Witch Way Round

Witch Way Round

The themed location treasure hunt by Motorbike Women. a new challenge every year



Thank you all we've had another batch of sign ups already so transferred another £250 over to The Roots Foundation Wales. Bringing the total raised in just a couple of days to £1000!

Excellent work all!


Just sat down for lunch and the DIY SOS episode about this years charity is on right now on W+1



Please say hello to Lainey! She will be representing WWR Wings this coming year and the map will be going live on Good Friday as usual.

As the theme is wings we have chosen an amazing charity that supports fledgings leaving the care system and helps them to find their wings. After much discussion we have chosen to support The Roots Foundation Wales. You may have heard of them before as they featured in an episode of DIY SOS back in 2017.

There is a bit of a delay with the just giving page whilst they wait for approval by Just Giving but it should be set up any day. However you can join by following the link below ( we have added 50p to cover the fees but will transfer all of the cash direct. ) You can also learn more about what the charity does there.

Packs will as ever be going out Feb - join up soon to make sure you get a full one with all the launch goodies!




To round out the year we have just topped up the just giving page for finding your feet with funds from merch sales and secret santa.

That brings the total to £6000 raised so thank you to everyone whos taken part in our various endeavors this year!



I think the true hunters are the few that have the coin for woodland. Only possible to get if you have 20 points. Here is another on its way to a new home.



Since it's international Women's Day we wanted to show you what you lot have achieved in the short time since Christmas. You have boosted the cauldron of cash raised for charity up to over £80,000!

It really is amazing what women pulling together can achieve - Happy International Women's Day!

And check back into the group tomorrow to hear news about a great competition to celebrate our 7th birthday

Team MW XX


Woohoo! That's £4000, our initial target for the amazing Scottish Amputee charity Finding your feet raised already!

We've still got 50 full packs left after that it drops down to partial packs so get yourself signed up if you've not already!

Donate £15 or more at https://www.justgiving.com/page/wwrwater
then message us with your address for your pack!


75% of target and £3000 raised already! Thankyou so much to everyone that's joined up already.

Still plenty of time to join the hunt. Just donate £15 or more here

Then message us with your address for the welcome pack of goodies!



15 days in and we've raised 60% of our target already with a current total of £2404.00! All going direct to the amazing charity, finding your feet!

Join the fun by donating anything over £15 here:

Message me by going to the page (not the group) & clicking the msg me button https://www.facebook.com/WWRWomen

Don't know what it's about but want to know more?- nip over To the Witch Way Round faceBook group and ask away!

and follow us at on instagram




It's time to introduce our next challenge leader-Peggy (named after our own Rachel R) Peggy will be leading the Witch Way Round Water Challenge that starts at Easter but you can sign up as soon as you like by donating anything over £15 which goes direct to our charity page via the link above.

Peggy, a Trident riding amputee herself, will be fundraising for Finding Your Feet https://findingyourfeet.net/ a charity that helps amputees & their families both physically & mentally.

Started by the amazing Cor, https://www.cor.scot/ an old school biker herself who following sepsis became a quadruple amputee.. and then a world record holder, multi award winner & motivational speaker.. and recently she rode the NC500 as a fundraising challenge on a adapted scooter.

We hope you can join us in the challenge & raise some money for this amazing charity.

Packs will be sent out late Feb/early March , but you can sign up as soon as you like. Just message me Witch Way Round once you've donated and let me know your address so we can send you one of the starter packs of goodies once they are ready.

Happy Hunting
Molly & Peggy XX

Photos from Witch Way Round's post 03/02/2022


We are sooooo excited to tell you about a new twist to this year's challenge WWRWoodland challenge.

Find 10 locations from the map when it goes live on Good Friday and you can still earn a patch...

But carry on and visit 20 sites and you can earn a coin 😍🤩. We are limited to 100 coins(shown in our cauldron of cash 🧙‍♀️) so hopefully this will motivate some of you to keep on hunting as the coins are amazing with the WWRWoodland logo on one side and the MW logo on the other..and they're HUGE!!!

To join if you haven't already just donate £15 to target ovarian cancer through our just giving page and msg me with your address for your starter pack.

Molly xx 🏍️💚🌳🏍️💚🌳🪙



A quick how to guide for the teeny tiny packed in the green pack that contains one broom seed( the round one) and one wych elm seed (the flakey one)

Apologies to everyone outside of the uk but unfortunately we cant post loose seeds over international borders.


Amazing ! Thank you all!


Big News!! We've raised £60,000 for good causes now!

Thank you everyone, there's now far too many to mention - keep buying the merch & entering WWR and lets see if we can get to £70,000 by this time next year.

Where the money has gone:

Samaritans £7,076.00
Breast Cancer Now £31,457.27
Association of Air Ambulances £741.35
Macmillans £591.10
Biker Relief Foundation £951.32
FOSTBC (Border Collies) £500.00
Greyhound Gap £500.00
Siberian Husky Welfare £500.00
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Rescue £500.00
Cat Action Trust £500.00
Give a dog a bone £500.00
Cinnamon Trust £6,732.00
Period Poverty £2,666.91
The Jersey Brain Tumour Charity £500.00
Pikilili £4,086.00
Dementia UK £100.00
Target Ovarian Cancer £2,121.84
TOTAL £60,023.79



MOTORBIKE WOMEN Help Motorbike Women raise money to support Dementia UK

Motorbike Women's Witch Way Round Woodland 01/01/2022


Entry is now open for this years Witch way Round Challenge - The go live for the map is Good Friday and we are aiming to send the packs out late Feb.

This year we are raising funds & equally awareness for target Ovarian Cancer

Suggested donation for entry this year is £15 we think its still amazing value at that! If you are struggling financially & still want to get involved we wont turn you away though.

Once you've donated please send a screenshot of your donation & your address to Witch Way Round Women & you'll be on the packing fairies list

Molly xx

Motorbike Women's Witch Way Round Woodland Help Motorbike Women raise money to support Target Ovarian Cancer


***Introducing WWR Wooodland***

Everyone met Molly - Rep for WWRWoodland Motorbikes Womens landmark challenge for 2022.

Molly will be raising money for https://targetovariancancer.org.uk/
They provide support for women suffering from Ovarian cancer & are at the forefront of a drive for early diagnosis. Something we will be talking about a lot in the coming year.

We would ask you all to please help us out raising the money we need to run the challenge so that entry fees can go direct to the charity. We will be raising money by selling off a whole variety of leftover MW tshirts & merch in the coming days. Please support us by buying as the hunt depends on this money each year to go ahead.

Much Love
Molly xx🎄🌳🍄

Motorbike Women is fundraising for The Cinnamon Trust 22/04/2021

Feeling the love over at the Cinnamon Trust Page. If you aren't already aware of them they are an amazing organisation who ensure the elderly & infirm can continue to keep their much loved pets. They also need volunteers all over the country.

We've raised £6369 for them so far with Witch way Round Wild & hope to eventually raiseover £7000 for them.

You can help by joining one of the hunts at Witch Way Round Women, donating at https://donate.giveasyoulive.com/fundraising/witchwayroundwild or signing up as a volunteer temp fosterer or dog walker.

Motorbike Women is fundraising for The Cinnamon Trust Make a donation and help me reach my fundraising target with Give as you Live Donate.


Woohoo!! Thanks to everyone that's signed up so far we've now raised an amazing £3000 towards our total for Pikilili!! We are 60% there now.

We've still got nearly 250 packs available so tell all your friends and lets get everyone out hunting this year!

Join the group at Witch Way Round Women

Donate £10 or more to Pikilili at https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/wwrwomen

Message me with your address to be sent a pack

And start hunting - Fun & new places await!

Alice's Angels XX 😇👿😇


The game is in play, The map for Witch Way Round Women has gone live today so you can start collecting points towards a patch.

Don't know what its about but want cool stuff dropping through your mailbox, interesting new places to ride to, the chance to earn patches and to feel part of something raising money for charity without having to raise sponsorship or rattle tins. Oh and the chance to win a whole host of Triumph goodies?

Head over to our facebook group Witch Way Round Women

Donate £10 or more to Pikilili at: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/wwrwomen

& Message me with your address for a pack - simple

Come join the hunt!


Woo hoo!! We are 50% towards our total target raised already with the map not going live until Monday 12th & a whole year to join the hunt.

To join the hunt donate £10 or more to our chosen charity Pikilili at: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/wwrwomen Join the Witch Way Round Wild fb group and msg us with your address for a pack, letting me know if you would prefer vegan treats and a standard or youth sized wristband & then a hunting ye shall go!


Woohoo!! We are 40% there with £2000 raised now! Join thefun , join the hunt. donate at https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/wwrwomen

Join the WWR Group Witch Way Round Wild

And msg me to get your pack ready to start hunting on the glorious 12th!



As an extra bonus in the Witch Way Round Women Hunt Triumph have put up an amazing prize.

You can win a pair of tickets to the Triumph Factory Visitor Experience including factory tour. You'll also receive an exclusive prize pack which includes a book signed by CEO Nick Bloor, a VIN Plate Keyring, an insulated drinks bottle, models of the most popular Triumphs and a selection of badges & patches

To be in with a chance of winning all you have to do is share your WWRWomen pictures after the hunt starts on April 12th. More details next week.

Lets start encouraging other women to get out their on their bikes having fun!

If you're not already part of the hunt you need to do 4 things:

1. Donate £10 or more to our chosen charity Pikilily at:

2. Join the Witch Way Round Wild fb group

3. Message us at Witch Way Round Women

4. Wait for your pack to arrive and start hunting!!


In readiness for the go live of WWR Women on April 12th we have a favour to ask you - Whilst compiling this map it has been massively obvious that womens histories and stories are still largely missing from the internet in general & Wikipedia in particular but WIki want to do something about that... can you help?


Women’s knowledge and contributions to the world are invisible in so many ways. When we look at women’s invisibility online, Wikipedia is a good proxy to explain why this is such a critical issue. Less than ¼ of Wikipedia biographies represent women. Many biographies of women don’t exist or are incomplete.

More often than not, women biographies don’t have images. We estimate that less than 20% of Wikipedia articles of important women have pictures. And, when women’s faces are missing from Wikipedia, that invisibility spreads. Half a billion people read Wikipedia every month, and it is the 5th most visited website in the world, so gaps in Wikipedia have a big impact on the broader internet.


The woman who explained the stars 15/03/2021

Todays amazing woman is Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin - Astronomer & Astrophysicist


The woman who explained the stars Public acclaim escaped one of the twentieth century’s most illustrious astronomers, Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin; a new biography sets her in the firmament. By Giuseppina Fabbiano.


I have a new hero having learn about todays amazing woman.

The very real Marged Ferch Ifan 'Queen of the lakes' was born in 1696 and was a Harpist, wrestler, innkeeper, rower, carpenter, boatbuilder, blacksmith, musical instrument-maker, huntswoman and cobbler and no one got the better of her....



Todays amazing woman is Ivy Benson. Musician Ivy founded an all female swing band in the 40s that went on to become the BBC house band.



To find out more about the hunt for amazing women head over to our challenge group Witch Way Round Wild


Todays Amazing woman is Olga Kevelos.
Olga Kevelos was an astronomer, “Idle Woman”(working on canal barges for the war effort), professional motorcycle racing champion, Mastermind contestant, a much-loved (and respected) pub landlady, an energetic parish councillor, sometimes a very wicked humourist, and a good friend to many, many people. https://www.kingssutton.org/about-kings-sutton/village-history/olga-kevelos-idle-woman-motorcycle-champion/ #.YEsnRZ37S01


You've doubtless heard of Florence Nightingale but have you heard of todays amazing woman Betsi Cadwaladr?

Betsi, Welsh child runaway, servant & nurse, kidnap victim, adventuress, nurse, Heroine at the field hospitals on the front at Balaclava who challenged Nightingales methods but was left a pauper despite her war service - definitely an amazing woman! https://womenyoushouldknow.net/betsi-cadwaladr-welsh-war-nurse/


Todays amazing woman Mairi Chisholm is one of a duo of amazing women. With her friend Elsie Knocker they rode Motorcycle ambulances in the first world war saving countless lives on the western front.

Mairi used to repair. build and compete on bikes in trials contests before becoming first a dispatch rider in London and then being headhunted for her riding skills to go out to the front to ride ambulances.
