FokusEntspannung: Stress, Schlaf

FokusEntspannung: Stress, Schlaf

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from FokusEntspannung: Stress, Schlaf, Psychotherapist, .

Using a Weighted Blanket Boosts Melatonin Levels 07/10/2022

Using a Weighted Blanket Boosts Melatonin Levels Researchers investigating why weighted blankets may ease insomnia have identified that using a weighted blanket boosts the levels of melatonin, the hormone that increases in response to darkness.

Some Types of Stress Could Be Good for the Brain 30/07/2022

Some Types of Stress Could Be Good for the Brain According to research, low to moderate levels of stress can help individuals cope with future stressful encounters and reduce the risk of developing mental health disorders.

Stress Can Make You More Selfish - Neuroscience News 22/05/2022

Stress Can Make You More Selfish - Neuroscience News Higher levels of stress can diminish altruistic behaviors, researchers report.

Getting Stressed May Make Us More Likeable 17/05/2022

Getting Stressed May Make Us More Likeable Showing signs of stress could make us more likeable and prompt others to act more positively towards us, according to a new study by scientists at Nottingham Trent University and the University of Portsmouth.

Resilienz: Das Geheimnis der inneren Stärke 08/04/2022

Resilienz: Das Geheimnis der inneren Stärke Manche Menschen bewahren trotz widrigster Umstände den Lebensmut. Forscher nennen diesen Wesenszug Resilienz. Was steckt dahinter?

Breathing Is the Master Clock of the Sleeping Brain 08/04/2022

Breathing Is the Master Clock of the Sleeping Brain Neuroscientists have shown that breathing coordinates neuronal activity throughout the brain during sleep and quiet.


„Wenn Menschen das Gefühl haben, nicht mehr hinterherzukommen mit all ihren Verpflichtungen, überwältigt zu werden von der täglichen Aufgabenflut oder sich selbst zwischen den vielen Möglichkeiten und den verpassten Chancen zu verlieren, dann empfehlen ihnen Freunde wie Expertinnen ein Wundermittel: ,Probiere es mit Achtsamkeitstraining.'“örung
Durch Achtsamkeit werden Probleme auf Individuen verschoben. Soziologe Hartmut Rosa erklärt, wie dadurch politisches Handeln verhindert wird.

A Key Aspect of Mindfulness Theory Is Being Misunderstood 08/04/2022

A Key Aspect of Mindfulness Theory Is Being Misunderstood Research has found that mindful awareness is about both accepting and engaging with life’s challenges, and that’s what popularized concepts of mindfulness tend to miss.

Hilft Melatonin beim Einschlafen? 08/04/2022

Hilft Melatonin beim Einschlafen? Was bringen Melatonin-Präparate?

Cortisol Analysis in Hair Shows How Meditation Affects Stress 08/04/2022

Cortisol Analysis in Hair Shows How Meditation Affects Stress Researchers have discovered that the amount of cortisol in hair provides information about how much a person is burdened by persistent stress.

Resilienz: Nicht Abhärtung macht uns stärker, sondern Erholung 08/04/2022

Resilienz: Nicht Abhärtung macht uns stärker, sondern Erholung Text von: Christina Fischer Ein junger Bewerber gießt sich im Bewerbungsgespräch versehentlich so viel Wasser in sein Glas, dass es überläuft. „Ihr Glas läuft über“, merkt der Personaler an. „Ich gebe eben immer 110 Prozent“, kontert der Bewerber. Dieser „Witz“ machte jüngst die R...

Sleep Warning for Older Men: Sleep Changes May Signal Cognitive Decline - Neuroscience News 08/04/2022

Sleep Warning for Older Men: Sleep Changes May Signal Cognitive Decline - Neuroscience News Changes in sleep patterns in older men have been linked to an increased risk of cognitive decline, researchers report.

The Weirdness of Our Dreams Could Explain Their Function 08/04/2022

The Weirdness of Our Dreams Could Explain Their Function A new theory that takes inspiration from artificial intelligence has suggested that the weirdness of dreams is essential to their purpose.

Listening to Calming Music at Bedtime Promotes Better Sleep - Neuroscience News 08/04/2022

Listening to Calming Music at Bedtime Promotes Better Sleep - Neuroscience News Older adults who listened to calming music before sleep, or while falling asleep, had better sleep quality than those who did not.

Hypnosis Changes the Way Our Brain Processes Information - Neuroscience News 08/04/2022

Hypnosis Changes the Way Our Brain Processes Information - Neuroscience News Under hypnosis, the brain shifts to a state where individual areas act more independently of each other than they do during typical waking state.

Epigenetic Change Increases Vulnerability to Chronic Stress 08/04/2022

Epigenetic Change Increases Vulnerability to Chronic Stress Researchers have discovered that an epigenetic modification that occurs in the brain's reward circuitry controls how stress early in life increases susceptibility to additional stress in adulthood. The team also reported that a small-molecule inhibitor of the enzyme responsible for this modification...

Sexual Intimacy Is a Natural Sleep Aid for Insomnia - Neuroscience News 08/04/2022

Sexual Intimacy Is a Natural Sleep Aid for Insomnia - Neuroscience News Sexual activity before sleep increases oxytocin and reduces the stress-related hormone cortisol. Researchers say sexual activity at bedtime can help reduce symptoms of insomnia and reduce sleep disruptions.


Not getting enough sleep can affect your mood, memory and health in far-reaching and surprising ways, says Johns Hopkins sleep researcher Patrick Finan, Ph.D.))

Innere Ruhe: »Man kann Stress ausschalten, indem man die Umwelt anders betrachtet« 08/04/2022

Innere Ruhe: »Man kann Stress ausschalten, indem man die Umwelt anders betrachtet« Den Blick zu weiten, verhilft zu mehr Gelassenheit, sagt ein Neurobiologe von der Stanford University

Woher kommt das Pfeifen im Ohr? Und wie wird man es wieder los? 08/04/2022

Woher kommt das Pfeifen im Ohr? Und wie wird man es wieder los? Viele leiden unter lästigen Ohrgeräuschen. Was aber verursacht Tinnitus? Und wie wird man ihn wieder los? GEO liefert Antworten zum Tinnitus!

Astrocytes May Hold the Key to Why and How We Sleep - Neuroscience News 08/04/2022

Astrocytes May Hold the Key to Why and How We Sleep - Neuroscience News Astrocytes could be as important as neurons when it comes to regulating sleep.

Schlaflose Nächte 08/04/2022

Schlaflose Nächte Insbesondere in Krisenzeiten können sich viele Menschen nachts nicht erholen. Forscher erklären, wie wir mit dem richtigen Rhythmus zur Ruhe kommen.

Found: Neural circuit that drives physical responses to emotional stress 07/04/2022

Found: Neural circuit that drives physical responses to emotional stress Researchers at Nagoya University have discovered a neural circuit that drives physical responses to emotional stress. Emotional stress signals are processed in the "emotion" circuits and integrated in the DP/DTT. The integrated signals are transmitted to the hypothalamus which then drives a variety....

How to live well with stress—even in the coronavirus era 07/04/2022

How to live well with stress—even in the coronavirus era Bills, family, health worries, jobs—Americans are some of the most stressed out people in the world.

How our memories stabilize while we sleep - Neuroscience News 07/04/2022

How our memories stabilize while we sleep - Neuroscience News Delta waves isolate assemblies of cortical neurons that play an essential role in long-term memory formation and consolidation.
