ICC 2019 Underwater Cleanup

ICC 2019 Underwater Cleanup

PCGA CRS SSS is assisting in this year's ICC Phils Underwater Cleanup. It will be held in the entire


Next week, Tuesday, 21 Jan, the Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary (PCGA) Civil Relations Service (CRS) Special Support Squadron together with the PCG CRS will be sending a truck to Calaca Batangas to distribute relief goods and assist in relief operations there and in surrounding areas. Calaca is part of the 17-20 km Taal Danger Zone.
If you have food (cup noodles, biscuits, canned goods, milk for &/or baby food), blankets or banigs, towels and personal hygiene products, basins, masks etc. that you would like to donate, please send us a PM so we can coordinate.Thank you.


Do you have food, water, medicines, blankets, tents or sleeping mats that are in good usable condition that you would like to donate to the earthquake victims in Mindanao? Pls PM us ASAP. The PCGA CRS Special Support Squadron will send them via the Philippine Coast Guard. Thank you.

Photos from Bicol Dive Center- Donsol's post 28/09/2019

Congrats, Bicol!

Photos from ICC 2019 Underwater Cleanup's post 22/09/2019

Team Bauan Divers Sanctuary (BDS) wraps up its underwater cleanup this weekend! Five cleanup dives participated in by some 40 land and sea volunteers yielded approx 45 kg of ocean trash. The stash? A car ignition coil, tires, shoes, slippers, bags, lots of diapers and water bottles and a mother lode of hundreds of detergent and food sachets.
Thank you BDS, Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary Civil Relations Service Special Support Squadron, dive leads Vince and Kix Tenchavez, and most especially to all volunteer divers for a most productive weekend! Thank you, too, to Clean Our Ocean Project for upcycling the trash that was collected, thus ensuring that this well-documented ICC cleanup is a closed loop one as well!

Photos from ICC 2019 Underwater Cleanup's post 21/09/2019

ICC 2019 Underwater Cleanup: Bauan


Happy International Coastal Cleanup Day! Safe cleanup dives to all our dive buddies out there!!!


And the adventure continues this weekend! Want to be a volunteer scubasurero from Sept 21-22? Contact your favorite dive resort or join us at Bauan Divers Sanctuary or at Saltitude, also in Batangas. PM us for details!

Photos from ICC 2019 Underwater Cleanup's post 18/09/2019

Thank you to Dirty Hands Divers and Pier Uno for your awesome volunteer cleanup dives last Sept 14! Excited to get your many, many ICC data sheets. Let's make all our September dives a cleanup dive!

Photos from ICC 2019 Underwater Cleanup's post 18/09/2019

Winds nor rain can get in the way of our September ICC Underwater cleanup activities! Thank you Craft Resort in Anilao and to the volunteer cleanup divers there last Sept 7. Mabuhay kayong lahat!


Just 10 days before the Sept 21 ICC underwater cleanup day. Pls dont forget to make all your September dives a cleanup dive!


Please don't forget to use the Ocean Conservancy-ICC data sheet when you do your cleanup dives this September!
Here it is or download from https://sites.google.com/site/iccphilippines/


What are most common trash that come up during a coastal cleanup?


Welcome to the International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) 2019 Underwater Cleanup FB page! This page is being managed by the Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary (PCGA) Civil Relations Service (CRS) Special Support Squadron (SSS). We are assisting in this year's ICC Phils Underwater Cleanup which will be held in the entire month of Sept and aim to encourage all certified divers to make all their September dives an ICC Underwater Cleanup Dive. We do this by taking the cleanup one step further through the proper documentation of the collected ocean trash through the use of Ocean Conservancy's (an ICC partner) Data Sheets. Thank you for visiting our page!


September is almost here and September is . . . International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) Month! Please join the Philippine
Coast Guard (PCG) Civil Relations Service (CRS), ICC Philippines and the PCGA CRS Special Support Squadron (SSS) in an underwater cleanup kick off activity on Sept 7 at Craft Dive Resort in Anilao. Just PM us and we'll send you the details.
Last day to sign up is today!
Php. 700 with 2 tanks, lunch, entrance fee

overnight stay Php.6,000 for 7pax airconditioned room only.

Thank you very much.


Thank you to all the divers and resorts who have signed up! Watch this page for more updates!


Welcome aboard the 2019 ICC Underwater Cleanup Volunteer Group, Bauan Divers’ Sanctuary! Thank you for your support!


Thank you, Saltitude, for your support! Mabini, Batangas will surely be a fun place to do an underwater cleanup in this Sept. 21!


Another resort on board! Thank you Lemlunay!


Thank you Pier Uno for signing up! For those of you planning to dive in the Mabini, Batangas area, please feel free to join this group by contacting :-) Watch this page for more resort participants in the coming days.


Thank your to all the divers and dive resorts that reached out to us over the weekend. We will be sending you updates soon!


Doing an ICC underwater cleanup dive takes your efforts one step further. The data you collect helps ICC Phils & Ocean Conservancy make science-based solutions for a healthy ocean and wildlife . . . and the communities that depend on them. Join us this September! PM us to sign up!


Make all your September dives an ICC cleanup dive! Join us and find out how :-)
