPO PRAHA, Prague, Czech Republic.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Srdečně Vás zveme na náš stánek pro kampaň financovanou EU EU Get a Fruit na veletrhu Veletrh For Gastro & Hotel Praha (hala 3, stánek č. 3B12) ve dnech 1.-3. listopadu 2023 v PVA EXPO PRAHA, Praha, Česká republika.

Těšíme se na vás!



🍒 European cherries are celebrated for their delightful taste and versatility, making them a beloved fruit in Europe and beyond. Whether enjoyed fresh or incorporated into various culinary creations, these cherries offer a burst of sweet goodness to any dish. 🌸🍒🇪🇺

🍒 Europäische Kirschen werden für ihren köstlichen Geschmack und ihre Vielseitigkeit gefeiert, was sie zu einer beliebten Frucht in Europa und darüber hinaus macht. Ob frisch genossen oder in verschiedene kulinarische Kreationen eingearbeitet, diese Kirschen verleihen jedem Gericht einen Hauch süßer Köstlichkeit. 🌸🍒🇪🇺

🍒 Europejskie wiśnie słyną ze swojego zachwycającego smaku i wszechstronności, co czyni je ukochanymi owocami w Europie i poza nią. Niezależnie od tego, czy są świeże, czy włączone do różnych kreacji kulinarnych, te wiśnie oferują przypływ słodkiej dobroci do każdego dania. 🌸🍒🇪🇺


European peaches are known for their delightful balance of sweetness and acidity, which gives them a distinct and refreshing taste. When ripe, their juicy, tender flesh is bursting with flavor.

Europejskie brzoskwinie znane są z zachwycającej równowagi słodyczy i kwasowości, co nadaje im wyraźny i orzeźwiający smak. Kiedy dojrzeją, ich soczysty, delikatny miąższ pęka w smaku.

Europäische Pfirsiche sind für ihr wunderbares Gleichgewicht aus Süße und Säure bekannt, das ihnen einen ausgeprägten und erfrischenden Geschmack verleiht. Wenn sie reif sind, ist ihr saftiges, zartes Fruchtfleisch voller Geschmack.


European apple varieties are treasured not only for their delicious taste but also for their versatility in the kitchen. Whether eaten fresh, used in baking, or turned into sauces and jams, European apples add a delightful touch to a wide range of culinary creations. 🍏🍎🇪🇺

Europäische Apfelsorten werden nicht nur wegen ihres köstlichen Geschmacks geschätzt, sondern auch wegen ihrer Vielseitigkeit in der Küche. Ob frisch verzehrt, zum Backen verwendet oder zu Soßen und Marmeladen verarbeitet – europäische Äpfel verleihen einer Vielzahl kulinarischer Kreationen eine köstliche Note. 🍏🍎🇪🇺

Europejskie odmiany jabłek są cenione nie tylko ze względu na ich wyśmienity smak, ale także wszechstronność w kuchni. Niezależnie od tego, czy są spożywane na świeżo, używane do pieczenia, czy też przetwarzane na sosy i dżemy, europejskie jabłka dodają zachwycającego akcentu szerokiej gamie kreacji kulinarnych. 🍏🍎🇪🇺


European Plums

Let's talk about the quality of the European products..
EU legislation sets strict criteria guaranteeing the standards of all European products. Key figures on European quality policy are the Common Organization of Markets for agricultural products, the determination of common legislative frameworks of all the EU Member States to define together the specifications, the operating framework, and the inspection regime, which ensure that the spec­ifications are common to the whole European market. Cultivation and produc­tion methods meet international and European quality and safety standards.


Everybody must add a fruit to their breakfast! Try many delicious recipes with European peaches!🍑


Enjoy some European freshly picked apples!🍎🍏


What is better in the summer than a refreshing smoothie with European apples?🍏


It's time for a cherry cake!
Cook your favorite dessert with fresh picked European Cherries.🍒


It's almost Fall time!🍁🍏
Taste the fantastic combination of fresh European apples and cinnamon.
Make the perfect apple pie for your loved ones!


It's time to feel recharged with some peach juice. European peaches are packed with nutrients ,antioxidants and many vitamins!
Choose only the best for your body!🍑👌


Enjoy a peach tart with high nutritional value and magnificent peachy taste.👌


💜Add European plums to your diet today and start reaping the benefits of this superfood!
An excellent source of vitamins and very nutritious.Enjoy them, they are from Europe!


Make a home-made marmalade with European plums!💜
Enjoy it on a slice of bread or with pancakes and experience a fantastic breakfast.
Enjoy them, they are from Europe!


Are you a big fan of croissants?🥐
So what about a fresh croissant with cherry filling for breakfast ?🍒😍

Discover many other delicious breakfast ideas with European cherries! Enjoy them, they are from Europe!


The European cherry is produced based on a philosophy that fully represents the principles of the European Union. And which are these principles?
That in the dish of the final consumer should always reach a product that will be completely safe and will contain all the nutrients that your body needs.

Enjoy some European cherries!🍒


Enjoy your cup of fresh coffe with a piece of delicious tart with European peaches.👌Superior quality juicy peaches, Enjoy them, they are from Europe!!


Highlight your breakfast with a big jar of homemade peach marmalade! European peaches, the superior quality you are looking for!🍑🥰


It's time to feel refreshed with a big glass of juice made of European peaches🍑👌European peaches, the superior quality and freshness you are looking for!

Videos (show all)

One of the most traditional European pies is the apple pie with fresh European apples and a little cinnamon! Fresh Apple...
watch now the most delicious fruit cake recipe!#getafruit #EUAgriPromo
Have you ever tasted lazania with fruits? Find out more in the video below!#getafruit #EUAgriPromo
Rice paper rolls with fruits
Do you like new recipes? What about a delicious fruit recipe with baked fruits in the oven? Watch the video now!#getafru...
Is it afternoon and you need something sweet to enjoy with your coffee? Then its time for baked fruits in the oven, an a...
Fresh European peaches, superior quality directly from the field to your plate! Enjoy them now!#peaches #peach #eufruits...
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