

Business Transformation, Data Science, Change Management.


What is a digital twin and why invest in it? 🤖🧑

In a clip from our last week’s webinar Erman explains and separates the types of digital twins from simple twins, like parts and products, to more complex ones, like production lines and processes.

As the main reason for acquiring a digital twin, he points out the significant cost reduction and gives an example of an F1 car in a wind tunnel. A simulation like that can cost millions of euros, while the same simulation with a really good computer model costs maybe hundreds of euros.

As a second reason, he mentions that with the digital twin you can sometimes do things you couldn’t do before in real-life situations at all, which opens up a whole new playfield and an abundance of business options.

If you missed the webinar and want to learn more about digital twins in general and in practice, write us a request at [email protected] and we’ll send you the link to the full video.


This Thursday don’t forget to attend our short free webinar about the use of digital twins in chemical and pharmaceutical production. Rok Erman will present the technology and give insight into the use cases that resulted in a significant increase in the batch yields.


For Isabella Dario the Pharma Data Hack 2.0 by Novartis in Slovenia and Axiologo has been an enriching experience that gave her the opportunity to develop her technical skills, meet stimulating people and get hands-on experience of the challenges of the pharma industry.

The things she highlighted from this experience were:

1. The wider time dedicated to the development of the tool: usually hackathons last for 24/48 hours whereas here the team had 4 weeks to design and develop their solution. This gave them the chance to really put some thought into the planning phase of the workflow and then throughout the weeks adjust the original design according to the potential improvements identified

2. Concrete problems: having concrete and well-framed challenges to resolve further boosted the motivation of the team as one could feel to develop a realistic and impactful solution for day-to-day problems;

3. Great organisation: from the goodie bags and the lectures to the meeting and events, the whole organisation has proved exceptionally engaging and enriching.

She sums up the main takeaways as both the general importance of collaboration, which always pays off even if one needs to adjust to everybody’s schedule and way of work, and openness to feedback. She finds constructive criticism pivotal to the improvement of any solution so one should always listen to and understand the feedback provided by team members and mentors.

Congratulations, Isabella!



Many existing manufacturing process monitoring solutions are used to measure process KPIs and allow analytics of the production data. Very few address the use of current and past production data to forecast potential production issues and even prevent them.

Axiologo is announcing the release of the next generation production monitoring solution - the one capable of predicting potential production issues and allowing the automation of responses to them. More at ACHEMA (

How AI digital twins help weather the world’s supply chain nightmare 23/06/2022

With the supply-chain disruptions of the past two years showing no signs of easing anytime soon, businesses are turning to a new generation of AI-powered simulations called digital twins to help them get goods and services to customers on time. These tools not only predict disruptions down the line, but suggest what to do about them.

Considering the rise of this technology Erman will be discussing digital twins in our upcoming webinar, this time in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry:
Join us to learn more about it!

How AI digital twins help weather the world’s supply chain nightmare Just-in-time shipping is dead. Long live supply chains stress-tested with AI digital twins.


“It was a unique experience that helped us strengthen our data science knowledge, improve our team collaboration skills and get an understanding of real-world pharmaceutical industry problems,” says Tadej Magajna from the winning team of this year’s Pharma Data Hack organised by Novartis in Slovenia and Axiologo.

He pointed out the positive aspects of having team members from diverse backgrounds, widening his horizons from their unique perspectives, and getting support from hackathon mentors.

Bottom line, everything is possible with the right team and attitude. Congratulations Tadej!

Sign Up | LinkedIn 16/06/2022

Manufacturing operations are more and more interested in digital twins to optimise operations and increase batch yields. 🧑🤖 Use of digital twins can help in finding ways to improve operational profitability.

In the webinar, Rok Erman PhD will talk about how a digital twin can be used for production troubleshooting or a technology transfer in the pharma and chemical industry. He will present use cases of the technology application in practice.

Sign Up | LinkedIn 500 million+ members | Manage your professional identity. Build and engage with your professional network. Access knowledge, insights and opportunities.


In this year’s Novartis and Axiologo Pharma DataHack, our super talented data engineer Tilen Rupnik put on the shoes of a mentor for the first time.

He says mentoring a team is quite a different assignment from his regular work.

He particularly had fun answering questions, instead of asking them.

Sign Up | LinkedIn 09/06/2022

Want to find out how a chemical or pharmaceutical company can increase batch yields by using AI? Meet our experts at Achema 2022, the biggest chemical and pharmaceutical fair in Frankfurt, Germany.

Visit us and discover our new analytical platform PitAIa which helps customers understand the root causes of varying batch yields and act upon them in real-time to maximise batch yields.

Contact us at [email protected] to get a free one-day admission voucher and book a meeting with us. You can find us in Hall 11.0, stand No. E61 between 22.-26. 8. 2022.

Sign Up | LinkedIn 500 million+ members | Manage your professional identity. Build and engage with your professional network. Access knowledge, insights and opportunities.


Working on a market research automation tool at the Pharma Data Hack 2022 a winning team member Anton Vladyka expanded his understanding of pharmaceutical business needs. For him, it was a valuable experience in planning work on a new, unconventional project with Tilen Rupnik as a mentor and a great team of people with different backgrounds.

Congratulations Anton!



Eric Solinas, a member of the Pharma Data Hack 2022 winning team says that they achieved something they didn’t believe was possible in only 4 weeks.

The team proved that web crawlers and NLP algorithms can be used to successfully automate repetitive searches for very specific pharmaceutical data and thus help researchers save time and effort.
He described their Axiologo mentor Tilen Rupnik as “very kind, supportive and available to discuss any technical details.”

Congratulations Eric!



Many manufacturing companies are collecting large amounts of production data. They typically want to optimise their operations using data analytics and automation but the first challenge they stumble upon is data usability and quality.

In this webinar, our CTO Rok Okorn will discuss the most common data issues that limit the usability of production data for advanced analytics and give some insightful examples of how those issues can be addressed.

Save the date for this webinar on the 14th of June and also visit us at the Achema fair in Frankfurt am Main between 22.-26. August, where we will be launching our production monitoring solution PitAIa for pharma and chemical manufacturing sites with its main capability of predicting potential issues using advanced data analytics.



At our webinar, Rok Erman explained how an AI model was used for controlling a pharmaceutical reactor to significantly increase the batch yield from very expensive biological materials.

He showed a simple, yet complex visualisation - a response surface - to demonstrate the complexity of a design space and explained that the parameters on each coordinate can be adjusted in order to get to the "sweet spot" the client is looking for, which is the highest possible yield visualised as the mountain tops


We are kindly thanking all the participants of today’s webinar for joining us. Special thanks go to our speakers Rok Erman and Roman Pogačar for their in-depth and on-field explanation of how AI can be utilized to increase batch yields and increase efficiency in chemical and pharma production. 📈

Don’t forget to save the date for the next webinar in our Achema 2022 series on the 14th of June and follow our page to stay updated!


The upcoming webinar “AI in chemical and pharma production: Issues that can be predicted and prevented” will also host a guest - Roman Pogačar, Production Unit Head from Novartis.

Register for the event on Tuesday, 17.5. at 9:00 and hear his views on how advanced data analytics can be used to prevent and reduce production issues in practice.,GRDXzSlrwEaBSLHFBor_Qw[…]G8w?mode=read&tenantId=da9fcabc-d56f-4863-a9ae-4c193aab41a7

Welcome to join us!


Guests in our recent webinar about the use of AI solutions in BSH Kindlhofer Klemen from Danfoss and Klemen Arlič from BSH Home Appliances pointed out data quality and accuracy as one of the obstacles to the wider adoption of advanced analytics in manufacturing optimization.

From our experience with data, we see data quality increases with usage. The more data is analysed, the higher the increase in its various data quality aspects.


Kindly invited to a series of short, on-point webinars discussing how the state-of-the-art smart analytics and predictive solutions increase OEE, batch yields and prevent batch failure. Expect to hear from industry experts and interesting guests.
Save the dates!


Ognen Jakasanovski is answering the question of how to make the first steps toward integrating data science approaches in the organisation's culture.

He is rightfully pointing out that the first AI-related projects should firmly be in the hands of business owners and subject matter experts (SMEs). Data, its interpretation, and data science methods are tools to achieve business goals faster - in this Novartis in Slovenia case that meant to develop medicines faster.

Business twinspiration — the rise of the ‘digital twin’ 26/04/2022

Appetites for digital twins are increasing among digitally-oriented companies. But why?

Every company wants to improve its decision-making processes and reap larger benefits in these unpredictable times. Enters the digital twin.

Digital twins are virtual copies of real-world entities (either objects or systems like trains, wind turbines, factories or supply chains), which span their lifecycle, and they’re commonly applied in a range of industries from manufacturing to logistics.
The idea isn’t a new one in itself, but with the rise of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things, it makes more and more sense for businesses to invest in it, especially in the wake of disruptions caused by the pandemic and the war in Ukraine.

Security is important, hence more and more accurate predictions also become increasingly more important.

Business twinspiration — the rise of the ‘digital twin’ Organisations the world over are turning to the digital twin to improve their decision-making, but exactly why are they doubling up?

Aleksandra Turanjanin on LinkedIn: #azurecertified #datascientist #azureml 21/04/2022

We are happy to see our employees grow and we strive to invest in their education. Congratulations to Aleksandra Turanjanin for her latest achievement! 🍾

Aleksandra Turanjanin on LinkedIn: #azurecertified #datascientist #azureml I am very pleased to share that I have successfully passed Microsoft Azure Data Scientist Associate certification exam (DP-100). Officially certified! ...


In August at Achema we will be launching PAPAIA - our production monitoring solution for pharma and chemical manufacturing sites. Its main capability is to predict potential issues using advanced data analytics.

We are launching a set of webinars to explain when and how production quality issues can be anticipated and prevented.

Welcome to join us in the first one where Rok Erman PhD, our Chief Data Scientist will discuss what types of production quality issues can be anticipated and prevented.

See you there!

Registration link:,GRDXzSlrwEaBSLHFBor_Qw[…]G8w?mode=read&tenantId=da9fcabc-d56f-4863-a9ae-4c193aab41a7

5 Software Engineering Practices to Become a Better Data Scientist 14/04/2022

In order to become a better Data Scientist 👩‍💻, here are a few important software engineering practices you probably already know, but perhaps need to be reminded of:

📌 Write clean code
📌 Write modular code
📌 Optimize your code
📌 Use logging properly
📌Test your code

Data Scientists are usually a part of the projects that involve working with other people and sharing code. That is why writing robust code and following some good practices that software engineers have is so important.

5 Software Engineering Practices to Become a Better Data Scientist Best practices that data scientists should learn from software engineers.

Data and AI Frameworks 07/04/2022

Data strategy and data management frameworks are topics that need to be addressed together with any data-driven approach. We help customers design and implement data management solutions in a manner that will serve their today’s and future needs.

Data science offers many ways and methods to find insights, present and interpret them, and build data-driven models. We pride ourselves on being highly knowledgeable and experienced to advise the most suitable data science approach for a specific topic.

Data and AI Frameworks A proper organisation of data and data flows will simplify the life of data scientists and analysts in the mature stages of an AI-driven organisation. We, therefore, encourage our customers to invest time and effort into organising their data acquisition, integration, and transformation in order to

R&D 4.0 Strategy Day 2022 - 05/04/2022

In April you can listen to what Klemen Arlič, Industry 4.0 lead from BSH Home Appliances has to say about using AI to optimise R&D and the manufacturing of coffee machines. A single optimization project helped them increase the production throughput by 2%. 📈

We can offer a 10% discount to attend the R&D 4.0 Strategy day in ZĂźrich and learn why companies that lead in Industry 4.0 adoption are more efficient and profitable. Contact us and get your discount code.

Link to the event:

R&D 4.0 Strategy Day 2022 - F&E Digitalisierung, Modellierungen, Simulationen, Prototyping, Prozessintegration, Agilität, Digitale Ökosysteme, Digital Engineering, AI


Excellent coffee is important to us. ☕ So it is to BSH Home Appliances Group that tries to deliver the best coffee drinking experience right to their customers’ homes.

In the case of improving their coffee machine manufacturing process Klemen Arlič, BSH industry 4.0 lead in BSH, has listed the most interesting insights they have observed with advanced analytics of manufacturing process data:

📌 An in-depth understanding of most common errors and their potential causes

📌 Magnitude and behaviour of product characteristics shift due to process or material changes

📌 Correlation between different characteristics being tested in the manufacturing process

These insights are helping them to increase FPY (First Pass Yield) by a significant factor. Measuring and understanding product behaviour is key for the next level of process excellence automation. And for great coffee, of course.


Here is a short clip from our recent webinar with Novartis in Slovenia and a brief closing thought from Ognen Jakasanovski.

He discusses in which areas it makes sense to start with data science projects and why.

Photos from Axiologo's post 24/03/2022

We can hear the term “data storytelling” quite often, but what does it really mean?
This is a fine and renowned illustration of how powerful storytelling really is in data science. It also distinguishes efficiency from effectiveness. What good does any kind of expert effort really make, if one is going in the wrong direction altogether?

The story goes like this:

During World War II, fighter planes would come back from battle with bullet holes. The Allies found the areas that were most commonly hit by enemy fire. They sought to strengthen the most commonly damaged parts of the planes to reduce the number that was shot down.

A mathematician Abraham Wald pointed out that perhaps there was another way to look at the data. Perhaps the reason certain areas of the planes weren't covered in bullet holes was that planes that were shot in those areas did not return. This insight led to the armour being re-enforced on the parts of the plane where there were no bullet holes.

The story behind the data is arguably more important than the data itself. Or more precisely, the reason behind why we are missing certain pieces of data may be more meaningful than the data we have.

Axiologo on LinkedIn: Axiologo BSH webiar 22/03/2022

Thank you all for attending our online event with detailed insight into the role data science plays in the manufacturing R&D in the BSH Home Appliances company.

The key learnings are:
➡️ Data analytics provides a deep insight into the manufacturing process
➡️ Process automation is a step that can be done once the process is well understood
➡️ People development is a key step in the digital transformation process

Once again we would like to thank Klemen Arlič, BSH Industry 4.0 lead, for the in-depth revelation of the importance DS has in the home appliances manufacturing industry. The audience had a great opportunity to sneak peek into one of BSH’s production lines and see the impactful improvement that can be made today.
We also wish to thank our second speaker Klemen Kindlhofer again for providing insight into his view on the use of advanced analytics in manufacturing and product development.

Thank you both for your passionate presentation and open discussions with the audience.

Axiologo on LinkedIn: Axiologo BSH webiar Thank you all for attending our online event with detailed insight into the role data science plays in the manufacturing R&D in the BSH Home Appliances...

Pharma Data Science Hack 2.0 16/03/2022

Do you love data and want to transform it into business value? We kindly invite candidates from various natural and technical fields who are interested in working in the field of data science, working with data and data prediction to join us at the second Pharma Data Science Hack co-organized by Novartis in Slovenia and Axiologo.

You will have the opportunity to participate in real challenges from the pharmaceutical industry and bring home some attractive prizes for all participating teams.

Applications close soon, so hurry up until March 18, 2022!

Pharma Data Science Hack 2.0 Join us at the second Pharma Data Science Hack. Applications are open between February 21 and March 18, 2022.

Axiologo on LinkedIn: Ai at Novartis in Slovenia Webinar 15/03/2022

Thank you all for attending our online event with detailed insight into the role data science plays in the pharmaceutical R&D of Novartis in Slovenia.

The main learnings are:

➡️ Data-driven drug development is faster
➡️ The payoff from digital initiatives is exponential with time and effort invested
➡️ The key to success is the proper balance of process transformation, culture change and tools

Once again we would like to thank the speakers Ognen Jakasanovski and BoĹĄtjan Petek for portraying the state-of-the-art landscape of the role Data Science has in the pharmaceutical industry, for your passionate presentation and open discussions with the audience.

Axiologo on LinkedIn: Ai at Novartis in Slovenia Webinar Thank you all for attending our online event with detailed insight into the role data science plays in the pharmaceutical R&D of Novartis in Slovenia. ...

Videos (show all)

Digital Twin: What Is It and Why Invest in It by Rok Erman PhD
Pharmaceutical Reactor Yield - AI Use Case by Rok Erman
People Enable AI