Team Mbah Raoul Mbah

Team Mbah Raoul Mbah

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Team Mbah Raoul Mbah, Political Candidate, .


🔵🔴🔵Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit

I say "You're incredible, insightful, and an asset to our Nation Cameroon"

Bar. Awasum Mispa



Son of Garoua, who says his motivation for joining the CRM is out of conviction and he is
convinced that the political program of the CRM is the best in Cameroon and its ideologyBenjamin Afouro Nitiotio
Garoua.North Region


🔵🔴🔵Meet Comrade Ghislain Fotie

Since 2012, I've followed all the stages of the CRM party.

From day one, when the party was launched, its members were already facing various pitfalls and obstructions from the regime.

5 things then fostered me to join the party as a proactive member:

1- The peaceful nature of the party's activities: Despite several attacks and acts of violence, the party has never fallen into the provocation of powers of the regime.

2- Political education of Cameroonians: For over 10 years, through its members, the party has been working in the field to politically educate people in every country of the country.

3- Diversity and inclusion: The CRM is a rainbow political party, from the executive board down to all other representatives. There is no room for discrimination or hate speech.

4- Party ideology: The party's philosophy is to engage all Cameroonians in producing more wealth for everyone and sharing it equitably without ignoring the unfortunate such as the uneducated, the disabled, etc.

5- The moral probity, integrity, and humility of the CRM leader: Prof. Kamto is known as an incorruptible, humble person of great moral rectitude.

Dr Ghislain Fotie


🔵🔴🔵Je suis Gaël Nguetseya Feujek, enseignants de Gci de formation
J'ai rejoint le MRC en 2017 étant déjà sympathisants en 2016 parceque j'ai été séduit par son idéologie, l'engagement ,la détermination et l'amour de son leader en vers sa patrie et son envie inébranlable de voir un nouveau Cameroun voir le jour.

Pour cela je me suis engagé de l'accompagner jusqu'au bout quoiqu'il m'en coûte.

Gaël Nguetseya Feujek
West Region


🔵🔴🔵Meet Comrade Mohama BEllO,

Who says he joined the CRM because he want change and the CRM is the only serious and determined opposition party in Cameroon

From Far North Region


🔵🔴🔵Meet Comrade Kaigama Ismael ,he says

My civic and activist career has taught me many things about the problems and needs of my society. I learned to identify and analyse them. The solutions I came up with were put forward to the incompetent decision-makers. That's how I became interested in a position of active and meaningful participation in the decision-making processes that have a positive impact on society.

My young age, perceived as a disadvantage, was for me an asset. However, I was convinced that, like me, many other dynamic young people wanted to make their voices heard and participate in the management of affairs that concerned them. After taking a close look at the political scene in Cameroon, I therefore found the Cameroon Renaissance Movement (CRM) interesting and convincing:

1. Its ideology, which puts people at the centre of political life;
2. Its leadership, embodied by a qualified statesman of good character and exceptional know-how, which is necessary for the pacification, inclusive and sustainable development of Cameroon;
3. His vision of society, which makes Cameroon's Youth the foundation of the nation's development.

For the CRM, youth is an opportunity, a solution to the problems we face and not a burden to be deplored.
These three reasons determined me to choose the CRM and the place it gives to Youth is for me an opportunity to encourage young people to get involved and work for the change we want peaceful and through the ballot box.

For us, the CRM is an industry for discovery, development, consolidation and the exaltation of the talents and energy of young people.

Comrade Kaigama Ismael

Far North


🔵🔴🔵Meet Comrade Brice Djolako

Who says the force of his conviction for joining the CRM is base on

j'ai rejoins le MRC parceque un homme confidentiel a décidé d'entrer en politique : c'est la détermination du Pr Maurice Kamto qui m'amène à entrer en politique.

Second reason

à cause des injustices sociales que le régime actuel inflige à la société Camerounaise tout entière ( l'achat des places dans les concours des grandes écoles, les multiples détournements qui ont rendent misérable les citoyens Camerounais.

Last reason

j'ai rejoins le MRC parceque enfin , notre parti politique propose un projet nouveau pour faire renaître le Cameroun .

West Region


🔵🔴🔵Comrade DOUMTSOP CIRYL, a committed activist of the Cameroon Renaissance Movement (CRM), in Loum.

He says he adhered to the CRM because, we are in a democratic country whose power belongs to the people, for this reason given the poor governance that exists in our country, I embrace the political program of the CRM and I have decided to join the campaign for change in Cameroon through the CRM to be able to make my contribution for the construction of our country.

Photos from Mbah Raoul Mbah's post 02/10/2023

Rebroadcast on Yesterday's program 1 PM/13H on LTM


🔵🔴🔵Plus individuellement, déjà admiratif de la réputation de notre Armée acquise dans sa promptitude à se constituer en rempart face à des menaces à certaines de nos frontières alors que j'étais tout jeune encore, j'ai eu le privilège rare de travailler avec des membres du haut commandement de cette Armée pendant plus de 17 ans sur des dossiers relatifs à la défense des frontières de notre pays. C'est dire si les Forces de sécurité et de défense camerounaises me connaissent personnellement, notamment dans mon engagement patriotique et mon immense respect pour leur sacrifice et leur professionnalisme.


More personally, already admiring the reputation of our army acquired in its promptness to build up a stronghold in the face of threats to some of our borders while I was still young, I had the rare privilege of working with members of the army High Command for more than 17 years on issues relating to the defence of our country’s borders. This means that the Cameroonian security and Defence Forces know me individually in particular my patriotic commitment and my immense respect for their sacrifice and their professionalism.

Maurice KAMTO
CRM National President


🔵🔴🔵Appeler l'Armée nationale à porter atteinte aux Institutions et à la sécurité de l'État est d'une gravité extrême et sans précédent dans notre histoire politique. Il s’agit d’un crime contre la paix et la concorde nationale. Rien ne peut justifier une telle perdition.


Calling on the National Army to undermine the Institutions of the Republic and security of the State is extremely serious and unprecedented in our political history. This is a crime against peace and national harmony. Nothing can justify such perdition.

Maurice KAMTO
CRM National President


If you missed the program on cameroon's electoral calendar,watch the rebroadcast on sunday ,on canal 307 at 8 AM


Time is the true Court of History .


Have you ever heard about Sand River? No water , only Sand Movement, One of the wonders of God. Enjoy the video


During the European revolutions of 1848, the Austrian minister to France, Klemens von Metternich, is reported to have said, “When France sneezes Europe catches a cold.”

By Now Putin could have learned from this statement...

Mbah Raoul Mbah


I will be live on Info TV on the Program Reflection 9PM -10:26PM 21 /04/2022


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