Gazza's Trachy Diary

Gazza's Trachy Diary

Donations via PayPal [email protected]. Proceeds to St. Richards Hospital

I am trying to raise funds to raise awareness myasthenia gravis which is a condition which affects the muscles responsible for chewing, swallowing and breathing.

Photos from Gazza's Trachy Diary's post 07/01/2021

So this is my last trachy diary post because,,,,,,,,,
There is no trachy. It came out at 11 yesterday. I still have some rehab to do and can't eat or drink yet so still have the gastric catheter.
I can walk about 100 metres with a frame and my speech is getting stronger.
Thank you to everyone for your support and best wishes. It really did make a difference.
I didn't raise enough money to have a book edited or formatted so I am going to self publish on amazon. All funds raised so far and any profits from e-book sales will go to st Richards. I'll let you know when its ready but look out for "Hard to Swallow - my trachy diary"
Thanks again, stay safe in these troubled times, look after yourselves and each other and make pies not war ❤❤❤❤


It speaks!!!
Happy new year everyone and thank you all for all the love and support ❤

Photos from Gazza's Trachy Diary's post 30/12/2020

Hi guys
A quick update from trachy land. So other than a brief couple of hours overnight rest period here and there I'm breathing for myself and unventilated.
I have managed to say a few words and have had a couple of sips of water. There's still a way to go but the end is in sight.
Managed to walk 60 steps yesterday with a frame. I'm well pleased with that I was pretty much bed bound a month ago.
Thanks to everyone for their continued kind words and support. See you all soon.


Okie dokie. Thats solved the long hair problem. Now to do something about that man bush

Photos from Gazza's Trachy Diary's post 25/12/2020

The dieticians at the hospital printed a couple of my (unfinished) drawings on a t shirt for me. How sweet. I guess I'm now an unemployed fashion designer as well as an unemployed chef.
Christian Dior can kiss one of my arse cheeks while Gordon Ramsey kisses the other 🤣
Happy Christmas everyone from HDU


Ok family and friends.
The plan is to come off the ventilator on boxing day. I'm off it for 8 hours a day now and planning to come off it altogether on Saturday.

I will still have the trachy for a while until I learn to swallow and to breathe and cough through my mouth and nose again but after Christmas no more fu**in ventilator

Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 ❤

Photos from Gazza's Trachy Diary's post 19/12/2020

Officially my last visitor until after the restrictions. My little Kiera Mae
So pleased to see her. Thanks for the cool pressie❤❤❤❤


Stood up with a zimmer frame and took a few steps today. Up to 3 x 1 hour breathing off the ventilator.
The consultant saw some of my cartoons and asked why I hadn't drawn my favourite doctor.

I don't know what my love of British science fiction has got to do with anything but there you go.....


So when I was in Southampton I suffered total respiratory failure whilst waiting for my op.
Thats why I've got the funky tubing now.
There were heavy purple privacy curtains in my room that started to look like something else. Only just made it through the night.

If you wish to donate to an awareness raising book you can via PayPal [email protected]
Thanks to everyone who has ❤😁

Photos from Gazza's Trachy Diary's post 16/12/2020

Hi trachy fans
So I'm up to 4 half hourly sessions of vent free breathing. No cartoon today but a design for a tattoo when I get out which is an omega inside an mg. My condition is mg and omega is the sign for resistance.

I don't often listen to podcasts but when I do everybody needs to talk to me suddenly!!


Bloody cleaner leaning halfway across me bed and looking over my shoulder to see what I'm doing on the phone. Please respect my personal boundaries. I'm trying to take a p**s ffs

Photos from Gazza's Trachy Diary's post 14/12/2020

Good day today in trachy land. Smashed 30 minute stints off the ventilator. Will be building up to an hour at a time this week. Below is a picture of me dreaming about the goodies I'm going to enjoy, licorice allsorts that I'm craving and a photo of me and me santander beard off the vent. Note the lovely big hole in me throat.
Much love to all
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Photos from Gazza's Trachy Diary's post 13/12/2020

The stoma patient in the bed opposite has had E4 on telly since 6 this morning. A bit's not everyone's bag 🤣🤣

Today's cartoon of me hiding from a scary nurse in full ppe whom I came to think of as "Crunt....Hobbit of Death", me with big boy shoes on and a saucy pic of my slipflow
That's how trachygaz pees. Delicious 😋
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If you wish to donate towards an awareness raising book you can via PayPal [email protected]

The story behind this is just after my op in Southampton ( sternectomy - cut me breast bone in half with a saw and then wired it back together - dirty bastards), I was on so much morphine that I thought the night nurses in ppe were Jawas

Photos from Gazza's Trachy Diary's post 11/12/2020

Busy day again
15 minutes off the ventilator found it really comfortable. We will be upping it to half hour sessions for Monday. Below we have a cheeky little cartoon of me nearly being strangled in Southampton. Me wearing a trachy mask instead of being ventilated and a used trachy dressing cos my lifes not all glamour
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Photos from Gazza's Trachy Diary's post 10/12/2020

So its been a busy day in trachy land, stood up, sat up by myself and smashed the breathing trial
Did 10 minutes off the ventilator, 240 consecutive breaths with plenty left in the tank.
Below for your perusal is a cartoon of Lane Fox, a specialist centre for long term ventilated patients and some of my diary pages for the book. Dont forget you can donate via PayPal at [email protected].

Also some designs I've been working on for T-shirts for when I get out.

Much love to all


For your entertainment - Gazza standing up.
My head and hands look enormous cos I'm so skinny lol
Breaking Bad; "I'm skinny Gaz, yo"
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Tomorrow I have my first trial with a trachy mask which is the final step before having the trachy removed
Wish me luck


So I'm trying to raise money to publish a book of diary entries, cartoons and photographs about my time as a long term tracheostomy patient to raise awareness of myasthenia gravis.

It's a rare motor neurone condition that weakens the muscles especially the ones responsible for chewing, swallowing and breathing.

The working title of the book is breathless and all profits will be donated to Friends of St Richards hospital.

Any donations can be made via PayPal

Please pm me for details.

Thanks in advance and have the best Christmas you can


Beard and hair all combed ready for a special visit from my lovely lady Kate Sneller
Today was a good day even if I do look like a homeless


Right thats fu**in Christmas sorted


Today is day 193. I was hoping to be home by the end of January. Just been told that that's fairly unlikely. Bit of a blow


Nurse has just turned out all the lights.

Wow bedtime at 9.40. Thanks.


Hard to tell but I'm actually crying in this photo as I didn't have any visitors
Many many bad days


I thought i would make a page to publish photos and stuff of my stay in hospital.

I intend to link a fundraising page as I intend to publish a book about my experience to raise money and awareness for sufferers of myasthenia gravis

Photos from Gazza's Trachy Diary's post 02/12/2020

Getting worse then better again


January 2020 Feeling good
