My Short Stories

My Short Stories

Just a collection of my short stories. I like to take a word, an object or an action maybe, and com



Today’s story word, given by Mellie….

I sit here every day drinking my morning coffee, thinking about you.

We met at a coffee shop in the city so many years ago.

You came up to me and offered me a coffee.

You said you saw me here every day for the last couple weeks and wanted to meet me.

We shared a table, got to know each other and for the next 12 years,

drank coffee at our table in the kitchen every morning.

Six years of love, 6 years of fighting.

Now you are gone, and I still drink my coffee in the morning,

Remembering the days starting with your smile.

I spilled my coffee all over you eggs and toast.

I was horrified, you had to rush out for a big meeting.

You laughed and ate it, anyway, said I blessed it.

Every morning, a touch or creamer, a scoop of sugar,

A kiss and a hug to start the day.

Now I sit in this coffee shop, waiting to order my coffee,

Missing that feeling we had

“Excuse me, I think I have seen you here before,

Can I get you a cup of coffee”?

He is smiling, what do I do, this cannot ever replace

Years of you?

“No sir, I appreciate the offer,

I drink tea now. But you can join me if you like.”


Story word decanter

Today is my first day being an ambassador. Before I go off to my new embassy the President has requested, I come and talk with him. I cannot tell you how anxious I am. The country I am assigned, while not a superpower or anything, has a lot of issues. Talks of revolution and war with their neighbors always seems to be a hot topic. Keeping on good terms is certainly going to be a challenge.

I enter the presidential study and he is sitting there, legs crossed in what can best be described as a lazy boy, in the corner, relaxed and reading a book. He asks me to sit with him and have a chat. “So, are you ready for the next chapter of your life?”, he asks.

I proceed to tell him that I am prepared and will do his office justice. I am honest, that I see some challenges, but am very confident I will succeed at my post.

He tells me, “Ok, let’s talk about those challenges over a glass of wine.” Then he proceeds to pour some wine into a crystal decanter and places that decanter in a bucket of ice. “Before we drink and talk, we have to let the wine air out for a bit in the decanter, then we can have a little drink, a little talk, and toast your new adventure.” Until then, lets just talk about you and what brought you to this day.

So, we talked about my past career, my successes, and failures. He was surprisingly open about his also. After about an hour he tells me that the wine should be ready.

He pours us each a little glass and we begin to talk about my new post, and all the factions at war, the economic struggles etc.

We wrap up and have a toast to things to come. It was a good talk. Then he says, “before you go, I have a gift for you.” He goes to the cabinet and brings out another crystal decanter and a fresh bottle of wine. Holding them he explains, “when tensions are high, and the emotions that come with that, and you are meeting with somebody to make statements and promises that effect the lives of millions of other people you may never meet. I want you to do just what we did today. Pour the wine in the decanter and promise to talk about the issue over a glass. Your new friend will see that the wine is poured and that you are going to talk with them. Then tell them we must wait until it airs out. It lets the bitterness of the tannins release and presenting them with a bitter glass of wine would be rude. Until then talk about each other. When you feel the wine is not as bitter and ready, or the room is not as bitter, then pour the wine and get down to business. You will make a great number of decisions with people that are coming to you nervous or angry. It extremely important to let those emotions calm, and make negotiations from a calmer, and more logical position. Use this decanter to show intent but buy time to get to know each other first. You will find that things will go down way smother when you let the bitterness air out first.”
