Be Well Coaching

Be Well Coaching

I help empower others to renew their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being


Don’t be that person who waits for their Diabetes diagnosis to make better health choices. Start making healthier choices today.

More Sunlight. Less Bluelight.
More filtered water. Less alcohol.
More walking. Less sitting.
More listening. Less complaining.
More real food. Less processed imposter food.
More God. Less Idols.

Be Careful What You Say 08/08/2024

Great article by Dr. Roger McFillin.

“This approach not only fails to address the real needs of struggling youth but also potentially traumatizes families and clogs a healthcare system already stretched to its limits.”

Be Careful What You Say How honesty leads to the trauma of unnecessary psychiatric hospitalization


Hotel gyms make easy 🤩💪🏽 💦📖☀️


When the shot came out in 2021, and I didn’t get it….a friend who was horrified I wasn’t getting it asked “what are you going to do to protect yourself?” My answer is the same today as then; I eat real food, drink organic fresh pressed juice, move my body, I don’t drink alcohol and I get outside in the sun without sunscreen.

If you’re happy and healthy injecting yourself with different shots throughout the year; that’s great. Do what works for you.

But know, everything you need to be healthy is available to you w/o you needing to visit a pharmacy or a doctor.


Moms! You are given special supermom powers when it comes to your children.

If your child is struggling with health issues and struggling with cognitive or physical symptoms; it can be scary not knowing what is wrong or how to help them.

The standard process is to go to the doctor to get answers and hopefully some help. But what if all the tests the doctors offer show there is nothing wrong? That’s because they aren’t testing for the right things.

What if the drugs and products they are offering aren’t working? That’s because they aren’t addressing the root cause of the symptom(s).

You know your child. Pause and pray, listen to your intuition. You will figure out what is triggering your child a lot quicker than your pediatrician.

Look around; it’s usually found in their environment or in their food.

If you knew you could relieve a lifetime of eczema flare ups or chronic migraines by removing processed foods and soy from their diets, would you do it? If you knew changing their mattress would heal their brain fog and bloody noses, would you do it? You can do it.

The answers aren’t found in a doctors office. The answers are found in the details of your daily life. Tune in, listen and look up.


He sees you. He loves you. He will move mountains for you.


Healthcare is your dietary, lifestyle and relationship choices, spiritual practices, how much time you spend outside, exercise routine and sleep habits.

Our medical system is sickcare. It is a criminal organization controlled by big business. It’s profit over people. Their billing is fraudulent and Insurance is a scam.

Do your best to keep yourself out of American medical facilities. What you put in and on your body matters. Choose wisely.


Cumulative radiation to the same small area 1-2 x/year significantly increases your risk of cancer. There are many studies available; and it’s also common sense if you pause to really think about it. You just shouldn’t be exposing yourself to this much radiation in one condensed spot on your body.

Other effective options: Thermography monitoring 1-2 times a year. MRI or Her Scan Ultrasound; both top notch diagnostic tools.

Mammograms are poison.


1500 days.

It was 2020. I decided not to drink for 90 days. I needed a reset. I had NO idea how much of a reset I really needed.

I felt different after 90 days, but not lighter; not clearer, not really what i thought I’d feel.

So I committed to another 90 days. And things physically, mentally and spiritually started to shift.

I haven’t had any alcohol for 1500 days now.

If you knew me prior to 1500 days ago, then you know; drinking wasn’t just something I did occasionally.

Alcohol is woven into every aspect of our society. You can get alcohol while running a 5k (I participated in that), alcohol while watching a movie or going to the Theatre (yes please), alcohol while listening to a concert or taking the kids to a baseball game ( of course, why not?!).

I had no idea the joy, the clarity the freedom I would receive by not participating in this cycle of drinking anymore. I just wanted to heal my gut. And I came away with so much more.

I don’t call myself sober and I don’t say I quit drinking. Its always a choice. But as long as I keep feeling better, more aware and more free; this is a choice I plan on making for another 1500 days.


Well, we are here; Kansas has taken the first step.

More lawsuits to come for the next MANY years.

Until there’s so many lawsuits Pfizer’s Lawyers wont be able to deny or delay any longer. Then some sort of an agreement will be reached.

Please, look at the history of the pharma industry. They have been lying, omitting information and poisoning people for decades.

They will continue to do so because of the money. They don’t create drugs to protect you they create drugs to make more and more and more money. Our government will allow it because they are controlled by the Industries with the deepest pockets.

Pfizer’s pockets are so deep they originate in Hell.

Get control of your health so they won’t have control over you.

Your choices matter. Choose wisely.


Truth 🦠


The amount of times they use the word “expert” in this article is directly tied to the level of absurdity of the information.

Sunscreen sales are down this Summer= Industry panics and they call in the media to fear you back into buying more sunscreen.

If you want to wear sunscreen, great; go ahead. Just don’t buy the spray on kind. It is the absolute worst for you, for those around you and for the environment.

You are more likely to burn because of seed oil consumption, birth control pills and other pharma drugs you’re taking.

A tan has never been a sign of poor health. Never. Just ask anyone over the age of 65.

Also, talk to people who have had skin cancer. I bet you, they all wore sunscreen preventatively prior to discovering their skin cancer.

What you put in and on your body matters. Choose wisely.


When you care for your body and mind through your healthy choices, you automatically free yourself up for the most productive and rewarding future.

Healthy food choices, healthy relationship choices and healthy spiritual choices all lead to a healthier life.

Diets, pills, procedures and spending your time watching tv or hanging out with unhealthy people will not lead you to a healthier life.

Get up, move your body. Soak up the sun. Turn your attention to what is good.

The choices are yours to make: choose wisely.


Ok, it is a disease. But, it remains a growth Industry because so many people profit from it.

A big, fat profitable industry.

The same people who profit off of the fake food you eat and the pharma pills you take also profit off of you being sick.

If you want to win the fight against cancer, do the opposite of what the world is selling you.

Eat real food; including eggs and butter , salt and Grassfed beef.

Avoid ”foods” with ingredients you cannot pronounce.

Stop drinking so much alcohol.

Red dye is poison and so is margarine, it doesn’t belong in your body.

You don’t have to overhaul your choices all in one week. Make one change at a time. Your body and brain will thank you.


What could possibly go wrong 😵‍💫 If you haven’t developed new Cardio or Neuro symptoms; or been diagnosed with an Autoimmune condition yet; give this shot a try.


American Healthcare wants you sick. They throw parties at quarterly meetings celebrating increased sales; while you pop their pills and remain miserable, numb or spiraling.

What if all you need to do is stop consuming Vegetable Oil, Red #40 and Miller Light?

Removing hormone disrupting food and beverages has proven effective in reversing physical and mental distress.

You have the motivation all you need is a little more discipline and the right support.

You are worth it.


You weren’t made to be on drugs for the rest of your life. Maybe you haven’t healed because your body still isn’t receiving what it needs.

Think different. Be different.
Choose well, live well, be well.


Think different. Be different.
Choose well. Be well.


Interesting 🧐


Become your own expert.

Eat good food, think good thoughts, talk to God, get outside and drink your water.

This is just a starting point.

Stop buying their poison filled lies.


What you put in and on your body matters. Choose wisely.

Photos from Be Well Coaching's post 30/05/2024

If you are pregnant or are thinking of becoming pregnant, please read Turtles All the Way Down. And ask to read the vaccine information insert that your doctor can provide.

I wish I had asked for it before letting them jab my children. I didn’t know I had options because I didn’t ask; I trusted the “experts” were knowledgeable and wouldn’t want to risk harming my children.

From ear infections to mental health to sudden death; there are SO many known possibilities.

Protecting our children becomes easier when we take our power back from the systems that want to keep us sick and dependent.

What you put in and on your body matters. Choose wisely.


Anyone else need this reminder?


They conveniently take money out of your paycheck every week, then, when you have a medical need, you have to pay more money.

Insurance companies are for profit corporations providing a service they don’t want you to use. They have to deny claims and raise your out of pocket cost in order for them to show a profit increase year after year.

You give them all this money and THEY get to tell YOU who you can get your care from, and what kind of care they approve of.

How’s that going for you?

Tell your employer you don’t want the Insurance, you want the money they would be giving to Insurance to go to you. Then get on a Med-share policy and/or insure yourself.


They will do anything and say anything to get every single living person as a customer.

They are a company offering a product not a solution. They’ve cured nothing.

What are you doing to make sure your life belongs to you, and not them?

What you put in and on your body matters. Choose wisely.


The ingredients are in small print….why? Why have they told us to focus so much on the calories, the carbs and the fat?

Because, then you won’t question what their products are actually made of. If you’re not paying attention, you won’t ask questions. So they purposely draw your attention to the Calories….and even try to make you obsess over calories and fat.

Start to ask questions.

Questions like: What is Monosodium Glutamate / MSG? What is TBHQ? Citric Acid? Dimethylpolysiloxane?

What do these lab made additives do to my body?

Read the Ingredients.

Your body knows what to do with Carbs and Fat and naturally occurring sugar.

Read the Ingredients, research the ingredients and then decide if it’s worth putting these things in your body.

What you put in and on your body matters. Choose wisely.

Photos from Be Well Coaching's post 29/04/2024

Do you drink milk?

Grab the container and read the ingredients. What does it say?

If it has more than one ingredient, it’s not really milk. If it has more than one ingredient “MILK” then it’s a manufactured milk-like product.

Real, grass fed milk, actually does do a body good. It helps maintain healthy microbiome.

Low-fat, skim milk and all milk from conventionally raised cows is not REAL MILK; and I bet your body knows it.

What if you’re not really allergic to dairy after all? What if you’re just allergic to their crappy overly processed product?

What if?


Why? Because it’s good for them. When you buy into the fear and the lies, you buy their products; in turn our economy does well and they can continue to increase profits year after year.

It’s time to do your research. You are more than a consumer. To them that’s all you are…they have products to sell and will say and do anything to get them sold. Yes, even lie or withhold information. You are more than a consumer. Make choices that align with what’s good for you, not rooted in fear.

The sun is good for you.
Grassfed beef is loaded with vitamins and minerals your body needs.
Cooking with natural fats like tallow are good for you. Vegetable oil is equal to your car motor oil.
Fermented soy from China or Japan is the only soy with some health benefits. Edamame and other soy products are not.
Your body is super smart; stop poisoning it with things made in a lab.
You weren’t made in a lab, you were made in the image of God. Everything you need to be healthy and strong comes from nature.


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Immunity Boost