Median Iris Society Seed Exchange

Median Iris Society Seed Exchange

In 2011, the Median Iris Society began a new endeavor...a seed exchange!

It worked so well that we have continued doing it, collecting and distributing seeds from members who are hybridizing irises all types of median irises

Photos from Median Iris Society Seed Exchange's post 16/01/2024

Median Iris Society Seed Sale
How to Order: To order, send an email to [email protected]. Include your name and full shipping address. Please order by item description. Unless otherwise noted, 1 packet of each item is available. When I receive your order, I will contact you to confirm the availability of your seeds and make payment arrangements. Seeds are $2 per 10-seed packet plus $10 shipping and handling for US orders (or $30 for orders to Canada). NOTE: minimum order is 5 items. One packet of 100 open pollinated/unknown parentage seeds are included as a free with purchase item in every order.

Available inventory as of 1/21/2024 listed below

Description Donor
Panama Hattie TB x Iris pumila yellow MDB Kimberly Rieniets
Uncommon Art SDB x Iris pumila yellow MDB Kimberly Rieniets
Cert Volant TB x unknown Elizabeth Rieniets
Elderberry Pie x unknown Elizabeth Rieniets
Gay Geisha TB x unknown Elizabeth Rieniets
Golden Zebra TB x unknown Elizabeth Rieniets
Night’s Edge TB x unknown Elizabeth Rieniets
Poem of Ecstasy TB x unknown Elizabeth Rieniets
Tropical Butterfly TB x unknown Elizabeth Rieniets
Countess TB x Big Spender TB Dale Hamblin
Irresistible Charm Tb X Big Spender TB Dale Hamblin
Reality Check TB x Marrying Kind TB Dale Hamblin
Respect TB x All Too Exciting TB Dale Hamblin
Watercolor Print TB x What a Feeling Tb Dale Hamblin
Artful Tradition SDB x unknown Delane Langton
Deborah Dances TB x unknown Delane Langton
Eternal Summer SPX x unknown Delane Langton
Going in Circles SDB x unknown Delane Langton
Maui Sunrise SDB x unknown Delane Langton
Spirit Guide SDB x unknown Delane Langton

Letter to seed donors:

Thank you so much for being a seed donor or an interested party. Your support of the MIS seed sale is very much appreciated.

The seed exchange is currently accepting donations. Seeds from all types of median iris including SDBs, IBs, MTBs, BBs, arilbred-medians, median species, and crosses between median iris and TBs, MDBs, or species are needed. Known parentage crosses are preferred; however, open-pollinated unknown parentage seed is also accepted, since open-pollinated seed is given away to seed sale customers as a free with purchase item.

In addition to collecting seeds, I will also welcome donations of pollen. Although pollen will not be sold through the seed exchange, I will use donated pollen to pollinate iris and I will place the resultant seeds for sale in the seed exchange. I have recently become interested in using Tall bearded pollen collected in summer and stored in the freezer over the winter for use in pollinating early spring blooming SDBs and MDBs to produce seed that will grow median iris.


Send donations to:
MIS Seed Exchange
Dr. Kimberly Rieniets
6590 W 11th Avenue
Lakewood CO 80214
[email protected]

ALL SEEDS: Seeds of any median iris or median iris cross are welcome. All crosses made on or with medians of any type (or likely to produce median seedlings) are welcome and appreciated. Hand-pollinated (HP), bee-pollinated (BP) or self-pollinated (SP) are all appreciated. Be sure seeds are fully dry before packing!

HAND-POLLINATED CROSSES: PLEASE try to hand-pollinate irises in your garden that could possibly yield medians, either by using two clones that should yield medians or by selfing. Use the appropriate abbreviations - Standard Dwarf Bearded (SDB), Intermediate Bearded (IB), Miniature Tall Bearded (MTB), Border Bearded (BB), Aril bred Median (ABM), etc. after the name or other identification.

BEE-POLLINATED: These will be seeds from a specific class of medians; please include the name/designation of the pod parent and the appropriate class abbreviation (SDB, IB, MTB, BB, ABM, SPX).

QUANTITY: Any quantity is welcome. Even if you only have a small number of seeds, please send them.

PACKAGING: Small paper envelopes are the preferred method for packaging seed. Please do not use film canisters, boxes, plastic containers, plastic envelopes, etc., as they are difficult to organize and can promote spoilage. If you wish to provide Dr. Rieniets with pollen for use in producing seeds for the MIS exchange, harvest anthers, dry for several minutes, and place anthers in a paper coin envelope labeled with iris name. Pollen from any class of bearded iris welcome. Mail within a few days of harvesting.

LABELING: Mark each envelope clearly and legibly. If the cross involves a named cultivar, please provide the name and class to which it belongs. If a parent is unnamed, please provide the seedling parentage or other identification. If the cross is from a hand pollination, mark it HP; if from a bee pollination or unknown, mark it BP; if from a self-cross, mark it SP. Be sure to include your full name, address and email inside the mailing package for the seeds.

ESTIMATED SEED COUNT: Put an estimated seed count on every packet. If you can put the seeds in small coin envelopes, in small lots, that would be a great help! However, if you want to send each cross in a larger paper envelope, especially if there are many seeds, that's fine as well.


Inside mailing package if I were sending in seeds:

Dr. Kimberly Rieniets
6590 W 11th Avenue
Lakewood CO 80214
[email protected]

On each seed packet:
N=55 Seeds
Hand Pollinated Lady Emma MTB x Juvenile Joy MTB


N=10 Seeds
Bee Pollinated Concertina IB x unknown

NOTE: If you have seeds of non-median bearded or beardless Iris species, please send these to the SIGNA Seed Exchange. Please check for details. If you have seeds likely to produce MDBs (dwarf bearded iris) please email [email protected] or see

Thank you!

Median Iris Society Seed Sale
How to Order: To order, send an email to [email protected]. Include your name and full shipping address. Please order by item description. Unless otherwise noted 1 packet of each is available. When I receive your order, I will contact you to confirm availability of your seeds and make payment arrangements. Seeds are $2 per 10-seed packet plus a $10 shipping and handling for US orders (or $30 for orders to Canada).
Email [email protected] or check the Median Iris Society Seed Exchange page ( for the most up to date inventory list.
MIS Seed sale inventory list, last updated 1/15/2024
As of 1/15/2024, the MIS seed exchange has almost no inventory left; however, check back soon as the exchange is expecting a donation within the next few days to weeks.
Available inventor as of 1/15/2024 listed below
Description Donor
Panama Hattie TB x Iris pumila yellow MDB Kimberly Rieniets
Uncommon Art SDB x Iris pumila yellow MDB Kimberly Rieniets
Cert Volant TB x unknown Elizabeth Rieniets
Elderberry Pie x unknown Elizabeth Rieniets
Gay Geisha TB x unknown Elizabeth Rieniets
Golden Zebra TB x unknown Elizabeth Rieniets
Night’s Edge TB x unknown Elizabeth Rieniets
Poem of Ecstasy TB x unknown Elizabeth Rieniets
Tropical Butterfly TB x unknown Elizabeth Rieniets
Countess TB x Big Spender TB Dale Hamblin
Irresistible Charm Tb X Big Spender TB Dale Hamblin
Reality Check TB x Marrying Kind TB Dale Hamblin
Respect TB x All Too Exciting TB Dale Hamblin
Watercolor Print TB x What a Feeling Tb Dale Hamblin

Median Iris Society Seed Sale.docx


Median Iris Society Seed Sale
How to Order: To order, send an email to [email protected]. Include your name and full shipping address. Review inventory list posted at!At_SNiwcUf_d-Qgrb3B3am8cOiun?e=m5mdlY . Please order by item number and indicate the number of packets of each. When I receive your order, I will contact you to confirm availability of your seeds and make payment arrangements. Unless otherwise noted under “comments,” seeds are $1 per 10-seed packet plus a $10 shipping and handling for US orders (or $30 for orders to Canada).

Median Iris Society Seed Exchange In 2011, the Median Iris Society began a new endeavor...a seed exchange! It worked so well that we h

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