Phoenix Housing

Phoenix  Housing

America number one realtor network

Timeline photos 20/11/2022

Are you or someone you know educating others about best practices to address discrimination and bias in real estate? Submit your nominations before Nov. 30 for a chance to win $5,000 for the housing-related nonprofit of your choice to continue your commitment to foster change.

Older, White and Wealthy Home Buyers Are Pushing Others Out of the Market 10/11/2022

Older, White and Wealthy Home Buyers Are Pushing Others Out of the Market The share of first-time buyers fell to 26 percent, plummeting to the lowest level in four decades, when a real estate trade association began tracking such data.


Housing market proves difficult to navigate for first-time home buyers Home prices are up 13.3% from a year ago. In September, median home prices for existing homes climbed to $352,800.

83 Shocking Real Estate Statistics You Need To Know 03/08/2022

83 Shocking Real Estate Statistics You Need To Know Real estate statistics are a critical part of understanding the industry. We bring you 83 of the most compelling real estate stats this year.

Research and Statistics 03/08/2022

Research and Statistics The National Association of REALTORS® provides the latest real estate research and statistics that affect the industry. Get the stats and stay informed.
