Miller and Clark Genealogy Services

Miller and Clark Genealogy Services

Providing genealogical research guidance and services


I’ve posted about the amazing writer . Well, she has a new article in The Guardian US that speaks some serious truth. Check it out:

Photos from Miller and Clark Genealogy Services's post 31/08/2022

I am very excited about this! Have a kid in high school? Encourage the school to adopt this class!

Photos from Miller and Clark Genealogy Services's post 25/08/2022

Fascinating article on doppelgängers and their shared genetic histories. Check it out

Photos from Miller and Clark Genealogy Services's post 04/08/2022

Nearly 30,000 Hessian soldiers fought for the British during the American Revolution. “Hessian” was a collective term. Most of the German soldiers were from Hessian areas, but not all. Incredible find and I’m very interested to hear what the DNA analysis reveals!


Very cool tribute to this country’s first Black woman to serve as a justice on the Supreme Court, Katanji Brown Jackson! Thanks to the for this fascinating research on Justice Jackson’s family history! 🙌

Miller & Clark Genealogy Services School Yearbooks for Genealogy 30/07/2022

Seeing Your Elders as Youngers Jack Clark, 1929 Picturing our ancestors’ childhoods is often a challenge. Generally, aside from birth, baptism, and census records, children do not make much of an impact in the genealogy documentary record. Until they get married, start purchasing property, having children of their own, or engaging in business enterprises, we are very lucky if we know much about them at all....

Miller & Clark Genealogy Services School Yearbooks for Genealogy Miller & Clark Genealogy Services School Yearbooks for Genealogy School Yearbooks for family history childhood

Family History Activities for Kids 17/07/2022

Photo by Julia M Cameron on Summer Doldrums Setting In? Family History and Genealogy to the Rescue! We are hitting the dog days of summer, when the boredom starts setting in for many kids. They have been to the zoo and the childrens’ museum and the pool, played every video game they own, and are now starting to drive their parents a little nuts....

Family History Activities for Kids Miller & Clark Genealogy Services Family History for Kids genealogy activities summer fun free children families kids tree ancestors history

Four Free Sites for Irish Genealogy, Ancestry, and Family History 16/07/2022

Irish Genealogy is American Genealogy About 36 million people in the United States and Canada can claim some degree of Irish ancestry (including me!). That's a whole lot of people! If you are ready to break out of U.S. records, Irish records are a great place to start. They are largely in English and a great many have been digitized. There is also a huge community of genealogists and family history researchers conducting Irish research....

Four Free Sites for Irish Genealogy, Ancestry, and Family History Miller & Clark Genealogy Services Four Free Sites for Irish Genealogy meet Irish ancestors excellent free websites to start

Genealogy: Where to Start - Miller & Clark Genealogy Services 15/07/2022

Getting started is half the battle!

Genealogy: Where to Start - Miller & Clark Genealogy Services Miller & Clark Genealogy Services Genealogy: Where to Start

Photos from Miller and Clark Genealogy Services's post 04/07/2022

Cannot say enough about this amazing book by the brilliant ! On my second reading in a month and it is SO GOOD! “The stories we tell ourselves about our ancestors have the power to shape us, in some ways nearly as much as our genetics do… How we imagine our ancestors, and ourselves in relation to them, can have a powerful effect on the way we live. If our lives have been circumscribed because of the way we viewed our family, confronting our ancestors as complicated human beings rather than distant archetypes can suggest different ways than f being ourselves.”

Photos from Miller and Clark Genealogy Services's post 26/06/2022

Been a while since I’ve posted, but couldn’t pass up sharing this. Amazing and important story about the legacy of the Shoah.

Photos from Miller and Clark Genealogy Services's post 04/04/2022

“Dr. Betty” overlooked no more! Gotta love a good obituary and I love this feature in the NYT. Dr. Betty helped lead a coal miners strike for better working conditions. Incredible person and so glad to know about her. Link in bio.


Continuing the theme of finding and following your female ancestors, this is an excellent article from Bridget M. Sunderlin on . Can't say it enough times, don't ignore your direct ancestors' siblings. So many brick walls can be broken through by moving beyond the direct ancestor. What we do is called "family history" for a very good reason.

Photos from Miller and Clark Genealogy Services's post 14/03/2022

Have you run into genealogical brick walls searching for female ancestors? The patriarchy is real, my friends! In honor of here are some quick tips for finding all those amazing women hiding in your family tree.