In Layman's Terms

In Layman's Terms

In Layman's Terms purpose is to share the simplicity and complexity of Gods Word. It's easier to understand than most would like you to believe.

To encourage, embolden & equip the laity to share the true gospel of Jesus.


I’m not seeking those who want to be seen,
I’m looking intently for those who just serve the King!

When the Holy Spirit resides in an individual and has full reign from that surrendered vessel, there is an absolute power, humility and confidence surrounding them.

They have no need for applause or a “that a boy”. They are on a mission from the Most High. It is for His glory and not theirs.
That is incredibly difficult for those in the “Music Ministry” space.

In the coming months I will be looking for those folks. Trust me, I will know who you are. I don’t fully trust in my own discernment. I have a panel of folks God has given.

Know this…

I’m praying for you! All those who are supposed to be part of this upcoming venture are on the list.
God knows you and you are already known by Him!
When it is time, you will know and so will I.

Regrettably, I know there will be those who “by Gods design” slip in. The Judas’s and Jezebel’s, as I would call them. However, it is and will be allowed for reasons only God would know. So know this, I’m praying for you as well. I’m praying that somehow someway you will find God and surrender to him. Instead of being your own god of your own making. I’m praying for you now!

God is about to do something to bring glory to his name!

Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and give him your all!

To God be the Glory


Anybody else getting a lot of notifications for "Account Recovery?"
Someone is trying to hack my account. Be aware folks.
Let me know if you see anything suspicious on my site.
Please and Thank you

When God's Spirit takes over 60 000 people | Passion Conference 2024 21/01/2024

To my church

Please read this before you watch the video….

I miss you this morning 😊 I miss our gathering!
Though we couldn’t meet for very good reasons, I wanted you to know that I miss you!

I miss the way the praise band gives me such a hard time. Like my buddies Lynn, Mark and Randy.😂 I miss the giggles and smiles of Ann, Hannah and Lee Ann😊 I miss little Henry and his enthusiastic anticipation to worship God with the big kids.😊
I miss Jerry’s excitement just to be in the house of God with his church family and his precious daughter. I miss the loving sarcasm from Sue and Debbie, I love y’all so much!😊
I miss Patsy’s smile and her, Amy and Jared’s devotion. I miss Mike giving me a hard time going out of town, yet again 🤣 along with Rob, Mark and Wousamy. You guys make us sound good. Thank you! I miss Rodney and Angie’s excitement about praising and listening to the word of God. I miss Gary, Dolly, Lisa, Al, Debbie, Tim, Kathy, Kevin, Samantha and Ronnie and Logan. And how can I forget Makenna, Michelle, Ruth and my dear beloved sister Karen!

I miss hearing you all worship with me! I miss Tim breaking down God's words and filling in the blanks and writing notes on the handout.

I miss our gathering for sure!

Rodney Connors shared this video with me several weeks ago, and I thought this morning would be a great time to share it with you.

When we can’t meet and the worship leader stops singing…. Will you continue to worship?

If there was ever a day that meetings like ours would be forbidden … would you still have a song in your heart to sing?

I pray you worship! I pray you let this encourage you that there will be a day when we will all sing to our Lord!

May you sing today!

Let’s pray for one another.

I love you and I miss you today!🙌🏻🙏

When God's Spirit takes over 60 000 people | Passion Conference 2024 Passion Conference 2024 / Holy Holy


I’m truly amazed when God shows up and does something you totally don’t expect.

It’s an absolute honor to serve the King of Kings!

Coming soon … something that will change people’s lives, hearts, minds and worship towards God.
When some think… “He doesn’t see me and He just don’t care!”

He will do something so undeniable that you won’t be able to do anything but …. Glorify his incredible name!

I can’t wait!

To all those who are on His mind as I’m posting, I’m praying for you and urging you to…

Hold on! Just hold on to Him. He’s about to glorify himself through you and I don’t even know who you are, but He does!

He’s about to show you.

Stay steadfast and keep on doing what you’ve been doing for him.
He sees you and he’s about to prove it!

I’m praying for you my brothers and sisters.

He’s so worthy!!


I have several goals for 2024.

One is to intentionally pray for a stronger hunger for God's word. I want to know it better, and I want to know what “He” meant when he said something, not what a man believes he meant. Too many folks stretching out into the flesh and not leaning in on what a holy God meant.

Two, to be more available when the Holy Spirit opens doors to share the gospel.

Three, and this one is just as important as the first.
⛔️Stay in my lane.⛔️
God has given me specific jobs to do, and I have no business wandering off into spaces and places he doesn’t call me to.
I truly feel, that if I stay diligent in pursuing these targets, then God will get glory and I will be successful for the kingdom of God in this new year.

What are your spiritual goals for this year?
Share with me and I will pray for you.

Or just respond someway to this post and I will most definitely lift you up. God knows his plans for you and that’s exactly what I’ll be praying!😎
Love you in Christ


Let’s start this year off in the right direction and mindset!!🙌🏻


”… be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.“
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5‬:‭18‬-‭20‬

This year will be a big year! I’m going to call it …

“The Year of New Worship”

If you are a singer or songwriter for Christ, stay tuned. There is something brewing and God may just have something for you.

I’m excited to be a part of what God is doing.

Glory to the King!!


Happy New Years everyone!!

My prayer is we all get closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus and share the hope with a lost and dying world!
Love you all


Christmas 2023 came and left pretty quickly. WOW!
I’m just amazed at how fast life moves now.
Next week will be 2024 and we say goodbye to yet another year. It seems like it was just yesterday we were ushering in ’23!

Did you read the abbreviated quote from Lewis B. Smedes?

There are people dying as you read this. Yes, physically but more importantly… spiritually dying. All some of us care about is just making the next dollar or positioning ourselves for greater success, so we can be known.
I hear this overly egregious statement all the time,
“You can’t help anybody if you can’t help yourself!” Of course, this is used by some to justify their greed and passionate goals for wealth and, of course, their lack of Bible knowledge.
Christ himself said, "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.“
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭33‬

Let’s not forget, God created all this from absolutely nothing. You nor I have anything to offer that he can’t produce from nothing.

However, He wants to use you for His purpose and glory. He does!
He wants to give people HOPE. That thing that all of our souls thirst for.

Sure, he wants you to work. But seek Him first, and he will show you the steps and open the doors he has purposed for you.

Christ was given for our Hope!

Will you share Christ to this hopeless world?

May God bless you richly
(that is, how He sees to bless)
Now and in 2024!

Love you all!


For the last month I’ve been trying to practice FB moderation. Just not posting a lot. I have no political or religious agenda to push on you.
So I don’t have this overwhelming desire or itch to try and persuade you of anything. LOL

You see, what I see is I’ve become a part of the massive crowd that is shouting through their posts…

”Hey! Hey! Look at me!
I have got something important to say.”
“Can you look at me and applaud?!”

Sad, sad generation.
Full confession though… I’m guilty too!

So check this out. If you are a follower of Christ, then a miracle has already happened. God first drew himself to you and then you responded. Believe it or not…. There were no social media strings involved in that. In fact, the telephone as a household communication device is barely 100 years old.
How did people survive without it?🤷🏼‍♂️
I’m joking.

Here is the end all be all point to my Christmas post….
When God wants something done, it gets done.

When it looked like there was no hope for humanity, God made away!

He poured himself in flesh and came to this planet with the strategic plan of dying for you and me!

What kind of God or King offers himself as a sacrifice unto death for a people that reject Him, constantly??

Christmas is so much more than what this world has made it and God has ways of getting his message to the world without social media.

Jesus interacted with 12 men (face to face) and it has changed the world forever.

How many opportunities do you think you’ve passed by while you were hiding behind the social media canvas?

Make it a goal to cultivate more friendships and connect with people without social media.

Let’s be a light!

Merry Christmas


I want to invite you to come to our intimate Candlelight Christmas Service tomorrow at 6pm.
We will have special guest Caitlin Dando with us leading an ole time classic along with the CrossPoint Worship band. All praise and glory to the King of Kings who humbled himself and came to earth as a baby. The greatest gift given to all mankind! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

CrossPoint Church
2000 Loves Creek
Knoxville, Tn. 37924


Conflict is inevitable.
Choose your side:
If you side with the world, you will have conflict with God.
If you follow God, you will have conflict with the world.


Life has been way too much about me! It’s time to make a change.


Let me ask you…

What’s wrong with these other versions and this particular scripture?

I take issue with those who would demonize another believer for their choice in translations of the Bible.

Look, if you speak old English as an American citizen and live out your day talking this way… then I get it. But if 95% of your audience doesn’t, then what are you trying to prove?

Just as “man” made away once to translate scripture from the “actual text” Greek and Hebrew, to the language of “that” day, Old English, it has also been provided for us these days.

Test it. Compare them. Judge it. Bring them side by side, word for word, phrase for phrase and see if they mean the same.

But for goodness sakes don’t be a stumbling block to those who have been born and raised in this country who don’t read and understand Old English.

God… has made a way that we all can understand it. If you are skeptical, then check it out, test it and see.

Trust me, there are some versions out there that are just absolutely wrong.
But the majority of them are just as on point as the KJV and easier to understand.

Pray that you are not a stumbling block to those who might come to Christ if they actually could understand what they are reading.

The Holy Spirit dumbed it down for me.

He does the same for others. 🙌🏻

And I so Praise God He did!


Recently I had a meeting with a young artist to record her first EP project. As we were talking about her aspirations and goals, her desire to write and perform was intense. Her dad spoke up and said, “after her first performance a relative made the comment to her, ‘that she just experienced the greatest drug known to man… the applause of man.’”

It’s true!! The experience is overwhelmingly gratifying to our ego.

It’s the same way with preachers and well… everyone!

Now the problem is how can you keep the applause coming?

Can it sustain with you being true to yourself and the message?

Or, will you bend your knee to compromise?

Many, make silent deals with the devil and don’t even realize it.

Let me give you a biblical example.

In Matthew 16:13-24 we see Peter fall for the bait.

(Portions of this passage are pictured. I encourage you to read the full context)

Peter is lifted up by Jesus and in a sense given some applause for his correct answer.

And then later on in the evening Peter full of himself tries to tell Jesus what to do. Interesting exchange I might add. However, it leads to the infamous statement …. “Get behind me Satan!”

There are a lot of folks in today’s world that need Jesus in their face!

They are so full of themselves and think they are on the Jesus team and unfortunately they are Incrementally being swayed away by the evil one.

We as followers of Christ have been called to be disciple makers. I take this job seriously.

This is what I know…

some will some won’t, so don’t waste time on the ones that aren’t interested in the Jesus way.

How will you know?


Are you a genuine Jesus follower or are you a “you,me,I” follower?

Don’t fall for the applause trap!


Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
May it be a blessing ❤️


I’m super excited as to what God is brewing.
I can’t reveal anything as of yet, however, I can say this… God is awesome!!

I’m just a man. A fallen man at that. I have nothing special that God would look at and say,

“Oh my, I absolutely have to have him in order for this person or those people to come to me!”

On the contrary! God uses whoever and whenever he wants. It has nothing to do with some special trait or gift I think I have.

God can and could bring everyone to himself if he so chooses. But then He takes away their free will.
That’s not how God rolls!

I used to think I was something God needed to advance His kingdom. I used to think God should be happy that I chose him!
(That’s a bit egregious, but kinda close🤷🏼‍♂️)

God blessed me by knocking me off my perch and bringing me to him and his will for me.

News flash….

It wasn’t all about me and my promotion to be some great testifier of him.

It was more about becoming less so He could be more. This posturing is what he loves the most. It is also the way he can get the most glory for himself.

Today, God is doing something and I get to be part of it. My name doesn’t have to be attached, I don’t have to make a dime and I don’t have to be in charge. It’s God's thing! I’m just his servant and I’m honored to be used of my Lord.

More to come….. for sure!!🙌🏻


Being a music creator, I’ve noticed one thing that’s for sure… there is no more money to be made in the music business, anymore.
You honestly have to be an elite artist with an incredible management team in your corner and are somewhat lucky or blessed, if you plan on being wealthy or, let’s say “financially sustainable to provide for your family.”
There are ways of doing it independently. However, you will spend a lot of money on ads and email campaigns and, that being said… you are already in a hole of debt.
The music industry and especially the Christian music market are saturated with tons of “marketable” tunes. Stuff people really enjoy singing. However, it lends itself to watered down theology and cheesy praise and worship songs.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy an upbeat praise song like anybody, but sometimes it goes beyond ridiculous.

It has gotten to the place that if a song moves you emotionally, then it is marked as a great spiritual song.

Did you read what I just said?

We live in a world where everything and everyone being emotionally moved is having a God moment… and that isn’t the case.

The serpent used these emotional tactics in the garden to manipulate Adam and Eve.

Do we think he’s stopped?

If God has given you a gift to sing, write and communicate …. Then trust him to propagate.

I have more on this soon.

In the meantime, continue to glorify The Creator! 😎


Acknowledging God/Jesus is not the same as following Him and being his servant/slave.

Even the demons believe in Jesus!

They just don’t serve and follow the King of Glory!


The next time you are trying to help your brother or sister in Christ to turn from a wicked action such as living together, premarital s*x, heavy drinking, or any other inappropriate behavior unbecoming of a godly nature and character and they respond with, “mind your own business!”
Your loving response should be …

“I am. According to God's word.”

Don't apologize for doing what the Holy Spirit guides and directs you to say… to our brothers and sisters in Christ.
However, make sure you are not adding any hypercritical overtones and attitudes that are not of God.
That will pretty much wipe away any good work God tried to do and shift the focus to you.
Let God guide with love, mercy, compassion and grace.
As he does with you.


The way you live proves the bride you are!

Are you an adulteress posing as a good wife?

What’s your Christian walk say about you?


Pride is the foundation of all sin.
This is where it begins.
When your goal is to promote you and you alone. When you begin to think that you actually have something to offer God… that’s the beginning of the end of you unless you crush that thought.


Because everything about us is sinful. We are always thinking about us, me, I or whatever you call yourself.

With grace and mercy, God can crush us and begin again if……. We allow Him to make us like soft pliable clay. Nothing but a piece of matter that he can take and do with whatever he pleases.
However, if we bow up even the slightest, stiffen up our posture and think we have something that’s of worth to give to him, then we even undermine the word of God. For even Jesus was crushed and crucified for our transgressions. He, being perfect, ultimately had only one purpose and that was to glorify the Father through his death.

We say we have died to ourselves, yet we resurrect dreams and rubber stamp Jesus' name on them.

I pray for all those who have been deceived by this notion. Minister to the body and let God have his way so he can glorify himself.

Remove all hints of pride before you fall.


This is for those who just don’t know.


If the Bible or a holy document was being written in real time and you weren’t aware that you were in it, what would your legacy be?
Would it look like that of…
Diotrephes or more like Demetrius?


Remember this when you are face to face with Jesus on judgment day


“No one was sorry when he died.”

There is the good, the bad, and then there is just the ugly bad.

When your life here on this earth has ended, will you even care what people think?

For me, I would only care if I had left a Jesus mark, an impression of Christ on this planet.

If I do that,
people will have been loved and cared for.
They will have been dealt with graciously and with compassion.
People will have been discipled for Christ and I will have accomplished what I presume to be the “Great Commission.”

In the history of the Bible there were good kings and bad ones. I don’t know if they ever kept up with the previous reigns of thrones and their successes or failures? I don’t think many of them cared. All it seems they were concerned with was the lust of power and riches and all that comes with that.

Do you care about how God has dealt with folks in the past and present and how He will deal with you when this life is over?

That day will come.

Will people miss you?
Will folks feel sad at your departure?
Will people be compelled to carry on with the torch of Christ because you left behind a legacy?


Will people anticipate with hope and joy of seeing you again… in eternity?

I pray for us all that we might long to leave such an impression on this world.

Have a blessed day


Make no mistake, this is the world we live in!!

Pray🙏 for our children!


I have a theory. It’s pretty elementary, but it’s something I’ve noticed in scripture.
My theory is God has a weeding out process.
I know, “no dah Sherlock!”LOL
Read this-
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
‭‭I John‬ ‭4‬:‭1‬

Why would God lead you to test false spirits?

Interesting huh?

There are many different Jesus’s being preached these days. Not every gospel that claims Jesus is authentic.
Read this-

“But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted—you may well put up with it!”
‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭11‬:‭3‬-‭4‬

God is not afraid of losing his own children to false gospels. He just isn’t. That’s why he isn’t concerned when he advises us to test the spirits to see if it is of him.

Those that are compromised by the world will hear what their flesh and heart want to hear. They will follow whatever tickles their ear and desires. God isn’t afraid of losing those who would pollute his Kingdom.
Does God want all to come to him? Absolutely!

But God knows the heart and he knows who’s genuinely for and with him and who is not.
Remember this, God will divide the wheat from the tares one day.

Here is the question:

Which are you?

I pray that you are following the Jesus of the Bible and not a man made Jesus that feeds your desires. Surrender is making Jesus the Lord of your life.
All of your life.

Have a blessed day!


“You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!”
‭‭James‬ ‭2‬:‭19‬

People, many who claim to be followers of Christ, don’t get the contrast between this verse and the verse pictured.
There is a stark difference between you knowing Jesus and Jesus knowing you!

Judgement Day is a real thing and the only question will be…. Does He “Jesus” know you?

The evidence is a life lived emulating Christ.
You might ask, but how?

True believers have His spirit living inside them and they desire to glorify him by not sinning.
Is that even possible?
Only through the Holy Spirit.

When the Spirit of God resides in you, he doesn’t allow sin to continue without the gentle poke of his finger on your conscience and heart.

Let me make a huge statement here.

If you continue in your sins and consistent rebellion, you will not lose salvation.

What you will have proven is, you never made Christ Lord of your life. Therefore, you were never reborn.

You can’t lose what you never had.

Many people say they believe,
BUT, they have conditions for their belief.

That’s not how it works!

Does Jesus know you?

I’m praying you know the contrast and choose this day whom you will serve.

Have a blessed day.


God sees you and He knows you.
That should scare us just a little.

However, to many of us try and do too much.
God will ordain your path and lead you where “He” wants you to go if you let him.

Trust me, I’ve tried and been re-routed so many times it’s not even funny.
I’ve since realized ….
If I put on his yoke and take off mine, the load is much much lighter.
Some of us just need to chill, be still and know He is God. He will show you when and where to go and what to do.

So, intentionally relax in the Lord!😊

God bless you and have a great weekend!

Videos (show all)

The Most Important Message
YOU Are The Reason!
It's War
The Good Dirt
Who Is God?... with Daryl Clemes
The 75%
The Most Heretical Religion Of All
When God Used A Train & An Officer
Jesus, Do You Know Me?
I Never Knew You
"I Never Knew You"
Are You In Agreement With God?
