Aseel Afghan Bukhari Restaurant & Bakery

Aseel Afghan Bukhari Restaurant & Bakery

ASEEL AFGHAN BUKHARI RESTAURANT & BAKERY is located in the heart of the city, in a busy area with lots of foot traffic.

Our menu is extensive and includes both classic and contemporary dishes And our food is delicious


Where taste meets expectations
عدس + خبز
Contact us : Ummsalal (Mob: 55641010 , Tel: 44360786)
Gharrafa (Mob: 55959502 , Tel: 44130055)
Sahaniya (Mob: 50553139 , Tel: 44354439)


Where taste meets expectations
Foul Gulaba Bread
حيث يلبي الذوق التوقعات
فول قلابة + جبز
Contact us : Ummsalal (Mob: 55641010 , Tel: 44360786)
Gharrafa (Mob: 55959502 , Tel: 44130055)
Sahaniya (Mob: 50553139 , Tel: 44354439)

Aseel Afghan Bukhari Restaurant & Bakery ASEEL AFGHAN BUKHARI RESTAURANT & BAKERY is located in the heart of the city, in a busy area with lots of foot traffic. Our menu is extensive and includes both classic and contemporary dishes And our food is delicious


A Delicious Combination of Comfort and Adventure!
Tasty Liver Half bread & Pickle
مزيج لذيذ من الراحة والمغامرة!
كبدة مع نصف خبز ومخلل

Contact us : Ummsalal (Mob: 55641010 , Tel: 44360786)
Gharrafa (Mob: 55959502 , Tel: 44130055)
Sahaniya (Mob: 50553139 , Tel: 44354439)

Aseel Afghan Bukhari Restaurant & Bakery ASEEL AFGHAN BUKHARI RESTAURANT & BAKERY is located in the heart of the city, in a busy area with lots of foot traffic. Our menu is extensive and includes both classic and contemporary dishes And our food is delicious


Taste the Authentic Tradition with Bukhari Half Chicken Grill!
تذوق التقليد الأصيل مع بخاري نصف دجاج مشوي!

Contact us : Ummsalal (Mob: 55641010 , Tel: 44360786)
Gharrafa (Mob: 55959502 , Tel: 44130055)
Sahaniya (Mob: 50553139 , Tel: 44354439)

Aseel Afghan Bukhari Restaurant & Bakery ASEEL AFGHAN BUKHARI RESTAURANT & BAKERY is located in the heart of the city, in a busy area with lots of foot traffic. Our menu is extensive and includes both classic and contemporary dishes And our food is delicious


A delicious twist on a classic dish!
لمسة لذيذة على طبق كلاسيكي!

Contact us : Ummsalal (Mob: 55641010 , Tel: 44360786)
Gharrafa (Mob: 55959502 , Tel: 44130055)
Sahaniya (Mob: 50553139 , Tel: 44354439)

Aseel Afghan Bukhari Restaurant & Bakery ASEEL AFGHAN BUKHARI RESTAURANT & BAKERY is located in the heart of the city, in a busy area with lots of foot traffic. Our menu is extensive and includes both classic and contemporary dishes And our food is delicious


"Good food for a happy life."
"طعام جيد لحياة سعيدة."
Contact us : Ummsalal (Mob: 55641010 , Tel: 44360786)
Gharrafa (Mob: 55959502 , Tel: 44130055)
Sahaniya (Mob: 50553139 , Tel: 44354439)

Aseel Afghan Bukhari Restaurant & Bakery ASEEL AFGHAN BUKHARI RESTAURANT & BAKERY is located in the heart of the city, in a busy area with lots of foot traffic. Our menu is extensive and includes both classic and contemporary dishes And our food is delicious


Taste the Authentic Flavor of Bukhari Half Chicken!
تذوق النكهة الأصليةبخاري مح نصف دجاج ماكابنة!

Contact us : Ummsalal (Mob: 55641010 , Tel: 44360786)
Gharrafa (Mob: 55959502 , Tel: 44130055)
Sahaniya (Mob: 50553139 , Tel: 44354439)

Aseel Afghan Bukhari Restaurant & Bakery ASEEL AFGHAN BUKHARI RESTAURANT & BAKERY is located in the heart of the city, in a busy area with lots of foot traffic. Our menu is extensive and includes both classic and contemporary dishes And our food is delicious


The best bukhari mutton in town!
أفضل لحم بخاري في البلدة!
Contact us : Ummsalal (Mob: 55641010 , Tel: 44360786)
Gharrafa (Mob: 55959502 , Tel: 44130055)
Sahaniya (Mob: 50553139 , Tel: 44354439)

Aseel Afghan Bukhari Restaurant & Bakery ASEEL AFGHAN BUKHARI RESTAURANT & BAKERY is located in the heart of the city, in a busy area with lots of foot traffic. Our menu is extensive and includes both classic and contemporary dishes And our food is delicious


"Experience the Authentic Taste of Mandhi Goat - At Our Restaurant"
"جرب الطعم الأصيل لتيس مندي كامل في مطعمنا"

Contact us : Ummsalal (Mob: 55641010 , Tel: 44360786)
Gharrafa (Mob: 55959502 , Tel: 44130055)
Sahaniya (Mob: 50553139 , Tel: 44354439)

Aseel Afghan Bukhari Restaurant & Bakery ASEEL AFGHAN BUKHARI RESTAURANT & BAKERY is located in the heart of the city, in a busy area with lots of foot traffic. Our menu is extensive and includes both classic and contemporary dishes And our food is delicious


A delicious escape from the ordinary.
Aseel Afghan Bukhari Restaurant & Bakery
Beans mix + Half bread & pickle
ﻓﻮﻝ ﻣﺸﻜﻞ ﻣﺢ ﻧﺼﻒ ﺧﺒﺰ ﻭﻣﺨﻠﻞ
هروب لذيذ من المألوف.
Contact us : Ummsalal (Mob: 55641010 , Tel: 44360786)
Gharrafa (Mob: 55959502 , Tel: 44130055)
Sahaniya (Mob: 50553139 , Tel: 44354439)

Aseel Afghan Bukhari Restaurant & Bakery ASEEL AFGHAN BUKHARI RESTAURANT & BAKERY is located in the heart of the city, in a busy area with lots of foot traffic. Our menu is extensive and includes both classic and contemporary dishes And our food is delicious

Photos from Aseel Afghan Bukhari Restaurant & Bakery's post 17/11/2022

Our food menu includes a variety of delicious and nutritious items to choose from. Whether you're looking for a quick snack or a hearty meal, we've got something to suit your appetite. So, come on in and enjoy!

Contact us : Ummsalal (Mob: 55641010 , Tel: 44360786)
Gharrafa (Mob: 55959502 , Tel: 44130055)
Sahaniya (Mob: 50553139 , Tel: 44354439)
تشمل قائمتنا مجموعة متنوعة من العناصر اللذيذة والمغذية للاختيار من بينها. سواء كنت تبحث عن وجبة خفيفة سريعة أو وجبة دسمة ، فلدينا ما يناسب شهيتك. لذا ، تعال واستمتع!
