Phocus Marketing

Phocus Marketing

We Help You Strengthen Your Facebook & Instagram Marketing and Optimize Towards Results.


It's time to be honest about ad platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Google, and YouTube.

The Truth?

🤷 They all suck.
We know that might sound harsh, but here's why:

» They suck time out of your schedule.
» They suck money out of your bottom lines.
» They suck energy from your drive to keep going.

You sit down at the end of a hard day building your business, whatever that entails and you say to yourself "I really should work on making some new posts, but I just can't." Believe us, we've all been there.

You're not someone specializing in marketing on these platforms, and they know that. So they build in features that feel like an easier way for you to do it yourself, but really they're taking advantage of businesses. They find ways to exploit your lack of knowledge on their platform's inner workings.

So why work with them at all? The simple answer: 👀

More people use these platforms than you realize. Instagram (the smallest of them all) has over 1 BILLION USERS a month. There's not a whole lot of options when it comes to finding customers. That's the bad part, is that you basically have to use them.

But there's a bright side: Phocus Marketing.

We've worked on these platforms for years and are on top of massive updates and changes that they introduce every few months. We know how to workaround those tricks and make the platform work for you. And the best part? We've got in-house design talent as well. So you're talking to the experts who are introducing your brand.

We focus on efficiency first. High performance is paramount and your budget is meant to reflect that. Brand awareness is important, but sometimes it won't move the needle for your goals (especially the smaller your business). Well-set KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are critical to having a high-functioning marketing machine.

We've worked on these platforms for years and are on top of massive updates and changes that they introduce every few months. We know how to work around those tricks and make the platform work for you. And the best part? We've got in-house design talent as well. So you're talking to the experts who are introducing your brand.

At the end of the day, we're here to help you get where you want to go.

Let's talk growth. Message us as soon as you can.


Burn Strong.

Make your business spread like wildfire and grow at a huge rate


Burn slowly and steadily like a campfire.

Both are valuable approaches to marketing for your goals.

The importance lies in making sure that the fire you burn is right for your situation and long-term success.

Let’s figure out the burn you need and find ways to sustain your level of heat.

Hit us up 🔜


Thought of the Day:

Growth can happen at whatever rate you want it to, as long as you're willing to be decisive and chase after it.

It's easy to find yourself lacking motivation, so take advantage of the times you have even the smallest inkling of drive and run with it. It can often be a snowball effect.

Go for it.

Also, we do marketing so if you need some help with growth, you know who to call (or message or email).

Facebook Ads - Why You May Be Wasting Your Money On Facebook 22/10/2020

Are you a business owner or marketer? Maybe you are thinking of how to start advertising online and, more specifically, on Facebook.

We want to help you achieve your goals of growth, brand awareness and conversion on the platform by providing educational tips along the way. Check our latest blog post on using Facebook's Boost feature for your posts and see why it may not be your best option.

As always, feel free to reach out, comment or email us about any questions or concerns you may have about your digital marketing strategy!

Facebook Ads - Why You May Be Wasting Your Money On Facebook Any marketer or business owner on Facebook knows that using the platform for growth can seem like a pay-to-win system. Read our latest blog post to learn more...


Tired of playing games?

Having an approach where you feel like you're always behind and trying to catch up to the latest trend can be draining.

Don't get caught up with hype and use a more calculated approach to determine what new trends will stand the test of time.

Understanding how paid ads can be a good way for you to find actionable data that can influence the approach you take for a platform like Facebook.

The problem comes when you get digging into the Facebook ads platform and realize how time-consuming the learning process can be.

Work with some experts who have worked on ads, targeting and creativity for years.

Let's Talk


🚶 Go Away.

(Seriously, stop reading this if you don't consider growth something you want for your business)

You should go away. Approach your social media as if you're taking your business somewhere else. You've packed up your company and have set up right in your customer's home, workplace, vacation, DBT™ (daily bathroom time) or night time browsing.

Embrace the power of a sturdy posting schedule and even more robust and hand-crafted ad campaign.

✅ Master the ability to meet people where they are.

You need to think that you've gone away from your main shop or site and you're chatting with your guests at a barbecue, concert, campsite or anywhere else that we used to be able to go to.

Meet them where they are and carve out your voice in their feed. Be their go-to for whatever it is you do. And don't stop fighting for the fleeting seconds between their cousin's new MLM pitch and an old roommate's rant about the right way to say gif (comment your opinion).

You need to make sure you go. But when you go away, make sure you don't come back empty handed: grab attention, share value, and be real with those who are most valuable to you.

So seriously: Please Go Away.

- -
Want to talk through a way to firm up your Social Media Expedition?
Let's Talk ➡️


You're doing something wrong.

Building a network of customers that love who you are and what you do is critical to the social media efforts you're making. But if you expect to rarely post, hardly engage, and never prospect for great new customers, then you're doing this whole online thing wrong.

What do you need to do to fix it?
👍 Post quality content.

💯 Talk about your life.

💬 Respond to the community.

📚 Educate your followers.

👂 Be accessible.

🤪 Be human.

These tips will help your social media presence yield fans that advocate for your business. Stay phocused on the connections.

We can talk more about your growth here:


: Is It Easy? Sometimes... but more often it's not and it can be time consuming or confusing.

🚫🔎 Don't waste your days feeling lost in an endless selection of audiences.

🚫🍽️ Don't skip lunch to try to find the perfect headline.

🚫 💤 Don't lose sleep over making new campaigns.

🚫 🎫 Don't cancel your weekends while trying to advertise.

🚫 😱 Don't Go It Alone.

We can help you stay Phocused.

⬇️ Get the help you deserve here ⬇️


Do you feel that your business would grow if more people knew it existed?

Stop letting the complexities of online marketing and strategy distract you from the business you love!

We can help market your business efficiently and deliver the results you need.

Distractions suck! Stay Phocused!


🏕️ Are You a Business that Makes These Kinds of Office Supplies?

How well does you ideal customer know your company? Let's talk about ways we can change that.