Sovereign Health and Wellness

Sovereign Health and Wellness

Welcome to my page. I'm a holistic health and wellness coach, chartered herbalist and specialized ki

Photos from Sovereign Health and Wellness's post 26/01/2024

Digestive issues are no joke. They disrupt life and cause a negative domino effect when it comes to your health.
When your digestive system is under stress, the entire body is affected. From mental health to hormone health to immune function and everything in between.
If you are dealing with health issues, the first thing to address is your gut health, regardless of what your symptoms are or what the diagnosis is.
You’ll need to focus on healing and cleaning up the liver, colon and digestive system as a whole. Once you do this, you’ll see radical improvement in your health.
A few things that severely damage gut health/gut flora that are:
*OTC and prescription medications/pain killers
*Poor diet
*artificial sweeteners
*processed foods and other chemical food additives
*birth control
*Non-organic foods
*Too much protein
Foods that feed good bacteria/improve gut health are:
*Cruciferous veggies
*Beans and legumes
*Adequate water intake.
Caring for your gut and clearing out the toxic junk like candida and parasites will transform your health in ways that may even surprise you!
Are you ready to feel your very best? I can help!

Photos from Sovereign Health and Wellness's post 25/01/2024

We shouldn’t be choosing what we consume based on fads - whether that’s a diet, supplement or the latest superfood - even when they come with a laundry list of ‘benefits’.

It’s less complicated when the supplement contains a singular item like Vitamin C or Magnesium. It’s when we get into ‘food’ type supplements that it can get tricky. Things like sea moss or chlorella for example.

You can’t cherry pick individual components of a food, supplement or drink and assume that the item (whatever it is) as a whole is healthy.

Most things do in fact contain healthy or health promoting compounds, but that doesn’t automatically make them healthy. What else do they contain? That’s what’s important.

Just because red wine contains antioxidants doesn’t make it a health food or even remotely healthy. It also contains alcohol which is a potent liver and brain toxin. Or just because something contains vitamins and minerals, how is the whole food assimilated by the body? Does it have detrimental effects on health?

I always recommend speaking with a knowledgeable practitioner that can explain to you why something is healthy or why it’s not in detail. Explain how it affects the body, good or bad.

You can always do your own research if you have the time to do so. It’s time consuming to read all the studies and w**d through the trash. Here are a few things to look for if you want to do your own research:

*who funded the study?
*How large was the study?
*What was the duration of the study?
*Where there controls?
*Was it peer reviewed?
*How recent is it?
*If the study was based on a whole food (not a singular vitamin or mineral supplement), was there a breakdown of all of its components and how each one affects the body? Not just something like ‘we know we need calcium and dairy contains calcium therefore it’s beneficial’ while failing to mention all the health destroying mechanisms and cancer causing components of dairy.

It’s so important to have the whole picture, not cherry picked info to sell a potentially dangerous product.

Photos from Sovereign Health and Wellness's post 23/01/2024

I see a lot of people (health coaches included) recommending people drink apple cider vinegar, kombucha and load up on fermented foods to heal candida or improve gut health and digestion.
None of these things are going to improve your gut health and in fact, if you have candida, they’re going to make it even worse.
Fermenting almost always causes aldehyde toxicity. Aldehydes are caused by the actions of yeast, fungus and molds and while not lethal, they definitely do their fair share of damage to the body.
Aldehydes can damage tissue causing:
Aldehydes also change the structure of red blood cells, stiffening them making it difficult for them to travel through capillaries causing less oxygen to make it to the brain.
Foods that actually improve gut health are:
*Dark left greens
**A quick caveat on those foods. If you have candida, you’ll have to avoid fruit until you’ve healed it.
If your gut is in good health and you’ve cleared candida, the occasional consumption of fermented foods isn’t a big deal, but until then, or if you have any digestive issues at all, it’s best to avoid them until you get your digestive health back in good shape.
Keep in mind, upwards of 75% of the population (both men and women) have candida overgrowth to some extent. Candida is the root of so many heath issues that stretch far beyond gut trouble.
Ready to heal your gut? I’d love to help. 🤍

Photos from Sovereign Health and Wellness's post 22/01/2024

Good liver health is a must for overall health. It aids in digestion, it filters out toxins, regulates inflammation, helps to metabolize protein fats and carbs and it breaks down insulin and other hormones. ​​​​​​​​
If you are lacking a gallbladder, there’s nowhere for bile to be stored and the bile ends up getting dumped directly into the small intestine. When you consume fats, the liver has to do this very quickly. It’s really hard for your body to digest fats when you no longer have a gallbladder and the extra strain on your liver trying to keep up compromises its function further.​​​​​​​​
If you’ve had your gall bladder removed it’s important to take digestive enzyme to help your digestive system break down and assimilate nutrients properly. ​​​​​​​​
It’s important to eat a diet low in fat to avoid non alcoholic fatty liver disease, gall bladder issues, heart disease and diabetes, which are just a few common issues a high fat diet causes. ​​​​​​​​
If you have scent sensitivy, environmental chemical sensitivity, caffeine sensitivity or if garlic or onions bother you when you eat them, one or both phases of your liver is compromised. ​​​​​​​​
Supporting your liver and ensuring both of its detoxification pathways are functioning properly is extremely important, its the difference between good health and poor health. ​​​​​​​​
A diet rich in fresh fruits and veggies support the pathways and processes of the liver so make sure these make up the bulk of your diet. And always choose organic when you can!
Are you ready to feel amazing? Get your health not only back on track but optimized? Book your free 20 min consultation and let’s chat!

Photos from Sovereign Health and Wellness's post 19/01/2024

The vagus nerve plays an important role in both digestion and your immune system.
It also helps us manage stress when it’s ‘toned’ (strong and healthy).
It’s the nerve responsible for the bidirectional communication between your gut and your brain. It’s also the nerve that shifts between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. When the vagus nerve is stimulated it releases an anti-inflammatory neurotransmitter to help ease inflammation at its route.
A strong vagus nerve plays so many vital roles to keep you healthy so why not show it a little love by incorporating a few of the things you can do to strengthen it?

Photos from Sovereign Health and Wellness's post 12/01/2024

Depression? Anxiety? Mood disorders?
Try healing your gut before you do anything else.
Most of the time it’s simply a gut health issue. Sometimes it’s a vitamin deficiency. And beyond both of these, there’s usually, if not always, a source of trauma at the root.
What it never is is a chemical imbalance.
It has NEVER been proven that there are chemical imbalances in the brain at the root of mental health issues. On top of that, the chemicals they prescribe to ‘manage’ these issues greatly impair, if not destroy, the body’s natural ability to produce the hormones it requires to function in a healthy manner.
If you suffer from mental health issues, please heal your gut and get your vitamin and mineral levels checked, make the necessary adjustments and take supplements when w**ded to balance your body out.
Your body is perfect. It just needs the proper care support to function optimally.
Are you ready to feel your absolute best? Book your FREE consultation. DM for details.


Take your power back. It’s your life and your health. Don’t wait for the medical system to ‘save you’. No one can save you but yourself.
If you’ve been put on the back burner for treatment by the ‘system’, don’t get mad, it may in fact save your life, but ONLY if you don’t sit around waiting.
Their idea of treatments are typically cut, burn, poison - none of which are actually healing. Choosing that route, not only have to heal from the illness, you’ll have to heal from the treatment as well. Of course in certain scenarios (acute/emergency) these things do have their place, but generally there are much better options.
My approaches are cleanse, detox and fuel your body with life giving, healing, health promoting foods. This sets you up to HEAL.
If you feel like your practitioner is failing you, find a new one. I don’t care if it’s your family doctor, your Chinese medicine guy, a specialist, your naturopath, it doesn’t matter.
If you are not getting well, if you’re not feeling better, if you aren’t healing, they aren’t helping you. Period.
The more time you waste on useless management and best guess strategies, the sicker you’ll become, believe me, I know.
The more times you hear ‘there’s no cure for what you have, just management, restrictive ‘diets’, medications, surgeries etc’ the more you’ll believe that and I’m here to tell you that’s NOT true.
The body is miraculous and fully equipped to heal once you learn how to support it properly. This means a full lifestyle change because you can’t heal in the same environment that made you sick. In other words, your lifestyle made you sick so it’s time for a revamp and I can help you do that!
Are you ready to heal, feel amazing and THRIVE? Book your FREE consultation today! DM for details.

Photos from Sovereign Health and Wellness's post 10/12/2023
Photos from Sovereign Health and Wellness's post 24/11/2023

I feel like the action of charcoal should be obvious as we literally use it as a filter, but it seems the full picture gets lost.
Taking activated charcoal can cause nutrient deficiencies. It absorbs both the bad and the good - it's doesn't pick and choose, so I don't recommend it as a supplement.
While it has it's place, that place shouldn't be in your supplement line up.
Our goal is to consume and absorb as many nutrients as possible for good health and disease prevention through a high raw, low fat, high carb diet. We don't want to be doing anything that inhibits the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
So ditch the charcoal and opt for eating clean, organic fresh food, healthy detoxification practices like juice fasts (done RIGHT), dry brushing, starting the day with warm lemon water, rebounding, biomat or far infrared sauna sessions, staying hydrated with fresh clean water and coffee e***as.
Healthy daily habits are what you’re after for great health. It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change. 🤍

Photos from Sovereign Health and Wellness's post 22/11/2023

Coffee e***as are safe, done in your own home with your own equipment and have so many health benefits including powerful detoxification, pain relief, liver support, gallbladder support and an huge increase in glutathione (up to 700%!) which is the master antioxidant and is required for the liver to function properly.
Coffee e***a kits can be ordered online through places like amazon or picked up at most pharmacies.
Make sure you are only using ORGANIC coffee for your e***as. Choose a light or medium roast.
If you have any questions or want to know more about coffee e***as or how to do them, shoot me a DM!

Photos from Sovereign Health and Wellness's post 09/11/2023

If you have suffered from an inflammatory disease, you know first hand how debilitating it is. The most serious bowel diseases fall under the inflammatory disease umbrella. Diverticulitis, Crohn's disease, colitis and ulcerative colitis. These diseases can lead to partial or entire loss of the colon and in many cases are accompanied by liver disease.
Eliminating inflammation is the first step to healing. Inflammation is caused by diet and exposure to toxins which directly affect how well/how poorly your liver is functioning.
If you were exposed a large amount of pesticides by growing up near large farms or by consuming a lot of conventional meat and/or dairy, your liver is under a lot of stress. There is likely a disruption in the cytochrome p450 enzyme system causing the liver's phase one detoxification process to be overactive.
When this happens, you end up with extremely high levels of free radicals and extremely depleted glutathione levels. This leads not only to inflammation but also liver damage and an increased risk of cancer. It also causes the liver's phase 2 process to be overloaded which causes further problems.
Exposure to mercury and other heavy metals, antidepressants, alcohol, too much saturated fat, too much omega 6 fats, paint fumes, exhaust fumes and dioxin can all cause phase one to be over active as well.
The first step to reducing/eliminating inflammation is to support and cleanse your liver. The best way to do this is by doing juice fast and/or liver cleanse following the proper protocols or you'll do more harm than good.
You need to ensure you are safely removing the toxic overload from your system so you can restore proper liver function.

Photos from Sovereign Health and Wellness's post 01/11/2023

Detoxing is an integral part of not only reversing disease but also maintaining health.
Your body simply can’t deal with the amount of toxins thrown at it on a daily basis on its own. We are bombarded with them non stop.
Whether it’s a candida, liver and kidney cleansing, heavy metal detox, parasites or just a general juice fast to give your body a break so it can purge stored toxins, rest, repair and heal, it’s important to support your body to keep it healthy.
I recommend doing juice fasts on a regular basis. Whether you choose to do a day or two a week, one full week every few months or an extended fast a couple of times a year is up to you - everyone can benefit from diving into a longer, deep healing juice fast done 1-2 times a year. The important thing is that you do them.
And don’t forget to add green juices to your daily routine. You’ll notice a huge difference in how you feel!
Wanting to dive into a detox and improve your health but don’t know how or which one is best for you to start with? Book your FREE introductory wellness call today and I can give you the guidance you need!

Photos from Sovereign Health and Wellness's post 24/10/2023

Chronic inflammation is the underlying cause of all chronic illness.
When you’re chronically inflamed, your body can’t fight infection and you become immune compromised. That’s why when you see 2 people are exposed to the same virus, and one gets super sick while the other barley a sniffle or nothing at all, the person that gets really sick has a compromised immune system.
Chronic inflammation can be caused by quite a few things like Lyme disease, leaky gut, parasites, candida/fungal infections, mold, heavy metals so a blanket treatment of symptoms isn’t going to help long term. You need to get to the root.
A low fat diet rich in fresh fruits and veggies, stress management, good gut health and a strong vagus nerve will have a direct effect on inflammation on the body.
Food is medicine and so are your daily habits 🤍

Photos from Sovereign Health and Wellness's post 21/10/2023

Write a caption... Stress is unavoidable to a certain degree, so it's important that we manage it well.
Eating well, getting adequate sleep, meditation and taking the proper supplements during times of stress can make a world of difference.
B1 is a great go to and I recommend keeping it on hand for when you need it.
Food sources of B1 are: Oatmeal, sunflower seeds, potatoes and kale.
B1 is also important for:
*maintaining proper heart function
*coverting TPP which works to form DNA and RNA
*Forms a release of acetylcholine - needed for brain function
*Your body uses B1 to form ATP for energy
*Improves carbohydrate tolerance
*Increases energy production
As well as all of its roles as mentioned in the slides.
B1 deficiency can present as generalized muscle weakness and mental confusion.
So if you've been feeling stressed and out of sorts, try taking a B1 supplement to get you through. I find I notice a difference very quickly!

Photos from Sovereign Health and Wellness's post 21/10/2023

Stress is unavoidable to a certain degree, so it's important that we manage it well.
Eating well, getting adequate sleep, meditation and taking the proper supplements during times of stress can make a world of difference.
B1 is a great go to and I recommend keeping it on hand for when you need it.
Food sources of B1 are: Oatmeal, sunflower seeds, potatoes and kale.
B1 is also important for:
*maintaining proper heart function
*coverting TPP which works to form DNA and RNA
*Forms a release of acetylcholine - needed for brain function
*Your body uses B1 to form ATP for energy
*Improves carbohydrate tolerance
*Increases energy production
As well as all of its roles as mentioned in the slides.
B1 deficiency can present as generalized muscle weakness and mental confusion.
So if you've been feeling stressed and out of sorts, try taking a B1 supplement to get you through. I find I notice a difference very quickly!


Stress is unavoidable to a certain degree, so it's important that we manage it well.
Eating well, getting adequate sleep, meditation and taking the proper supplements during times of stress can make a world of difference.
B1 is a great go to and I recommend keeping it on hand for when you need it.
Food sources of B1 are: Oatmeal, sunflower seeds, potatoes and kale.
B1 is also important for:
*maintaining proper heart function
*coverting TPP which works to form DNA and RNA
*Forms a release of acetylcholine - needed for brain function
*Your body uses B1 to form ATP for energy
*Improves carbohydrate tolerance
*Increases energy production
As well as all of its roles as mentioned in the slides.
B1 deficiency can present as generalized muscle weakness and mental confusion.
So if you've been feeling stressed and out of sorts, try taking a B1 supplement to get you through. I find I notice a difference very quickly!

Photos from Sovereign Health and Wellness's post 19/10/2023

Health isn't a trend. Neither is diet or lifestyle.
You can't magic pill/shake/weird drink concoction your way to health.
While a lot of these things may contain health promoting additions, most of the time they're not great quality, aren't bioavailable, are blended in some secret "proprietary blend" (stay away from those, there's no way to find out exactly what's in them and in what amounts) or are in amounts that are pretty much useless.
It's all catchy tag lines and fancy marketing for the most part.
Eat real food. Buy high quality, 3rd party tested supplements. Save your money and forgo crap like mushroom infused coffee/coffee replacements and instead buy organic or wild harvested medicinal mushroom powders from reputable companies.
So don't fall for the marketing, eye catching packaging and wild claims. If you've been paying attention to these products over the years, you'll see that they all boom then bust and all but disappear. There's a reason for that. They don't work.

Photos from Sovereign Health and Wellness's post 18/10/2023

For example, turmeric is great for inflammation, but until you get to the root of what’s causing the inflammation, you’re just managing it, as in, if you stop taking the turmeric, the inflammation comes back.
That doesn’t mean turmeric isn’t super effective at managing inflammation for an acute issue like an injury which resolves itself in time, it means taking it to manage a health issue like an arthritic condition won’t cure it.
In simple terms, if it’s something you need to take daily to manage your symptoms forever, then it’s not actually healing the issue.
Any chronic issue that you have is a sign that something is wrong and while herbs do a wonderful job of managing symptoms (typically as well if not better than traditional medicine) they aren’t healing the issue at its root, the same way traditional medicine doesn't heal the root issue.
The upside? They’re not poisoning you like traditional medicine does. So they’re a much safer option for symptom management, but healing should always be your goal.
Herbs can also be taken daily to support and strengthen your body in so many ways. They can help keep hormones in check, support digestive function, protect organs from disease, help with sleep issues and anxiety and help protect the body from the effects of stress. But remember, they have to be used in conjunction with both a health diet and healthy lifestyle.
If you need any guidance on how to heal from your health issues, simply want to feel your best or are curious about which herbs you can incorporate to support your health journey, book your FREE 20 min wellness call today.
DM for details.


I see a lot of people (health coaches included) recommending people drink apple cider vinegar, kombucha and load up on fermented foods to "heal candida" or improve gut health and digestion.
None of these things are going to improve your gut health and in fact, if you have candida, they're going to make it even worse.
Fermenting almost always causes aldehyde toxicity. Aldehydes are caused by the actions of yeast, fungus and molds and while not lethal, they definitely do their fair share of damage to the body.
Aldehydes can damage tissue causing:
Aldehydes also change the structure of red blood cells, stiffening them making it difficult for them to travel through capillaries causing less oxygen to make it to the brain.
If your gut is in good health and you've cleared candida, the occasional consumption of fermented foods isn't a big deal, but until then, or if you have any digestive issues at all, it's best to avoid them until you get your digestive health back in good shape.
Keep in mind, upwards of 75% of the population (both men and women) have candida overgrowth to some extent.
Candida is the root of so many heath issues that stretch far beyond gut trouble.
If you are wanting to heal your gut and optimize your health, I can help! Book your free 20 minute wellness call today. DM for details.


As we already know, the gut microbiome plays an important role in, and contributes significantly to, gut health, the immune system and brain function. It interacts with the central nervous system through vagal pathways and endocrine or immune pathways. ​​​​​​​​
Regular alcohol consumption has been directly linked to gut dysbiosis which leads to negative effects on the gut-brain axis. This explains the behavioral changes that can result from alcohol consumption which extend beyond the time in which the person is actively drinking. ​​​​​​​​
Many people experience periods of anxiety or depression after a night of consuming alcohol, whether they’ve had one drink or many. ​​​​​​​​
The gut microbiome produces gastrointestinal hormones, short chain fatty acids, precursors to the neuroactive compounds and neurotransmitters that impact the physiology and normal functioning of the body. ​​​​​​​​
Imbalances in the gut microbiome have been linked to behavioral changes, so this disruption not only causes gut dysbiosis, the gut dysbiosis in turn causes issues with brain function, mental health issues and emotional issues. ​​​​​​​​
We know that this type of stress and anxiety also causes gut issues so we end up with a dangerous 2 way feedback loop. ​​​​​​​​
For optimal gut, liver, immune and brain health, it’s best to abstain from alcohol entirely. And while the occasional drink likely won’t cause you any lasting issues if you are in very good health, it’s still a potent liver toxin.​​​​​​​​
It's also a class one carcinogen and greatly increases the risk of developing breast, liver, mouth, larynx, esophageal and throat cancers. All the more reason to avoid it. Alcohol not only affects your health but also your spiritual well-being. It's very low frequency.


While a diet extremely high in raw fruits and veggies is the best option, there's a very good chance it's still lacking due to poor soil quality. ​​​​​​​​
In the past 200 years, the U.S. alone has lost 75% of its topsoil. To see this replaced will take anywhere from 100-200 years. ​​​​​​​​
Commercial farming practices and chemical fertilizers have depleted the soil so significantly that your produce is extremely mineral deficient. Organic produce is much better as far as chemicals go, but they are no more nutrient dense unless they come from a small scale farm that supports soil health. ​​​​​​​​
If you have a mineral deficiency, the food you are eating is not being assimilated due to lacking the cofactors for the vitamins to become available to your body. ​​​​​​​​
Remember, it's not just what you eat, it's what you absorb and assimilate that matters most. ​​​​​​​​
If you have a mineral deficiency you have CELL BREAKDOWN AND PREMATURE AGING. Aging of the body leads to sickness and disease.​​​​​​​​
There are also a few thing that inhibit the absorption of minerals: ​​​​​​​​
*Refined foods​​​​​​​​
*OTC and prescription medications​​​​​​​​
*Alcohol. ​​​​​​​​
Minerals are cofactors for almost all biological reactions. While minerals can work on their own, vitamins can’t - they need the mineral cofactors to work.​​​​​​​​
Minerals are critical for:​​​​​​​​
*structural development of bones, teeth and ligaments​​​​​​​​
*solutes and electrolytes in blood​​​​​​​​
*Enzyme actions​​​​​​​​
*Energy production from food breakdown​​​​​​​​
*Nerve transmission​​​​​​​​
*Muscle action


The vast majority of the population is b12 deficient regardless of their dietary choices.
The reason for this is due to the fact that b12 is manufactured by microbes in the soil but due to modern farming practices, these microbes have been killed off and our soils have been left pretty dead and depleted.
Another reason is that most people are lacking what is called intrinsic factor. This is needed to properly assimilate b12.
Low stomach acid can also further contribute to deficiency as you are unable to break food down properly to absorb the nutrients from it if your stomach acid is not at optimal levels.
Contrary to popular believe, heart burn is generally a sign of low stomach acid, so taking proton pump inhibitors will only make the problem worse. PPI's can cause irreversible damage to the production of stomach acid. It's also best to avoid things Tums as well.
People tend to think that taking a B complex will provide them with adequate amounts of b12. It doesn't. You're generally best to take both unless you know your levels are optimal.
Always take a sublingual or spray B12 in the methylcobalamin form.
Vitamin B12 deficiencies can take years to manifest symptoms, and the trouble with this is that by the time symptoms are present, it may too late and permanent damage may have been done.
B12 should be one of your non negotiables when it comes to your supplement regime.
It's wise to have yearly bloodwork done to see where your levels are at for all your vitamins and minerals. It's great to have a baseline to know what you're working with and if what you are doing is working to bring your levels up (or down if needed).
As a health coach, having this information allows me to help you better and make clear recommendations on how to properly bring your levels into balance.


Are you looking to lose weight? Don’t fall for the fad smoothie diets. You know the ones, 'drink a small smoothie containing a banana, spinach and a cup of pineapple for breakfast, lunch and dinner and lose 10 lbs in a week!' Or "replace two meals a day with our proprietary shake mix!" ​​​​​​​​
That’s weight loss by starvation. When you do the caloric breakdown of these diets, you'd be lucky to be getting 800 or 900 calories a day. The recommend daily caloric intake for an adult is 2000. Most people are already under eating prior to dieting.​​​​​​​​

Going from a starvation diet back to normal eating will also cause the rebound effect of gaining all the weight back and typically more.
The state of your gut health plays an important role in not only weight loss, but maintaining a healthy weight. Poor gut flora can cause metabolic syndrome/obesity. If your gut microbiome is not balanced, you will not be able to properly break down and assimilate the nutrients contained in the food you are eating. ​​​​​​​​
What that means is your body is starving. It will keep sending hunger cues as it's looking for vital nutrients. This causes you to keep eating. The cycle doesn't break until you heal your gut. ​​​​​​​​
Craving for sweets/refined carbs are a sign that your gut microbiome is out of whack and candida/fungal infection is most likely at the root. ​​​​​​​​
Heal your gut. Stop looking for quick fixes. If you are looking to lose weight, ensure that only 10% of your calories come from fats.​​​​​​​​
When your gut is healthy and you follow a whole food, high carb low fat diet, you can eat without restriction. The ONLY time I recommend that someone keeps track of their caloric intake is to ensure they are eating enough. So many people, women especially, are on highly damaging 1200 calorie a day diets. This is catastrophic in a few ways. ​​​​​​​​
It doesn’t provide the fuel your body needs to preform its basic functions, even if you were totally sedentary, and it’s incredibly nutrient deficient due to the sheer lack of food. This leads to illness like adrenal fatigue, organ damage, cancer etc.

Link in bio 🤍
