Concussion Awareness Now

Concussion Awareness Now

Coalition dedicated to concussion awareness and education. #CheckYourMelon

The Concussion Awareness Now coalition includes almost 20 partners, including organizations whose members treat concussions, advocate for patients and work with communities who are vulnerable to concussions. Concussions affect everyone – from parents, children and older adults to veterans, athletes, and individuals facing intimate partner violence – which is why we are focused on raising awareness


Summer is a time for spending quality time outside, and enjoying bicycle rides with friends and family. Learn more about how to keep your brain safe this summer with tips from Tracie Bearden, Speech Language Pathologist and Certified Brain Injury Specialist Trainer:


Did you know? Falls are the #1 cause of concussions, and the leading cause of injury among older adults age 65+.

CAN is partnering with member organization, National Council on Aging, to share information on concussion and falls prevention. Falls Prevention Awareness Week is observed every September. NCOA hosted a webinar on awareness tools and ideas for raising awareness about falls prevention. CAN's Project Director, Gina Peattie, was honored to be a guest presenter to share information about CAN and the link between concussion and falls. View the recording here:


Spotting signs of a concussion in others can be difficult, especially when it comes to toddlers or babies who can't tell you how they're feeling. Some common signs to look out for include crying without being able to be consoled or refusing to eat or nurse. Learn more:


ICYMI - the recording of "The Emerging Concussion Landscape: Where We Are and Envisioning What is Ahead," convened by the National Athletic Trainers' Association at their annual symposia last month, is available for viewing. Visit the link to learn more and see several CAN member organizations represented, including Brain Injury Association of America, Abbott and PINK Concussions. Watch the recording here:


If you hit your head, follow these three simple steps:

1. Stop: Take a moment to assess. Prioritize yourself and your health.
2. Look for Symptoms: Some symptoms might show up immediately, while others present in the days after an injury.
3. Get it Checked: It's better to be safe than sorry. If you suspect that you have a concussion, get it looked at by a medical professional.


Concussion Awareness Now has been busy traveling these last few months to share information, resources and to connect with others about concussion education. Read our latest blog for details!


Together, we can create a future where every person with a concussion receives the right diagnosis, the best possible care, and the resources and information they need. You can help the cause by becoming a Concussion Awareness Now Champion. Sign up today:


If you think you or someone you care about has suffered a concussion, you might have a lot of questions. The National Brain Injury Information Center can help! Call 1-800-444-6443 to speak to a Brain Injury Specialist.


CAN Collaboration in Action!

Concussion Awareness Now (CAN) steering committee member, the National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA), is hosting “The Emerging Concussion Landscape: Where We Are and Envisioning What is Ahead” on Thursday, June 27 at 1:30pm CT, during NATA’s clinical symposia.

The panel will share perspectives on concussion prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Several CAN member organizations will be represented on the panel, including NATA, Brain Injury Association of America (CAN co-chair), Abbott (CAN Co-Chair), and PINK Concussions.

To join the briefing virtually, please RSVP to [email protected] and a link will be sent to you. We are grateful to NATA for organizing this important conversation!


brought together scientists, clinicians, and health-care providers focused on neurotrauma and improving patient care. Concussion Awareness Now was pleased to be an exhibitor at this event and share information about our work with attendees! Pictured here are Gina Peattie, CAN Project Director, and CAN representative, Grace Griesbach of NNS.


Did you know? Bicycling leads to the highest number of sport and recreation-related emergency department visits for traumatic brain injuries in the United States. Learn more about protecting your brain while biking this summer:


Recovery means rest. Returning to normal activity too soon after a concussion can worsen symptoms and even lengthen recovery time. Taking action means not only getting help, but it can also mean taking time away from work, school, sports or other activities as needed.


Concussion Awareness Now (CAN) is excited to be a part of the National Neurotrauma Society Symposium in San Francisco this week! If you are attending the symposium, be sure to stop by to learn more about CAN's work and pick up some merch featuring the Melon Family.


There is a wide range of concussion symptoms that can develop immediately or over time after someone hits their head. These symptoms can include headaches, vision issues, nausea, and more. View a full list of potential symptoms here:


What should you do if you hit your head? Stop, look out for symptoms, then get it checked. Learn more about concussion at


Concussions can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime. In fact, falls - tripping over a rug or stumbling on the stairs - are a leading cause of concussion. It might not seem like a big deal, but if you fall and hit your head, it's better to play it safe and get checked by a medical professional.


Concussions happen in a variety of ways and symptoms are different for different people. Symptoms can include headaches, vision issues, nausea and more. Learn more here:


May is National Bike Safety Month! In our latest blog, speech pathologist and certified brain injury specialist trainer, Tracie Bearden shares information about how to keep your brain safe while biking. Click the link in our bio to learn more here.


Earlier this year, members of the BIAA team brought the Concussion Awareness Now (CAN) booth to the Brain Injury Awareness Fair on Brain Injury Awareness Day, where they shared information and resources about concussion.

Dr. Brooke Mills is proof that a concussion can happen anytime, at any place, and to anyone. A decade after her concussion occurred, Dr. Mills now speaks regularly about her experiences and encourages others to learn and keep an eye out for concussion symptoms. She even helped at our CAN booth for Brain Injury Awareness Day! Learn more about how the CAN community is helping to spread awareness:

National Association of State Head Injury Administrators - Nashia
United States Brain Injury Alliance


Concussion Awareness Now (CAN) was honored to participate in the 2024 Age + Action Conference hosted by the National Council on Aging (NCOA) last week. We chatted with attendees, shared information about CAN, and had many new Concussion Awareness Champions sign up to support our cause! Pictured are Gina Peattie, CAN Project Director, and Angela Bonham, NCOA staff and CAN coalition representative.


We are grateful for the support and involvement of our network of CAN Champions! In our recent blog post, we highlight the incredible impact of our volunteer advocates, working to increase awareness and education about concussions. Read more about their contributions and learn about how to support the cause:


We are excited to be a part of the National Council on Aging's Age and Action Conference today in Arlington, Virginia! If you are at the conference, be sure to stop by booth 132 to learn more about Concussion Awareness Now and enter to win a free Concussion Awareness Now t-shirt.


Returning to normal activity too soon after a concussion can worsen symptoms and even lengthen recovery time. Give your brain a break. Rest and repair come first.


Last month, Concussion Awareness Now and the Melon Family made an appearance at Thiel College to help spread awareness about concussions during Brain Injury Awareness Month. Thank you to everyone who came together to make the event happen. If you want to host a similar event in your community, we encourage you to do so! There are educational materials available on the Concussion Awareness Now website that you can print and distribute at your own concussion awareness events:


Myth: If you hit your head but didn't lose consciousness, you probably don't have a concussion.

Fact: Concussions have many possible symptoms, and loss of consciousness is only one of them. Not everyone with a concussion will lose consciousness.


If you hit your head, follow these three simple steps:
1. Stop: Take a moment to assess. Prioritize yourself and your health.
2. Look for Symptoms: Some symptoms might show up immediately, while others present in the days after an injury.
3. Get it Checked: It's better to be safe than sorry. If you suspect that you have a concussion, get it looked at by a medical professional.


Some people with concussions feel better within a few days or so, but for others, their symptoms can last for weeks, months, or even years. This was the case for Allison Moir-Smith, who sustained a concussion when she fell down on a ski trip and hit her head. Learn about how she built a support network when her concussion symptoms lingered:


Have a question about concussions or how to get help? The experts at the National Brain Injury Information Center are here to help. Call 1-800-444-6443 to get in touch.

Videos (show all)

Concussion Awareness with Thiel College
The Internet Expert - Concussion Awareness Now PSA
Check Your Melon
Take the #MelonPledge
Take the #MelonPledge
Get it checked
Take the #MelonPledge
Don't Mess With Your Melon
1 in 2 Concussions are Ignored
Don't Let a Concussion Sneak Up on You
Melon Confessions 3
Melon Confessions 2