Conservative Commentaries

Conservative Commentaries

For many years, I’ve learned about, written about, and spoken about conservative principles. I cre


The Case for Term Limits

“We need term limits!” It’s a common mantra expressed by many voters, particularly around election time, and it’s a mantra with which I wholeheartedly agree. We do, in fact, desperately need term limits, and the reasons are obvious.
Of course, the knee-jerk response by most politicians is that term limits are unnecessary because, if the voters want change, they can “vote the person out.” After all, “the voters are in charge,” they say. Such statements are, in theory, mechanically correct, however, in the current state of American politics, such statements are utterly misguided and demonstrate a distressing lack of insight and political maturity. Here’s why…
To begin, the Founders were weary of a permanent political class due to the abuses suffered under the English Parliament. Initially, to protect against the rise of political elites in the new republic, the Articles of Confederation contained term limits preventing legislators from serving more than three years in any six-year period. Later, the new Constitution did not include term limits because, it was argued, sufficient virtue existed among legislators rendering such limits unnecessary. Serving in the legislature during the Founding era often interfered with making a living, thus legislators tended to complete the legislature’s business and return home as quickly as possible. Additionally, legislative service paid very little and few, if any, direct benefits existed, thus de-incentivizing political careerism. Not so today as many legislative bodies vote themselves pay raises at will, enjoy numerous benefits including premium insurance coverage at no cost, and lifetime pensions at full pay after serving only a few terms in office.
Next, long-term service in full-time legislative bodies, such as the U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate, interferes with gaining practical experiences in the work-a-day world that can be utilized to relate to the needs of average American citizens. This is especially true of very young legislators who manage to get elected at an early age but bring to office nothing in the way of meaningful experience.
Further, a serious problem associated with political careerism is its anti-democratic nature. Career politicians tend to become entrenched in office, becoming economically reliant on their legislative income as they forego earning a living in the private sector. Over time, they amass sizeable war chests of campaign contributions which they leverage in a manner that effectively prohibits primary challenges. Even more serious, the longer they serve, the more power and influence they acquire and the more outside entities become beholden to them. This power and influence tend to make many career politicians virtually invulnerable to primary challengers with new experiences, ideas, and perspectives.
Ultimately, the most anti-democratic entities in our government are the Congressional and Senate committees created to support incumbents against primary challengers. These committees, from both sides of the political aisle, collect contributions from sitting members of the House and Senate and from myriad outside sources which they use to support incumbents against primary challengers. This is an egregious assault on the basic principles of democracy and should be abolished. Incumbents protected from primary challenges tend to become less responsive to the will of their electorate and more responsive to their elected colleagues. For democracy to function more effectively, incumbents should be regularly challenged through primary elections. They should campaign on the merits of their legislative accomplishments and win or lose based upon the ideas and values they contribute to the governing process. It is perfectly reasonable and even expected that House and Senate re-election committees should support their candidates during the general election, however, they should remain completely neutral during the primaries. Given the regrettable fact that for many politicians, their most pressing concern is the next election rather than the will of the electorate, it is unlikely that this primary support of incumbents will be discontinued.
Term limits are no panacea for the many ills characterizing our current state and federal governments, however, such limits would serve to lessen the anti-democratic influences which negatively impact America’s political process.






Ran across this picture and Daddy at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Washington, DC, May, 2000. We were touring DC, courtesy of the US Army, as part of my winning the General Douglas MacArthur Leadership Award for the top company grade officer in the United States during calendar year 1999. Daddy's presence made the trip extra special. A member of the "Greatest Generation," Daddy served in the US Army in the South Pacific during World War II. Thank you Daddy for your service and for your contribution to our freedom. I miss you still...

Trump: 'China Should Pay Ten Trillion Dollars' for Death and Destruction Caused by COVID 03/06/2021

I've been saying this since the COVID-19 pandemic began...send China the bill or, better yet, cancel our debt with the Chinese...

Trump: 'China Should Pay Ten Trillion Dollars' for Death and Destruction Caused by COVID If the virus seasonally circulates like influenza, it could would mean a never-ending death count for all nations each year.

Tucker: America's political elite have been working on behalf of China 10/12/2020

Wake up America...I've been warning about the threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party for years and now the CCP admits it freely...

Tucker: America's political elite have been working on behalf of China 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host calls out powerful lawmakers for standing by while Beijing harmed US


Remember, the media doesn't decide the outcome of the presidential election...this issue is now up to the courts...the mainstream media, including, regrettably, Fox News, is complicit in helping the Democratic Party steal the election...the recounts are ongoing and the lawsuits pending...and, regardless of the results, mark this day in history as a turning point in American politics as proof the Democratic Party will do anything, and I mean anything, to retain power and control...the changes to our American way of life won't come immediately but, mark my words, if Biden wins, they will come...and we will all pay the price...

DOJ swears to accuracy of Flynn exhibits and calls on judge to dismiss case immediately 01/11/2020

Don't be fooled by Judge Emmett Sullivan's refusal to dismiss the bogus case against LTG Flynn...he knows the case is meritless and should be dismissed with why is he delaying? For one reason and one reason only...he is protecting Obama and will do so to the bitter end...he knows Obama is corrupt and he knows the truth of his corruption will soon see the light of day...Sullivan, once considered a champion of justice, is truly a disgrace to the bench and should himself be dismissed...

DOJ swears to accuracy of Flynn exhibits and calls on judge to dismiss case immediately Following an order from the presiding judge, the Justice Department filed declarations swearing to the accuracy of the exhibits it relied upon in a motion to dismiss the case against retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and the documents that it provided to his legal team.

Andrew McCarthy: Hillary Clinton — not Trump — colluded with Russians in effort to win 2016 election 28/10/2020

Bill, not Hillary, likely mastermind behind Russia collusion hoax...don't kid yourself...Hillary Clinton is treacherous but not that creative...she most certainly approved the Russia collusion plan but most definitely didn't think it up...the idea most likely came from Bill...after all, he ain't called "Slick Willie" for nothing...

Andrew McCarthy: Hillary Clinton — not Trump — colluded with Russians in effort to win 2016 election Hillary Clinton directed her 2016 presidential campaign to falsely claim Russia and Donald Trump conspired to swing the election to him.

FBI Reportedly in Possession of Hunter Biden’s Laptop 28/10/2020

Hunter Biden...every parent's nightmare son...a co***ne addict, serial philander, inveterate liar, and influence peddler who has multiple drug rehab failures, was booted from the Navy Reserve after testing positive for co***ne, had an affair with his deceased brother's wife, and fathered a love child with a stripper...nobody's perfect but come on, need I say more...?

FBI Reportedly in Possession of Hunter Biden’s Laptop The FBI is in possession of the laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden which contained emails purportedly showing Joe Biden had involvement in his son’s foreign business dealings, according to a report.Two senior administration officials told Fox News that the FBI has the recovered laptop, and...

Scientific American Endorses Joe Biden 28/09/2020

I also won't be reading Scientific American any longer...I would expect a muscle head former wrestler from Hollywood to endorse Biden/Harris but science should be above politics...I suppose the editors as SA would disagree...

Scientific American Endorses Joe Biden We’ve never backed a presidential candidate in our 175-year history—until now

The Rock supports Joe Biden and Kamala Harris with his first presidential endorsement 28/09/2020

So I won't be watching any more of The Rock's movies...not that I watched many of them anyway...

The Rock supports Joe Biden and Kamala Harris with his first presidential endorsement In a video, Dwayne Johnson called Biden and Harris “the best choice to lead our country.”

Pelosi used shuttered San Francisco hair salon for blow-out, owner calls it 'slap in the face' 03/09/2020

Nobody likes a hypocrite...especially an entitled one from San Francisco who used her elected office to become rich...typical DC swamp...

Pelosi used shuttered San Francisco hair salon for blow-out, owner calls it 'slap in the face' EXCLUSIVE: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited a San Francisco hair salon Monday afternoon for a wash and blow-out, despite local ordinances keeping salons closed amid the coronavirus pandemic, Fox News has learned.


Biden sells out America to the Radical Left...

Summary of the Biden-Sanders pact…from

End all cash bail…all those arrested and charged with a crime are immediately released back onto the street
Award government healthcare to illegals
Award government welfare to all immigrants, legal or illegal, immediately upon arrival in the United States
Grant asylum to all illegal aliens…asylum is a fast-track pathway to citizenship
End all travel bans, thus allowing immigrants from COVID countries, jihadist regimes, terror-sponsoring nations to enter the US freely
Rejoin the Paris Climate Accord which strictly regulates the US and Europe but allows China to continue unrestricted emission of carbon dioxide and other pollutants
Eliminate all carbon emissions in the United States in 10 years – no internal combustion engines in cars and only wind and solar powerplants
Free public housing for all inmates immediately upon release…they go to the front of the line ahead of those non-criminals who have applied for public housing and are awaiting approval
Dual-language instruction in every course in every school…no need for Spanish-speaking students to ever learn English
Outlaw all profit-making charter schools and place all charter schools under federal jurisdiction
Close all charter schools in financially distressed districts…this means that if a school district doesn’t have the funding to provide a proper education, students will be forced to remain there and receive a substandard education rather than have the opportunity to go to a charter school to receive a proper education
End all school choice in Washington, DC and end all federal support for school choice
End all standardized testing…this means there will no longer be a measure of public school performance
Stop arresting anyone crossing the border illegally, thus allowing anyone from anywhere to enter the country any place at any time
Initiate a moratorium on all deportations of illegals regardless of criminal status, thus allowing illegals who have committed felonies to remain in the United States upon their release to become citizens
Allow chain migration
Provide taxpayer funded attorneys for illegal aliens
Increase refugee resettlement in the US 700 percent from 18,000 to 125,000 per year
Provide work permits for all illegal aliens
Provide federal student aid for illegal aliens

Federal appeals court orders Flynn judge to dismiss charges 09/07/2020

Ask yourself this question: Why would Judge Emmett Sullivan, that supposed champion of the Brady doctrine which mandates the prosecution provide any and all exculpatory evidence to the defendant - established by the Supreme Court case of Brady v. Maryland (1963) - be so against dismissing the Flynn case in light of the copious exculpatory evidence which has recently come to light? Don't be isn't because of some high legal, moral, or ethical standard to which Sullivan clings...he's refusing to dismiss the case of one simple reason...he's actively protecting former President Barrack Obama and former Vice President Joseph Biden...

Federal appeals court orders Flynn judge to dismiss charges The D.C. Circuit's ruling came after the Justice Department filed a motion to drop the case against the former Trump national security adviser.

Former Harvard Chemistry Chair Indicted for False Statements About China Funding 10/06/2020

See what I mean...American university professors are selling American research to the Chinese Communist Party and then lying about it when caught...

Former Harvard Chemistry Chair Indicted for False Statements About China Funding The former chair of Harvard University's chemistry department was indicted on June 9 on charges of making false ...


Parker giving "Big Green" a bath after several days of cutting, raking, and baling hay...


If I were a congressman, I would propose legislation to prohibit American Universities, both public and private, from accepting Chinese students and Chinese donations until the Chinese Communist Party is dissolved and democratic elections are held...make no mistake, China is not a friend of the United is a communist nation bent on world hegemony...don't believe it? Watch and learn...

John Legend, Megan Rapinoe, Other Celebrities Sign ‘Defund The Police’ Letter 03/06/2020

Typical utter nonsense by the Left...pure ignorance on display...blaming the entire police community for the actions of a few police officers...

John Legend, Megan Rapinoe, Other Celebrities Sign ‘Defund The Police’ Letter Celebrities John Legend and Megan Rapinoe are among those who reportedly signed a petition to defund police departments.

College Republicans, Democrats groups both call for closures of Beijing-funded Confucius Institutes 03/06/2020

Finally, something Republicans and Democrats can agree upon...getting rid of Chinese Communist Party-funded Confucius Institutes on American college campuses...

College Republicans, Democrats groups both call for closures of Beijing-funded Confucius Institutes Both the College Republican National Committee and the College Democrats of America signed an open letter specifically aimed at Communist China last month, demanding the closure of Confucius Institutes that are stationed at U.S. college campuses across the country.

NYC Bans The Terms ‘Illegal Immigrant’ And ‘Alien,’ Will Now Refer To Illegal Immigrants As ‘Noncitizens’ 29/05/2020

Normalizing illegality...NYC rebrands illegal immigrants with a more politically correct name..."non-citizen" in an effort to shift the focus away from the fact that these people are breaking US laws. Many other cities across the US are following NYC's them what you will but that doesn't change the reality that an illegal immigrant is an "illegal immigrant"

NYC Bans The Terms ‘Illegal Immigrant’ And ‘Alien,’ Will Now Refer To Illegal Immigrants As ‘Noncitizens’ NYC outlawed the use of terms "alien" and "illegal immigrant" in official government documents Thursday, will now refer to illegal immigrants as "noncitizens."


Counter-drug operation over North Central Florida three years ago this month...scanning for drug-related activity with state-of-the-art, high resolution digital cameras...lots of bad guys down below...

Michael Jordan game-worn sneakers sell for record $560G in online auction 18/05/2020

An obscene waste of money...a classic example of one having more money than sense...

Michael Jordan game-worn sneakers sell for record $560G in online auction As ESPN’s documentary, “The Last Dance” continues to showcase NBA legend Michael Jordan and the historic run of the ‘90s Chicago Bulls, another piece of Jordan memorabilia has sold for a record-breaking amount of money.

Ronald Regan Patriotic Speech 05/05/2020

President Ronald Reagan said it best...take a moment and listen, and be reminded that you live in the greatest nation on earth and, that by the grace of God, you are an American!

Ronald Regan Patriotic Speech I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

Bill Gates calls question about whether China covered up the coronavirus a 'distraction' 27/04/2020

So now Bill Gates has become a pawn for the Chinese Communist Party proclaiming that now isn't the time to question the CCP's response to the COVID-19 outbreak in that country. Question Bill: so when would be a good time? Gates, who has made untold millions (more likely, billions) of dollars in the Chinese market should be ashamed of himself...he might be smart regarding computers, but in his case, smart and wise are two totally different things as his shameful defense of the CCP is truly unwise...

Bill Gates calls question about whether China covered up the coronavirus a 'distraction' Microsoft founder Bill Gates said it is not the right time to question China's response to the onset of the coronavirus.


Just a thought...May is just around the corner...instead of Memorial Day (May 25), let's make it Memorial Month and honor all those men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice protecting America's freedom...directing care of a wounded soldier struck by a roadside bomb, Ad Diwaniya, Iraq, August 2005...

Tom Cotton suggests Chinese students shouldn't be allowed to study sciences in the US 27/04/2020

Agreed...but I would take it one step further...Chinese students should not be allowed to enter American universities at all until the Chinese Communist Party begins to democratize China by allowing other political parties to form and to allow free isn't xenophobic or racist to make such demands as the CCP would have us is a humanitarian issue for the people of China and a national security issue for the United States...

Tom Cotton suggests Chinese students shouldn't be allowed to study sciences in the US Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., told Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures" that it was a "scandal" that the United States has trained some Chinese nationals to "go back to China to compete for our jobs, to take our business, and ultimately to steal our property and design weapons and other devices that can be...

Harvard Law Professor Urges ‘Presumptive Ban’ on Homeschooling 22/04/2020

A law professor at Harvard, that bastion of liberal (even Leftist) experimentation and indoctrination, thinks home schooling gives parents too much control over their children's lives and not enough control to the government...her solution is to ban home schooling, thus eliminating parental choice regarding their children's education. With views like that, is anyone surprised she hails from Harvard? I'm not...

Harvard Law Professor Urges ‘Presumptive Ban’ on Homeschooling Harvard Magazine published an interview with a law professor who released a paper that calls for a “presumptive ban” on homeschooling.


Regardless of what the America-hating Left would have us believe, America is a nation of great compassion, even in times of war...Cargul, Iraq, August 2005...even though our unit captured two Iraqi roadside bombers that were being hidden by the local villagers, we still took time to lay down our weapons and treat local children, many of whom had never seen a doctor...the children, after all, were innocent...

Trump announces US will halt funding to World Health Organization over coronavirus response 15/04/2020

Yet another excellent decision by President Trump! The World Health Organization is nothing more than a mouth piece for the Chinese Communist Party. The CCP gave us the COVID-19 pandemic and the WHO is trying to cover it up...the CCP and the WHO must be held accountable!

Trump announces US will halt funding to World Health Organization over coronavirus response President Trump announced at the White House coronavirus news briefing on Tuesday that the United States will immediately cut all funding for the World Health Organization (WHO), saying it had put "political correctness over lifesaving measures."


Back in the ER...

Trump signs $2T stimulus bill after House approves historic coronavirus response 06/04/2020

Here's a thought...send the bill to the Chinese Communist Party and let them pay for it...after all, the Chinese gave us the virus even though the Left-controlled media would have us think otherwise...only seems fair...

Trump signs $2T stimulus bill after House approves historic coronavirus response President Trump on Friday signed a more than $2 trillion legislative package to combat the coronavirus pandemic and send economic relief to workers and businesses squeezed by restrictions meant to stop the outbreak’s spread after the House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved the legislation...

WHO director faces calls for resignation over handling of coronavirus, China 06/04/2020

WHO (World Health Organization) or CHO (Chinese Health Organization)? So you think the world is getting accurate information from the WHO regarding the severity of the COVID-19 outbreak in China? Ha! Think again! Evidence is mounting that the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) has been suppressing information regarding the number of active cases and deaths in that communist country and, even worse, it appears the WHO is covering for them. Worse, still, is the fact that the US is the largest single contributor to the organization (approximately $116 million annually plus additional contributions for special projects of up to $400 million a year) and, yet, the director of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom, continues to laude the CCP response while suggesting the US is failing in its efforts to control the virus''s definitely time to sack Adhanom and otherwise clean house at the WHO, or stop sending them hundreds of millions of hardearned US taxpayer dollars or, better yet, both...

WHO director faces calls for resignation over handling of coronavirus, China Amid persistent criticism that his organization failed to properly oversee China's coronavirus response and worked to downplay the communist nation's responsibility for the pandemic, World Health Organization Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is facing growing calls for his resignation from Americ...

IG Horowitz Found ‘Apparent Errors or Inadequately Supported Facts’ in Every Single FBI FISA Application He Reviewed | National Review 02/04/2020

Don't be fooled by the message OIG Horowitz is attempting to send in this first glance, one might think his findings of rampant errors in the preparation and submission of FISA warrant applications would further condemn the actions of the FBI officials responsible for preparing the notoriously inaccurate and purposely misleading FISA warrant applications against Carter Page. Instead, rather, the unspoken message he seems to be attempting to convey is, "Hey, these FISA warrant applications are hard to fill out...every one of them has mistakes so, no big deal...let's move along." But we know better...

IG Horowitz Found ‘Apparent Errors or Inadequately Supported Facts’ in Every Single FBI FISA Application He Reviewed | National Review The Justice Department inspector general said he does “not have confidence” in the FBI’s FISA application process following an audit.


The latest Facebook trend...posting pics of military service...Cargul, Iraq, 2005...


I'll be appearing again on "The Morning Drive with Steve Nichols" on 105.9FM WVGA Valdosta tomorrow morning at 7AM...we'll be discussing the latest developments regarding the COVID-19 pandemic...join us if you can...

Goodbye, Green New Deal | National Review 29/03/2020

Good riddance...

Goodbye, Green New Deal | National Review After a couple of weeks of great economic sacrifice, it’s already proving hard for Americans to take. No one will sign up for a lifetime of it.