Soma Sentience

Soma Sentience

a continuous body awaren

Open-source and collaborative: An exploration of the felt-sense through functional movement, working with natural alignment concepts of biotensegrity and biomotional response to tap into the fascial network and body intelligence.


What is “proper” posture?
Perhaps you have heard of open posture and closed posture, a relatively binary ideology regarding how we position ourselves in relation to the state of our nervous system.

Open posture postulates a posture of confidence, success, alertness, and overall readiness for life. Open posture often correlates with our sympathetic nervous system, assuming states that correspond to being prepared for whatever moves through your system, internally or externally.

Closed posture, on the other hand, relates to our posture when we need protection, inwardness, and down regulation. Closed posture typically works with shifting the nervous system into its parasympathetic state where it has the capacity to rest, digest, and regenerate.

We are constantly relating to, adapting, responding, and communicating with our surroundings, and this conversation is instantaneous and continuous. The information we receive is ongoing, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. Beyond our cognitive comprehension and because our body is literally miraculous in its ability to sense, feel, and perceive, the body responds. From one moment to the next, we are adapting to our circumstances and each unique environment, relationship, and situation we encounter. This constant negotiation and attunement to each relationship we meet is what the body uses to inform posture.

We call this a living posture.
Living posture is alive, sentient, changing, responsive, dynamic and in constant communication with our internal and external, unconscious and conscious experience of life.

We break this down further in Soma Sentience Foundations Training. Living posture: a postural ideology that moves with the aliveness of the body. It’s more than open or closed, sympathetic or parasympathetic- It’s a constant interaction of communication and response that informs how we show up, posture up, and feel- in each moment.

Perhaps, “proper” posture is actually just a listening posture, one that is sensitive and aware of needs as they shift. This shifts us away from binary “right and wrong,” “good and bad” ideas that really move us away from the sentience of our body.

Link in bio!


SOMA SENTIENCE | Foundational (movement + body awareness) Program

We build on strong foundations of intelligence and awareness.

The essence of this program is unfolding in the most beautiful way. I am really stepping forward into the significance of connecting to your body.

🐈‍⬛️Why is it important to move your body?
🐈‍⬛️Why is it important to heighten your sensing and feeling capacities?
🐈‍⬛️Why does it all matter as we move forward into this new era of existence and relational understanding of being in the world?

We are going to unpack this in the most delicious way.

Science and new findings will supplement the intrinsic Knowing and Being of our body. Ultimately, everything we need is already right here- waiting for us to resource ourselves enough to feel it all.

It is through the practice of movement that we learn to listen, to feel, and to be within our miraculous body.
We move because we hold the body as our most sacred temple of truth and reverence.


You are your body. Your body is a physical manifestation and representation of your spirit, soul, emotional tone, and essence of being.

This is the tip of the iceberg... The beginning of your journey into yourself and the power your body holds to inform and guide you through this life.

​Let's begin.
We start on May 4th.

This is appropriate for anyone interested in their body, in felt-sense awareness, in cultivating more magic inside and out.

New to movement or a pro- this is a place for you to dig in.

Link in bio to sign up!

**this is also pre-requisite for my 8 month advanced training launching this fall**


The practice is a living, breathing, moving, adapting, and evolving practice that is in constant emergence, a continuous state of becoming.

The practice is alive.
Just like our body is, just like life is.

The human body and being, from conception to cessation, is self emerging, self adapting, self regulating, self evolving, self realizing. We are in constant motion- in all ways, at all times.

A divine relationship through and with the Self, the body, the whole universe, and by which we listen intimately as it speaks its needs and desires.

The practice is a balance of yin and yang, interweaving the dance between engagement, tone, tension, and attunement with relaxation, softness, gentleness, and receptivity.

A constant conversation and negotiation that is inquiring from the inside out, with devoted presence and awareness.


The practice... Join us! Our foundational program begins in September.
It's time to reunite yourself with the innate wisdom of your body.

More details coming soon!
In relationship with .live

Love you!


Perhaps there is a reason we have been conditioned to avoid, discredit, and dissociate from our emotions. 
As a woman, if you express too fully- you will be deemed crazy and out of control. As a man, if you express too fully- you will be emasculated and seen as weak. 

Of course, no woman wants to be cast as crazy- in the past, we could have been burned at the stake! And, likewise, no man wants to be cast as weak or a wimp- it does not indicate tribe leadership and honour. 

Through this conditioning, most of us have grown up shaming, avoiding, hiding, and numbing our emotional intensity- just so that we can be loved and fit in. Emotional extremes are unacceptable, inappropriate, and best not to be seen. 

As a result, not many adults have the capacity to feel fully. We have lost our ability to meet the intensity of our emotions- and instead we push them away, suppressing, repressing, and numbing with substance to keep them at bay. 

What if our emotions are actually our greatest super power? What if we’ve actually been led astray from energy that is so powerful that it can change our entire life, shift realities?

It then becomes so important, vital, imperative! That we begin to learn to anchor into grounded, resourced spaces. We need to learn how to regulate our nervous systems to hold the full expression of our feelings, of the energy in motion moving through us, and to feel it all- so fully, so presently. 

Perhaps, magic awaits once we begin to access the truth of just how powerful our emotional weather truly is. 


Join Britt and Elisha to tap into your energetic body. Learn to ground and regulate your nervous system so that you can channel your emotional extremes in powerful ways.

The Frequency of Reality - a 3 part series. Starts in March!

Details found in the bio!

Love you!!


The Wholly Heart: Pulse into the Sacred Spiral 12/02/2022

The Wholly Heart: Pulse into the Sacred Spiral
with Brittney + Elisha

For two days we will co-create a container. A sacred, heart spiral vortex for paradigm-shifting, whole-heart remembering, grounded-integrating and real-time receiving.

We will release old dogmas and programs which have imposed upon our collective agreements and understandings. We will dive into both the:

1) mentalization of our heart : how we learn + teach about it. Mechanics, anatomy, and physiology
2) actualization of our heart : how we unlock + remember our light-body keys and our greatest authority

Date: Feb 19th + 20th
Time: 10am - 12pm
Platform: Zoom

What You’ll Receive:
2 breathwork sessions
2 movement sessions
2 heart centered meditations
Sacred Spiral Activation Manual (downloadable PDF - Yours to keep!)
Conscious Coupling Check-In

Day One:
Heart Coherence Breath
Sacred Heart Flow with Elisha
Unity Breath with Elisha
Radiant Heart
The heart is not a pump
Chemistry of the Heart: Nitric Oxide, Oxytocin, Serotonin, Dopamine

Day Two:
Conscious Connected Breathwork with Elisha
Heart Spiral Flow with Britt
Unified Heart Meditation with Britt
Sacred Spirals: Embryological development + blood flow dynamics
Blood as liquid fascia
Helical anatomy
Rivers + Water: the fluids of the body and their systems

The Wholly Heart: Pulse into the Sacred Spiral Join us for Saturday, February 19 to embark on the ideology of radiant heart, the heart is not a pump, and the hearts chemistry.


The field around the heart is the most divine and exquisite field there is.
The energy construct of the torus is the stunning relationship between spirit descending and matter ascending through the central channel, an open spiraling tube of light energy or consciousness.
This field represents the most perfect field, it represents the universe, the field around each of us, and the field around the human heart.

The geometric field used to describe the self reflective nature of consciousness is the torus. The torus is a vortex of energy folding and unfolding into and out of itself, continuous like infinity.

Each of us floats around within our own toroidal field emanating from the center of the heart. This field represents the infinite nature of the Universe, and ultimately, the infinite nature of YOU!

We assume our electromagnetic nature through this toroidal shape centered around the heart. It is scientifically proven that the heart emits a way stronger electric field than that of the brain. Our intelligence as a human being comes from our heart. We are collectively moving into a time of higher consciousness; consciousness that remembers and recognizes that our greatest wisdom is through the power and innate knowing of the heart rather than from our thinking, mental minds.

When you tap into your own intuition, your desires, and your heart's longing- you are tapping into your heart's fullest intelligence. This intentional focus literally expands the toroidal field that emanates from your heart. As we tap into harmonizing and expanding our hearts electromagnetic field, we drop into more balance, flow, and vibrancy.

Join Britt and I: February 19+20 to dive into the magic of the heart.
The Wholly Heart: Pulse into the Sacred Spiral- we will dive into anatomy, physiology, energy, and some heart centered practices of meditation, breath, and movement.

More details: link in bio!

The Wholly Heart: Pulse into the Sacred Spiral 01/02/2022

The Wholly Heart: Pulse into the Sacred Spiral

February 12+13 from 10am-1230pm PST
ONLINE via Zoom
With Brittney Clements + Elisha Jane

All the info is below! Join us! xo
Love Britt + Elisha

The Wholly Heart: Pulse into the Sacred Spiral Join us for Saturday, February 12 to embark on the ideology of radiant heart, the heart is not a pump, and the hearts chemistry.


Push and pull is a form of dynamic reciprocity, a continuous, bidirectional relationship between cells and the matrix of the body. Our biologic forms are informed by the concepts of tensegrity; tension married with integrity.
This play of forces within our body is fundamental to understanding the intimate relationship between all parts of the body and our dynamic nature in motion. Nothing moves in isolation. We are a continuously responsive organism that is responding to and functioning within this co-creative force transmission.

Pushing and pulling; attraction and repulsion; tension and compression; our movements are informed by the constant push/pull forces of our biologic structures.

Biotensegrity works with the ideology of tensegrity as integrated into the living, soft tissue, physical form of our biologic systems.
Tension makes the compression compress. The compression struts make the tension tensioned. These two forces work together to inform and shape our multidimensional, voluminous, malleable, omnidirectional bodies.

Breaking these two forces down:

🌬️Tension / Prana (PULL)
The force of tension is PULLING, an inward motion with qualities of stiffness and flexibility. In yoga, we refer to this as the bandhas or prana. When we consider our physiology, we can think of our inhale or ingestion. The divine principle is feminine in nature.

🌬Compression / Apana (PUSH)
The force of compression is PUSHING, an outward motion with qualities of integrity and framing. In yoga, we refer to this as the turgor, bone, or apana. When we consider our physiology, we can think of our exhale or excretions of the body. The divine principle is masculine in nature.

An everyday example of tension and compression are seen within the wheel: the force of tension/ pull is noted as the wheel spokes, whereas the compression/ push is noted as the hub or rim.

Our bodies are held in form and integrity because of these forces within the body. We are a biologic system of tension and compression, moving with forces of pulling and pushing energy in every movement we make.


The atom is 99.9% space. The human body is estimated to contain about 7x10^27 atoms. That is 7 with 27 zeros behind it - a number almost inconceivable.
Now let's talk electrons. The number of electrons in an atom is equal to the atomic number of an element.
By mass, the average human body is made up of four key elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. We exchange electrons, creating different kinds of bonds (ionic, covalent, hydrogen) that are critical for our homeostasis - for our entire existence. Yet, we are still 99.9% space with these electrons exchanging at again, an inconceivable rate.
Drift velocity, the average speed at which electrons travel in a conductor when subjected to an electric field tells us how fast different elements travel within a percentage of the speed of light. And although electrons do not travel at the speed of light, they can come close.

The vast majority of the human body is made of water with electrical currents flowing to it, through it, and from it. Most cells in the body regenerate every 7-15 years, but many of the particles that actually make up those cells (electrons, protons, neutrons) have existed for millions of millennia. We are literally made of and from stars. The hydrogen atoms in you were produced in the Big Bang, and the carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen were made in the burning of stars. The heavier elements in you were made during exploding and imploding of stars.
We can assume that the exchange rate of electrons, every time you move, interact with someone or something, or even just exist; you have exchanged every electron in your body.
Although that rate is not sharply determined for the human being, we can assume that we are not only made of stars, but our atoms are of ancient origin. We could all contain atoms from Yeshua, or Einstein - so what makes you, You? We are one with all, and science may soon prove that.
But do we need to have all these facts to innerstand WHO we are? I don’t believe so. If you are made of stars and are 99.9% space, then what is consciousness? I would say it is everything, the omnipresence of all - and we are a divine fractal of just that. Remember.


A fractal is a never-ending pattern. An on-going, self-expressing, infinitely complex recursion. A loop of feedback within dynamic, self-emerging expressions. Fractals are everywhere through out nature and the cosmos.
Your fingerprint
The iris of your eye
The spiraling viscosity of blood
The meandering of rivers.

Fractals are chaos in order. In perfect expression, infinite and evolutionary by nature.

Your body is a testament of oneness in its very form and function. You are an expression of wholeness.

We invite you to move as such.

The practice begins Jan 22nd. Join us


I will meet you in the space before words and judgements. 
In the lands that refuse names, stories, or projections.
Between layers of aura, tissues, and tears… 
Where breath and feeling is held in immeasurable allowance. 
Before the raw data is interpreted, dissected, and analysed

I will pause here in presence, patience, and spaciousness.
To land more fully into my heart, into my body, into my spirit.
With awareness that supersedes all language. 
A comingling of sacred sensing and feeling 
That garners deep listening and reverence.

I will meet you here where language only limits
And dance in the space between 
That only knows the magic of
Heart energy

Join Britt + Elisha for the alchemy of embodiment: 3 days to actualize your potential through the practice of embodiment.

Links in bio


We are in the era of information. We literally have any information we want available to us at our fingertips.
Within this era of information, it is up to us - each as individuals, as communities, and as humanity; to absorb information into knowledge through application. Then into understanding through action. Alchemizing it all into embodiment through innerstanding + Being.

If you are coasting through with an ignorant tone of bliss right now, it is of your own choosing. To be oblivious to the massive transition existing on this earth right now, you are inhibiting your own evolution.
Life in its nature, has an evolutionary quality to it. It’s what we came here to do. To continuously and perpetually evolve.

If you take a real moment, a soft breath, can you feel it?

The ripples and wave of creative evolution through the chondriana of hu(man).

To be a spirit, of and for the Earth.
Our bones made of soil and our minds - a tapestry of the Sun. Our hearts as central conduit weaving within and without.

Something is happening.

Something has ripped open and revealed through the collective heart.
Something all powerful, and divinely protected. Deep seeded truths reverberate into the ether of this woven web.
Our hearts beat to this call. Pouring through sweat and tears, joy and fears.

The magic of Creation is awakening from its dormancy. It alleviates perception of division and separation.

A codex has been transmitted into your deep remembering of knowing.

It is safe to land here.

It is worth choosing to remember.


Biomechanical is null and void.
Biotensegrity is the new paradigm.

The science we have learned through anatomy, kinesiology, & even physiology, that has garnered our understanding of the living, breathing, & moving human body has largely been been based on our study of the body in the form of cadavers (dead bodies), the application of how inanimate machines work, & how the parts function in isolation (origin and insertion studies).

We have created mental machine constructs for the way that our miraculous, biologic body operates, using the information we create through developing planes, trains, automobiles, and other machines as a formula for understanding or conceptualizing the function of our human form.

Through this mechanistic lens, we have caused a great disservice to our understanding of our living form- of course, no part of our body is machine like. We are a self emerging, self organizing, self evolving living organism that is composed of soft, biologic matter.

“Biotensegrity is a system science, and therefore includes an understanding of complexity, including emergent properties, synergies, soft matter physics, non-linearities, chaos, fractals, small world networks, self-organization, strange attractors and complex adaptive systems.” - Dr. Stephen M. Levin M.D.

Biotensegrity as a concept for understanding the human body's form and function represents a huge divergence away from our ideologies of biomechanics into a new paradigm of understanding the human body and its movement.

Our joints are not lever systems.
Our spine is not a stacking column, creating compression in intervertebral joints.
Our bones are not part of compressive structure, at all.

Living tissue is alive and adaptive. The whole body is a spring loaded system working within a tension and compression system. All parts affect and influence each other through fascia, which is not to be discarded as inert tissue, but rather informs our whole form through communication and presence to all places in the body.

We are shaped by inner and outer forces, soft, malleable, biologic matter. We are sensing, feeling, responsive beings in constant relationship to all things, in all moments.


For so long, we have been seeking answers outside of ourselves. We think all the answers to our biggest questions are somehow going to be found in a book, in another human, a teacher, a prophet, a guru. We even take our gaze into the cosmos, searching to find the reason and rhyme behind all of our “why’s.”

As we contemplate the vast connectivity and substance of our own tissues, the fascial networks that are streaming, interwoven, and interconnected to all parts of our being- even comprising all parts of our form- We begin to reveal the path to Self. We begin to realize that, in fact, our body is not separated into isolated parts and instead initiate ourselves into the understanding that we are whole, alive, and undivided. This revelation unites us with one of the highest spiritual truths we know- that we are one. Our body is a living testament of our Unity.

The journey inward is a discovery of high Truth. As we cultivate our capacities to sense, feel, listen, and honour what the body is speaking, we find ourselves moving closer and closer to our spirit that is woven within our tissues, emanating from within our cells. We gain access to our potential to co-create with our innate divinity, tapping into the possibilities of rewiring our DNA and remembering to speak in these sacred codes and patterns.

We are divine. Our body is the bridge leading us back home, leading us back into this human vessel, where we will find all the answers we have ever desired. It is through your body that you will remember, this is your home. This is your bridge back to your Self.

Join us to tap into your own innate body intelligence, to connect inward, to remember your high Truth, to restablish your relationship to your divinity through body, mind, and heart. A process by which we tap into our practices that cultivate a new sense of being in the world.

This is the practice.
We invite you to discover your potential through remembering your Self. You are the bridge to your universal awareness. You are the universe!

We start January 22!
Link in bio or:


A fractal is a never-ending pattern. An on-going, self-expressing, infinitely complex recursion. A loop of feedback within dynamic, self-emerging expressions. Fractals are everywhere through our nature and the cosmos.
Your fingerprint
The iris of your eye
The spiraling viscosity of blood
The meandering of rivers.

Fractals are chaos in order. In perfect expression, infinite and evolutionary by nature.

Your body is a testament of oneness in its very form and function. You are an expression of wholeness.

We invite you to move as such.

The practice begins Jan 22nd. Join us


There is a pearl of genius that lives within you and through you. It is a wisdom so unique that only you can express it.
Those little strokes of insight, those seemingly random streams of thoughts, those beautiful visions that beam through your inner landscape - they are not random, they are not coincidence.

This is where your genius lives. And it is constantly sending you messages and pathways through the expressions of your form.

You heart blooms a sacred chord harmonic with all the rest. It tunes the temple to show you the open Way, the Beauty Way.

It is worth getting curious, trusting, and surrendering to this wisdom - this is why you came here, this is your purpose.

And no other can express the harmonic that is uniquely yours. Your resonant frequency is needed to bring coherence of the new earth.

You came here to live a life of purpose, not simply of consequence.

It would be wise to begin listening. To begin remembering. You have a field guide inside of you and only you know the map. Only you can navigate. Only you, can be you.

The Practice starts January 22nd. It is a sacred container to extract out your divine genius. Will you join us?


Biomechanical versus Biomotional

The science we have learned through anatomy, kinesiology, and even physiology, that has garnered our understanding of the living, breathing, and moving human body has largely been been based on our study of the body in the form of cadavers (dead bodies), the application of how inanimate machines work, and how the parts function in isolation (origin and insertion studies).

We have created mental machine constructs for the way that our miraculous, biologic body operates, using the information we create through developing planes, trains, automobiles, and other machines as a formula for understanding or conceptualizing the function of our human form.

Through this mechanistic lens, we have caused a great disservice to our understanding of our living form- of course, no part of our body is machine like. We are a self emerging, self organizing, self evolving living organism that is composed of soft, biologic matter.

“Biotensegrity is a system science, and therefore includes an understanding of complexity, including emergent properties, synergies, soft matter physics, non-linearities, chaos, fractals, small world networks, self-organization, strange attractors and complex adaptive systems.” - Dr. Stephen M. Levin M.D.

Biotensegrity as a concept for understanding the human body's form and function represents a huge divergence away from our ideologies of biomechanics into a new paradigm of understanding the human body and its movement.

Our joints are not lever systems.
Our spine is not a stacking column, creating compression in intervertebral joints.
Our bones are not part of compressive structure, at all.

Living tissue is alive and adaptive. The whole body is a spring loaded system working within a tension and compression system. All parts affect and influence each other through fascia, which is not to be discarded as inert tissue, but rather informs our whole form through communication and presence to all places in the body.

We are shaped by inner and outer forces, soft, malleable, biologic matter. We are sensing, feeling, responsive beings in constant relationship to all things, in all moments.


We are in the era of information. We literally have any information we want available to us at our fingertips.
Within this era of information, it is up to us - each as individuals, as communities, and as humanity; to absorb information into knowledge through application. Then into understanding through action. Alchemizing it all into embodiment through innerstanding + Being.

If you are coasting through with an ignorant tone of bliss right now, it is of your own choosing. To be oblivious to the massive transition existing on this earth right now, you are inhibiting your own evolution.
Life in its nature, has an evolutionary quality to it. It’s what we came here to do. To continuously and perpetually evolve.

If you take a real moment, a soft breath, can you feel it? The ripples and wave of creative evolution through the chondriana of hu(man). To be a spirit, of and for the Earth.
Our bones made of soil and our minds - a tapestry of the Sun. Our hearts as central conduit weaving within and without.
Something is happening. Something has ripped open and revealed through the collective heart. Something all powerful, and divinely protected. Deep seeded truths reverberate into the ether of this woven web.
Our hearts beat to this call. Pouring through sweat and tears, joy and fears.
The magic of Creation is awakening from its dormancy. It alleviates perception of division and separation.

A codex ha been casted into your deep remembering of knowing. It is safe to land here. It is worth choosing to remember.

What is the felt-sense with Britt + Elisha 08/01/2022

What is the felt-sense? Britt and I break it down!
Below: the definition that I created... Which will be an evolution as we dive deeper into this conversation!

Join us for The Alchemy of Embodiment: a 3 day journey to tap into your Higher Self and embody your body intelligence and Truth!

The felt-sense is your intimate present awareness and cognition of all subtle and crude sensations in and around the body. It is the subjective qualities and interpretations of the contents of consciousness. The felt-sense is an attunement to the body, utilizing emotional response, intuition, awareness, and true embodiment. It is a self reflective process whereby we explore and investigate the body and its processes… And become acutely aware of our physiology through an observer's introspective lens. It is creating intimate awareness within and without- and using sensation, feeling, and perception to navigate these inner and outer realms.

It’s like being a space explorer of your body- curious, keen, and contemplative… As you navigate and examine the sensations of body, mind, and heart.

Love Elisha + Britt
Join us for the alchemy of embodiment: JANUARY 11, 12, 13 at 5pm PST
It's gonna be so DOPE!

What is the felt-sense with Britt + Elisha What is the felt-sense? Britt and I break it down! Below: the definition that I created... Which will be an evolution as we dive deeper into this conversatio...


The felt-sense is your intimate present awareness and cognition of all subtle and crude sensations in and around the body. It is the subjective qualities and interpretations of the contents of consciousness.

The felt-sense is an attunement to the body, utilizing emotional response, intuition, awareness, and true embodiment.

It is a self reflective process whereby we explore and investigate the body and its processes… And become acutely aware of our physiology through an observer's introspective lens.

It is creating intimate awareness within and without- and using sensation, feeling, and perception to navigate these inner and outer realms.

It’s like being a space explorer of your body- curious, keen, and contemplative… As you navigate and examine the sensations of body, mind, and heart. Becoming acutely aware and cognizant of all sensations and feelings as they move through you is felt-sense intelligence.

This is the practice.

Meow meow! Felt sense super powers!

Join us for the alchemy of embodiment- January 11 - 13 at 5pm PST
It's gonna be juicy!

Links in bio 👁️💗U

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There is a pearl of genius that lives within you and through you. It is a wisdom so unique that only you can express it....