Claire Soria: Born To Remember Podcast

Claire Soria: Born To Remember Podcast

A limited podcast series about Claire Soria - WWII hidden child, great grandmother & piano teacher.


happy birthday to the soul of our family.

wish I could call you today and ask you something and you can do your magical pivot to anything else. I miss the long chats about nothing that I expected.

Born To Remember: Claire Soria 06/05/2024

Today is the first Yom Hashoah since my grandmother Claire Soria passed last September.

I think of her almost every day when I see some small thing we would have discussed or mentioned. Or after reading a new book or seeing a movie and thinking I can't wait to tell her about it. When i would call, before I could even say anything, she would always say "I was JUST thinking about you!!"

So today Grandma, I am just thinking about you. Doing what my grandma what have done today and every day, share her Holocaust Survivors and Descendants story with as many as I can.

And I am so happy and privileged to know you and talk to you every Friday. And I am so glad that I didn't push off recording your story until it is too late.

So if you are looking for something to honor and inspire you on this Yom HaShoah, try out our conversations at Claire Soria: Born To Remember Podcast -

I wish today I could call you and hear just one more story.


Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors

Born To Remember: Claire Soria Go inside the mind of Claire Soria, a life of a hidden Jewish child during WWII in Belgium and her family, her journey to America and her inspiring journey of loss, perseverance and perspective all told in conversation with her grandson.


For those in the Northern FL area, the following In Memoriam will be printed in the Jewish Heritage festival program where Claire spoke many times and told her story.

I know we had not announced Claire's passing this prior on this page.

Episode 1: Cousin Nina - Born To Remember: Claire Soria 18/04/2023

Just because we have been quiet doesn't mean we are not thinking of you and all who had their lives affected by the Holocaust on today, Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day).

Claire has been doing well in her battle with Cancer and is looking forward to making some big family celebrations and maybe even a live book signing event in NJ this summer.

If you loved the podcast or wanted a reason to start, today is a meaningful day as any.

Episode 1: Cousin Nina - Born To Remember: Claire Soria The story of Claire's beloved cousin Nina Majster and her family in the days before and during WWII in Belgium, Auschwitz & beyond. Born to Remember Podcast WebsiteJoin The Born To Remember on FacebookEach episode will also include a link to a...

Photos from Claire Soria: Born To Remember Podcast's post 11/09/2022

After 2 years of work, the final episode of this project - a love letter to family, memory and especially Claire Soria - just went live called Chag Sameach, memories of family holidays and celebrations. What is life without memory and simcha!

If you've been waiting for the full season to binge or need a new podcast for the fall/Jewish New Year, here you go.

It is not lost on us that is a day for memorial across the world, the US, and especially in our own backyard in NYC. 21 years ago today was also 9/11, a day where thousands needlessly perished and thousands more were affected directly or indirectly in the hours, days, weeks that followed.

Major events need to be remembered out loud. We all memorialize in our own way and for those struggling today, we are thinking of you and will tell you what Claire would tell you, "Better days are ahead." 06/09/2022

🎧 🎹

Ever hear a piano🎹 teacher talk lovingly about music that she love and loves as a chile?

After you listen to this short but sweet episode called new Musical Adventures, the answer will be yes and you'll be thankful you did!


Born To Remember: Claire Soria 15/08/2022

After a bit of a hiatus, we're back with the final stretch of episodes with Episode 6:L'Dor V'Dor / Children & Grandchildren. -

This is the first of 3 more personal off-the-cuff Grandma Claire conversations and tangents about Family, Food and Funny Stories. What else would you want from a Jewish Grandmother living in FL!!!!

And these are one of the main reasons we wanted to make these episodes, not to just highlight the struggles and the negative experiences but the happy times and memories that are the product of pushing on and pulling through.

We hope you enjoy these as an end of summer treat!

Born To Remember: Claire Soria Go inside the mind of Claire Soria, a life of a hidden Jewish child during WWII in Belgium and her family, her journey to America and her inspiring journey of loss, perseverance and perspective all told in conversation with her grandson.


Sorry for the radio silence lately.

Claire has been battling some health issues of late but we have spoken often and she seems to be doing better. 🙏

She has been so excited and invigorated when i tell her all the nice feedback and how people all around the world are getting to listen to her story.

She sends her best wishes right from her favorite piano where she has taught so many students over the past 20+ years.

One final note: we do have a few more short BONUS episodes in the works on topics from Music to Food and much more so stay tuned...


New Episode Released this Week on Claire's relationship with her beloved husband Jerry Soria.

This week was Claire's Birthday! May would also have been Jerry's 88th birthday and Claire + Jerry's 66th wedding anniversary!

Learn about his fascinating roots in Tunisia and Italy plus his arrival with his parents and siblings in NY and OH post World War II and how they all ended up with a last name, Soria, that was a village in Spain.

‎Born To Remember: Claire Soria on Apple Podcasts 06/05/2022

Happy Friday and Shabbat Shalom!

We have seen a large increase of listeners over the past few weeks as we have released some moving/pivotal episodes in Claire's life. We couldn't do it without you so thank you so much for the support!

There should be a new episode next weekend focusing on Jerry Soria, Claire's beloved husband so make sure to find your favorite podcast platform and subscribe.

If the meantime, if you enjoyed the episodes, we would love for you to Subscribe and/or leave a little review, it helps more people find the podcast:

Facebook -

Spotify -

Apple Podcasts -

Thanks so much again for all your support and kind words!

‎Born To Remember: Claire Soria on Apple Podcasts ‎History · 2022

Home - Bellefaire JCB 28/04/2022

By the way, in honor of each episode, we will be donating to a charity related to the episode.

A pivotal location in today's story is the Jewish orphanage Bellefaire in Cleveland that housed Claire when she was eventually turned by her family in US after arriving here after the war.

It's a sad, moving story that needs to be heard to be believed but we are also very grateful for the care that they provided here.

Home - Bellefaire JCB Bellefaire JCB is among the nation’s largest, most experienced child service agencies providing a variety of behavioral health, substance abuse, education and prevention services. Bellefaire JCB helps more than 43,000 youth and their families yearly achieve resiliency, dignity and self-sufficiency...


There are many reasons why this podcast is called Born To Remember. On the top of that list is the importance of memory in remind us of the important things in life.

Today is Yom HaShoah (יום השואה) or Holocaust Remembrance Day, a yearly observance as Israel's day of commemoration for the approximately six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust by N**i Germany and its collaborators, and for the Jewish resistance in that period.

We can remember in many ways - photos, books, movies, documentaries but I think the oral tradition is the perfect celebration of Jewish culture.

My grandma's story that touches on all of those themes and the best way I know how to promote this very important day is by releasing the newest episode "Claire Comes To America."

This episode is an excellent point to catch up and completes the first section of the series that focuses on her Claire Soria's life through the end of the war.


Happy Passover, Happy Easter and Ramadan Mubarak!

It appears in our haste we neglected to let you know that Episode 2: Belgium At War was released a few weeks back but that just means that today there are now two amazing episodes for you to listen to now at or via your preferred podcast platform including now on Apple Podcasts

Today is the release of Episode 3: Hiding With The Sabauxs. Claire Soria details the story of the elderly Christian neighbors who took her in and hid her as their own grandchild during the N**i occupation of Belgium in World War II.

Hear how they renamed her to protect her identity, pretended she was their grandchild, taught her a love a music and so much more.

The picture is of Claire and her step brother Izzy who passed away last year in Canada.


Each episode will also include a link to a select charity that any proceeds from the episode and series will go. Any support you wish to give will also be more than welcome.

Our third donation will go to The Survivor Mitzvah Project -


Sorry for the radio silence but I was busy visiting someone special in Florida...

Photos from Daytona Beach Jewish Heritage Festival's post 27/03/2022
Born To Remember: Claire Soria 20/03/2022

Spring has spring and so has the debut episode of Claire Soria: Born To Remember Podcast.

Episode 1 features of the story of Claire's beloved cousin Nina Majster. Let Claire take you through Nina's lifetime as a childhood model to part of the Belgian Resistance to her deportation to Auschwitz and everything in between.

It also features the first of our next generation chats with Jessica Soria Korsunsky & Jacqueline Soria.

Find your preferred podcast platform via the website and make sure to listen, rate, subscribe and share:

FYI - it is not available on Apple Podcasts yet but is pending so keep an eye out.

Born To Remember: Claire Soria Go inside the mind of Claire Soria, a life of a hidden Jewish child during WWII in Belgium and her family, her journey to America and her inspiring journey of loss, perseverance and perspective all told in conversation with her grandson.


Happy Purim!!!

A throwback shot of Claire a few years back as a Tin "person" for the Purim Schpiel at her local synagogue in FL.


Make sure to check it out, rate, review and share!

Preview: Born To Remember: Claire Soria - A Hidden Child Holocaust Survivor Story - Born To Remember 12/03/2022

Thrilled to announce that a teaser of Claire Soria: Born To Remember Podcast has been released with just a few highlights of the series.

First of approximately 6 episodes will be launched in honor of the first day of spring Sunday March 20.

We hope you're ready for this amazing story 80+ in the making.

Please let us know what you think and make sure to subscribe on your preferred podcast platform and like/share to spread the word.

Preview: Born To Remember: Claire Soria - A Hidden Child Holocaust Survivor Story - Born To Remember SynopsisA preview of the upcoming series Born to Remember, the inspiring and heart-wrenching stories of Claire Soria in her own words. From her life before WWII in Belgium, hiding as a Jewish child during the N**i occupation, her voyage to the US...



Claire is also scheduled to be making an appearance at her former hometown library in Oakland NJ to promote/sign her book at Berengere - Memories of Days Gone By -

May 26, 2022 to discuss her publication of a book - so mark your calendars!

I'm sure she'd love to see anybody who wants to make the trek.

More info at

Berengere: An Amazing Life 25/02/2022

Claire was featured on a podcast called RICHARD & GARY‘S INCREDIBLE STORIES earlier this about the book she wrote a few months ago. Check it out for a taste of what is to come. 🎧🎧🎧

Berengere: An Amazing Life Holocaust survivor Claire Soria joins Richard & Gary in telling an incredible story about an amazing woman: Berengere de Cholet Grant Liggotti. Berengere, born into the French aristocracy with a lineage going back to Richard The Lion-Heart, spent her l...


Sorry for the radio silence.

The first of approximately episode in Claire Soria: Born To Remember Podcast is finally getting its finishing touches for release just in time for the first Day of Spring March 20th. It's title will be "Nina."

Updates will be coming in the next few weeks on how to follow/subscribe etc but I am also trying to pick out some select organizations and news outlets to work on promoting the project and spread the word so if you have any thoughts or ideas, please reach out.

And as a bonus, here is some proof that we've known each other for a while...

Photos from Claire Soria: Born To Remember Podcast's post 12/08/2021