Carl Leduc

Carl Leduc

I help beginners create and launch successful affiliate marketing businesses, eCommerce businesses,


It is a big waste of time posting affiliate links in MAKE MONEY ONLINE groups in social media hoping to make a sale. Firstly your link will get lost in a massive abyss of thousands of other marketers all posting their own links. And you end up hoping for a sale. Hoping is not a marketing strategy, and rarely will you make a sale. And if you did get lucky and made a sale, how do you ramp up that luck?? You can't.... You can't spamm your link more or you can get banned. Therefore throwing your link around and hoping for a sale and not having a way to ramp up... is really a waste of time. And as I mentioned before you can get banned if you are not careful.
If you like can find Facebook influencers online that will promote your link or add for a small fee to their fallowers.
That is one way. Don't be afraid to pay for ads or a influencer to promote your stuff... if it converts then you can ramp thing up. But as I mentioned in other posts that traffic is not really the problem... it's converting the traffic you already have into customers
PS Don't forget to check my link somewhere on this page.. Get a REAL no cost Masterclass on Affiliate Marketing


If you are trying to get traffic to your affiliate link, NEVER!!! Post your raw affiliate link on a social media page.
Doing that can get you banned or your AD account shutdown. The better way to get traffic to your affiliate link is by posting a link to a YOUR own website, such as or your HUB. In your website or hub is were you place a link to your affiliate offer.
I will mention it again I have a REAL no cost Masterclass where you can learn how to get traffic and be a successful marketers. just fallow the links I posted.


Answer: The answer is " It all depends"
Firstly, solo ads do not convert into a direct sales like they used to do.
Secondly there is a massive amount of junk, scammy sellers and over used lists.

But if you choose a good solo ad seller, your solo ads do have a place in your affiliate marketing. You must understand that solo ads do not covert, you may get lucky and make a sale, but not enough sales to get your investment back.

The best way to use solo ads is to use them to get people on your email list or into your HUB. You need to provide fallow up marketing and offer some other free value to the visitor so that they start to engage with you in your HUB or fallow up emails, then they will start to convert.

If you are into affiliate marketing and do not have your own place on the internet used as a HUB, then it's likely you are not making any money. But you can change that, by doing certain things in a certain way...

Check out the free Masterclass, to learn about your HUB.. it's REAL training that you can use,,, its NOT a sales pitch


The answer is easy if you have unlimited funds, then you can start what ever you like...

But for most of us, funds and time is limited. So then you should look to what has proven income, growth and staying potential. And can be started with little to no money or experience. You may see so called gurus saying FALLOW YOUR PASSION. In a way that is true, but with business what you like or are passionate about may not be a commercially viable path to take.

If you are fallowing your passion as a hobby then go-for-it! But if you want a low cost and easy online business to start with profit potential, then you need to approach this online thing a certain way.

I have spent almost 20 years building and participating in all types of online businesses. When I started nearly 20 years ago there wasn't all the available data and training available online as there is now.

The are two type of business that I personally have started and ran profitably. And thousands of other people also have found success in the two types of businesses. They are the two most popular and easy to start and has massive income potential if done correctly, One of them I already spoke of being a $6.8 billion dollar industry, per a Huntington Post article.

They are “Affiliate Marketing” and “eCommerce” but only one of them has less hassle with customers service than the other. I have made money in both, and both has massive income opportunities for the average person if operated correctly.

In my experience I found affiliate marketing to be almost a hands-off way to create a online income compared to eCommerce.

eCommerce is a good way also to make money online, but you need to deal with angry customers, returns, lost shipment and all the hassle of customer service. And the worst thing is Amazon, eBay or Facebook can and does shut people down without notice because of the platforms hard to fallow ever changing policies that you can't understand most times. Basically you are under the thumb of the platform that you built your ecommerce store on, and you could get shut down or your advertising account suspended. It happens all the time

But with affiliate marketing you simply promote a good or service owned by someone else and you get a commission after a sale and you never deal with customer service. YES Im bias in that I like to coach others to choose affiliate marketing over ecommerce because I found affiliate marketing to be very lucrative, hassle free, easy and low cost to start and no worries about some platform shutting you down.

So then what do you promote if you choose affiliate marketing? I can answer that in another video or article, depending were you are reading this... I can say now is stay AWAY from Clickbank, that website has a massive amount a affiliate offers you can promote for commission, but most of it is GARBAGE, you will get refunds and charge-backs and your reputation will be hurt in the long run.

With affiliate marketing you need to promote real goods or services with real value for the customer. If you would not buy the product your self or sell it to your own mother as an example... then you should not sell it to others. Do good by others and the money will come eventually and with repeat customers


WARNING!!! Solo Ads Are DEAD... or Almost...

WARNING!!! Solo Ads Are DEAD...
Dont take my word for it... try it and the odds are you will loose money and possibly get your credit card ripped off.. Not all solo ads are scams... but most solo ads do not convert and rarely put you on the profitable side.... Solo ads are easy so most marketers try solo ads first..but end up loosing money... One way to get laser targeted traffic is by PPC.. Such as with Google Ads, but you need to put some effort in and lean PPC.. There are many other ways to get traffic but it takes effort and many marketers never put in the effort to learn how to generate traffic... Don't get ripped off learn Traffic generation.. Check out this 100% FREE Traffic Mastery Course


According to a Huffington Post article below... Affiliate marketing is a $6.8 BILLION dollar business!!! If that is the case, then WHY do so many marketers fail to make any money? In a nutshell it's because fallowing the masses of other marketers leads to NO sales. Slamming your affiliate link with traffic is not the answer anymore. You NEED a place on the internet... you can call it your HUB, a place where you build a fallowing and cultivate your fallowers into paying customers... If you want to keep wasting time and money, then just keep doing what you are doing